#' @title Importing Genedata Expressionist for MS .gda files
#' @description
#' `readGda` Genedata Expressionist for MS can export obtained data in multiple file formats.
#' One is the .gda format, which can be read by the Analyst module. This file
#' contains the actual data (e.g. peak intensities, areas etc...) and additional
#' annotations.
#' This functions reads directly a .gda file and returns a list with three
#' distinct data frames. The first element contains the actual MS data, the
#' second contains annotation of the rows and the thrid the annotation of the
#' columns.
#' @param file `character` Path to .gda file that shall be read.
#' @return A list of three data frames, the first contains the actual MS data,
#' the second the row annotation and the third the column annotations.
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export
#' @examples
readGda <- function(file) {
# create data frames for data
row_anno <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ms_data <- data.frame()
clusterNames <- NULL
# read file line by line
con <- file(file, "r")
while (TRUE) {
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
# exit loop
if (length(line) == 0) {
# check for different line content
if (grepl("^(Name|Column)", line)) {
# get content splitted
content <- strsplit(line, "\t")[[1]]
# isolate sample names and add to ColumnDf
samples_names <- as.character(content[2:(length(content) - noOfRowAnno)])
col_anno <- data.frame(File = character(length(content) - noOfRowAnno - 1))
col_anno["File"] <- samples_names
# isolate row annotation names
row_anno_names <- as.character(content[(length(content) - noOfRowAnno + 1):length(content)])
} else if (grepl("^# Row Annotations:", line)) {
# split and get number of row annotations
noOfRowAnno <- as.numeric(regmatches(line, regexpr("\\d+", line)))
} else if (grepl("\\[[A-Z]\\]", line)) {
# get content splitted
content <- strsplit(line, "\t")[[1]]
# get new annotation
colAnnotationName <- content[[1]][1]
colAnnotation <- content[2:(length(samples_names) + 1)]
# add to annotation data frame
col_anno[paste(colAnnotationName)] <- colAnnotation
} else if (grepl("^(Peak|Cluster)", line)) {
# get content splitted
content <- strsplit(line, "\t")[[1]]
# get cluster names
clusterNames <- c(clusterNames, content[1])
# get peak values
peakValues <- as.numeric(content[2:(length(content) - noOfRowAnno)])
rowAnnotations <- content[(length(content) - noOfRowAnno + 1):length(content)]
# add to row_anno and ms_data
row_anno <- rbind.data.frame(row_anno,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ms_data <- rbind.data.frame(
# close connection to file
# adjust column headers
colnames(ms_data) <- samples_names
colnames(row_anno) <- row_anno_names
# adjust row names
row.names(ms_data) <- clusterNames
row.names(row_anno) <- clusterNames
# adjust data type
for (name in colnames(col_anno)) {
if (grepl("\\[N|n\\]", name)) {
col_anno[name] <- as.numeric(unlist(col_anno[name]))
} else if (grepl("\\[C|c\\]", name)) {
col_anno[name] <- as.factor(unlist(col_anno[name]))
row_anno <- type.convert(row_anno, as.is = TRUE)
col_anno <- type.convert(col_anno, as.is = TRUE)
ms_data <- type.convert(ms_data)
# return
list(ms_data, row_anno, col_anno)
#' @title Get feature data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `getMsData` returns the actual table with features from the read .gda file
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @return A data frame with the feature data
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
getMsData <- function(x) {
#' @title Sets feature data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `setMsData` Sets the MS data, data is checked if row names match
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @param msData `data.frame` Replacement for MS data in x, rownames must match
#' @return A list with MS data, row annotations, column annotations
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
setMsData <- function(x, msData) {
# isolate data
row_anno <- getRowAnno(x)
col_anno <- getColAnno(x)
# check that sample names are the same
sort(rownames(msData)))) {
stop("Row names are not matching!")
# check that sample names are the same
sort(colnames(msData)))) {
stop("Column names are not matching!")
x[[1]] <- msData
#' @title Get row annotation data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `getRowData` returns the actual table with features from the read .gda file
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @return A data frame wit row annotations.
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
getRowAnno <- function(x) {
#' @title Sets row annotation data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `setRowAnno` Sets the row annotation data, data is checked if row names match
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @param rowAnno `data.frame` Replacement for row annotation data in x,
#' rownames must match
#' @return A list with MS data, row annotations, column annotations
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
setRowAnno <- function(x, rowAnno) {
# isolate data
row_anno <- getRowAnno(x)
# check that sample names are the same
sort(rownames(rowAnno)))) {
stop("Row names are not matching!")
x[[2]] <- rowAnno
#' @title Get column annotation data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `getColData` returns the actual table with features from the read .gda file
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @return A data frame with the column annotations.
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
getColAnno <- function(x) {
#' @title Sets feature data from read .gda file
#' @description
#' `setColAnno` Sets the column annotation data, data is checked if row names match
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @param colAnno `data.frame` Replacement for column annotation data in x,
#' rownames must match
#' @return A list with MS data, row annotations, column annotations
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
setColAnno <- function(x, colAnno) {
# isolate data
col_anno <- getColAnno(x)
# check that sample names are the same
sort(colnames(colAnno)))) {
stop("Column names are not matching!")
x[[3]] <- colAnno
#' @title Write .gda file
#' @description
#' `writeGda` Writes a list of row and column annotation and ms data to a file
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @param file `character` Name of file to write to
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
writeGda <- function(x, file = "export.gda") {
# sanity checks
if(!length(x) == 3) {
stop("Input is not of length 3. Sure it contains data from a .gda file?")
# isolate data and sort
ms_data <- getMsData(x)
row_anno <- getRowAnno(x)
col_anno <- getColAnno(x)
ms_data <- ms_data[,order(names(ms_data))]
col_anno <- col_anno[order(col_anno$File),]
# check names are in same order
if(!all(names(ms_data) == col_anno$File)) {
stop("Name not in same order")
ms_data_full <- merge(ms_data, row_anno, by = "row.names")
if(file.exists(file)) {
# helper function for writing file
con <- file(description = file, open = "at")
.cat <- function(..., file = con, sep = "", append = TRUE) {
cat(..., file = file, sep = sep, append = append)
#write meta data block
.cat("# Namespace: RExport\n")
.cat("# Rowtype: Metabolites\n")
.cat("# Observable: Max. Intensity\n")
.cat("# Row Annotations: ", ncol(row_anno), "\n")
.cat("# Column Annotations: ", ncol(col_anno) - 1, "\n")
.cat("# Transformation: LOG\n")
.cat("# Version: 1\n")
.cat("# Author: RExport\n")
# write header
header <- colnames(ms_data_full)
header[1] <- "Name"
.cat(paste0(header, collapse = "\t"))
# write column annotation
col_anno_names <- colnames(col_anno)
col_anno_names <- col_anno_names[col_anno_names != "File"]
for(col_anno_name in col_anno_names) {
.cat(paste0(c(col_anno_name, as.vector(col_anno[,col_anno_name])), collapse = "\t"))
write.table(ms_data_full, file = file, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
#' @title Remove specific samples from data
#' @description
#' `removeSamples` Removes specific samples from the data
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.#'
#' @param samples `character` Vector with the sample names to be removed
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
removeSamples <- function(x, samples) {
# sanity checks
if(!length(x) == 3) {
stop("Input is not of length 3. Sure it contains data from a .gda file?")
# isolate data and sort
ms_data <- getMsData(x)
row_anno <- getRowAnno(x)
col_anno <- getColAnno(x)
# test if samples are contained in x
if(!samples %in% colnames(ms_data)) {
stop("sample not contained in data set")
ms_data <- ms_data[,!colnames(ms_data) %in% samples]
col_anno <- col_anno[which(!col_anno$File %in% samples),]
list(ms_data, row_anno, col_anno)
#' @title Remove specific cluster from data
#' @description
#' `removeCluster` Removes specific clusterfrom the data
#' @param x `list` List with data read from .gda file.
#' @param cluster `character` Vector with the cluster to be removed
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
removeCluster <- function(x, cluster) {
# sanity checks
if(!length(x) == 3) {
stop("Input is not of length 3. Sure it contains data from a .gda file?")
# isolate data and sort
ms_data <- getMsData(x)
row_anno <- getRowAnno(x)
col_anno <- getColAnno(x)
# test if samples are contained in x
if(!cluster %in% row.names(ms_data)) {
stop("sample not contained in data set")
ms_data <- ms_data[!(row.names(ms_data) %in% cluster),]
row_anno <- row_anno[!(row.names(row_anno) %in% cluster),]
list(ms_data, row_anno, col_anno)
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