imageplot <- function(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, squareSize = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, low = "lightgreen", high = "darkgreen", ncolors = 100, zlim=NULL, legend=TRUE,...) {
data = transFun(BLData, array = array)
if(class(BLData)[1] %in% c("RGList", "MAList"))
stop("\nIt appears you are trying to use the imageplot() function on a Limma object, but imageplot() is currently masked by beadarray\n\nIf you wish to use the Limma function, you can either call it directly using:\n\t\"limma::imageplot()\"\nor detach the beadarray package using:\n\t\"detach(package:beadarray)\"\n")
## see if we can find the .locs file and use that
locsFileName <- file.path(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array], BLData@sectionData$Targets$greenLocs[array])
## now see if this is a Matrix or BeadChip. Locs should only be used on chips;
if( (!is.null(BLData@experimentData$platformClass)) && (useLocs) && file.exists(locsFileName) ) {
useLocs <- ifelse(grepl("Matrix", BLData@experimentData$platformClass), FALSE, TRUE);
else { ## don't use locs if we have no information about platform type
useLocs <- FALSE;
## Adjust the squareSize for SAM or BeadChip (only if it hasn't been set manually)
if(is.null(squareSize)) {
if( !is.null(BLData@experimentData$platformClass) && grepl("Matrix", BLData@experimentData$platformClass) )
squareSize = 20
squareSize = 50
if( (file.exists(locsFileName)) && (useLocs == TRUE) ) {
locs <- obtainLocs(fileName = BLData@sectionData$Targets$greenLocs[array], filePath = BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array])
sdf <- beadarray:::simpleXMLparse(readLines(file.path(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[1], list.files(as.character(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[1]), pattern = ".sdf")[1]), warn = FALSE))
nSegs <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeBlockY[[1]]);
nRows <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeGridX[[1]]);
#nCols <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeGridY[[1]]);
## if we've got swath data you can't use the number of cols from the sdf. So we'll try to calcualte it instead
nCols <- nrow(locs) / (nSegs * nRows);
beadsPerSeg <- nRows * nCols;
comb <- BeadDataPackR:::combineFiles(cbind(BLData[[array]][,"ProbeID"], data, BLData[[array]][,c("GrnX", "GrnY")]), locs)
comb[which(comb[,1] == 0),2] <- NA;
comb <- comb[order(comb[,5]),]
resList <- segList <- list()
## process each segment individually
for(j in 1:nSegs) {
seg <- comb[(((j-1) * beadsPerSeg) + 1):(j * beadsPerSeg),];
seg[,3] <- seg[,3] - min(seg[,3]);
seg[,4] <- seg[,4] - min(seg[,4]);
segList[[j]] <- seg;
# nRow <- floor(min(unlist(lapply(segList, FUN = function(seg) { return(max(seg[,3])) }))) %/% squareSize);
nRow <- max(segList[[1]][,3]) %/% squareSize;
for(j in 1:length(segList)) {
seg <- segList[[j]];
tmpXsize <- max(seg[,3]) / nRow;
splitVals <- list(as.character(seg[,3] %/% tmpXsize), as.character(seg[,4] %/% squareSize));
tmp1 <- split(seg[,2], splitVals)
tmp2 <- split(seg[,3], splitVals)
tmp3 <- split(seg[,4], splitVals)
resList[[j]] <- res <- matrix(NA, ncol = max(seg[,3] %/% tmpXsize) + 1, nrow = max(seg[,4] %/% squareSize) + 1)
tmp.mean <- unlist(lapply(tmp1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
for(i in 1:length(tmp.mean)) {
resList[[j]][(tmp3[[i]][1] %/% squareSize) + 1, (tmp2[[i]][1] %/% tmpXsize) + 1] <- tmp.mean[i];
for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
while(ncol(resList[[i]]) < max(sapply(resList,ncol))) { resList[[i]] = cbind(resList[[i]], NA) }
res <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(resList[[1]]), nrow = sum(unlist(lapply(resList, nrow))) + length(resList) - 1);
rowIdx <- 1;
for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
for(j in 1:nrow(resList[[i]])) {
res[rowIdx,] <- resList[[i]][j,];
rowIdx <- rowIdx + 1;
rowIdx <- rowIdx + 1;
# for(i in 1:length(resList)) {
# while(ncol(resList[[i]]) < max(sapply(resList,ncol))) { resList[[i]] = cbind(resList[[i]], NA) }
# }
# res <-, resList)
## if the locs file can't be found, plot without knowledge of array segments
else {
xdat <- BLData[[array]][,"GrnX"]
ydat <- BLData[[array]][,"GrnY"]
#shift coordinates for plot
xdat <- xdat - min(xdat)
ydat <- ydat - min(ydat)
splitVals <- list(as.character(xdat %/% squareSize), as.character(ydat %/% squareSize));
tmp1 <- split(data, splitVals);
tmp2 <- split(xdat, splitVals);
tmp3 <- split(ydat, splitVals);
res <- matrix(NA, ncol = max(xdat %/% squareSize) + 1, nrow = max(ydat %/% squareSize) + 1)
tmp.mean <- unlist(lapply(tmp1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
for(i in 1:length(tmp.mean)) {
res[(tmp3[[i]][1] %/% squareSize) + 1, (tmp2[[i]][1] %/% squareSize) + 1] <- tmp.mean[i]
## if we want the long axis to be vertical do so
res <- t(res[nrow(res):1,])
zr = NULL
zr[1] = min(zr[1], res[!], na.rm=TRUE)
zr[2] = max(zr[2], res[!], na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.null(zlim)) {
res[!] = pmax(zlim[1], res[!], na.rm=TRUE)
res[!] = pmin(zlim[2], res[!], na.rm=TRUE)
zlim=range(res, na.rm=TRUE)
## create the plot
# image(res, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", zlim=zlim,...)
p <- ggplot(melt(res), aes(x = Var1, y=Var2, fill=value)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_gradient(low = low, high=high) + theme(axis.line=element_blank(),axis.text.x=element_blank(),axis.text.y=element_blank(),axis.ticks=element_blank(),axis.title.x=element_blank(),axis.title.y=element_blank(),legend.position="none",panel.background=element_blank(),panel.border=element_blank(),panel.grid.major=element_blank(),panel.grid.minor=element_blank(),plot.background=element_blank())
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