Defines functions set_ANCOM DA_ANCOM

Documented in DA_ANCOM set_ANCOM

#' @title DA_ANCOM
#' @importFrom ANCOMBC ancom ancombc2
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @importFrom phyloseq otu_table sample_data phyloseq taxa_are_rows
#' @importFrom lme4 lmerControl
#' @export
#' @description
#' Fast run for ANCOM and ANCOM-BC2 differential abundance detection methods.
#' @inheritParams DA_edgeR
#' @param fix_formula Used when \code{BC = TRUE} (ANCOM-BC2). The character 
#' string expresses how the microbial absolute abundances for each taxon depend 
#' on the fixed effects in metadata.
#' @param adj_formula Used when \code{BC = FALSE} (ANCOM). The character string 
#' represents the formula for covariate adjustment. Default is NULL.
#' @param rand_formula Optionally used when \code{BC = TRUE} or 
#' \code{BC = FALSE}. The character string expresses how the microbial absolute 
#' abundances for each taxon depend on the random effects in metadata. 
#' ANCOMB and ANCOM-BC2 follows the \code{lmerTest} package in formulating the 
#' random effects. See \code{?lmerTest::lmer} for more details. Default is 
#' \code{rand_formula = NULL}.
#' @param contrast character vector with exactly, three elements: a string 
#' indicating the name of factor whose levels are the conditions to be 
#' compared, the name of the level of interest, and the name of the other 
#' level. 
#' @param BC boolean for ANCOM method to use. If TRUE the bias correction 
#' (ANCOM-BC2) is computed (default \code{BC = TRUE}). When \code{BC = FALSE} 
#' computational time may increase and p-values are not computed.
#' @inheritParams ANCOMBC::ancombc2
#' @return A list object containing the matrix of p-values `pValMat`,
#' a matrix of summary statistics for each tag `statInfo`, and a suggested 
#' `name` of the final object considering the parameters passed to the 
#' function. ANCOM (BC = FALSE) does not produce p-values but W statistics. 
#' Hence, `pValMat` matrix is filled with \code{1 - W / (nfeatures - 1)} values 
#' which are not p-values. To find DA features a threshold on this statistic 
#' can be used (liberal < 0.4, < 0.3, < 0.2, < 0.1 conservative).
#' @seealso \code{\link[ANCOMBC]{ancombc}} for analysis of microbiome 
#' compositions with bias correction or without it 
#' \code{\link[ANCOMBC]{ancom}}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' # Create a very simple phyloseq object
#' counts <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 60, size = 3, prob = 0.5), nrow = 10, ncol = 6)
#' metadata <- data.frame("Sample" = c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6"),
#'                        "group" = as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B")))
#' ps <- phyloseq::phyloseq(phyloseq::otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
#'                          phyloseq::sample_data(metadata))
#' # Differential abundance
#' DA_ANCOM(object = ps, pseudo_count = FALSE, fix_formula = "group", contrast =
#'    c("group", "B", "A"), verbose = FALSE)

DA_ANCOM <- function(object, assay_name = "counts", pseudo_count = FALSE, 
    fix_formula = NULL, adj_formula = NULL, rand_formula = NULL, 
    lme_control = lme4::lmerControl(), contrast = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
    p_adj_method = "BH", struc_zero = FALSE, BC = TRUE, n_cl = 1, 
    verbose = TRUE){
    counts_and_metadata <- get_counts_metadata(object, assay_name = assay_name)
    counts <- counts_and_metadata[[1]]
    metadata <- counts_and_metadata[[2]]
    is_phyloseq <- counts_and_metadata[[3]]
    # Name building
    name <- "ANCOM"
    method <- "DA_ANCOM"
    # add 1 if any zero counts
    if (any(counts == 0) & pseudo_count){
        message("Adding a pseudo count... \n")
        counts <- counts + 1
        name <- paste(name, ".pseudo", sep = "")
    # Check the assay
    if (!is_phyloseq){
            message("Using the ", assay_name, " assay.")
        name <- paste(name, ".", assay_name, sep = "")
    # If ANCOM_BC2 is used
        name <- paste(name, ".", "BC", sep = "")
        # Check if the fix_formula is a character
        if (!is.character(fix_formula)) {
            stop(method, "\n", 
                 "Please specify 'fix_formula' as a character object.")
    } # If BC is FALSE there is no need to check formulas, they are optional
    if(!is.character(contrast) | length(contrast) != 3)
        stop(method, "\n", 
             "contrast: please supply a character vector with exactly", 
             " three elements: the name of a variable used in",  
             " 'design', the name of the level of interest, and the", 
             " name of the reference level.")
    if(is.element(contrast[1], colnames(metadata))){
        if(!is.factor(metadata[, contrast[1]])){
                message("Converting variable ", contrast[1], " to factor.")
            metadata[, contrast[1]] <- as.factor(metadata[, contrast[1]])
        if(!is.element(contrast[2], levels(metadata[, contrast[1]])) | 
           !is.element(contrast[3], levels(metadata[, contrast[1]]))){
            stop(method, "\n", 
                 "contrast: ", contrast[2], " and/or ", contrast[3], 
                 " are not levels of ", contrast[1], " variable.")
            message("Setting ", contrast[3], " the reference level for ", 
                    contrast[1], " variable.")
        metadata[, contrast[1]] <- stats::relevel(metadata[, contrast[1]], 
            ref = contrast[3])
    phyloseq_obj <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
        otu_table = phyloseq::otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
        sample_data = phyloseq::sample_data(as.data.frame(metadata))
    if(struc_zero){ # Add struc_zero to the name
        name <- paste(name, ".", "struc_zero", sep = "")
    # If the sample size is large enough, set neg_lb to TRUE 
    neg_lb <- ifelse(min(table(metadata[, contrast[1]])) > 30, TRUE, FALSE)
            res <- ancombc2(data = phyloseq_obj, fix_formula = fix_formula, 
                rand_formula = rand_formula, p_adj_method = p_adj_method, 
                verbose = verbose, lme_control = lme_control, alpha = alpha,
                struc_zero = struc_zero, neg_lb = neg_lb, group = contrast[1], 
                prv_cut = 0, lib_cut = 0, n_cl = n_cl, pseudo_sens = FALSE)
        } else {
            res <- ancom(data = phyloseq_obj, adj_formula = adj_formula, 
                rand_formula = rand_formula, lme_control = lme_control,
                p_adj_method = p_adj_method, prv_cut = 0, lib_cut = 0, 
                main_var = contrast[1], struc_zero = struc_zero, 
                neg_lb = neg_lb, alpha = alpha, n_cl = n_cl)
    } else {
            res <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
                ancombc2(data = phyloseq_obj, fix_formula = fix_formula, 
                    rand_formula = rand_formula, p_adj_method = p_adj_method, 
                    verbose = verbose, lme_control = lme_control, 
                    struc_zero = struc_zero, neg_lb = neg_lb, 
                    group = contrast[1], prv_cut = 0, lib_cut = 0, 
                    alpha = alpha, n_cl = n_cl, pseudo_sens = FALSE)))
        } else {
            res <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
                ancom(data = phyloseq_obj, adj_formula = adj_formula, 
                    rand_formula = rand_formula, lme_control = lme_control,
                    p_adj_method = p_adj_method, prv_cut = 0, lib_cut = 0, 
                    main_var = contrast[1], struc_zero = struc_zero, 
                    neg_lb = neg_lb, alpha = alpha, n_cl = n_cl)))
    statInfo <- as.data.frame(res[["res"]])
    colnames(statInfo) <- names(res[["res"]])
        q_val = res[["q_data"]]
        beta_val = res[["beta_data"]]
        # consider the effect sizes with q-value less than alpha
        beta_val = beta_val * (q_val < alpha) 
        # Choose the maximum of beta's as the effect size
        beta_pos = apply(abs(beta_val), 2, which.max) 
        beta_max = vapply(seq_along(beta_pos), function(i) 
            beta_val[beta_pos[i], i], FUN.VALUE = double(1))
        statInfo[, "direction"] <- beta_max
        pValMat <- statInfo[, paste0(c("p_","q_"), contrast[1], contrast[2])]
    } else {
        pValMat <- 1 - (statInfo[, c("W", "W")] / (nrow(statInfo) - 1))
    colnames(pValMat) <- c("rawP", "adjP")
    rownames(statInfo) <- rownames(pValMat) <- rownames(counts)
    return(list("pValMat" = pValMat, "statInfo" = statInfo, "name" = name))
}# END - function: DA_ANCOM

#' @title set_ANCOM
#' @export
#' @importFrom lme4 lmerControl
#' @description
#' Set the parameters for ANCOM differential abundance detection method.
#' @inheritParams DA_ANCOM
#' @param expand logical, if TRUE create all combinations of input parameters
#' (default \code{expand = TRUE}).
#' @return A named list containing the set of parameters for \code{DA_ANCOM}
#' method.
#' @seealso \code{\link{DA_ANCOM}}
#' @examples
#' # Set some basic combinations of parameters for ANCOM with bias correction
#' base_ANCOMBC <- set_ANCOM(pseudo_count = FALSE, fix_formula = "group", 
#'     contrast = c("group", "B", "A"), BC = TRUE, expand = FALSE)
#' many_ANCOMs <- set_ANCOM(pseudo_count = c(TRUE, FALSE), 
#'     fix_formula = "group", contrast = c("group", "B", "A"), 
#'     struc_zero = c(TRUE, FALSE), BC = c(TRUE, FALSE))
set_ANCOM <- function(assay_name = "counts", pseudo_count = FALSE, 
    fix_formula = NULL, adj_formula = NULL, rand_formula = NULL, 
    lme_control = lme4::lmerControl(), contrast = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
    p_adj_method = "BH", struc_zero = FALSE, BC = TRUE, n_cl = 1, 
    expand = TRUE) {
    method <- "DA_ANCOM"
    if (is.null(assay_name)) {
        stop(method, "\n", "'assay_name' is required (default = 'counts').")
    if (!is.logical(pseudo_count) | !is.logical(struc_zero) | 
        !is.logical(BC)) {
        stop(method, "\n", 
            "'pseudo_count', 'struc_zero', and 'BC' must be logical.")
        if (!is.character(fix_formula)){
            stop(method, "\n", "'fix_formula' should be a character.")
        if (!is.character(adj_formula)){
            stop(method, "\n", "'adj_formula' should be a character.")
        if (!is.character(rand_formula)){
            stop(method, "\n", "'rand_formula' should be a character.")
    if (is.null(contrast)) {
        stop(method, "\n", "'contrast' must be specified.")
    if (!is.character(contrast) & length(contrast) != 3){
        stop(method, "\n", 
             "contrast: please supply a character vector with exactly", 
             " three elements: a string indicating the name of factor whose",
             " levels are the conditions to be compared,",  
             " the name of the level of interest, and the", 
             " name of the other level.")
    if (expand) {
        parameters <- expand.grid(method = method, assay_name = assay_name, 
            pseudo_count = pseudo_count, alpha = alpha, 
            p_adj_method = p_adj_method, struc_zero = struc_zero, BC = BC, 
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
        message("Some parameters may be duplicated to fill the matrix.")
        parameters <- data.frame(method = method, assay_name = assay_name, 
            pseudo_count = pseudo_count, alpha = alpha, 
            p_adj_method = p_adj_method, struc_zero = struc_zero, BC = BC)
    # data.frame to list
    out <- plyr::dlply(.data = parameters, .variables = colnames(parameters))
    out <- lapply(X = out, FUN = function(x){
            x <- append(x = x, values = list("fix_formula" = fix_formula, 
                "rand_formula" = rand_formula, "lme_control" = lme_control,
                "contrast" = contrast, "n_cl" = n_cl), after = 3)
        } else {
            x <- append(x = x, values = list("adj_formula" = adj_formula, 
                "rand_formula" = rand_formula, "lme_control" = lme_control,
                "contrast" = contrast, "n_cl" = n_cl), after = 3)
    names(out) <- paste0(method, ".", seq_along(out))
mcalgaro93/benchdamic documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 2:16 p.m.