
Defines functions hicdc2hic

Documented in hicdc2hic

#' hicdc2hic
#' This function converts various modes from HiCDCPlus gi_list (uniformly binned)
#' instance back into a .hic file with the \code{mode} passed
#' as counts that can be retrieved using Juicer Dump
#' (https://github.com/aidenlab/juicer/wiki/Data-Extraction)
#' with 'NONE' normalization. 
#'@import BSgenome splines
#'@importFrom dplyr %>%
#'@importFrom rlang .data
#'@param gi_list List of \code{GenomicInteractions} objects where each object
#'named with chromosomes contains intra-chromosomal interaction information
#'(minimally containing counts and genomic distance in \code{mcols(gi_list)}---
#'see \code{?gi_list_validate} for a detailed explanation of valid
#'\code{gi_list} instances).
#'@param hicfile the path to the .hic file
#'@param mode What to put to the .hic file
#'as score. Allowable options are: 'pvalue' for -log10 significance p-value,
#''qvalue' for -log10 FDR corrected p-value,
#''normcounts' for raw counts/expected counts, and
#''zvalue' for standardized counts (raw counts-expected counts)/modeled
#'standard deviation of expected counts
#' and 'raw' to pass-through 'raw counts. Defaults to 'normcounts'.
#'@param chrs select a subset of chromosomes' e.g.,
#'c('chr21','chr22'). Defaults to chromosomes in \code{gi_list}.
#'@param gen_ver genomic assembly version: e.g., default \code{'hg19'}
#'@param memory Java memory to generate .hic files. Defaults to 8. Up to 64 is recommended for higher resolutions.
#'@return path of the .hic file.
#'hic_path=system.file("extdata", "GSE63525_HMEC_combined_example.hic",
#' package = "HiCDCPlus"))

hicdc2hic <- function(gi_list, hicfile, mode = "normcounts", chrs = NULL, gen_ver = "hg19", memory=8) {
    options(scipen = 9999)
    #set memory limit to max if i386
    if (.Platform$OS.type=='windows'&Sys.getenv("R_ARCH")=="/i386") {
    if (is.null(chrs)) 
        chrs <- names(gi_list)
    tmpfile <- paste0(base::tempfile(), ".txt")
    gi_list_write(gi_list, tmpfile, columns = "minimal_plus_score", score = mode)
    #generate path to the file if not exists
    hicdc2hicoutput <- path.expand(hicfile)
    hicdc2hicoutputdir<-gsub("/[^/]+$", "",hicdc2hicoutput)
    if (hicdc2hicoutputdir==hicdc2hicoutput){
        hicdc2hicoutputdir<-gsub("\\[^\\]+$", "",hicdc2hicoutput)
    if (hicdc2hicoutputdir==hicdc2hicoutput){
        hicdc2hicoutputdir<-gsub("\\\\[^\\\\]+$", "",hicdc2hicoutput)
    if (!hicdc2hicoutputdir==hicdc2hicoutput&!dir.exists(hicdc2hicoutputdir)){
        dir.create(hicdc2hicoutputdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")
    # run pre
    if (mode=="zvalue"){
        #make sure negative values get processed
        system2("java", args = c(paste0("-Xmx",as.character(memory),"g"), "-jar",
                                 path.expand(jarpath), "pre", "-v", "-d", "-n",
                                 "-r", binsize,
                                 "-m", -2147400000,
                                 path.expand(tmpfile), path.expand(hicdc2hicoutput), 
    } else {
    system2("java", args = c(paste0("-Xmx",as.character(memory),"g"), "-jar",
                             path.expand(jarpath), "pre", "-v", "-d",
                             "-r", binsize, path.expand(tmpfile),
    # remove file
    system2("rm", args = path.expand(tmpfile))
mervesa/HiCDCPlus documentation built on June 8, 2022, 3:43 a.m.