#'@title CrisprSet class
#'@description A ReferenceClass container for holding a set of narrowed alignments,
#'each corresponding to the same target region. Individual samples are
#'represented as CrisprRun objects. CrisprRun objects with no on-target
#'reads are excluded.
#'CrisprSet objects are constructed with \code{\link{readsToTarget}} or
#'\code{\link{readsToTargets}}. For most use cases, a CrisprSet object should not
#'be accessed directly.
#'@param crispr.runs A list of CrisprRun objects, typically representing individual samples
#'within an experiment
#'@param reference The reference sequence, must be the same length as the target region
#'@param target The target location (GRanges). Variants will be counted over this region.
#'Need not correspond to the guide sequence.
#'@param rc Should the alignments be reverse complemented,
#'i.e. displayed w.r.t the reverse strand? (default: FALSE)
#'@param short.cigars If TRUE, variants labels are created from the location of their
#'insertions and deletions. For variants with no insertions or deletions, the locations
#'of any single base mismatches are displayed (default: TRUE).
#'@param names A list of names for each of the samples, e.g. for displaying in plots.
#'If not supplied, the names of the crispr.runs are used, which default to the filenames
#'of the bam files if available (Default: NULL)
#'@param renumbered Should the variants be renumbered using target.loc as the zero point?
#'If TRUE, variants are described by the location of their 5'-most base with respect to the
#'target.loc. A 3bp deletion starting 5bp 5' of the cut site would be labelled
#'(using short.cigars) as -5:3D (Default: TRUE)
#'@param target.loc The location of the Cas9 cut site with respect to the supplied target.
#'(Or some other central location). Can be displayed on plots and used as the zero point
#'for renumbering variants. For a target region with the PAM location from bases 21-23,
#'the target.loc is base 17 (default: NA)
#'@param match.label Label for sequences with no variants (default: "no variant")
#'@param mismatch.label Label for sequences with only single nucleotide variants
#' (default: "SNV")
#'@param split.snv Should single nucleotide variants (SNVs) be shown for
#' reads without an insertion or deletion? (default: TRUE)
#'@param upstream.snv If split.snv = TRUE, how many bases upstream of the target.loc
#' should SNVs be shown? (default: 8)
#'@param downstream.snv If split.snv = TRUE, how many bases downstream of the target.loc
#' should SNVs be shown? (default: 6)
#'@param verbose If true, prints information about initialisation progress (default: TRUE)
#'@field crispr_runs A list of CrisprRun objects, typically corresponding to samples
#'of an experiment.
#'@field ref The reference sequence for the target region, as a Biostrings::DNAString object
#'@field cigar_freqs A matrix of counts for each variant
#'@field target The target location, as a GRanges object
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@seealso \code{\link{readsToTarget}} and \code{\link{readsToTargets}}
#'for initialising a CrisprSet, \code{\link[CrispRVariants]{CrisprRun}}
#'# Load the metadata table
#'md_fname <- system.file("extdata", "gol_F1_metadata_small.txt", package = "CrispRVariants")
#'md <- read.table(md_fname, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'# Get bam filenames and their full paths
#'bam_fnames <- sapply(md$bam.filename, function(fn){
#' system.file("extdata", fn, package = "CrispRVariants")})
#'reference <- Biostrings::DNAString("GGTCTCTCGCAGGATGTTGCTGG")
#'gd <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("18", IRanges::IRanges(4647377, 4647399), strand = "+")
#'crispr_set <- readsToTarget(bam_fnames, target = gd, reference = reference,
#' names = md$experiment.name, target.loc = 17)
#'@export CrisprSet
#'@exportClass CrisprSet
CrisprSet = setRefClass(
Class = "CrisprSet",
fields = c(crispr_runs = "list",
ref = "DNAString",
insertion_sites = "data.frame",
cigar_freqs = "matrix",
target = "GRanges",
genome_to_target = "integer",
pars = "list")
initialize = function(crispr.runs, reference, target, rc = FALSE, short.cigars = TRUE,
names = NULL, renumbered = TRUE, target.loc = NA,
match.label = "no variant", mismatch.label = "SNV",
split.snv = TRUE, upstream.snv = 8, downstream.snv = 6,
verbose = TRUE, ...){
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
message(sprintf("Initialising CrisprSet %s:%s-%s with %s samples",
as.character(seqnames(target)), start(target), end(target),
if (class(reference) == "DNAStringSet" || class(reference) == "character"){
if (length(reference) > 1){
stop("A CrisprSet contains alignments to exactly one reference sequence")
reference <- as(reference[[1]], "DNAString")
if (width(target) != length(reference)){
stop("The target and the reference sequence must be the same width")
if (isTRUE(renumbered) & is.na(target.loc)){
stop("Must specify target.loc for renumbering variant locations.\n",
"The target.loc is the zero point with respect to the reference string.\n",
"This is typically 17 for a 23 bp Crispr-Cas9 guide sequence")
target <<- target
ref <<- reference
pars <<- list("match_label" = match.label, "target.loc" = target.loc,
"mismatch_label" = mismatch.label, "renumbered" = renumbered,
"all_chimeric" = FALSE)
crispr_runs <<- crispr.runs
if (is.null(names)) {
names(.self$crispr_runs) <- sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) x$name)
}else {
names(.self$crispr_runs) <- names
nonempty_runs <- sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) {
! ( length(x$alns) == 0 & length(x$chimeras) == 0 )
.self$crispr_runs <<- .self$crispr_runs[nonempty_runs]
if (length(.self$crispr_runs) == 0) stop("no on target reads in any sample")
if (unique(sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) length(x$alns)) == 0)){
pars["all_chimeric"] <<- TRUE
dummy <- .self$.genomeToTargetLocs(target.loc, start(target),
end(target), rc = rc, gs = start(target),
ge = end(target))
if (isTRUE(verbose)) message("Renaming cigar strings\n")
cig_by_run <- .self$.setCigarLabels(renumbered = renumbered, target.loc = target.loc,
target_start = start(target), target_end = end(target),
rc = rc, match_label = match.label,
mismatch_label = mismatch.label, ref = ref,
short = short.cigars, split.snv = split.snv)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) message("Counting variant combinations\n")
show = function(){
cat(sprintf(paste0("CrisprSet object containing %s CrisprRun samples\n",
"Target location:\n"), length(.self$crispr_runs)))
print("Most frequent variants:")
print(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable(top.n = 6))
.setCigarLabels = function(renumbered = TRUE, target.loc = NA, target_start = NA,
target_end = NA, rc = FALSE, match_label = "no variant",
mismatch_label = "SNV", short = TRUE, split.snv = TRUE,
upstream.snv = 8, downstream.snv = 5, ref = NULL){
g_to_t <- NULL
if (isTRUE(renumbered)){
if (any(is.na(c(target_start, target_end, rc)))){
stop("Must specify target.loc (cut site), target_start, target_end and rc
for renumbering")
g_to_t <- .self$.genomeToTargetLocs(target.loc, target_start, target_end, rc)
cut.site <- ifelse(is.na(target.loc), 17, target.loc)
# This section is slow
cig_by_run <- lapply(.self$crispr_runs,
function(crun) crun$getCigarLabels(
target.loc = cut.site, genome_to_target = g_to_t,
ref = .self$ref,
separate.snv = split.snv,
match.label = .self$pars$match_label,
mismatch.label = .self$pars$mismatch_label,
rc = rc, upstream = upstream.snv,
downstream = downstream.snv))
.countCigars = function(cig_by_run = NULL, nonvar_first = TRUE){
# Note that this function does not consider starts, two alignments starting at
# different locations but sharing a cigar string are considered equal
if (is.null(cig_by_run)){
cig_by_run <- lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(crun) crun$cigar_label)
unique_cigars <- unique(unlist(cig_by_run))
chimera_combs <- lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(crun) crun$chimera_combs)
m <- matrix(unlist(lapply(cig_by_run, function(x) table(x)[unique_cigars])),
nrow = length(unique_cigars),
dimnames = list(unique_cigars, names(.self$crispr_runs)))
m[is.na(m)] <- 0
m <- m[order(rowSums(m), decreasing = TRUE),, drop = FALSE]
if (nonvar_first){
is_ref <- grep(.self$pars["match_label"], rownames(m))
is_snv <- grep(.self$pars["mismatch_label"], rownames(m))
new_order <- setdiff(1:nrow(m), c(is_ref,is_snv))
m <- m[c(is_ref, is_snv, setdiff(1:nrow(m), c(is_ref,is_snv))),,drop = FALSE]
.self$field("cigar_freqs", m)
filterUniqueLowQual = function(min_count = 2, max_n = 0, verbose = TRUE){
Deletes reads containing rare variant combinations and more than
a minimum number of ambiguity characters within the target region.
These are assumed to be alignment errors.
Input parameters:
min_count: the number of times a variant combination must occur across
all samples to keep (default: 2, i.e. a variant must occur
at least twice in one or more samples to keep)
max_n: maximum number of ambiguity ("N") bases a read with a rare
variant combination may contain. (default: 0)
verbose: If TRUE, print the number of sequences removed (default: TRUE)
# Find low frequency variant combinations, then find the corresponding samples
low_freq <- .self$cigar_freqs[rowSums(.self$cigar_freqs) < min_count, , drop = FALSE]
lf_cig_by_run <- apply(low_freq, 2, function(x) names(x)[x != 0])
lns <- lapply(lf_cig_by_run, length)
lf_cig_by_run <- lf_cig_by_run[lns > 0]
# Find the corresponding reads, count the ambiguity characters
rm_cset <- unlist(lapply(names(lf_cig_by_run), function(name){
crun <- cset$crispr_runs[[name]]
get_idxs <- match(lf_cig_by_run[[name]], crun$cigar_labels)
sqs <- mcols(crun$alns[get_idxs])$seq
to_remove <- get_idxs[as.numeric(Biostrings::letterFrequency(sqs, "N")) > max_n]
cset_to_remove <- match(crun$cigar_labels[to_remove], rownames(cset$cigar_freqs))
if (length(to_remove) > 0) crun$removeSeqs(to_remove)
if (verbose){
message(sprintf("Removing %s rare sequence(s) with ambiguities\n",
if ( length(rm_cset) > 0){
.self$field("cigar_freqs", .self$cigar_freqs[-rm_cset,,drop = FALSE])
.getFilteredCigarTable = function(top.n = nrow(.self$cigar_freqs),
min.count = 1, min.freq = 0,
include.chimeras = TRUE,
include.nonindel = TRUE,
type = c("counts", "proportions")){
# Consider reordering by proportion instead of count at initialisation?
result <- match.arg(type)
# Add the chimeric alignments to the bottom
if (isTRUE(include.chimeras)){
ch_cnts <- sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(crun) {
m <- .self$cigar_freqs
if (length(m) > 0 & sum(ch_cnts) > 0){
m_nms <- rownames(m)
m <- rbind(m, ch_cnts)
rownames(m) <- c(m_nms, "Other")
} else if (length(m) == 0){
m <- matrix(ch_cnts, nrow = 1, dimnames =list("Other", names(ch_cnts)))
# If all rows should be returned, add 1 to top.n
if (top.n == nrow(.self$cigar_freqs)) top.n <- top.n + 1
} else {
m <- .self$cigar_freqs
if (nrow(m) == 0) return(NULL)
# Filtering takes precedence over removing nonvariants
# and selecting top.n
# Default freq cutoff drops "Other" if there are no chimeras
propns <- prop.table(m,2) * 100
# At least one column has proportion greater than cutoff
keep_freq <- rowSums(propns >= min.freq) > 0
keep_count <- rowSums(m >= min.count) > 0
propns <- propns[keep_freq & keep_count,, drop = FALSE]
# Top variants are calculated by proportional contributions
rs <- rowSums(propns)
topn <- rank(-rs) <= top.n
if (result == "proportions"){
# Return proportions
m <- propns[topn ,, drop = FALSE]
} else {
# Return counts
m <- m[keep_freq & keep_count,, drop = FALSE][topn,, drop = FALSE]
if (include.nonindel == FALSE){
nvr <- sprintf("%s|%s", .self$pars$match_label, .self$pars$mismatch_label)
m <- m[!grepl(nvr, rownames(m)),,drop = FALSE]
.getUniqueIndelRanges = function(add_chr = TRUE, add_to_ins = TRUE){
# Note this only gets the ranges, not the sequences, inserted sequences may differ
# Returns a GRanges object of all insertions and deletions, with names = variant names
# if "add_chr" == TRUE, chromosome names start with "chr"
# if add_to_ins == TRUE, adds one to end of insertions, as required for VariantAnnotation
cig_by_run <- lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(crun) crun$cigar_labels)
all_cigars <- unlist(cig_by_run)
unique_cigars <- !duplicated(unlist(cig_by_run))
co <- do.call(c, unlist(lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) x$cigar_ops),
use.names = FALSE))[unique_cigars]
idxs <- co != "M"
get_gr <- function(alns){
GenomicAlignments::cigar(alns), pos = GenomicAlignments::start(alns))
ir <- do.call(c, unlist(lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) get_gr(x$alns)),
use.names = FALSE))
ir <- ir[unique_cigars][idxs]
names(ir) <- all_cigars[unique_cigars]
ir <- unlist(ir)
if (add_to_ins){
ins_idxs <- unlist(co[idxs] == "I")
end(ir[ins_idxs]) <- end(ir[ins_idxs]) + 1
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(.self$target))
if (add_chr & ! grepl('^chr', chrom)){
chrom <- paste0("chr", chrom)
GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, ir)
filterVariants = function(cig_freqs = NULL, names = NULL, columns = NULL,
include.chimeras = TRUE){
Relabels specified variants in a table of variant allele counts as
non-variant, e.g. variants known to exist in control samples.
Accepts either a size, e.g. "1D", or a specific mutation, e.g. "-4:3D".
For alleles that include one variant to be filtered and one other variant,
the other variant will be retained.
If SNVs are included, these will be removed entirely, but note that SNVs
are only called in reads that do not contain an insertion/deletion variant
Input parameters:
cig_freqs: A table of variant allele counts
(Default: NULL, i.e. .self$cigar_freqs)
names: Labels of variants alleles to remove (Default: NULL)
columns: Indices or names of control samples. Remove all variants that
occur in these columns. (Default: NULL)
include.chimeras: Should chimeric reads be included? (Default: TRUE)
# Potential improvements:
# Column must include only column names from .self$cigar_freqs
# Cannot exclude complex variants?
if (is.null(cig_freqs)){
cig_freqs <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable(include.chimeras = include.chimeras)
vars <- strsplit(rownames(cig_freqs), ",")
if (length(columns) > 0){
# Select the rownames that occur in columns
cols <- rownames(cig_freqs)[rowSums(cig_freqs[,columns, drop=FALSE]) > 0]
} else {
cols <- NULL
to_remove <- c(names, cols)
rm_snv <- grepl(.self$pars$mismatch_label, to_remove)
has_loc <- grepl(":", to_remove) & ! rm_snv
by_loc <- to_remove[has_loc]
by_size <- to_remove[!(has_loc|rm_snv)]
# Remove SNVs - SNVS have format SNV:-1,-5, other vars -1:3D etc
rm_snv <- gsub(".*:(.*)", "\\1", names[rm_snv])
temp <- gsub(".*:(.*)", "\\1", unlist(vars))
rm_snvs <- sapply(relist(temp %in% rm_snv, vars), any)
vars[rm_snvs] <- NULL
cig_freqs <- cig_freqs[!rm_snvs, , drop=FALSE]
# Reclassify indel variants as non-variant
loc_mask <- rep(TRUE, length(unlist(vars)))
size_mask <- loc_mask
# Remove by location
if (length(by_loc) > 0){
loc_mask <- !grepl(paste(by_loc, collapse = "|"), unlist(vars))
# Remove by size - cannot be mutation combinations
if (length(by_size) > 0){
size_mask <- !(gsub(".*:", "", unlist(vars)) %in% by_size)
mask <- relist(loc_mask & size_mask, vars)
vars <- as.list(IRanges::CharacterList(vars)[mask])
vars <- lapply(vars, paste, sep = ",", collapse = ",")
vars[vars == ""] <- .self$pars$match_label
cig_freqs <- rowsum(cig_freqs, unlist(vars))
.getSNVs = function(min.freq = 0.25, include.chimeras = TRUE){
# Potential improvements:
# Relies on having short cigars, remove other options?
# Inconsistency between input (0-1) and output (0-100)
cig_fqs <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable(include.chimeras = include.chimeras)
snv <- .self$pars["mismatch_label"]
snv_nms <- rownames(cig_fqs)[grep(snv, rownames(cig_fqs))]
all_snv_locs <- strsplit(gsub(sprintf("%s|:", snv), "", snv_nms), ",")
snv_locs <- unique(unlist(all_snv_locs))
asv <- unlist(all_snv_locs)
total_count <- colSums(cig_fqs)
snv_fqs <- structure(vector(length = length(snv_locs)), names = snv_locs)
for (snv_loc in snv_locs){
# Check if this SNV location occurs within the allele
nms <- snv_nms[sapply(relist(asv == snv_loc, all_snv_locs), any)]
snv_count <- colSums(cig_fqs[nms,, drop = FALSE])
fq <- snv_count/total_count * 100
snv_fqs[snv_loc] <- max(fq)
snv_fqs[snv_fqs >= min.freq*100]
mutationEfficiency = function(snv = c("non_variant", "include","exclude"),
include.chimeras = TRUE,
exclude.cols = NULL, group = NULL,
filter.vars = NULL, filter.cols = NULL,
count.alleles = FALSE, per.sample = TRUE,
min.freq = 0){
Calculates summary statistics for the mutation efficiency, i.e.
the percentage of reads that contain a variant. Reads that do not
contain and insertion or deletion, but do contain a single nucleotide
variant (snv) can be considered as mutated, non-mutated, or not
included in efficiency calculations as they are ambiguous.
Input parameters:
snv: One of "include" (consider reads with mismatches to be mutated),
"exclude" (do not include reads with snvs in efficiency calculations),
and "non_variant" (consider reads with mismatches to be non-mutated).
include.chimeras: Should chimeras be counted as variants? (Default: TRUE)
exclude.cols: A list of column names to exclude from calculation, e.g. if one
sample is a control (default: NULL, i.e. include all columns)
group: A grouping variable. Efficiency will be calculated per group,
instead of for individual.
Cannot be used with exclude.cols.
filter.vars: Variants that should not be counted as mutations.
filter.cols: Column names to be considered controls. Variants occuring in
a control sample will not be counted as mutations.
count.alleles: If TRUE, also report statistics about the number of alleles
per sample/per group. (Default: FALSE)
per.sample: Return efficiencies for each sample (Default: TRUE)
min.freq: Minimum frequency for counting alleles. Does not apply to
calculating efficiency. To filter when calculating
efficiency, first use "variantCounts".
(Default: 0, i.e. no filtering)
Return value:
A vector of efficiency statistics per sample and overall, or a
matrix if a group is supplied.
if (! is.null(group) && ! is.null(exclude.cols)){
stop("Only one of group or exclude.cols may be supplied")
snv <- match.arg(snv)
freqs <- .self$cigar_freqs
if (isTRUE(include.chimeras)){
freqs <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable(include.chimeras = include.chimeras)
exclude.idxs <- match(exclude.cols, colnames(freqs))
if (any(is.na(exclude.idxs))){
nf <- exclude.cols[is.na(exclude.idxs)]
stop(sprintf("Column(s) %s not found in variant counts table",
paste(nf, collapse = " ")))
if (length(filter.vars) > 0 | length(filter.cols) > 0){
freqs <- .self$filterVariants(cig_freqs = freqs, names = filter.vars,
columns = filter.cols)
if (length(exclude.idxs) > 0){
freqs <- freqs[,-exclude.idxs, drop = FALSE]
is_snv <- grep(.self$pars$mismatch_label, rownames(freqs))
if (snv == "exclude"){
if (length(is_snv) > 0) freqs <- freqs[-is_snv,,drop = FALSE]
total_seqs <- colSums(freqs)
names(total_seqs) <- colnames(freqs)
not_mutated <- grep(.self$pars$match_label, rownames(freqs))
if (snv == "non_variant") not_mutated <- c(not_mutated, is_snv)
if (length(not_mutated) > 0) freqs <- freqs[-not_mutated,,drop = FALSE]
if (! is.null(group)){
result <- lapply(levels(group), function(g){
eff <- .self$.calculateEfficiency(freqs[,group == g, drop = FALSE],
total_seqs, count.alleles,
per.sample, min.freq)
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
rownames(result) <- levels(group)
.self$.calculateEfficiency(freqs, total_seqs, count.alleles,
per.sample, min.freq)
.calculateEfficiency = function(freqs, total_seqs, count.alleles,
per.sample, min.freq = 0){
mutants <- colSums(freqs)
ts <- total_seqs[colnames(freqs)]
mutant_efficiency = mutants/ts * 100
average <- mean(mutant_efficiency)
median <- median(mutant_efficiency)
overall <- sum(mutants)/ sum(ts) * 100
sds <- sd(mutants)
result <- round(c(mutant_efficiency, average, median, overall, sds,
names(result) <- c(colnames(freqs), "Average","Median","Overall",
if (isTRUE(count.alleles)){
result <- c(result, .self$.countVariantAlleles(freqs, ts,
if (! isTRUE(per.sample)){
result <- result[!names(result) %in% colnames(freqs)]
.countVariantAlleles = function(freqs, total_seqs, min.freq){
# how many nonzero entries per sample (absolute and percentage)
# This step removes variants that never occur in this sample group
freqs/total_seqs * 100
if (min.freq > 0){
propn <- freqs/total_seqs * 100
freqs[propn < min.freq] <- 0
freqs <- freqs[rowSums(freqs) > 0,, drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(freqs) == 0) return(vector())
alleles <- colSums(freqs > 0)
alleles_pc <- alleles/nrow(freqs)*100
# Rate of new alleles (how many sequences per allele)
# Produces "NA" if any samples have 0 alleles
allele_rate <- colSums(freqs)/alleles
nvars <- nrow(freqs)
result <- c(mean(alleles), mean(alleles_pc), mean(allele_rate), min(alleles),
max(alleles), nvars)
result <- sapply(result, round, 2)
names(result) <- c("AvAlleles","AvPctAlleles","SeqsPerAllele",
"MinAlleles", "MaxAlleles","TotalAlleles")
classifyVariantsByType = function(...){
Classifies variants as insertions, deletions, or complex (combinations).
In development
Input parameters:
... Optional arguments to "variantCounts" for filtering variants
before classification
Return value:
A named vector classifying variant alleles as insertions, deletions, etc
filter_pars <- dispatchDots(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable, ...)
nms <- rownames(do.call(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable, filter_pars))
vars <- rep(NA, length(nms))
names(vars) <- nms
is_snv <- grepl(.self$pars$mismatch_label, nms)
is_ref <- grepl(.self$pars$match_label, nms)
is_ins <- grepl("I", nms)
is_del <- grepl("D", nms)
is_complex <- grepl(",", nms)
ins_and_del <- is_ins & is_del
vars[is_ref] <- .self$pars$match_label
vars[is_snv] <- .self$pars$mismatch_label
vars[which(nms == "Other")] <- "Other"
vars[is_ins] <- "insertion"
vars[is_del] <- "deletion"
vars[ins_and_del] <- "insertion/deletion"
vars[is_complex & is_ins & ! ins_and_del] <- "multiple insertions"
vars[is_complex & is_del & ! ins_and_del] <- "multiple deletions"
classifyVariantsByLoc = function(txdb, add_chr = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
Uses the VariantAnnotation package to look up the location of the
variants. VariantAnnotation allows multiple classification tags per variant,
this function returns a single tag. The following preference order is used:
spliceSite > coding > intron > fiveUTR > threeUTR > promoter > intergenic
Input parameters:
txdb: A BSgenome transcription database
add_chr: Add "chr" to chromosome names to make compatible with UCSC (default: TRUE)
verbose: Print progress (default: TRUE)
...: Filtering arguments for variantCounts
Return value:
A vector of classification tags, matching the rownames of .self$cigar_freqs
(the variant count table)
if (verbose) message("Looking up variant locations\n")
gr <- .self$.getUniqueIndelRanges(add_chr)
locs <- VariantAnnotation::locateVariants(gr, txdb, VariantAnnotation::AllVariants())
if (isTRUE(verbose)) message("Classifying variants\n")
locs_codes <- paste(seqnames(locs), start(locs), end(locs), sep = "_")
# Note that all indels have the same range
indel_codes <- paste(seqnames(gr), start(gr), end(gr), sep = "_")
indel_to_loc <- lapply(indel_codes, function(x) locs$LOCATION[which(locs_codes == x)])
var_levels <- c("spliceSite","coding","intron","fiveUTR",
"threeUTR","promoter", "intergenic")
result <- unlist(lapply(indel_to_loc, function(x){
y <- factor(x,levels = var_levels)
if (length(y) == 0) return(NA)
names(result) <- names(gr)
filter_pars <- dispatchDots(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable, ...)
vars <- rownames(do.call(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable, filter_pars))
classification <- rep("", length(vars))
names(classification) <- vars
no_var <- grep(.self$pars$match_label, vars)
classification[no_var] <- .self$pars$match_label
snv <- grep(.self$pars$mismatch_label, vars)
classification[snv] <- .self$pars$mismatch_label
classification[which(vars == "Other")] <- "Other"
result <- result[names(result) %in% vars]
ord <- match(names(result), vars)
classification[ord] <- result
classifyCodingBySize = function(var_type, cutoff = 10){
This is a naive classification of variants as frameshift or in-frame
Coding indels are summed, and indels with sum divisible by 3 are
considered frameshift. Note that this may not be correct for variants
that span an intron-exon boundary
Input paramters:
var_type: A vector of var_type. Only variants with var_type == "coding"
are considered. Intended to work with classifyVariantsByLoc
cutoff: Variants are divided into those less than and greater
than "cutoff" (Default: 10)
A character vector with a classification for each variant allele
is_coding <- var_type == "coding" & ! is.na(var_type)
indels <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable()[is_coding,,drop = FALSE]
if (length(indels) > 0){
temp <- lapply(rownames(indels), function(x) strsplit(x, ",")[[1]])
indel_grp <- rep(c(1:nrow(indels)), elementNROWS(temp))
indel_ln <- rowsum(as.numeric(gsub("^.*:([0-9]+)[DI]", "\\1", unlist(temp))),
inframe <- indel_ln %% 3 == 0
is_short <- indel_ln < cutoff
indel_grp <- rep(sprintf("inframe indel < %s", cutoff), nrow(indels))
indel_grp[is_short &! inframe] <- sprintf("frameshift indel < %s", cutoff)
indel_grp[!is_short & inframe] <- sprintf("inframe indel > %s", cutoff)
indel_grp[!is_short & !inframe] <- sprintf("frameshift indel > %s", cutoff)
var_type[is_coding] <- indel_grp
heatmapCigarFreqs = function(as.percent = TRUE, x.size = 8, y.size = 8,
x.axis.title = NULL, x.angle = 90,
min.freq = 0, min.count = 0,
top.n = nrow(.self$cigar_freqs),
type = c("counts", "proportions"),
order = NULL, ...){
Internal method for CrispRVariants:plotFreqHeatmap, optionally filters the table
of variants, then a table of variant counts, coloured by counts or proportions.
Input parameters:
as.percent: Should colours represent the percentage of reads per sample
(TRUE) or the actual counts (FALSE)? (Default: TRUE)
x.size: Font size for x axis labels (Default: 8)
y.size: Font size for y axis labels (Default: 8)
x.axis.title: Title for x axis
min.freq: Include only variants with frequency at least min.freq in at
least one sample
min.count: Include only variants with count at least min.count in at
least one sample
top.n: Include only the n most common variants
type: Should labels show counts or proportions? (Default: counts)
order: Reorder the columns according to this order (Default: NULL)
Return value:
A ggplot2 plot object. Call "print(obj)" to display
See also:
# Doesn't currently allow option to exclude non-variant
cig_freqs <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable(top.n, min.count, min.freq,
type = type)
header <- NULL
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "counts"){ header <- colSums(.self$.getFilteredCigarTable())
} else if (type == "proportions"){
header <- round(colSums(cig_freqs), 2)
cig_freqs <- round(cig_freqs, 2)
if (! is.null(order)){
cig_freqs <- cig_freqs[,order]
header <- header[order]
p <- plotFreqHeatmap(cig_freqs, header = header, as.percent = as.percent,
x.size = x.size, y.size = y.size,
x.axis.title = x.axis.title,
x.angle = x.angle, add.other = TRUE, ...)
plotVariants = function(min.freq = 0, min.count = 0, top.n = nrow(.self$cigar_freqs),
renumbered = .self$pars["renumbered"], add.other = add.other, ...){
Internal method for CrispRVariants:plotAlignments, optionally filters the table
of variants, then plots variants with respect to the reference sequence,
collapsing insertions and displaying insertion sequences below the plot.
Input parameters:
min.freq: i(%) include variants that occur in at least i% of reads
in at least one sample
min.count i (integer) include variants that occur at leas i times in
at least one sample
top.n: n (integer) Plot only the n most frequent variants
(default: plot all)
Note that if there are ties in variant ranks,
top.n only includes ties with all members ranking <= top.n
renumbered: If TRUE, the x-axis is numbered with respect to the target
(cut) site. If FALSE, x-axis shows genomic locations.
(default: TRUE)
add.other Add a blank row named "Other" for chimeric alignments,
if there are any (Default: TRUE)
... additional arguments for plotAlignments
Return value:
A ggplot2 plot object. Call "print(obj)" to display
cig_freqs <- .self$.getFilteredCigarTable(top.n, min.count, min.freq)
# If there are no chimeric alignments, drop "Other"
if ("Other" %in% rownames(cig_freqs)){
cig_freqs <- cig_freqs[rownames(cig_freqs) != "Other",, drop = FALSE]
} else {
add.other <- FALSE
alns <- .self$makePairwiseAlns(cig_freqs)
dots <- list(...)
tloc <- ifelse(is.na(.self$pars$target.loc), 17, .self$pars$target.loc)
ins.sites <- .self$insertion_sites
# Consistency - is it still possible to print w.r.t the forward strand?
# If the strand is -ve, the region will be reverse complemented,
# "start" for the plot must be reversed
if (as.character(strand(.self$target) == "-")){
temp <- seq_along(1:width(.self$target))
starts <- rev(temp) +1 # +1 because considering the leftmost point
names(starts) <- temp
ins.sites$start <- starts[ins.sites$start]
ins.sites$seq <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(ins.sites$seq)))
if (isTRUE(renumbered)){
genomic_coords <- c(start(.self$target):end(.self$target))
target_coords <- .self$genome_to_target[as.character(genomic_coords)]
if (as.character(strand(.self$target)) == "-"){
target_coords <- rev(target_coords)
xbreaks = which(target_coords %% 5 == 0 | abs(target_coords) == 1)
target_coords <- target_coords[xbreaks]
args <- list(obj = .self$ref, alns = alns, ins.sites = ins.sites,
xtick.labs = target_coords, xtick.breaks = xbreaks,
target.loc = tloc, add.other = add.other)
} else {
args <- list(obj = .self$ref, alns = alns, ins.sites = ins.sites,
target.loc = tloc, add.other = add.other)
args <- modifyList(args, dots)
p <- do.call(plotAlignments, args)
.getInsertions = function(with_cigars = TRUE){
# Used by plotVariants for getting a table of insertions
if (with_cigars == FALSE){
all_ins <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) x$insertions))
} else {
all_ins <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) {
ik <- x$ins_key
v <- data.frame(ik, x$cigar_labels[as.integer(names(ik))])
v <- v[!duplicated(v),]
v <- v[order(v$ik),]
cbind(x$insertions[v[,1],], cigar = v[,2])
if (nrow(all_ins) == 0) {
.self$field("insertion_sites", all_ins)
new_ins_sites <- all_ins[order(all_ins$start, all_ins$seq),, drop = FALSE]
.self$field("insertion_sites", new_ins_sites)
makePairwiseAlns = function(cig_freqs = .self$cigar_freqs, ...){
Get variants by their cigar string, make the pairwise alignments for the consensus
sequence for each variant allele
Input parameters:
cig_freqs: A table of variant allele frequencies (by default: .self$cigar_freqs,
but could also be filtered)
...: Extra arguments for CrispRVariants::seqsToAln, e.g. which symbol
should be used for representing deleted bases
# The short cigars (not renumbered) do not have enough information,
# use the full cigars for sorting
# Do this just for the alns to be displayed?
cigs <- unlist(lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) cigar(x$alns)), use.names = FALSE)
cig_labels <- unlist(lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) x$cigar_labels), use.names = FALSE)
names(cigs) <- cig_labels # calling by name with duplicates returns the first match
splits <- split(seq_along(cig_labels), cig_labels)
splits <- splits[match(rownames(cig_freqs), names(splits))]
splits_labels <- names(splits)
names(splits) <- cigs[names(splits)]
all_d <- grep("M", names(splits), invert = TRUE)
x <- lapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) x$alns)
all_alns <- do.call(c, unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))
seqs <- c()
starts <- c()
for (i in seq_along(splits)){
if (i %in% all_d){
seqs[i] <- ""
} else {
idxs <- splits[[i]]
cig <- names(splits[[i]])
seqs[i] <- consensusString(mcols(all_alns[idxs])$seq)
start <- unique(start(all_alns[idxs]))
if (length(start) > 1)
stop("Sequences with the same cigar string have different starting locations.
This case is not implemented yet.")
starts[i] <- start[1]
seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(seqs)
alns <- seqsToAln(names(splits), seqs, target = .self$target,
aln_start = starts, ...)
names(alns) <- splits_labels
.genomeToTargetLocs = function(target.loc, target_start, target_end, rc = FALSE,
gs = NULL, ge = NULL){
# target.loc should be relative to the start of the target sequence, even if the
# target is on the negative strand
# target.loc is the left side of the cut site (Will be numbered -1)
# target_start and target_end are genomic coordinates, with target_start < target_end
# rc: is the target on the negative strand wrt the reference?
# returns a vector of genomic locations and target locations
# Example: target.loc = 5
# Before: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# After: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3
# Left = original - target.loc - 1
# Right = original - target.loc
if (is.null(gs) | is.null(ge)){
gs <- min(sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) min(start(x$alns))))
ge <- max(sapply(.self$crispr_runs, function(x) max(end(x$alns))))
if (isTRUE(rc)){
tg <- target_end - (target.loc - 1)
new_numbering <- rev(c(seq(-1*(ge - (tg -1)),-1), c(1:(tg - gs))))
names(new_numbering) <- c(gs:ge)
} else {
tg <- target_start + target.loc - 1
new_numbering <- c(seq(-1*(tg - (gs-1)),-1), c(1:(ge - tg)))
names(new_numbering) <- c(gs:ge)
.self$field("genome_to_target", new_numbering)
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