#' @import ashr qvalue SQUAREM
#' @importFrom stats optim pt rgamma
#' @title Main Variance Adaptive SHrinkage function
#' @description Takes vectors of standard errors (sehat), and applies shrinkage to them, using Empirical Bayes methods, to compute shrunk estimates for variances.
#' @details See vignette for more details.
#' @param sehat a p vector of observed standard errors
#' @param df scalar, appropriate degree of freedom for (chi-square) distribution of sehat
#' @param betahat a p vector of estimates (optional)
#' @param randomstart logical, indicating whether to initialize EM randomly. If FALSE, then initializes to prior mean (for EM algorithm) or prior (for VBEM)
#' @param singlecomp logical, indicating whether to use a single inverse-gamma distribution as the prior distribution for the variances
#' @param unimodal put unimodal constraint on the prior distribution of variances ("variance") or precisions ("precision"). This also can be automatically chosen ("auto") by comparing the likelihoods.
#' @param prior string, or numeric vector indicating Dirichlet prior on mixture proportions (defaults to "uniform", or 1,1...,1; also can be "nullbiased" 1,1/k-1,...,1/k-1 to put more weight on first component)
#' @param g the prior distribution for variances (usually estimated from the data; this is used primarily in simulated data to do computations with the "true" g)
#' @param estpriormode logical, indicating whether to estimate the mode of the unimodal prior
#' @param priormode specified prior mode (only works when estpriormode=FALSE).
#' @param scale a scalar or a p vector, such that sehat/scale are exchangeable, i.e, can be modeled by a common unimodal prior.
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm
#' @return vash returns an object of \code{\link[base]{class}} "vash", a list with the following elements
#' \item{fitted.g}{Fitted mixture prior}
#' \item{sd.post}{A vector consisting the posterior estimate of standard deviations (square root of variances) from the mixture}
#' \item{PosteriorPi}{A p*k matrix consisting the mixture proportions of the posterior distribution of variance (k is number of mixture components)}
#' \item{PosteriorShape}{A p*k matrix consisting the shape parameters of the inverse-gamma posterior distribution of variance (k is number of mixture components)}
#' \item{PosteriorRate}{A p*k matrix consisting the rate parameters of the inverse-gamma posterior distribution of variance (k is number of mixture components)}
#' \item{pvalue}{A vector of p-values}
#' \item{qvalue}{A vector of q-values}
#' \item{fit}{The fitted mixture object}
#' \item{unimodal}{Denoting whether unimodal variance prior or unimodal precision prior has been used}
#' \item{opt.unimodal}{Denoting whether unimodal variance prior or unimodal precision prior model gets higher likelihood}
#' \item{call}{A call in which all of the specified arguments are specified by their full names}
#' \item{data}{A list consisting the input sehat, df and betahat}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##An simple example
#' #generate true variances (sd^2) from an inverse-gamma prior
#' sd = sqrt(1/rgamma(100,5,5))
#' #observed standard errors are estimates of true sd's
#' sehat = sqrt(sd^2*rchisq(100,7)/7)
#' #run the vash function
#' fit = vash(sehat,df=7)
#' #plot the shrunk sd estimates against the observed standard errors
#' plot(sehat, fit$sd.post, xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,10))
#' ##Running vash with a pre-specified g, rather than estimating it
#' sd = sqrt(c(1/rgamma(100,5,4),1/rgamma(100,10,9)))
#' sehat = sqrt(sd^2*rchisq(100,7)/7)
#' true_g = igmix(c(0.5,0.5),c(5,10),c(4,9)) # define true g
#' #Passing this g into vash causes it to i) take the shape and the rate for each component from this g,
#' #and ii) initialize pi to the value from this g.
#' se.vash = vash(sehat, df=7, g=true_g)
#' @references Lu, M., & Stephens, M. (2016). Variance Adaptive Shrinkage (vash): Flexible Empirical Bayes estimation of variances. bioRxiv, 048660.
vash = function(sehat, df,
betahat = NULL,
randomstart = FALSE,
singlecomp = FALSE,
unimodal = c("auto","variance","precision"),
prior = NULL,
g = NULL,
estpriormode = TRUE,
priormode = NULL,
scale = 1,
maxiter = 5000){
## 1.Handling Input Parameters
# Set unimodal constraint on variance or precision prior
# if no unimodal mode specified, select a default "auto" mode,
# which chooses the model with higher likelihood
unimodal = match.arg(unimodal)
if(!is.element(unimodal,c("auto","variance","precision"))) stop("Error: invalid type of unimodal.")
if(!missing(betahat) & length(betahat)!=length(sehat)) stop("Error: sehat and betahat must have same lengths.")
if(!missing(g) & class(g)!="igmix") stop("Error: invalid type of g.")
if(!is.numeric(df) | length(df)>1) stop("Error: invalid type of df.")
# Set observations with infinite standard errors to missing
# later these missing observations will be ignored in EM, and posterior will be same as prior.
sehat[sehat==Inf] = NA
sehat = sehat/scale
if(min(sehat)<0) stop("Error: sehat/scale must be non-negative.")
completeobs = (!is.na(sehat))
n = sum(completeobs)
# If some standard errors are almost 0, add a small pseudocount to prevent numerical errors
sehat[sehat==0] = min(min(sehat[sehat>0]),1e-6)
stop("Error: all input values are missing.")
## 2. Fitting the mixture prior
# If singlecomp==TRUE, then both variance and precision priors are unimodal
# otherwise need decide whether using unimodal variance prior model or
# unimodal precision prior model by likelihood
if(unimodal=='auto' & !singlecomp){
pifit.prec = est_prior(sehat,df,betahat,randomstart,singlecomp,unimodal='precision',
pifit.var = est_prior(sehat,df,betahat,randomstart,singlecomp,unimodal='variance',
if (pifit.prec$loglik >= pifit.var$loglik){
mix.fit = pifit.prec
opt.unimodal = 'precision'
mix.fit = pifit.var
opt.unimodal = 'variance'
}else if(unimodal=='auto' & singlecomp){
mix.fit = est_prior(sehat,df,betahat,randomstart,singlecomp,unimodal='variance',
opt.unimodal = NA
mix.fit = est_prior(sehat,df,betahat,randomstart,singlecomp,unimodal,
opt.unimodal = NA
## 3. Posterior inference
# compute posterior distribution
post.se = post.igmix(mix.fit$g,rep(numeric(0),n),sehat[completeobs],df)
postpi.se = t(matrix(rep(mix.fit$g$pi,length(sehat)),ncol=length(sehat)))
#postpi.se[completeobs,] = t(comppostprob(mix.fit$g,rep(numeric(0),n),sehat[completeobs],df))
data = list(x=rep(numeric(0),n), s=sehat[completeobs], v=df)
postpi.se[completeobs,] = t(comp_postprob(mix.fit$g, data = data))
PosteriorMean.se = rep(mix.fit$g$c,length=length(sehat))
PosteriorShape.se = t(matrix(rep(mix.fit$g$alpha,length(sehat)),ncol=length(sehat)))
PosteriorShape.se[completeobs,] = post.se$alpha
PosteriorRate.se = t(matrix(rep(mix.fit$g$beta,length(sehat)),ncol=length(sehat)))
PosteriorRate.se[completeobs,] = post.se$beta
PosteriorMean.se[completeobs] = sqrt(1/apply(postpi.se*PosteriorShape.se/PosteriorRate.se,1,sum))
# obtain p-values by moderated t-test
# and then compute q-values from the p-values
pvalue = mod_t_test(betahat,scale*sqrt(PosteriorRate.se/PosteriorShape.se),
qvalue = qvalue(pvalue)$qval
}else if(length(betahat)==0){
pvalue = NULL
qvalue = NULL
warning("betahat has different length as sehat, cannot compute moderated t-tests")
pvalue = NULL
qvalue = NULL
result = list(fitted.g=mix.fit$g,
class(result) = "vash"
# If x is a n-column vector, turn it into n by 1 matrix
# If x is a matrix, keep it
tomatrix = function(x){
x = as.matrix(x)
# To simplify computation, compute a part of post_pi_vash in advance
getA = function(n,k,v,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,sehat){
A = v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)+(v/2-1)*outer(rep(1,k),2*log(sehat))+outer(alpha.vec*log(modalpha.vec)-lgamma(alpha.vec)+lgamma(alpha.vec+v/2),rep(1,n))
#' @title Compute log-likelihood of the variance model with mixture inverse-gamma prior
#' @description Suppose we observe standard errors sehat, where \eqn{sehat^2~s^2 \times \chi^2_{df}/df}, and $s^2$ comes from an inverse-gamma mixture prior. This function computes the log-likelihood of the model.
#' @param sehat a p vector of observed standard errors
#' @param df the degree of freedom
#' @param pi a k vector, the mixture proportions of the k component inverse-gamma mixture prior
#' @param alpha a k vector, the shape parameters of the k component inverse-gamma mixture prior
#' @param beta a k vector, the rate parameters of the k component inverse-gamma mixture prior
#' @return log-likehihood
#' @examples
#' sehat = abs(rnorm(10))
#' loglike(sehat, df=10, pi=c(0.1,0.3,0.5), alpha=c(5,8,10), beta=c(2,4,9))
#' @export
loglike = function(sehat,df,pi,alpha,beta){
k = length(pi)
n = length(sehat)
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(df/2*log(df/2)-lgamma(df/2)
logl = sum(log(rowSums(pimat)))
#' @title Estimate mixture proportions and mode of the unimodal inverse-gaama mixture variance prior.
#' @description Estimate mixture proportions and mode of the unimodal inverse-gaama mixture variance prior.
#' @param sehat n vector of standard errors of observations
#' @param g the initial prior distribution for variances
#' @param prior numeric vector indicating Dirichlet prior on mixture proportions
#' @param df appropriate degrees of freedom for chi-square distribution of sehat^2
#' @param unimodal put unimodal constraint on the prior distribution of variances ("variance") or precisions ("precision")
#' @param singlecomp logical, indicating whether to use a single inverse-gamma distribution as the prior distribution for the variances
#' @param estpriormode logical, indicating whether to estimate the mode of the unimodal prior
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm
#' @return A list, including the final loglikelihood, the fitted prior g, number of iterations and a flag to indicate convergence.
#' @examples
#' fitted.prior = est_mixprop_mode(sehat=abs(rnorm(100)),g=igmix(c(.5,.5),c(1,3),c(1,3)),
#' prior=c(1,1),df=10,unimodal="variance",singlecomp=FALSE,estpriormode=TRUE)
#' @export
est_mixprop_mode = function(sehat, g, prior, df, unimodal, singlecomp, estpriormode, maxiter=5000){
pi.init = g$pi
k = ncomp(g)
n = length(sehat)
tol = min(0.1/n,1e-4) # set convergence criteria to be more stringent for larger samples
c.init = g$beta[1]/(g$alpha[1]+1)
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
c.init = g$beta[1]/(g$alpha[1]-1)
c.init = max(c.init,1e-5)
EMfit = IGmixEM(sehat, df, c.init, g$alpha, pi.init, prior, unimodal,singlecomp, estpriormode, tol, maxiter)
converged = EMfit$converged
niter = EMfit$niter
g$pi = EMfit$pihat
g$c = EMfit$chat
g$alpha = EMfit$alphahat
g$beta = g$c*(g$alpha+1)
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
g$beta = g$c*(g$alpha-1)
loglik = loglike(sehat,df,g$pi,g$alpha,g$beta)
return(list(loglik=loglik, converged=converged, g=g, niter=niter))
# Estimate the mixture inverse-gamma prior by EM algorithm
IGmixEM = function(sehat, v, c.init, alpha.vec, pi.init, prior, unimodal,singlecomp, estpriormode, tol, maxiter){
q = length(pi.init)
n = length(sehat)
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec+1
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec-1
params.init = c(log(c.init),pi.init)
A = getA(n=n,k=q,v,alpha.vec=alpha.vec,modalpha.vec=modalpha.vec,sehat=sehat)
res = squarem(par=params.init,fixptfn=fixpoint_se, objfn=penloglik_se,
return(list(chat = exp(res$par[1]), pihat=res$par[2:(length(res$par))], B=-res$value.objfn,
niter = res$iter, converged=res$convergence))
A = getA(n=n,k=q,v,alpha.vec=alpha.vec,modalpha.vec=modalpha.vec,sehat=sehat)
res = squarem(par=pi.init, fixptfn=fixpoint_pi, objfn=penloglik_pi,
return(list(chat=c.init, pihat=res$par, B=-res$value.objfn,
niter=res$iter, converged=res$convergence))
params.init = c(log(c.init),log(alpha.vec))
res = optim(params.init,loglike.se.ac,gr=gradloglike.se.ac,method='L-BFGS-B',
lower=c(NA,-3), upper=c(NA,log(100)),
return(list(chat=exp(res$par[1]), pihat=1, B=-res$value,
niter=res$counts[1], converged=res$convergence,
#' @title Estimate the single component inverse-gamma prior of variances by matching the moments
#' @description Suppose the true variances come from a single component inverse-gamma prior, and
#' standard errors (noisy estimates of the square root of true variances) are observed.
#' This function estimates the single component inverse-gamma prior of variances by matching the moments.
#' @param sehat n vector of standard errors of observations
#' @param df degrees of freedom for chi-square distribution of sehat^2
#' @return The shape (a) and rate (b) of the fitted inverse-gamma prior
#' @examples
#' sd = sqrt(1/rgamma(100,5,5)) #true prior: IG(5,5)
#' sehat = sqrt(sd^2*rchisq(100,7)/7)
#' est_singlecomp_mm(sehat=sehat,df=7)
#' @export
est_singlecomp_mm = function(sehat,df){
n = length(sehat)
e = 2*log(sehat)-digamma(df/2)+log(df/2)
ehat = mean(e)
a = solve_trigamma(mean((e-ehat)^2*n/(n-1)-trigamma(df/2)))
b = a*exp(ehat+digamma(df/2)-log(df/2))
# Solve trigamma(y)=x
solve_trigamma = function(x){
if(x > 1e7){
y.new = 1/sqrt(x)
}else if (x < 1e-6){
y.new = 1/x
y.old = 0.5+1/x
delta = trigamma(y.old)*(1-trigamma(y.old)/x)/psigamma(y.old,deriv=2)
y.new = y.old+delta
while(-delta/y.new <= 1e-8){
y.old = y.new
delta = trigamma(y.old)*(1-trigamma(y.old)/x)/psigamma(y.old,deriv=2)
y.new = y.old+delta
# prior of se: se|pi,alpha.vec,c ~ pi*IG(alpha_i,c*(alpha_i-1))
# Likelihood: sehat^2|se^2 ~ sj*Gamma(v/2,v/2)
# pi, alpha.vec, c: known
# Posterior weight of P(se|sehat) (IG mixture distn)
post_pi_vash = function(A,n,k,v,sehat,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,c,pi){
post.pi.mat = t(pi*exp(A+alpha.vec*log(c)-(alpha.vec+v/2)*log(outer(c*modalpha.vec,v/2*sehat^2,FUN="+"))))
# fix point function of updating both pi and c
fixpoint_se = function(params,A,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,prior){
logc = params[1]
pi = params[2:(length(params))]
mm = post_pi_vash(A,n,k,v,sehat,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,exp(logc),pi)
m.rowsum = rowSums(mm)
classprob = mm/m.rowsum
newpi = colSums(classprob)+prior-1
newpi = ifelse(newpi<1e-5,1e-5,newpi)
newpi = newpi/sum(newpi);
est = optim(logc,loglike.se,gr=gradloglike.se,method='BFGS',n=n,k=k,alpha.vec=alpha.vec,modalpha.vec=modalpha.vec,v=v,sehat=sehat,pi=newpi)
newc = exp(est$par[1])
newlogc = est$par[1]
params = c(newlogc,newpi)
# fix point function of updating pi (c known)
fixpoint_pi = function(pi,A,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,prior,c){
mm = post_pi_vash(A,n,k,v,sehat,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,c,pi)
m.rowsum = rowSums(mm)
classprob = mm/m.rowsum
newpi = colSums(classprob)+prior-1
newpi = ifelse(newpi<1e-5,1e-5,newpi)
newpi = newpi/sum(newpi);
# penalized log-likelihood (c unknown)
penloglik_se = function(params,A,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,prior){
c = exp(params[1])
pi = params[2:(length(params))]
priordens = sum((prior-1)*log(pi))
mm = post_pi_vash(A,n,k,v,sehat,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,c,pi)
m.rowsum = rowSums(mm)
loglik = sum(log(m.rowsum))
# penalized log-likelihood (c known)
penloglik_pi = function(pi,A,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,prior,c){
priordens = sum((prior-1)*log(pi))
mm = post_pi_vash(A,n,k,v,sehat,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,c,pi)
m.rowsum = rowSums(mm)
loglik = sum(log(m.rowsum))
# Log-likelihood: L(sehat^2|c,pi,alpha.vec)
loglike.se = function(logc,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,pi){
c = exp(logc)
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)
logl = sum(log(rowSums(pimat)))
# Gradient of funtion loglike.se (w.r.t logc)
gradloglike.se = function(logc,n,k,alpha.vec,modalpha.vec,v,sehat,pi){
c = exp(logc)
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)
classprob = pimat/rowSums(pimat)
gradmat = c*classprob*(outer(rep(1,n),alpha.vec/c)
grad = sum(-gradmat)
# Log-likelihood: L(sehat|c,pi,alpha.vec)
loglike.se.a = function(logalpha.vec,c,n,k,v,sehat,pi,unimodal){
alpha.vec = exp(logalpha.vec)
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec+1
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec-1
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)
logl = sum(log(rowSums(pimat)))
# Gradient of funtion loglike.se for single component prior (w.r.t logalpha)
gradloglike.se.a = function(logalpha.vec,c,n,k,v,sehat,pi,unimodal){
alpha.vec = exp(logalpha.vec)
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec+1
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec-1
grad = -alpha.vec*sum(log(c)+log(modalpha.vec)+alpha.vec/modalpha.vec-digamma(alpha.vec)+digamma(alpha.vec+v/2)
# Log-likelihood: L(sehat|c,pi,alpha.vec)
loglike.se.ac = function(params,n,k,v,sehat,pi,unimodal){
c = exp(params[1])
alpha.vec = exp(params[2:length(params)])
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec+1
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec-1
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)
logl = sum(log(rowSums(pimat)))
logl = min(logl,1e200) # avoid numerical overflow
logl = max(logl,-1e200)
# Gradient of funtion loglike.se for single component prior (w.r.t logc and logalpha)
c = exp(params[1])
alpha.vec = exp(params[2:(length(params))])
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec+1
}else if(unimodal=='precision'){
modalpha.vec = alpha.vec-1
pimat = outer(rep(1,n),pi)*exp(v/2*log(v/2)-lgamma(v/2)
classprob = pimat/rowSums(pimat)
gradmat.c = c*classprob*(outer(rep(1,n),alpha.vec/c)
grad.c = sum(-gradmat.c)
grad.a = -alpha.vec*sum(log(c)+log(modalpha.vec)+alpha.vec/modalpha.vec-digamma(alpha.vec)+digamma(alpha.vec+v/2)
res = c(grad.c,grad.a)
res = pmin(res,1e200)
res = pmax(res,-1e200)
# compute posterior shape (alpha1) and rate (beta1)
post.igmix = function(m,betahat,sebetahat,v){
n = length(sebetahat)
alpha1 = outer(rep(1,n),m$alpha+v/2)
beta1 = outer(m$beta,v/2*sebetahat^2,FUN="+")
ismissing = is.na(sebetahat)
beta1[,ismissing] = m$beta
#' @title Moderated t-test with standard errors moderated by mixture prior
#' @description Moderated t-test with standard errors moderated by mixture prior.
#' @param betahat a p vector of observed effect sizes
#' @param se a p*k matrix of moderated standard errors
#' @param pi a p*k matrix of mixture proportions, row sums are 1.
#' @param df a p*k matrix of degrees of freedom
#' @return A p vector of p-values testing if the effect sizes are 0.
#' @examples
#' # p=10, k=5
#' betahat = rnorm(10)
#' se = matrix(abs(rnorm(10*5)), ncol=5)
#' pi = matrix(rep(0.2,10*5), ncol=5)
#' df = matrix(rep(11:15,each=10), ncol=5)
#' mod_t_test(betahat,se,pi,df)
#' @export
n = length(betahat)
k = length(pi)/n
pvalue = rep(NA,n)
completeobs = (!is.na(betahat) & !is.na(apply(se,1,sum)))
temppvalue = pt(outer(betahat[completeobs],rep(1,k))/se[completeobs,],df=df,lower.tail=TRUE)
temppvalue = pmin(temppvalue,1-temppvalue)*2
pvalue[completeobs] = apply(pi[completeobs,]*temppvalue,1,sum)
#' @title Fit the mixture inverse-gamma prior of variance
#' @description Fit the mixture inverse-gamma prior of variance, given the variance estimates (sehat^2).
#' @param sehat a p vector of observed standard errors
#' @param df appropriate degrees of freedom for (chi-square) distribution of sehat
#' @param betahat a p vector of estimates (optional)
#' @param randomstart logical, indicating whether to initialize EM randomly. If FALSE, then initializes to prior mean (for EM algorithm) or prior (for VBEM)
#' @param singlecomp logical, indicating whether to use a single inverse-gamma distribution as the prior distribution for the variances
#' @param unimodal put unimodal constraint on the prior distribution of variances ("variance") or precisions ("precision")
#' @param prior string, or numeric vector indicating Dirichlet prior on mixture proportions (defaults to "uniform", or 1,1...,1; also can be "nullbiased" 1,1/k-1,...,1/k-1 to put more weight on first component)
#' @param g the prior distribution for variances (usually estimated from the data; this is used primarily in simulated data to do computations with the "true" g)
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm
#' @param estpriormode logical, indicating whether to estimate the mode of the unimodal prior
#' @param priormode specified prior mode (only works when estpriormode=FALSE).
#' @param completeobs a p vector of non-missing flags
#' @return The fitted mixture prior (g) and convergence info
#' @export
est_prior = function(sehat, df, betahat, randomstart, singlecomp, unimodal,
prior, g, maxiter, estpriormode, priormode, completeobs){
# Set up initial parameters
maxiter = 1 # if g is specified, don't iterate the EM
estpriormode = FALSE
prior = rep(1,length(g$pi)) #prior is not actually used if g specified, but required to make sure EM doesn't produce warning
l = length(g$pi)
} else {
# use moment matching to initialize IG shape and rate
mm = est_singlecomp_mm(sehat[completeobs],df)
mm$a = max(mm$a,1e-5)
alpha = mm$a
# let alpha be a grid of values ranging from small to large
alpha = 1+((64/mm$a)^(1/6))^seq(-3,6)*(mm$a-1)
alpha = mm$a*2^seq(0,13)
mm$b = max(mm$b, 1e-5)
alpha = unique(pmax(alpha,1+1e-5)) # alpha<=1 not allowed
beta = mm$b/(mm$a-1)*(alpha-1)
}else if(unimodal=='variance'){
beta = mm$b/(mm$a+1)*(alpha+1)
if(estpriormode==FALSE & !is.null(priormode)){
beta = priormode*(alpha-1)
}else if(unimodal=='variance'){
beta = priormode*(alpha+1)
}else if (estpriormode==TRUE & !is.null(priormode)){
warning('Flag estpriormode=TRUE, vash will still estimate the prior mode instead of using the input value!')
l = length(alpha)
prior = rep(1,l)
if(prior=="nullbiased"){ # set up prior to favour "null"
prior = rep(1,l)
prior[1] = l-1 #prior 10-1 in favour of null by default
}else if(prior=="uniform"){
prior = rep(1,l)
if(length(prior)!=l | !is.numeric(prior)){
stop("Error: invalid prior specification")
pi.se = rgamma(l,1,1)
} else {
pi.se = rep(1,l)/l
pi.se = pi.se/sum(pi.se)
if (!is.null(g)){
g = igmix(g$pi,g$alpha,g$beta)
g = igmix(pi.se,alpha,beta)
# fit the mixture prior
mix.fit = est_mixprop_mode(sehat[completeobs],g,prior,df,unimodal,singlecomp,estpriormode,maxiter)
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