
#' @title rpa.online
#' @description RPA-online for preprocessing very large expression data sets.
#' @param cel.path Path to CEL file directory
#' @param cel.files List of CEL files to preprocess
#' @param sets Probesets for which RPA will be computed
#' @param cdf Specify an alternative CDF environment
#' @param bg.method Specify background correction method. See bgcorrect.methods() for options.
#' @param probe.parameters  Can be used to set user-specified priors for the model parameters alpha, beta. Not used tau2.method = "var". The prior parameters alpha and beta are prior parameters for inverse Gamma distribution of probe-specific variances. Noninformative prior is obtained with alpha, beta -> 0.  Not used with tau2.method 'var'. Scalar alpha and beta specify an identical inverse Gamma prior for all probes, which regularizes the solution. Can be also specified as lists, each element corresponding to one probeset. May also include quantile.basis, which should be provided at log2 domain.
#' @param epsilon  Convergence tolerance. The iteration is deemed converged when the change in all parameters is < epsilon.
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores for parallel computation
#' @param verbose Print progress information during computation
#' @param shuffle Form random batches  
#' @param batch.size Batch size for online mode (rpa.online); the complete list of CEL files will be preprocessed in batches with this size using Bayesian online-updates for probe-specific parameters.
#' @param batches User-defined CEL file batches
#' @param save.batches.dir Output directory for temporary batch saves.
#' @param keep.batch.files Logical. Keep (TRUE) or remove (FALSE) the batch files after preprocessing.
#' @param unique.run.identifier Define identifier for this run for naming the temporary batch files. By default, a random id is generated.
#' @param rseed Random seed.
#' @param speedup Speed up computations with approximations.
#' @param summarize.with.affinities Use affinity estimates in probe summarization step. Default: FALSE.
#' @details rpa.online is used to preprocess very large expression data collections based on a Bayesian hyperparameter update procedure. Returns an expressionSet object preprocessed with RPA. Gives an estimate of the probeset-level mean parameter d of the RPA model, and returns these in an expressionSet object. The CEL files are handled in batches to obtain Bayesian updates for probe-specific hyperpriors; after sweeping through the database in batches the results are combined. The online mode is useful for preprocessing very large expression data sets where ordinary preprocessing algorithms fail, without compromises in modelling stage.
#' @return List with two elements: an instance of the 'expressionSet' class and probe parameters. For probe.parameters contents, see the probe.parameters input argument.
#' @seealso rpa, AffyBatch, ExpressionSet 
#' @export
#' @references See citation("RPA") 
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @examples # eset <- rpa.online(cel.file.path) 
#' @keywords methods

rpa.online <- function (
                cel.path = NULL,
               cel.files = NULL,
                    sets = NULL,
                     cdf = NULL, 
               bg.method = "rma",                              
        probe.parameters = list(alpha = 1, beta = 1),
                 epsilon = 1e-2,
                mc.cores = 1,
                 verbose = TRUE,                          
                 shuffle = TRUE,
              batch.size = 100, 
                 batches = NULL, 
	save.batches.dir = ".", 
	keep.batch.files = FALSE, 
   unique.run.identifier = paste("RPA-run-id-", rnorm(1), sep = ""),
	           rseed = 23, 
		 speedup = TRUE, 
		 summarize.with.affinities = FALSE


  # cel.files = cels; sets = NULL; cdf = NULL;  bg.method = "rma"; probe.parameters = list(alpha = 1, beta = 1); epsilon = 1e-2; mc.cores = 4; verbose = TRUE; shuffle = TRUE; batches = NULL; save.batches.dir = "."; keep.batch.files = FALSE; unique.run.identifier = paste("RPA-run-id-", rnorm(1), sep = ""); rseed = 23; batch.size = bs; speedup <- T

  # Check that probe parameters are in list format, convert if necessary
  probe.parameters <- probe.parameters.tolist(probe.parameters)

  # Get CEL file list
  if (!is.null(cel.path) && is.null(cel.files)) {
    message(paste("Preprocessing all CEL files from", cel.path))
    cel.files <- list.celfiles(cel.path, full.names = T)

  # Define batches
  if ( is.null(batches) ) {
    message("Split CEL file list into batches")
    batches <- get.batches(cel.files, batch.size, shuffle)

  # Optionally save batch 
  if (!speedup) {
    blf <- saving.batchlist(batches, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose)

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------


  # TODO can be sped up by calculating quantiles based on data subset only
  # and then calculating bg corrections as part of hyperparameter estimation
  # then we will have one less round of save/load iterations which 
  # will save considerable time with large data sets
  if (is.null(probe.parameters$quantile.basis)) {

    if (speedup) {

      nq <- 500
      nbs <- min(nq, length(cel.files))

      if (nq < length(cel.files)) {
        message(paste("Estimating quantiles based on random subset of", nbs, "CEL files to speed up preprocessing.."))

      message("Estimating quantiles...")
      qbatches <- get.batches(sample(cel.files, nbs), batch.size, shuffle)
      probe.parameters$quantile.basis <- qnorm.basis.online(qbatches, bg.method, cdf, save.batches = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
    } else {

      message("Estimating quantiles...")
      probe.parameters$quantile.basis <- qnorm.basis.online(batches, bg.method, cdf, save.batches = TRUE, verbose = verbose, save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier)

  # Optionally save quantile basis
  if (!speedup) {    
    quantile.basis <- probe.parameters$quantile.basis
    qf <- saving.quantile.basis(quantile.basis, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose)

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (verbose) { message("Get probeset indices") }
  set.inds <- get.set.inds(batches[[1]][1:2], cdf, sets)

  message("Estimating probe.parameters")

    if (speedup) {
      probe.parameters <- estimate.hyperparameters(sets = sets, 
      		       	  		     probe.parameters = probe.parameters,
                                              batches = batches, 
					      cdf = cdf,
                                              bg.method = bg.method, 
					      epsilon = epsilon,
                                              load.batches = FALSE,
                                        save.hyperparameter.batches = TRUE,
                                                  mc.cores = mc.cores,
                                                  verbose = verbose, 	    
					save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, 
				unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier, 
						  set.inds = set.inds)

    } else {
      probe.parameters <- estimate.hyperparameters(sets, probe.parameters,
                                              batches, cdf,
                                              bg.method, epsilon,
                                              load.batches = TRUE,
                                        save.hyperparameter.batches = TRUE,
                                                  mc.cores = mc.cores,
                                                  verbose = verbose, 	    
					save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, 
				unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier, 
						  set.inds = set.inds)


  hf <- saving.hyperparameters(probe.parameters, save.batches.dir, 
     			       unique.run.identifier, verbose)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------

  message("Estimating affinities")
  probe.parameters$affinity <- get.affinities(sets, probe.parameters, cdf, mc.cores, bg.method, batches, load.batches = TRUE, save.batches = TRUE, save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier, verbose = verbose, set.inds = set.inds)

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------
  probe.parameters.evolution <- NULL
  if (speedup) {
    message("Skipping hyperparameter converence analysis to speed up...")
  } else {
    message("Investigate parameter convergence...")
    probe.parameters.evolution <- collect.hyperparameters(batches, unique.run.identifier, save.batches.dir, save.batches = TRUE)
    message("Parameter convergence list done.")

  # --------------------------------------------------------------


  # Given the affinities, calculate the final summary estimates
  message("Summarizing probesets")
  emat <- summarize.batches(sets = sets, 
       	  		    probe.parameters = probe.parameters,
			    batches = batches, 
			    load.batches = TRUE, 
		 	    mc.cores = mc.cores, 
			    cdf = cdf, 
			    bg.method = bg.method, 
			    verbose = verbose, 
			    save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, 
			    unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier, 
			    save.batches = TRUE, 
			    set.inds = set.inds, 
			    speedup = speedup, 
			    summarize.with.affinities = summarize.with.affinities)

  # Arrange CEL files in the original order and Coerce expression
  # values in the rpa object into an ExpressionSet object and return
  # expression set object
  eset <- new("ExpressionSet", assayData = list(exprs = emat[, cel.files])) 

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Remove temporary batch files and run garbage collection
  tmp <- batch.cleanup(keep.batch.files, unique.run.identifier, save.batches.dir)

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------

  message("Save parameters")
  params <- c(  cel.path = cel.path,
               cel.files = cel.files,
                    sets = sets,
                     cdf = cdf, 
               bg.method = bg.method,                              
                 epsilon = epsilon,
                mc.cores = mc.cores,
                 verbose = verbose,                          
                 shuffle = shuffle,
	      batch.size = length(batches[[1]]),
                 batches = batches, 
        save.batches.dir = save.batches.dir, 
	keep.batch.files = keep.batch.files, 
   unique.run.identifier = unique.run.identifier,
	           rseed = rseed, 
		   speedup = speedup,
 summarize.with.affinities = summarize.with.affinities,
	     sessionInfo = sessionInfo())

  probe.parameters.table <- probetable(probe.parameters)

  list(expressionSet = eset, probe.parameters = probe.parameters.table, probe.parameters.evolution = probe.parameters.evolution, params = params)


batch.cleanup <- function (keep.batch.files, unique.run.identifier, save.batches.dir) {

  if (!keep.batch.files) {
    message(paste("Removing the temporary batch files from directory", save.batches.dir, "with the identifier", unique.run.identifier))
    system(paste("rm ", save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, "*", sep = ""))
  } else {
    message(paste("Keeping the temporary batch files in directory", save.batches.dir, "with the identifier", unique.run.identifier))

  message("Garbage collection")



saving.hyperparameters <- function (probe.parameters, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose) {
  hyper.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, "-RPA-hyperparameters.RData", sep = "")

  if ( verbose ) { message(paste("Saving hyperparameters into file: ", hyper.file)) }

  save(probe.parameters, file = hyper.file)



saving.batchlist <- function (batches, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose) {

    # Create the output directory if necessary
    if (length(dir(save.batches.dir)) == 0) { 
      message(paste("Creating directory", save.batches.dir))
      system(paste("mkdir ", save.batches.dir)) 

    message(paste("Storing intermediate batches in directory", save.batches.dir, "with the identifier", unique.run.identifier))

    blf <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, "-RPA-batchlist.RData", sep = "")

    if ( verbose ) { message(paste("Saving batch list into file: ", blf)) }
    save(batches, file = blf)    


saving.quantile.basis <- function (quantile.basis, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose) {

  quantile.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, "-RPA-quantiles.RData", sep = "")

  if (verbose) { message(paste("Saving quantile basis into file: ", quantile.file)) }

  save(quantile.basis, file = quantile.file)



get.affinities <- function (sets, probe.parameters, cdf, mc.cores, bg.method, batches, load.batches = TRUE, save.batches, save.batches.dir, unique.run.identifier, verbose = TRUE, set.inds) {

  # load.batches = TRUE; save.batches = TRUE

  if ( verbose ) { message("Estimating affinities") }

  # CEL files for this batch (to speed up, we estimate affinities based on the first batch only - 
  # this gives a very good approximation!)
  bi <- 1

  # Get background corrected, quantile normalized, and logged probe-level matrix
  batch <- NULL
  if (load.batches) {
    #batch.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, "-", names(batches)[[bi]], ".RData", sep = "")
    batch.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/", unique.run.identifier, names(batches)[[bi]], "-hyper.RData", sep = "")
    if (verbose) { message(paste("Load preprocessed data for batch: ", batch.file)) }
    load(batch.file) # batch

  # Get corresponding affinity estimates 
  # average affinity estimates over samples
  # this can be derived formally:
  # s_tj = a_r + d_t + mu_j + epsilon_tj; mu_j ~ N(0, tau2); ignore minimal variation from epsilon_tj; etc.
  # now, as a_t = a_r + d_t, we have a_t ~ s_tj - mu_j ~ N(s_tj, tau2_j) -> ML estimate of a_t is given by 
  # weighted average of s_tj, weighted by tau2_j's
  batch.cels <- batches[[bi]]

  if ( is.null(sets) ) { sets <- names(set.inds) }
  # Get probes x samples matrices for each probeset
  # No need to remove the reference sample for d.update here in the summarization step!
  # Since probe-specific variance is now known (from the estimation above), the probeset-level signal
  # estimate is obtained as a weighted sum of the probes, weighted by the probe-specific variances
  if ( verbose ) { message("Extract probe-level data") }       
  q <- get.probe.matrix(cels = batch.cels, cdf = cdf, quantile.basis = probe.parameters$quantile.basis, bg.method = bg.method, batch = batch, verbose = verbose)
  q <- mclapply(set.inds, function (pmis) { matrix(q[pmis,], length(pmis)) }, mc.cores = mc.cores) 
  names(q) <- sets

  # Get the summary estimate for probeset using the posterior variances
  # (>25-fold speedup with sapply)
  variances <- probe.parameters$tau2
  em <- t(sapply(mclapply(sets, function(set) {d.update.fast(q[[set]], variances[[set]])}, mc.cores = mc.cores), identity))
  rownames(em) <- sets
  colnames(em) <- batch.cels

  # Given probe-level observations and summary estimates, calculate the corresponding affinities
  affinities <- lapply(sets, function (set) {estimate.affinities(q[[set]], em[set, batch.cels])})
  names(affinities) <- sets 


microbiome/RPA documentation built on April 9, 2023, 10:59 a.m.