#' Annotate a study (GSE) with a disease term from the Disease Ontology by exploiting both PubTator and GEO
#' Given a GSE id this function annotates the study with a disease term from the Disease Ontology (D-O):
#' http://disease-ontology.org/
#' It provides the most specific disease term, meaning the term with the highest depth in the D-O.
#' @param GSE a GSE series ID
#' @return a character vector of all related diseases, separated by ;
#' @examples
#' diseases<-GSEtoDisease("GSE10245")
#' @export
#' @importFrom rentrez entrez_search
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
#' @importFrom XML xmlToList
#' @importFrom pubmed.mineR pubtator_function
#' @importFrom httr GET stop_for_status content
### Intergrate Local PubTator
if (missing(GSE))
stop("Need to specify a GEO Series id, i.e 'GSE10026'")
if (!grepl("GSE[0-9]+",GSE))
stop("GSE must be a GEO Series id, i.e 'GSE10026'")
#unlist all gses per disease
#find Pubmed IDs for this GSE
a<-paste0(GSE," [ACCN] AND gse[ETYP]")
r_search<- rentrez::entrez_search(db="gds", term=a,retmax =10000, use_history=TRUE)
if (r_search$count!=0){
b<-entrez_summary(db="gds", id=r_search$ids[1])
if (length(pubmed)!=0){
#use PubTator's API to annotate gse
for (j in 1:length(pubmed)){
#uri<-paste("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Lu/Demo/RESTful/tmTool.cgi/Disease/",pubmed[j],"/BioC",sep="") ### Error
###### ------ Error Tests ------ #####
# opt <- RCurl::curlOptions(verbose = TRUE, sslversion = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2)
# RCurl::getURL(uri, .opts = opt)
# uri <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/pubtator-api/publications/export/pubtator?pmids=28483577&concepts=disease"
# uri <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/pubtator-api/publications/export/biocxml?pmcids=PMC6207735"
# require(RCurl)
# #Works, note I removed sslversion
# RCurl::getURL(uri, cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl"), .opts=c(followLocation=T, verbose = TRUE, sslversion=6L), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
# RCurl::getURL(uri, ssl.verifypeer = F,sslversion=6L)
# require(rvest)
# t <- read_html(uri)
# require(curl)
# t <- curl(uri)
# require(curl)
# con <- curl(uri)
# readLines(con)
###### ---- Error Test ---------- #######
req <- GET(uri)
t <- content(req)
diseases <- c(diseases,tolower(strsplit(t,"\t")[[1]][4]))
### Erroniously Block
RCurl.attempt <- try(t <- RCurl::getURL(uri, ssl.verifypeer = F,sslversion=6L, cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")), T)
if (!(isTRUE(class(RCurl.attempt) == "try-error"))){
if( !is.na(pmatch('[Error]', t)) ){
} else {
ll <- XML::xmlToList(t)
list1 <- ll$document[[3]]
if (length(list1)>3){
d <- c()
for (k in 1:(length(list1)-3)){
d[k] <- list1[[k+3]]$text
diseases <- c(diseases,tolower(d))
#local.query <- getPubTatorQuery(pubmed[j])
#local.query <- strsplit(local.query$MENTIONS,split='|', fixed=TRUE)
#local.query <- lapply(local.query, function(x) tolower(x[which.max(nchar(x))]))
#local.query <- unlist(local.query)
#diseases <- c(diseases,local.query)
pubtator.attemp <- try(local.query <- pubtator_function(pubmed[j]), T)
if (!(isTRUE(class(pubtator.attemp)=='try-error'))){
if (local.query !=" No Data ") {
local.query <- local.query$Diseases
if (!is.null(local.query)){
local.query <- strsplit(local.query,split='>', fixed=TRUE)
local.query <- lapply(local.query, function(x) tolower(x[1]))
diseases <- c(diseases, unlist(local.query))
#if PubTator returns an empty set
#try with GEO
if (length(diseases)==0){
} else {
#find all leafs
for (j in 1:length(diseases)){
#if we have only one leaf keep that
if (length(which(!is.na(leaf)))==1){
} else if (length(which(!is.na(leaf)))>1){
#if we have more than one leafs find parent categories of all entiites
#and keep the leaf that belongs to the most common category
aa <- diseaseSubCategoryALLU[match(tolower(diseases),tolower(diseaseSubCategoryALLU[,1])),4]
commonCategory <- names(table(aa)[which(table(aa)==max(table(aa)))])
leafCats <- aa[which(!is.na(leaf))]
#which leafs belong to the most common category
leafsToKeep <- which(leafCats %in% commonCategory)
#if no leaf belong to the common category keep them all
if (length(leafsToKeep)==0){
diseases<-paste(diseases[which(!is.na(leaf))], sep=";", collapse=";")
} else {
diseases<-paste(diseases[match(leafCats[leafsToKeep],aa)], sep=";", collapse=";")
} else {
#if we only have nodes
#find deepest nodes
for (j in 1:length(diseases)){
depth[j]<-as.numeric(diseaseSubCategoryALLU[match(tolower(diseases[j]),tolower(diseaseSubCategoryALLU[,1])),3 ] )####
#if we have more than one category with the same depth, keep the most representative as in leafs
bb<-which(depth==max(depth,na.rm = T))
if (length(bb)==0){
} else if (length(bb)==1){
diseases<-diseases[which(depth==max(depth,na.rm = T))]
} else {
nodesToKeep<-which(aa[bb] %in% commonCategory)
if (length(nodesToKeep)==0){
diseases<-paste(diseases[bb], sep=";", collapse=";")
} else {
diseases<-paste(diseases[bb[nodesToKeep]], sep=";", collapse=";")
if (is.na(diseases)){
} else {
# } else {
# diseases<-NA
# }
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