
    perturbationType = "integer", # a single integer value
    scoreType = "integer", # a single integer value
    backupStage = "integer", # a single integer value
    maxStage = "integer", # a single integer value
    maxTransition = "integer", # a single integer value
    epsilon = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    beta0 = "integer", # a single integer value
    chi0 = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    delta = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    ne = "integer", # a single integer value
    m0 = "integer", # a single integer value
    maxDegree = "integer", # a single integer value
    pAddParent = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    pExchangeParent = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    neighborDegree = "integer", # a single integer value
    pNeighborhood = "numeric", # a numeric vector of length ??
    rho = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    edgePenalty = "numeric" # a single numeric value

    perturbationObj = "matrix", # an nGene by nExperiment matrix
    steadyStateObj = "matrix", # an nGene by nExperiment matrix
    geneNames = "character", # a vector of gene names
    experimentNames = "character", # a vector of experiment names
    degreeObjMin = "integer", # an integer vector of length nGene
    graphObjMin = "matrix", # an nGene by nGene matrix
    tableObjMin = "matrix", # an nGene by tableWidth matrix
    newScore = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    minScore = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    finalTemperature = "numeric", # a single numeric value
    traces = "data.frame", # a data frame of the fit traces
    stageCount = "integer", # a single integer value
    xSeed = "integer", # a single integer value
    inputParams = "ternaryFitParameters"
    # class containing input parameters

    perturbationObj = "matrix", # an nGene by nExperiment matrix
    steadyStateObj = "matrix", # an nGene by nExperiment matrix
    geneNames = "character", # a vector of gene names
    experimentNames = "character", # a vector of experiment names
    scores = "numeric", # numeric vector
    degreeObjs = "matrix", # integer matrix
    graphObjs = "array", # integer array
    tableObjs = "array", # integer array
    inputParams = "ternaryFitParameters"
    # class containing input parameters
mccallm/ternarynet documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 3:51 a.m.