#' @rdname plotIndividualModel
#' @name plotIndividualModel
#' @title Fitted model(s) for a feature
#' @description Plot the model fit for a specific protein/peptide in different
#' conditions.
#' @param x A \code{SilacProteinExperiment}, \code{SilacPeptideExperiment} or
#' \code{SilacProteomicsExperiment} object.
#' @param modelList A list containing all the model objects, this should be the
#' output of \code{\link{modelTurnover}} with returnModel as TRUE.
#' @param num The feature number to be plotted.
#' @param returnDataFrame A \code{logical} indicating if the \code{data.frame}
#' used for the plot should be returned instead.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A scatter plot with a fitted line or a \code{data.frame}.
#' @examples
#' data('wormsPE')
#' wormsPE <- calculateIsotopeFraction(wormsPE, ratioAssay = 'ratio')
#' modelList <- modelTurnover(x = wormsPE[1:10],
#' assayName = 'fraction',
#' formula = 'fraction ~ 1 - exp(-k*t)',
#' start = list(k = 0.02),
#' mode = 'protein',
#' robust = FALSE,
#' returnModel = TRUE)
#' plotIndividualModel(x = wormsPE,
#' modelList = modelList,
#' num = 2)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
setGeneric('plotIndividualModel', function(x, ...){
#' @rdname plotIndividualModel
#' @export
returnDataFrame = FALSE) {
## argument checker ----------------------------------------------------------
## cb palette
cbPalette <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",
"#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
if (!'models' %in% names(modelList)) {
stop('There are no models in this modelList, did you run modelTurnover ',
'with returnModel = TRUE?')
## data processing -----------------------------------------------------------
## models related to that feature
miniList <- lapply(modelList[['models']], "[[", num)
## extract the metaoptions from the attributes of the list
time <- attributes(modelList)[['time']]
cond <- attributes(modelList)[['cond']]
loopCols <- attributes(modelList)[['loopCols']]
mat <- assaysProt(x)[[attributes(modelList)[['assayName']]]]
vals <- mat[num, ]
## extract the data for each condition and join them in a plotable dataframe
## we have two dataframes, one for the original values, and another for the
## fitted model. The second one is longer to have a smoother curve.
for (i in seq_along(loopCols)) {
if (i == 1) {
dfOriginalList <- list()
dfFittedList <- list()
mod <- miniList[[i]]
if (!is(mod, 'nls')) {
warning(paste('No model found for', unique(cond[loopCols[[i]]])))
origDf <- data.frame(originalval = vals[loopCols[[i]]],
time = time[loopCols[[i]]],
condition = cond[loopCols[[i]]])
dfOriginalList[[i]] <- origDf
all_times <- seq(from = min(time[loopCols[[i]]]),
to = max(time[loopCols[[i]]]),
by = 1)
fittedDf <- data.frame(time = all_times,
condition = rep(unique(cond[loopCols[[i]]]),
times = length(all_times)),
fittedval = predict(mod, list(t = all_times)))
dfFittedList[[i]] <- fittedDf
origPlotDf <- do.call('rbind', dfOriginalList)
fittedPlotDf <- do.call('rbind', dfFittedList)
origPlotDf$condition <- droplevels(origPlotDf$condition)
fittedPlotDf$condition <- droplevels(fittedPlotDf$condition)
if (is.null(origPlotDf)) {
stop('No models found for any condition')
## if the data frames are wanted then they are returned in a list
if (returnDataFrame) {
return(list(original_data = origPlotDf, fitted_data = fittedPlotDf))
## the plot itself
ggplot() +
geom_line(data = fittedPlotDf, aes_string(x = 'time',
y = 'fittedval',
group = 'condition',
color = 'condition')) +
geom_point(data = origPlotDf, aes_string(x = 'time',
y = 'originalval',
color = 'condition')) +
scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette) +
ylab(label = attributes(modelList)[['assayName']]) +
#' @rdname plotIndividualModel
#' @export
returnDataFrame = FALSE) {
## argument checker ----------------------------------------------------------
## cb palette
cbPalette <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",
"#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
if (!'models' %in% names(modelList)) {
stop('There are no models in this modelList, did you run modelTurnover ',
'with returnModel = TRUE?')
## data processing -----------------------------------------------------------
## models related to that feature
miniList <- lapply(modelList[['models']], "[[", num)
## extract the metaoptions from the attributes of the list
time <- attributes(modelList)[['time']]
cond <- attributes(modelList)[['cond']]
loopCols <- attributes(modelList)[['loopCols']]
## get the rows of the data
if (attributes(modelList)[['mode']] == 'peptide') {
mat <- assays(x[num,])[[attributes(modelList)[['assayName']]]]
repeats <- 1
} else if (attributes(modelList)[['mode']] == 'grouped') {
protId <- unique(attributes(modelList)[['prot']])[num]
rows <- which(attributes(modelList)[['prot']] == protId)
mat <- assays(x)[[attributes(modelList)[['assayName']]]][rows, , drop = FALSE]
repeats <- nrow(mat)
## extract the data for each condition and join them in a plotable dataframe
## we have two dataframes, one for the original values, and another for the
## fitted model. The second one is longer to have a smoother curve.
for (i in seq_along(loopCols)) {
if (i == 1) {
dfOriginalList <- list()
dfFittedList <- list()
mod <- miniList[[i]]
if (!is(mod, 'nls')) {
warning(paste('No model found for', unique(cond[loopCols[[i]]])))
origDf <- data.frame(originalval = as.vector(mat[,loopCols[[i]]]),
time = rep(time[loopCols[[i]]], each = repeats),
condition = rep(cond[loopCols[[i]]], each = repeats))
dfOriginalList[[i]] <- origDf
all_times <- seq(from = min(time[loopCols[[i]]]),
to = max(time[loopCols[[i]]]),
by = 1)
fittedDf <- data.frame(time = all_times,
condition = rep(unique(cond[loopCols[[i]]]),
times = length(all_times)),
fittedval = predict(mod, list(t = all_times)))
dfFittedList[[i]] <- fittedDf
origPlotDf <- do.call('rbind', dfOriginalList)
fittedPlotDf <- do.call('rbind', dfFittedList)
origPlotDf$condition <- droplevels(origPlotDf$condition)
fittedPlotDf$condition <- droplevels(fittedPlotDf$condition)
if (is.null(origPlotDf)) {
stop('No models found for any condition')
## if the data frames are wanted then they are returned in a list
if (returnDataFrame) {
return(list(original_data = origPlotDf, fitted_data = fittedPlotDf))
## the plot itself
ggplot() +
geom_line(data = fittedPlotDf, aes_string(x = 'time',
y = 'fittedval',
group = 'condition',
color = 'condition')) +
geom_point(data = origPlotDf, aes_string(x = 'time',
y = 'originalval',
color = 'condition')) +
scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette) +
ylab(label = attributes(modelList)[['assayName']]) +
#' @rdname plotIndividualModel
#' @export
returnDataFrame = FALSE) {
experiment <- switch(attributes(modelList)[['mode']],
protein = x@SilacProteinExperiment,
peptide = x@SilacPeptideExperiment,
grouped = x@SilacPeptideExperiment)
plotIndividualModel(x = experiment,
modelList = modelList,
num = num,
returnDataFrame = returnDataFrame)
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