
## Test that plot functions do the right thing

context("Check plot functions")

  ## Test that overlap plotting with too many methods give NULL
  tmp <- cobradata_example_sval
  padj(tmp) <- cbind(padj(tmp), padj(tmp), padj(tmp))
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(tmp, aspects = "overlap")
  ib1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1)
  expect_is(plot_overlap(ib1), "NULL")

  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtpr", "fdrtprcurve", "fdrnbr",
                                           "fdrnbrcurve", "tpr", "fpr",
                                           "roc", "fpc", "overlap", "corr",
                                           "scatter", "deviation", 
                                           "fsrnbr", "fsrnbrcurve"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "none", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05)

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "hue_pal", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = TRUE)

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fdrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fpc(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_roc(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1, dolog = TRUE), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp1), "NULL")
    expect_is(plot_upset(ibp1), "upset")

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = FALSE,
                                colorscheme = "hue_pal", facetted = FALSE,
                                incltruth = TRUE)

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects if not facetted", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fdrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fpc(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_fpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_roc(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp1), "NULL")
    expect_is(plot_upset(ibp1), "upset")

test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects for empty input", {
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("overlap", "tpr"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "none", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05)

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = c("blue", "green"), facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = FALSE)

  expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1, plottype = "curve"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1, plottype = "points"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1, plottype = "curve"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1, plottype = "points"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_roc(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp1), "NULL")
  expect_is(plot_upset(ibp1), "upset")

  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("tpr"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "none", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05)

    ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                  colorscheme = c("blue"), facetted = TRUE,
                                  incltruth = TRUE)
  }, "too few colors provided, 1 random colors will be added")

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects with only one color", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_equal(length(plotcolors(ibp1)), 12)
    expect_equal(length(unique(plotcolors(ibp1))), 3)

    ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                  colorscheme = c("blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
                                  facetted = TRUE, incltruth = TRUE)
  }, "too many colors supplied, only a subset will be used")

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects with too many colors", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_equal(length(plotcolors(ibp1)), 12)
    expect_equal(length(unique(plotcolors(ibp1))), 3)

  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtprcurve"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "none", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05)

    ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                  colorscheme = c("blue", "green"), facetted = TRUE,
                                  incltruth = TRUE)
  }, "too few colors provided, 1 random colors will be added")

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects with too few colors", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_equal(length(plotcolors(ibp1)), 18)
    expect_equal(length(unique(plotcolors(ibp1))), 4)

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = c("blue", "green", "red"), facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = TRUE)

  test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects with right nbr colors", {
    expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
    expect_equal(length(plotcolors(ibp1)), 18)
    expect_equal(length(unique(plotcolors(ibp1))), 4)

test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects after stratification", {
  ## Facetted, stratified
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtpr", "fdrtprcurve", "fdrnbr",
                                           "fdrnbrcurve", "tpr", "fpr",
                                           "roc", "fpc", "overlap", "corr",
                                           "scatter", "deviation"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "expr_cat", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05, maxsplit = 3)

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "rainbow", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = FALSE)

  ibp2 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "rainbow", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = TRUE)

  expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "absolute"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "squared"), "ggplot")
  expect_error(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "square"))
  expect_is(plot_fdrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fpc(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_roc(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp1), "list")
  expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp2), "list")
  expect_is(plot_upset(ibp2, stratum = "[   0.000,   0.362)"), "upset")

test_that("Plot functions return ggplot objects after stratification", {
  ## Facetted, stratified
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example_sval, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtpr", "fdrtprcurve", "fdrnbr",
                                           "fdrnbrcurve", "tpr", "fpr",
                                           "roc", "fpc", "overlap", "corr",
                                           "scatter", "deviation"),
                               thrs = c(0.05), splv = "expr_cat", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05, maxsplit = Inf)

  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "rainbow", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = FALSE)

  expect_is(plot_tpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "absolute"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "squared"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "squared", dojitter = FALSE), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "squared", plottype = "violinplot"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "squared", xaxisrange = c(0.2, 0.5)), "ggplot")
  expect_error(plot_deviation(ibp1, transf = "square"))
  expect_is(plot_fsrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrnbrcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1, plottype = "curve"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fdrtprcurve(ibp1, plottype = "points"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fpc(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_fpr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_corr(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_roc(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_scatter(ibp1), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot_overlap(ibp1), "list")

test_that("maxsplit=Inf works as expected", {
  ## Facetted, stratified
  cde <- cobradata_example_sval
  truth(cde)$expr_cat <- factor(truth(cde)$expr_cat)
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cde, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtpr"),
                               thrs = 0.05, splv = "expr_cat", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05, maxsplit = Inf)
  expect_equal(c("overall", paste0("expr_cat:", levels(truth(cde)$expr_cat))),
  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "rainbow", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = FALSE)
  expect_equal(c("overall", paste0("expr_cat:", levels(truth(cde)$expr_cat))),

  truth(cde)$expr_cat <- factor(truth(cde)$expr_cat,
                                levels = levels(truth(cde)$expr_cat)[c(3, 4, 2, 1)])
  ib1 <- calculate_performance(cde, binary_truth = "status",
                               cont_truth = "logFC",
                               aspects = c("fdrtpr"),
                               thrs = 0.05, splv = "expr_cat", onlyshared = FALSE,
                               thr_venn = 0.05, maxsplit = Inf)
  expect_equal(c("overall", paste0("expr_cat:", levels(truth(cde)$expr_cat))),
  ibp1 <- prepare_data_for_plot(ib1, keepmethods = NULL, incloverall = TRUE,
                                colorscheme = "rainbow", facetted = TRUE,
                                incltruth = FALSE)
  expect_equal(c("overall", paste0("expr_cat:", levels(truth(cde)$expr_cat))),
markrobinsonuzh/iCOBRA documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 11:06 p.m.