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### Documentation of the accessor function
### Function code is in the file allGenerics.R
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### treeSummarizedExperiment
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#' Accessor functions for treeSummarizedExperiment
#' Accessor functions to extract different elements from
#' \strong{treeSummarizedExperiment} object.
#' @param x A treeSummarizedExperiment object
#' @param ... For assay, ... contains \code{use.nodeLab}, which is forwarded to
#' assays. For rowData, arguments passed through ... are forwarded to mcols.
#' @param use.nodeLab A logical(1), indicating whether the rownames of assay
#' elements should use node labels (the column \code{nodeLab} in
#' \code{linkData} if there is not duplicated values; otherwise the column
#' \code{nodeLab_alias} in \code{linkData} is used.)
#' @param withDimnames A logical(1), indicating whether dimnames should be
#' applied to extracted assay elements. Setting withDimnames=FALSE increases
#' the speed and memory efficiency with which assays are extracted.
#' withDimnames=TRUE in the getter assays<- allows efficient complex
#' assignments (e.g., updating names of assays, names(assays(x,
#' withDimnames=FALSE)) = ... is more efficient than names(assays(x)) = ...);
#' it does not influence actual assignment of dimnames to assays.
#' @param use.names Like \code{\link[S4Vectors:Vector-class]{mcols}(x)}, by
#' default \code{rowData(x)} propagates the rownames of \code{x} to the
#' returned \link[S4Vectors:DataFrame-class]{DataFrame} object (note that for
#' a SummarizedExperiment object, the rownames are also the names i.e.
#' \code{rownames(x)} is always the same as \code{names(x)}). Setting
#' \code{use.names=FALSE} suppresses this propagation i.e. it returns a
#' \link[S4Vectors:DataFrame-class]{DataFrame} object with no rownames. Use
#' this when \code{rowData(x)} fails, which can happen when the rownames
#' contain NAs (because the rownames of a SummarizedExperiment object can
#' contain NAs, but the rownames of a
#' \link[S4Vectors:DataFrame-class]{DataFrame} object cannot).
#' @param i,j The subscripts that can act to subset the rows and columns of
#' \code{x}, that is the matrix elements of assays.
#' @name treeSummarizedExperiment-accessor
#' @return Elements from \code{treeSummarizedExperiment}.
#' @author Ruizhu HUANG
#' @seealso \code{\link{treeSummarizedExperiment}}
#' \code{\link{treeSummarizedExperiment-accessor}}
#' \code{\link{leafSummarizedExperiment}}
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment-class}}
#' @examples
#' library(S4Vectors)
#' set.seed(1)
#' y <- matrix(rnbinom(300,size=1,mu=10),nrow=10)
#' colnames(y) <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10), rep(1:10,3), sep = "_")
#' rownames(y) <- tinyTree$tip.label
#' rowInf <- DataFrame(nodeLab = rownames(y),
#' var1 = sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace = TRUE),
#' var2 = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE))
#' colInf <- DataFrame(gg = factor(sample(1:3, 30, replace = TRUE)),
#' group = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10))
#' toy_tse <- treeSummarizedExperiment(tree = tinyTree, rowData = rowInf,
#' colData = colInf,
#' assays = list(y, (2*y), 3*y))
#' rowData(toy_tse)
#' colData(toy_tse)
#' metadata(toy_tse)
#' linkData(toy_tse)
#' assays(toy_tse)
# @param internal TRUE or FALSE. Only for \code{rowData}. If TRUE, the columns
# with \code{int_rowData} class are visible; otherwise, they would be hiden.
# These columns are usually result tables that users obtain from their
# customized analysis and are written back to the
# \code{treeSummarizedExperiment} object that stores the original data.
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