#' @title createSplits
#' @export
#' @description
#' Given a phyloseq or TreeSummarizedExperiment object from which the random
#' splits should be created, this function produces a list of 2
#' \code{data.frame} objects: \code{Subset1} and \code{Subset2} with as many
#' rows as the number of splits and as many columns as the half of the number
#' of samples.
#' @inheritParams get_counts_metadata
#' @param varName name of a factor variable of interest.
#' @param paired name of the unique subject identifier variable. If specified,
#' paired samples will remain in the same split. (default = NULL).
#' @param balanced If \code{TRUE} a balanced design will be created for the
#' splits (default \code{balanced = TRUE}).
#' @param N number of splits to generate.
#' @return A list of 2 \code{data.frame} objects: \code{Subset1} and
#' \code{Subset2} containing \code{N} rows and half of the total number of
#' samples columns. Each cell contains a unique sample identifier.
#' @examples
#' data(ps_plaque_16S)
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Balanced design for repeated measures
# splits_df <- createSplits(
# object = ps_plaque_16S, varName =
# "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE", paired = "RSID", balanced = TRUE, N = 100
# )
#' # Balanced design for independent samples
#' splits_df <- createSplits(
#' object = ps_plaque_16S, varName =
#' "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE", balanced = TRUE, N = 100
#' )
#' # Unbalanced design
#' splits_df <- createSplits(
#' object = ps_plaque_16S, varName =
#' "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE", balanced = FALSE, N = 100
#' )
createSplits <- function(object, assay_name = "counts", varName = NULL,
paired = NULL, balanced = TRUE, N = 1000) {
counts_metadata <- get_counts_metadata(object, assay_name = assay_name)
metadata <- counts_metadata$metadata
# Take variable names and levels
if (is.null(varName)) {
stop("varName: please supply the name of the variable to perform the",
" splitting")
} else if (!is.element(varName, colnames(metadata))) {
stop("varName: variable not found")
} else {
variable <- metadata[, varName]
if (!is.factor(variable)) {
warning("The variable ", varName, " is not a factor.",
" Coercing to factor.")
variable <- as.factor(variable)
var_levels <- levels(variable)
n_levels <- nlevels(variable)
# In case of paired samples
if (!is.null(paired)) {
# Table for counting paired samples
paired_IDs_table <- table(metadata[, paired])
# A sample is considered paired if it is repeated as many times as the
# others
paired_IDs <- names(which(table(metadata[, paired]) ==
unpaired <- setdiff(names(paired_IDs_table), paired_IDs)
# Removing unpaired samples from metadata
if(length(unpaired) > 0){
warning(paste(unpaired, collapse = ", "),
" samples (", paired, " variable) are not paired.",
" Removing them...")
paired_metadata <- which(match(x = metadata[, paired],
table = paired_IDs, nomatch = 0) > 0)
metadata <- metadata[paired_metadata, ]
num_paired_IDs <- length(paired_IDs)
# Compute the number of repeated measures for each set of varName
# and paired variables
design <- table(metadata[, c(varName, paired)])
# Count how many reps for each paired ID
n_reps <- unique(colSums(design))
# Check whether the reps are inside one group only
repeated <- ifelse(length(unique(apply(design, 2, unique))) > 1,
if(length(n_reps) > 1){
stop("The design is too complex to generate paired and",
" balanced subsets. Please set paired = NULL, ",
" balanced = FALSE, or use a simpler design.")
message("Working on ", num_paired_IDs, " paired samples. ",
n_reps, " repeated measures for each ", paired, " ID.")
# find indexes for the levels
names(var_levels) <- var_levels
# The IDs are the row names
IDs <- lapply(var_levels, function(level)
rownames(metadata[metadata[, varName] == level, ]))
num_IDs <- lapply(IDs, length)
# In case of balanced design
if (balanced) {
# When the samples are not paired
# Take as reference the littlest group
min_length <- min(unlist(num_IDs))
# Choose the first min_length IDs for each group
IDs <- lapply(IDs, function(ID) return(ID[seq_len(min_length)]))
num_IDs <- lapply(IDs, length)
# We compute the half for each group
# The first half goes to Subset1, the second half goes to Subset2
half_s1 <- unlist(num_IDs) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1))
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2))
# When the samples are paired
} else {
# Take as reference the littlest group
min_length <- min(unlist(num_IDs))
min_length <- min_length %/% n_reps
# Choose the first min_length paired IDs for each group
IDs <- lapply(IDs, function(ID){
sub_IDs <- unique(metadata[ID, paired])[seq_len(min_length)]
sub_index_IDs <- which(match(x = metadata[ID, paired],
table = sub_IDs, nomatch = 0) > 0)
num_IDs <- lapply(IDs, length)
# We compute the half for each group
# The first half goes to Subset1, the second half goes to Subset2
if(repeated){ # if multiple observation are present for each paired
# ID
half_s1 <- (unlist(num_IDs) / n_reps) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) / n_reps - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1) * n_reps)
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2) * n_reps)
} else {
half_s1 <- unlist(num_IDs) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1))
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2))
# In case of unbalanced design
} else {
# We compute the half for each group
# The first half goes to Subset1, the second half goes to Subset2
half_s1 <- unlist(num_IDs) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1))
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2))
} else {
# if multiple observation are present for each paired
# ID
half_s1 <- (unlist(num_IDs) / n_reps) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) / n_reps - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1) * n_reps)
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2) * n_reps)
} else {
half_s1 <- unlist(num_IDs) %/% 2
half_s2 <- unlist(num_IDs) - half_s1
# We prepare the matrices
Subset1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s1))
Subset2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = sum(half_s2))
# Populating the Subset1 and Subset2 matrices
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
# In case of not paired samples, just sample the IDs for each group
chosenIDs <- mapply(IDs, half_s1 , FUN = function(ID, h){
list(sample(x = ID, size = h, replace = FALSE))
# In case of paired samples
} else {
# Find the indexes for each paired ID if they are repeated
chosen_paired_IDs <- mapply(IDs, half_s1, FUN = function(ID, h){
group_paired_IDs <- unique(metadata[ID, paired])
list(sample(x = group_paired_IDs, size = h,
replace = FALSE))
# Map the chosen paired IDs indexes to metadata rownames
chosenIDs <- mapply(IDs, chosen_paired_IDs,
FUN = function(ID, i){
chosen_index_IDs <- which(match(x = metadata[ID, paired],
table = unlist(chosen_paired_IDs), nomatch = 0) > 0)
# In case of 1 observation for each group
} else {
chosen_paired_IDs <- sample(x = unique(metadata[, paired]),
size = unique(half_s1), replace = FALSE)
# Map the chosen paired IDs indexes to metadata rownames
chosen_index_IDs <- which(match(x = metadata[, paired],
table = unlist(chosen_paired_IDs), nomatch = 0) > 0)
chosenIDs <- rownames(metadata[chosen_index_IDs, ])
Subset1[i, ] <- unlist(chosenIDs)
Subset2[i, ] <- setdiff(unlist(IDs), unlist(chosenIDs))
rownames(Subset1) <- rownames(Subset2) <- paste0("Comparison", seq_len(N))
return(list("Subset1" = Subset1, "Subset2" = Subset2))
} # END - function: createSplits
#' @title runSplits
#' @export
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom phyloseq prune_samples sample_names filter_taxa
#' @importFrom phyloseq filter_taxa prune_samples sample_data
#' @description
#' Run the differential abundance detection methods on split datasets.
#' @param split_list A list of 2 \code{data.frame} objects: \code{Subset1} and
#' \code{Subset2} produced by the \code{\link{createSplits}} function.
#' @inheritParams runDA
#' @param normalization_list a list object containing the normalization method
#' names and their parameters produced by \code{\link{setNormalizations}}.
#' @inheritParams get_counts_metadata
#' @inheritParams BiocParallel::bpmapply
#' @return A named list containing the results for each method.
#' @examples
#' data(ps_plaque_16S)
#' # Balanced design
#' my_splits <- createSplits(
#' object = ps_plaque_16S, varName = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE", balanced = TRUE,
#' paired = "RSID", N = 10 # N = 100 suggested
#' )
#' # Make sure the subject ID variable is a factor
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[, "RSID"] <- as.factor(
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[["RSID"]])
#' # Initialize some limma based methods
#' my_limma <- set_limma(design = ~ RSID + HMP_BODY_SUBSITE,
#' coef = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITESupragingival Plaque",
#' norm = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Set the normalization methods according to the DA methods
#' my_norm <- setNormalizations(fun = c("norm_edgeR", "norm_CSS"),
#' method = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Run methods on split datasets
#' results <- runSplits(split_list = my_splits, method_list = my_limma,
#' normalization_list = my_norm, object = ps_plaque_16S)
runSplits <- function(split_list, method_list, normalization_list, object,
assay_name = "counts", min_counts = 0, min_samples = 0, verbose = TRUE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()){
# Create a list with element 1 and 2 corresponding to each subset
subsets <- seq_along(split_list)
# Name the elements
names(subsets) <- names(split_list)
out <- lapply(X = subsets, FUN = function(subset_number) {
subset <- split_list[[subset_number]]
message("- Subset", subset_number, "\n")
# apply -> Comparison1, Comparison2, ..., ComparisonN
index <- seq_len(nrow(subset))
subset_list <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(subset)))
BiocParallel::bpmapply(subset_list, index, FUN = function(splits, i) {
message(" - Comparison", i, "\n")
# Splitting
message(" Splitting the samples...")
# Get counts and metadata
counts_and_metadata <- get_counts_metadata(object,
assay_name = assay_name)
counts <- counts_and_metadata[[1]]
is_phyloseq <- counts_and_metadata[[3]]
# Pruned object
po <- phyloseq::prune_samples(
phyloseq::sample_names(object) %in% splits, object)
# Keep only present taxa
message(" Keeping taxa with more than ",
min_counts, " counts in more than ", min_samples,
" samples.")
# Pruned and filtered object
pfo <- phyloseq::filter_taxa(po, function(x)
sum(x > min_counts) > min_samples, 1)
} else{
# Pruned object
po <- object[, splits]
message(" Keeping taxa with more than ",
min_counts, " counts in more than ", min_samples,
" samples.")
taxa_to_keep <- apply(counts, 1, function(x)
sum(x > min_counts) > min_samples)
# Pruned and filtered object
pfo <- po[taxa_to_keep, ]
# Adding scaling and normalization factors
message(" Computing normalizations...")
pfo <- runNormalizations(
normalization_list = normalization_list,
object = pfo, verbose = verbose)
# Compute weights if necessary
weights_info <- unlist(lapply(X = method_list, FUN = function(x){
if(sum(weights_info) > 0){
message(" Computing ZINB weights...")
weights <- weights_ZINB(pfo, design = ~ 1)
} else weights <- NULL
### DA analysis ###
message(" Differential abundance:")
runDA(method_list = method_list, object = pfo, weights = weights,
verbose = verbose)
#' @title createConcordance
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr ddply ldply
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @description
#' Compute the between and within method concordances comparing the lists of
#' extracted statistics from the outputs of the differential abundance detection
#' methods.
#' @inheritParams extractStatistics
#' @return A long format \code{data.frame} object with several columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{comparison}}{ which indicates the comparison number;}
#' \item{\code{n_features}}{ which indicates the total number of taxa in
#' the comparison dataset;}
#' \item{\code{method1}}{ which contains the first method name;}
#' \item{\code{method2}}{ which contains the first method name;}
#' \item{\code{rank}}{;}
#' \item{\code{concordance}}{ which is defined as the cardinality of the
#' intersection of the top rank elements of each list, divided by rank, i.e.
#' , \eqn{(L_{1:rank} \bigcap M_{1:rank})/(rank)}, where L and M represent
#' the lists of the extracted statistics of method1 and method2
#' respectively (averaged values between subset1 and subset2).}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{extractStatistics}} and \code{\link{areaCAT}}.
#' @examples
#' data(ps_plaque_16S)
#' # Balanced design
#' my_splits <- createSplits(
#' object = ps_plaque_16S, varName = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE", balanced = TRUE,
#' paired = "RSID", N = 10 # N = 100 suggested
#' )
#' # Make sure the subject ID variable is a factor
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[, "RSID"] <- as.factor(
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[["RSID"]])
#' # Initialize some limma based methods
#' my_limma <- set_limma(design = ~ RSID + HMP_BODY_SUBSITE,
#' coef = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITESupragingival Plaque",
#' norm = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Set the normalization methods according to the DA methods
#' my_norm <- setNormalizations(fun = c("norm_edgeR", "norm_CSS"),
#' method = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Run methods on split datasets
#' results <- runSplits(split_list = my_splits, method_list = my_limma,
#' normalization_list = my_norm, object = ps_plaque_16S)
#' # Concordance for p-values
#' concordance_pvalues <- createConcordance(
#' object = results, slot = "pValMat", colName = "rawP", type = "pvalue"
#' )
#' # Concordance for log fold changes
#' concordance_logfc <- createConcordance(
#' object = results, slot = "statInfo", colName = "logFC", type = "logfc"
#' )
#' # Concordance for log fold changes in the first method and p-values in the
#' # other
#' concordance_logfc_pvalues <- createConcordance(
#' object = results, slot = c("statInfo", "pValMat"),
#' colName = c("logFC", "rawP"), type = c("logfc", "pvalue")
#' )
createConcordance <- function(object, slot = "pValMat", colName = "rawP",
type = "pvalue") {
data <- lapply(X = object, FUN = function(subset) {
lapply(X = subset, FUN = function(comparison) {
object = comparison, slot = slot,
colName = colName, type = type
n_features =
subset1 <- data[["Subset1"]]
subset2 <- data[["Subset2"]]
concordance <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(length(subset1)), function(i){
comparison1 <- subset1[[i]]
comparison2 <- subset2[[i]]
n_features1 <- comparison1[["n_features"]]
n_features2 <- comparison2[["n_features"]]
n_features <- min(n_features1, n_features2)
n_methods <- length(comparison1) - 1
method_names <- names(comparison1)[seq_len(n_methods)]
plyr::ldply(seq_len(n_methods), function(j) {
plyr::ldply(seq_len(n_methods), function(k) {
if (j != k) { # Compute the Between Methods concordance
# For subset1
# Make numeric the named vectors and add noise.
vec1 <- comparison1[[method_names[j]]]
vec2 <- comparison1[[method_names[k]]]
noise <- stats::runif(length(vec1), 0, 1e-10)
conc1 <- CAT(vec1 = vec1 + noise, vec2 = vec2 + noise)
conc1 <- data.frame(conc1, "n_features" = n_features1)
# For subset2
vec1 <- comparison2[[method_names[j]]]
vec2 <- comparison2[[method_names[k]]]
noise <- stats::runif(length(vec1), 0, 1e-10)
conc2 <- CAT(vec1 = vec1 + noise, vec2 = vec2 + noise)
conc2 <- data.frame(conc2, "n_features" = n_features2)
# Together
conc <- rbind(conc1, conc2)
} else { # Compute the Within Method concordance
vec1 <- comparison1[[method_names[j]]]
vec2 <- comparison2[[method_names[k]]]
noise1 <- stats::runif(length(vec1), 0, 1e-10)
noise2 <- stats::runif(length(vec2), 0, 1e-10)
conc <- CAT(vec1 = vec1 + noise1, vec2 = vec2 + noise2)
conc <- data.frame(conc, "n_features" = n_features)
conc[, "method1"] <- method_names[j]
conc[, "method2"] <- method_names[k]
conc[, "comparison"] <- paste0("Comparison", i)
#' @title CAT
#' @export
#' @description
#' For the i top-ranked members of each list, concordance is defined as
#' \code{length(intersect(vec1[1:i],vec2[1:i]))/i}.
#' @param vec1,vec2 Two numeric vectors, for computing concordance. If these
#' are numeric vectors with names, the numeric values will be used for sorting
#' and the names will be used for calculating concordance. Otherwise, they are
#' assumed to be already-ranked vectors, and the values themselves will be
#' used for calculating concordance.
#' @param maxrank Optionally specify the maximum size of top-ranked items that
#' you want to plot.
#' @return a data.frame with two columns: \code{rank} containing the length of
#' the top lists and \code{concordance} which is the fraction in common that
#' the two provided lists have in the top \code{rank} items.
#' @seealso \code{\link{createConcordance}}.
#' @examples
#' vec1 <- c("A" = 10, "B" = 5, "C" = 20, "D" = 15)
#' vec2 <- c("A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3, "D" = 4)
#' CAT(vec1, vec2)
CAT <- function (vec1, vec2, maxrank = min(length(vec1), length(vec2)))
if (is.numeric(vec1) & is.numeric(vec2) &
!is.null(names(vec1)) & !is.null(names(vec1))) {
vec1 <- sort(vec1)
vec1 <- names(vec1)
vec2 <- sort(vec2)
vec2 <- names(vec2)
if (is.na(maxrank) | is.null(maxrank) |
maxrank > min(length(vec1), length(vec2))) {
maxrank <- min(length(vec1), length(vec2))
output <- data.frame(rank = 1:maxrank, concordance = NA)
for (i in 1:nrow(output)) {
output[i, "concordance"] <- length(
intersect(vec1[1:i], vec2[1:i]))/i
#' @title areaCAT
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @importFrom graphics plot abline
#' @description
#' Compute the area between the bisector and the concordance curve.
#' @param concordance A long format \code{data.frame} produced by
#' \link{createConcordance} function.
#' @param plotIt Plot the concordance (default \code{plotIt = FALSE}).
#' @return A long format \code{data.frame} object with several columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{comparison}}{ which indicates the comparison number;}
#' \item{\code{n_features }}{ which indicates the total number of taxa in
#' the comparison dataset;}
#' \item{\code{method1}}{ which contains the first method name;}
#' \item{\code{method2}}{ which contains the first method name;}
#' \item{\code{rank}}{;}
#' \item{\code{concordance}}{ which is defined as the cardinality of the
#' intersection of the top rank elements of each list, divided by rank, i.e.
#' , \eqn{(L_{1:rank} \bigcap M_{1:rank})/(rank)}, where L and M represent
#' the lists of the extracted statistics of method1 and method2
#' respectively;}
#' \item{\code{heightOver}}{ which is the distance between the bisector and
#' the concordance value;}
#' \item{\code{areaOver}}{ which is the cumulative sum of the
#' \code{heightOver} value.}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{createConcordance}} and \code{\link{plotConcordance}}
#' @examples
#' data(ps_plaque_16S)
#' # Balanced design for dependent samples
#' my_splits <- createSplits(
#' object = ps_plaque_16S, varName = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITE",
#' balanced = TRUE, paired = "RSID", N = 10 # N = 100 suggested
#' )
#' # Make sure the subject ID variable is a factor
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[, "RSID"] <- as.factor(
#' phyloseq::sample_data(ps_plaque_16S)[["RSID"]])
#' # Initialize some limma based methods
#' my_limma <- set_limma(design = ~ RSID + HMP_BODY_SUBSITE,
#' coef = "HMP_BODY_SUBSITESupragingival Plaque",
#' norm = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Set the normalization methods according to the DA methods
#' my_norm <- setNormalizations(fun = c("norm_edgeR", "norm_CSS"),
#' method = c("TMM", "CSS"))
#' # Run methods on split datasets
#' results <- runSplits(split_list = my_splits, method_list = my_limma,
#' normalization_list = my_norm, object = ps_plaque_16S)
#' # Concordance for p-values
#' concordance_pvalues <- createConcordance(
#' object = results, slot = "pValMat", colName = "rawP", type = "pvalue"
#' )
#' # Add area over the concordance curve
#' concordance_area <- areaCAT(concordance = concordance_pvalues)
areaCAT <- function(concordance, plotIt = FALSE) {
plyr::ddply(.data = concordance, .variables = ~ comparison + n_features +
method1 + method2, .fun = function(conc) {
MaxArea <- unique(conc[, "n_features"])
estimated <- conc[, "concordance"]
# y = x values -> bisector
theoretical <- seq_along(estimated) / unique(conc[, "n_features"])
if (plotIt) {
graphics::plot(x = theoretical, y = estimated, type = "l", xlim = c(
0, 1
), ylim = c(0, 1), main = paste0("CAT for ", unique(conc[
]), " & ", unique(conc[, "method2"])))
graphics::abline(0, 1)
# Consider the y = x line
difference <- estimated - theoretical
HeightOver <- (estimated - theoretical) / MaxArea # rescaling
HeightOver[difference <= 0] <- 0 # removing negative values
"rank" = conc[, "rank"],
"concordance" = conc[, "concordance"], "heightOver" = HeightOver,
"areaOver" = cumsum(HeightOver)
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