# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
# Install Package: 'Cmd + Shift + B'
# Check Package: 'Cmd + Shift + E'
# Test Package: 'Cmd + Shift + T'
# roxygen2::roxygenise()
# BiocCheck::BiocCheck("/path/to/project")
# source("R/send_request.R")
# source("R/make_query.R")
# source("R/granges_conversion.R")
#' Prioritization of inbred mouse strains for refining genetic regions
#' @description This method allows to select strain combinations which best
#' refine a specified genetic region (GRCm38). E.g. if a crossing experiment
#' with two inbred mouse strains 'strain1' and 'strain2' resulted in a QTL, the
#' outputted strain combinations can be used to refine the respective region in
#' further crossing experiments.
#' @param chr Vector of chromosome names.
#' @param start Optional vector of chromosomal start positions of target regions
#' (GRCm38).
#' @param end Optional vector of chromosomal end positions of target regions
#' (GRCm38).
#' @param strain1 First strain set with strains from avail_strains().
#' @param strain2 Second strain set with strains from avail_strains().
#' @param consequence Optional vector of consequence types.
#' @param impact Optional vector of impact types.
#' @param max_set_size Maximum set of strains.
#' @param min_strain_benef Minimum reduction factor (min) of a single strain.
#' @param return_obj The user can choose to get the result to be returned
#' as data frame ("dataframe") or as a GenomicRanges::GRanges ("granges")
#' object. Default value is "data frame".
#' @return Data frame
#' @examples
#' res = prio("chr1",
#' start = 5000000, end = 6000000, strain1 = "C57BL_6J",
#' strain2 = "AKR_J"
#' )
#' comment(res$genotypes)
#' @export
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom stats setNames complete.cases
prio = function(chr,
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
strain1 = NULL,
strain2 = NULL,
consequence = NULL,
impact = NULL,
min_strain_benef = 0.1,
max_set_size = 3,
return_obj = "dataframe") {
# Create URL and query data
res = lapply(seq_len(length(chr)), function(i) {
"Query ",
if (is.numeric(start[i]) &&
is.numeric(end[i])) {
paste0(":", comma(start[i]), "-", comma(end[i]))
} else {
q = finemap_query(
geno = as.data.frame(rbindlist(res))
# Return if no results
if (nrow(geno) == 0) {
# Remove variants with missing genotypes
geno.strains = geno[!(
tolower(names(geno)) %in% c(
geno = geno[complete.cases(geno.strains),]
# Convert to respective data types
geno[!names(geno) %in% c("rsid", "ref", "alt", "most_severe_consequence", "consequences")] =
geno[!names(geno) %in% c("rsid", "ref", "alt", "most_severe_consequence", "consequences")],
as.numeric, rep(numeric(1), nrow(geno))
# Add comments
comment(geno) = comment(res[[1]])
# Extract additional strains
geno.add_strains = geno[!(
tolower(names(geno)) %in% c(
# Calculate reduction factors
message("Calculate reduction factors...")
red = comb(geno.add_strains, min_strain_benef, max_set_size)
# Create final reduction factor data frame
red = cbind(
strain1 = rep(if (is.null(strain1)) {
} else {
paste(sort(strain1), collapse = ",")
}, nrow(red)),
strain2 = rep(if (is.null(strain2)) {
} else {
paste(sort(strain2), collapse = ",")
}, nrow(red)),
red[rev(order(red$min)), ]
row.names(red) = seq_len(nrow(red))
# Create GRanges container
if (tolower(return_obj) == "granges") {
geno$strand = "+"
l = setNames(
return(list(genotypes = df2GRanges(geno, strand_name = "strand", seq_lengths = l), reduction = red))
return(list(genotypes = geno, reduction = red))
#' Strain combination builder
#' @description Generate strain sets and calculate reduction factors
#' @param geno Data frame of genotypes for additional strains.
#' @param max_set_size Maximum set of strains. Default is 3.
#' @param min_strain_benef Minimum reduction factor (min) of a single strain.
#' Default is 0.1.
#' @return Data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom gtools combinations
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist setDF
comb = function(geno,
min_strain_benef = 0.1,
max_set_size = 3) {
combination = NULL
res.list = list()
n_strains = ncol(geno)
for (i in seq_len(max_set_size)) {
combs = as.data.frame(combinations(ncol(geno), i, colnames(geno)))
"Set size ", i, ": ",
comma(nrow(combs)), " combinations"
red = reduction(combs, geno)
if (i == 1 && max_set_size > 1 && min_strain_benef > 0) {
# Filter
geno = geno[names(geno) %in%
unlist(combs[red$min >= min_strain_benef, ])]
"Set size ",
": continue with ",
" of ",
" strains"
# Extract and check for good combos
df = cbind(unite(combs, combination, sep = ","), red)
df$n = i
res.list[[i]] = df
final = rbindlist(res.list)
#' Reduction factor calculation
#' @description Generate strain sets and calculate reduction factors
#' @param combs Data frame of strain sets.
#' @param geno Data frame of genotypes for additional strains.
#' @return Data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble mutate group_by_all n
reduction = function(combs, geno) {
res = t(apply(combs, 1, function(x) {
geno.subset = as_tibble(geno[, x]) # For single column data frames
red = mutate(group_by_all(geno.subset),
reduction_factor = 1 - (n() / nrow(geno.subset))
res = as.data.frame(res)
colnames(res) = c("mean", "min", "max")
#' Best strain combinations
#' @description Get best strain combinations
#' @param red Reduction factors data frame.
#' @param n_top Number of combinations to be returned.
#' @return Data frame
#' @examples
#' l = prio("chr1",
#' start = 5000000, end = 6000000,
#' strain1 = "C57BL_6J", strain2 = "AKR_J"
#' )
#' get_top(l$reduction, 3)
#' @export
get_top = function(red, n_top) {
red = red[rev(order(red$min)), ]
top.n = red[seq_len(min(nrow(red), n_top)), ]
#' Visualize
#' @description Visualize reduction factors
#' @param geno Genotype data frame or GenomicRanges::GRanges object.
#' @param red Reduction factor data frame.
#' @param n_top Number if combinations to be returned.
#' @return Data frame
#' @examples
#' l = prio(c("chr1", "chr2"),
#' start = c(5000000, 5000000),
#' end = c(6000000, 6000000), strain1 = c("C3H_HeH"), strain2 = "AKR_J"
#' )
#' plots = vis_reduction_factors(l$genotypes, l$reduction, 2)
#' plots[[1]]
#' plots[[2]]
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlist list.cbind
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_tile scale_fill_manual guide_legend
#' theme_bw labs theme element_blank element_rect element_text scale_x_discrete
#' scale_y_discrete
#' @importFrom scales comma
vis_reduction_factors = function(geno, red, n_top) {
if ("GRanges" %in% is(geno)) {
geno = GRanges2df(geno)
pos = strain = allele = NULL
strain1_vec = unlist(strsplit(red$strain1[1], ","))
strain2_vec = unlist(strsplit(red$strain2[1], ","))
strain1 = red$strain1[1]
strain2 = red$strain2[1]
top.n = get_top(red, n_top)
geno = geno[order(geno$chr, geno$pos), ]
geno$pos = seq_len(nrow(geno))
# Add genotype of strain1 if it's a combo
if (length(strain1_vec) > 1) {
s1 = rowSums(geno[tolower(names(geno)) %in%
tolower(strain1_vec)]) / length(strain1_vec)
geno[, strain1] = s1
# Add genotype of strain2 if it's a combo
if (length(strain2_vec) > 1) {
s2 = rowSums(geno[tolower(names(geno)) %in%
tolower(strain2_vec)]) / length(strain2_vec)
geno[, strain2] = s2
# All strains except strain1 and strain2
other_strains = names(geno)[!tolower(names(geno)) %in%
"chr", "pos", "rsid", "ref", "alt",
"consequences", strain1, strain2
# Replace 0/1 by strain1/strain2 name
geno.mod = lapply(other_strains, function(s) {
vapply(seq_len(nrow(geno)), function(i) {
if (geno[i, strain1] == geno[i, s]) {
} else if (geno[i, strain2] == geno[i, s]) {
} else {
}, character(1))
# Reformat
geno.mod = as.data.frame(list.cbind(geno.mod))
colnames(geno.mod) = other_strains
geno = cbind(
geno[c("chr", "pos", "rsid", "ref", "alt", "consequences")],
geno[, strain1] = strain1
geno[, strain2] = strain2
plots = list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(top.n))) {
strain.comb = unlist(strsplit(top.n$combination[i], ","))
geno.filtered = geno[(tolower(names(geno)) %in%
c("chr", "pos", tolower(c(strain1, strain2, strain.comb))))]
geno.melt = melt(
id.vars = c("chr", "pos"),
variable.name = "strain",
value.name = "allele"
geno.melt$strain = ordered(geno.melt$strain,
levels = rev(c(strain1, strain2, strain.comb))
p = ggplot(data = geno.melt, aes(
x = pos,
y = strain,
fill = factor(allele)
)) +
geom_tile() +
values = c("#3b5998", "#e9ebee", "#f6f7f9"),
guide = guide_legend(title = "Allele")
) +
theme_bw() +
y = "Strain",
x = "SNP (Ordered by chromosomal position)",
title = paste0(
"Strain combination: ",
paste0(strain.comb, collapse = ", ")
subtitle = paste0(
" Reduction factor: ",
round(top.n$min[i], digits = 3),
" | ",
paste0(comma(nrow(geno)), " SNV(s)")
) +
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
) +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0))
plots[[paste0("top", i)]] = p
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