readIllumina <- function(dir= ".", useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = NULL, sectionNames = NULL, metricsFile = "Metrics.txt", forceIScan = FALSE, dec = ".", sampleSheet="sampleSheet.csv", ...)
haveSampleInfo <- FALSE
expInfo <- try(readSampleSheet(sampleSheet))
if(!class(expInfo) == "try-error"){
sSheet <- expInfo$sampleSheet
haveSampleInfo <- TRUE
message(paste("Sample Sheet ", normalizePath(sampleSheet, mustWork = FALSE), " will be used to read the data",sep=""))
else message(paste("The specified sampleSheet ", normalizePath(sampleSheet, mustWork = FALSE), " was not found"))
dir <- normalizePath(dir);
rootdir = dir
#targets <- analyseDirectory(dir = dir, sectionNames = sectionNames, forceIScan = forceIScan, metricsFile = metricsFile)
#metrics = targets$metrics
#targets = targets$targets
## if there's an .sdf file, read it
#sdf = NULL
#sdfName = list.files(dir, pattern=".sdf")
# sdf <- simpleXMLparse(readLines(paste(dir, sdfName[1], sep = .Platform$file.sep), warn = FALSE))
# }
# nSections <- nrow(targets);
rootdir = getwd()
##No sample info, so try and read everything in the specified directory
message(paste("No sample sheet was specified. Trying to read all Illumina files in", normalizePath(rootdir),sep=""))
targets <- analyseDirectory(dir = rootdir, sectionNames = sectionNames, forceIScan = forceIScan, metricsFile = metricsFile)$targets
metrics <- analyseDirectory(dir = rootdir, sectionNames = sectionNames, forceIScan = forceIScan, metricsFile = metricsFile)$metrics
allSections <- paste(sSheet[,"Sentrix_ID"], sSheet[,"Sentrix_Position"],sep="_")
##No sectionNames were specified; assume all sections will be read
if(is.null(sectionNames)) sectionNames <- allSections
# dirs <- split(sectionNames, sSheet[,"Sentrix_ID"])
# chips <- names(dirs)
# chips <- paste(rootdir, chips,sep="/")
# names(dirs) <- chips
# }
##Some section names were specified. Make sure that they can be read from directories in the sample sheet. Also, there may be some directories with no Illumina data in
# else{
chips <- unique(as.character(strtrim(allSections, 10)))
dirs <- lapply(chips, function(x) sectionNames[which(strtrim(sectionNames, 10) == x)])
chips <- paste(rootdir, chips,sep="/")
names(dirs) <- chips
dirs <- dirs[which(lapply(dirs, length) > 0)]
# }
# chips <- paste(rootdir, chips,sep="/")
##This is the directory that we will take the sdf file from
rootdir <- chips[1]
targets <-, lapply(chips, function(x) analyseDirectory(dir = x, sectionNames = as.character(dirs[[x]]), forceIScan = forceIScan, metricsFile = metricsFile)$targets))
metrics <-, lapply(chips, function(x) analyseDirectory(dir = x, sectionNames = as.character(dirs[[x]]), forceIScan = forceIScan, metricsFile = metricsFile)$metrics))
## if there's an .sdf file, read it
sdf = NULL
sdfName = list.files(rootdir, pattern=".sdf")
sdf <- simpleXMLparse(readLines(paste(rootdir, sdfName[1], sep = .Platform$file.sep), warn = FALSE))
nSections <- nrow(targets);
## report how many channels there are
nChannels <- numberOfChannels(paste(targets$directory[1], targets$textFile[1], sep = .Platform$file.sep), sep = "\t");
BLData <- new(Class = "beadLevelData");
BLData = insertSectionData(BLData, what = "Targets", data=targets)
if(!is.null(metrics)) BLData = insertSectionData(BLData, what="Metrics", data = metrics)
BLData@experimentData$sdfFile <- paste(dir, sdfName, sep= .Platform$file.sep)
BLData@experimentData$platformClass <- sdf$Class[[1]];
for(i in 1:length(expInfo)){
if(names(expInfo)[i] != "sampleSheet") BLData@experimentData[[names(expInfo)[i]]] <- expInfo[[i]]
sampleSheet(BLData) <- sSheet
## BLData@sectionData <- targets[,1:2];
nBeads <- vector(length = nSections);
for(i in 1:nSections) {
message(paste("Processing section ", targets$sectionName[i], sep = ""));
## check if we've got a .txt or a .bab file here
if(grepl(".bab", targets$textFile[i])) {
data <- BeadDataPackR::readCompressedData(inputFile = targets$textFile[i], path = targets$directory[i]);
## this will have nondecoded beads so remove them
data <- data[-which(data[,1] == 0),];
else {
data <- readBeadLevelTextFile(file.path(targets$directory[i], targets$textFile[i]), dec = dec);
## if the result is NULL this wasn't a read bead-level text file
## we may need to do some clean up of Metric, sectionData etc
if(is.null(data)) {
BLData@sectionData[["Targets"]] <- BLData@sectionData[["Targets"]][-i,];
BLData@sectionData[["Metrics"]] <- BLData@sectionData[["Metrics"]][-i,];
##record the ProbeIDs, X and Y coords
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "ProbeID", data = data[,1])
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "GrnX", data = data[,3])
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "GrnY", data = data[,4])
## record the number of decoded beads
nBeads[i] <- nrow(data);
## read the green images
if(useImages && !is.null(targets$greenImage[i])) {
greenImage <- readTIFF(fileName = as.character(targets$greenImage[i]), path = as.character(targets$directory[i]));
## there are wrapper functions for these, but using .Call doesn't require
## copying the data in the function call
bg <- .Call("medianBackground", greenImage, data[,3:4], 1L, PACKAGE = "beadarray")
## we use the size of the tiff to infere which foreground intensity algorthm to use
if(ncol(greenImage) <= 1024) {
greenImage <- .Call("illuminaSharpen", greenImage, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
fg <- .Call("illuminaForeground", greenImage, data[,3:4], 0L, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
else {
fg <- .Call("illuminaForeground_6x6", greenImage, data[,3:4], 1L, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "Grn", data = fg - bg)
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "GrnF", data = fg)
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "GrnB", data = bg)
## or extract the data from the .txt file
else {
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "Grn", data = data[,2])
## if this is two channel, read the red data too
if(nChannels == 2) {
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "RedX", data = data[,6])
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "RedY", data = data[,7])
## read the images
if(useImages && !is.null(targets$redImage[i])) {
image <- readTIFF(fileName = as.character(targets$redImage[i]), path = as.character(targets$directory[i]));
## there are wrapper functions for these, but using .Call doesn't require
## copying the data in the function call
bg <- .Call("medianBackground", image, data[,6:7], 1L, PACKAGE = "beadarray")
if(ncol(image) <= 1024) {
image <- .Call("illuminaSharpen", image, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
fg <- .Call("illuminaForeground", image, data[,6:7], 0L, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
else {
fg <- .Call("illuminaForeground_6x6", image, data[,6:7], 1L, PACKAGE = "beadarray");
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "Red", data = fg - bg)
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "RedF", data = fg)
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "RedB", data = bg)
## or extract the data from the .txt file
else {
BLData <- insertBeadData(BLData, array = i, what = "Red", data = data[,5])
## if the bead-level data contained weights, set them too
if( ncol(data) %in% c(5,8) )
BLData <- setWeights(BLData, wts = data[,ncol(data)], array = i);
## incorporate things into sectionData slot
## number of beads
## sample groupings
## if we don't have an sdf default to each section being seperate
sampleGroup <- 1:nrow(targets)
## we need the chip names for the case when multiple chips are being read in one go
splitSectionNames <- sapply(as.character(BLData@sectionData$Targets$sectionName), strsplit, "_");
chipNames <- matrix(unlist(splitSectionNames), ncol = length(splitSectionNames[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)[,1]
## search for the sample group identifiers taken from the sdf
tmp <- lapply(sdf$SampleLabels$string[[1]], grep, x = targets$sectionName)
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) {
for(j in seq(along = tmp[[i]])) {
sampleGroup[ tmp[[i]][j] ] <- paste(chipNames[ tmp[[i]][j] ], sdf$SampleLabels$string[[1]][i], sep = "_");
BLData = insertSectionData(BLData, what="SampleGroup", data = data.frame(SampleGroup = sampleGroup))
BLData = insertSectionData(BLData, what="numBeads", data=data.frame(numBeads = nBeads))
annotation(BLData) <- illuminaAnnotation
else warning("No Illumina annotation was specified and some functionality within the package will not work. Try using the suggestAnnotation function to determine what value to use if you are not sure\n")
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