#' Annotating GRanges objects with hiAnnotator.
#' hiAnnotator contains set of functions which allow users to annotate a
#' GRanges object with custom set of annotations. The basic philosophy of this
#' package is to take two GRanges objects (query & subject) with common set of
#' seqnames (i.e. chromosomes) and return associated annotation per seqnames
#' and rows from the query matching seqnames and rows from the subject
#' (i.e. genes or cpg islands). The package comes with three types of
#' annotation functions which calculates if a position from query is: within
#' a feature, near a feature, or count features in defined window sizes.
#' Moreover, one can utilize parallel backend for each annotation function
#' to utilize the foreach package. In addition, the package is equipped with
#' wrapper functions, which finds appropriate columns needed to make a GRanges
#' object from a common dataframe.
#' @import GenomicRanges foreach iterators rtracklayer BSgenome ggplot2
#' @importFrom scales percent
#' @importFrom dplyr count arrange summarise rename mutate inner_join select
#' ungroup group_by last first %>%
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @docType package
#' @name hiAnnotator
#' @author Nirav V Malani
#' Sample Retrovirus Integration Sites data
#' A sample dataset containing collection of unique HIV & MLV integration sites
#' in the human genome mapped to UCSC freeze hg18 from PMID: 12805549.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Sequence. Name of the DNA sequence which was aligned to the host
#' genome. This is also a unique ID.
#' \item Position. The genomic coordinate of the integration site.
#' \item Chr. The chromosome of the integration site.
#' \item Ort. The orientation or strand of the integration site.
#' \item virus. Name of the virus used for the experiment and a given
#' sequencing clone.
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=12805549}
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A data frame with 1303 rows and 5 variables
#' @name sites
#' Controls for Sample Retrovirus Integration Sites data
#' Controls for a sample dataset containing collection of unique HIV & MLV
#' integration sites in the human genome mapped to UCSC freeze hg18 from
#' PMID: 12805549. Each row represents three controls per integration site
#' in sites object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Sequence. Name of the DNA sequence which was aligned to the host
#' genome. There should be three control sites per experimental site from the
#' "sites" dataset.
#' \item Position. The genomic coordinate of the integration site.
#' \item Chr. The chromosome of the integration site.
#' \item Ort. The orientation or strand of the integration site.
#' \item virus. Name of the virus used for the experiment and a given
#' sequencing clone.
#' \item type. Column denoting whether the data is control
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A data frame with 3909 rows and 6 variables
#' @name sites.ctrl
#' Sample RefSeq genes annotation
#' A sample annotation containing collection of genes from RefSeq database in
#' the human genome mapped to UCSC freeze hg18. See UCSC table description page
#' for the details regarding the column headings.
#' @source \url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg18&hgta_table=refGene&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema}
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A data frame with 33965 rows and 9 variables
#' @name genes
#' Initiate UCSC genome browser session given the freeze argument.
#' @param freeze one of following: hg19, mm8, rheM, etc. Default is hg19.
#' @return browser session object compatible with rtracklayer functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getUCSCtable}}, \code{\link{makeGRanges}},
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' session <- makeUCSCsession()
#' genome(session)
#' session <- makeUCSCsession("mm8")
#' genome(session)
#' }
makeUCSCsession <- function(freeze = "hg19") {
bsession <- browserSession()
genome(bsession) <- freeze
#' Obtain a UCSC annotation table given the table & track name.
#' @param tableName Name of the annotation table as it appears on UCSC browser.
#' @param trackName Name of the track annotation table as it appears in on
#' UCSC browser.
#' @param bsession UCSC session object returned by \code{\link{makeUCSCsession}}
#' or \code{\link{browserSession}}. If left NULL the function will call
#' \code{\link{makeUCSCsession}} with the provided freeze to initiate a session.
#' @param freeze one of following: hg19, mm8, rheM, etc. Default is hg19.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{ucscTableQuery}}.
#' @return a dataframe containing the annotation data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeUCSCsession}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' refflat <- getUCSCtable("refFlat", "RefSeq Genes")
#' ## same as above ##
#' refflat <- getUCSCtable("refFlat", "RefSeq Genes",
#' bsession=session,freeze="hg19")
#' }
getUCSCtable <- function(tableName, trackName, bsession = NULL,
freeze = "hg19", ...) {
if (is.null(bsession)) {
bsession <- makeUCSCsession(freeze)
if (!tableName %in% tableNames(ucscTableQuery(bsession,track = trackName))) {
"The provided table name:", tableName,
"doesn't exists in track", trackName,
"on UCSC for", freeze, "genome"
## using getTable() instead of track() due to "No supported output types"
## error for certain annotation types.
getTable(ucscTableQuery(bsession, track = trackName, table = tableName, ...))
#' Find the column index of interest given the potential choices.
#' The function finds relevant column(s) of interest from a vector of column
#' names derived from a dataframe. If no usable column is found, the function
#' spits out a relevant error or returns the index of the usable column(s).
#' This is an assistant function called by functions listed in the
#' see also section.
#' @param col.names column names from a dataframe
#' @param col.options potential column names or partial names that may exist
#' in col.names
#' @param col.type type of column information the function is searching for,
#' used in construction of error messages. Default is NULL.
#' @param multiple.ok if multiple matches are found then return indices,
#' else spit an error out. Default is TRUE.
#' @return the index of usable column(s) or an error if no applicable
#' column is found.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sites)
#' names(sites)
#' getRelevantCol(names(sites), c("chr", "chromosome", "tname", "seqnames",
#' "chrom","contig"),"seqnames")
#' getRelevantCol(names(sites), c("ort", "orientation", "strand"), "strand")
getRelevantCol <- function(col.names, col.options,
col.type = NULL, multiple.ok = FALSE) {
answer <- sapply(col.options,
grep(x, col.names, ignore.case = TRUE))
answer <- unique(as.numeric(unlist(answer)))
if (length(answer) > 1) {
if (!multiple.ok) {
"More than one",col.type,"based column found:",
paste(col.names[answer], sep = "", collapse = ", ")
} else {
} else if (length(answer) == 0) {
stop(paste("No", col.type, "based column found."))
} else {
#' Breaks two GRanges objects into chunks of N size.
#' Given a query and subject GRanges objects, the function breaks query into
#' chunks of N size where each chunk has a respective subject object filtered
#' by seqnames present in the query chunk. This is a helper function used by
#' one of the annotation function in 'See Also' section where each chunk is
#' sent to a parallel node for processing.
#' @param sites.rd a GRanges object.
#' @param features.rd a GRanges object.
#' @param chunkSize number of rows to use per chunk of query. Default to
#' length(sites.rd)/detectCores() or length(query)/getDoParWorkers()
#' depending on parallel backend registered.
#' @return a list of GRanges objects where each element is of length 2
#' representing query & subject chunks.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{doAnnotation}},
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}},
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sites)
#' data(genes)
#' sites <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' genes <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' makeChunks(sites, genes)
makeChunks <- function(sites.rd, features.rd, chunkSize = NULL) {
# do a quick check of things
rm("query", "subject")
# make chunks
chunks <- breakInChunks(length(sites.rd),
length(sites.rd) / chunkSize,
length(sites.rd) / getDoParWorkers(),
length(sites.rd) / detectCores()
function(x, y) {
new.query <- sites.rd[x:y,]
new.query <- keepSeqlevels(new.query,
value = seqlevelsInUse(new.query),
pruning.mode = "coarse")
ok.chrs <- intersect(seqlevelsInUse(new.query),
new.subject <- suppressWarnings(keepSeqlevels(features.rd,
value = ok.chrs,
pruning.mode = "coarse"))
list("query" = new.query, "subject" = new.subject)
}, start(chunks), end(chunks), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE
#' Clean the supplied string from punctuations and spaces.
#' Function to clean the supplied string from punctuations and spaces so it
#' can be used as column headings.
#' @param x string or a vector to be cleaned.
#' @param description OPTIONAL string identifying the purpose of the supplied
#' string in x to be displayed in the cleaning message. This triggers a message.
#' @return cleaned string or a vector.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}, \code{\link{makeGRanges}},
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cleanColname("HIV-test")
#' cleanColname("HIV*test")
#' cleanColname("HIV-test", "myAlias")
cleanColname <- function(x, description = NULL) {
newname <- gsub("[._]+", "_", make.names(x, unique = TRUE))
if (any(newname != x))
if (!is.null(description))
message("Cleaning the supplied '", description, "'")
#' Make a sorted GRanges object from a dataframe.
#' The function converts a dataframe into a GRanges object without too much
#' hassle of renaming column names. The function finds column names that sound
#' like seqname, chromosome, start, stop, position, etc and puts them in
#' respective slots to facilitate the conversion of a dataframe to a GRanges
#' object. If more than one column that sounds like start, stop, or position
#' is present, the function will use the first match as the representative.
#' It is recommended to run this function before utilizing any other annotation functions since it will sort the object by chromosome and position for copying annotations back to their respective rows confidently.
#' @param x dataframe to be converted into a GRanges object
#' @param freeze UCSC genome version of the data in x. Default is NULL.
#' This parameter is generally used to populate seqinfo slot of GRanges objects.
#' @param positionsOnly boolean flag indicating to return only position based
#' data or everything from the dataframe. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param soloStart flag denoting whether only one position based column
#' is available. In other words, only starts are present and no stops.
#' Default=FALSE.
#' @param chromCol use the defined column name for seqname/chromosome based
#' data from the dataframe. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param strandCol use the defined column name for strand or orientation from
#' the dataframe. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param startCol use the defined column name for start coordinate from
#' the dataframe. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param stopCol use the defined column name for stop coordinate from
#' the dataframe. Defaults to NULL and not required if soloStart=TRUE.
#' @param keepFactors keep vectors/columns stored as factors? Defaults to FALSE
#' @return a GRanges object converted from x.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(genes)
#' makeGRanges(genes, soloStart = TRUE)
#' makeGRanges(genes)
#' #makeGRanges(genes, freeze = "hg19", soloStart = TRUE)
#' #makeGRanges(genes, freeze = "hg19")
makeGRanges <-
function(x, freeze = NULL, positionsOnly = FALSE, soloStart = FALSE,
chromCol = NULL, strandCol = NULL, startCol = NULL,
stopCol = NULL, keepFactors = FALSE) {
## set column names for seqnames and strand if not provided ##
if (is.null(chromCol)) {
colIndex <- getRelevantCol(
c("chr", "chromosome", "tname", "space", "chrom", "contig", "seqnames"),
chromCol <- names(x)[colIndex]
x$seqnames <- x[,chromCol]
if (is.null(strandCol)) {
colIndex <- tryCatch(
c("ort", "orientation", "strand"),
error = function(e) NULL)
if(is.null(colIndex)) {
x$strand <- "*"
colIndex <- grep("strand", names(x))
strandCol <- names(x)[colIndex]
x$strand <- x[,strandCol]
if (is.null(startCol)) {
startCol <- getRelevantCol(names(x),
c("position", "intsite", "txstart",
"start", "chromstart"),
"start", multiple.ok = TRUE
startCol <- names(x)[startCol[1]]
x$start <- x[,startCol]
## only do stop if soloStart=F ##
if (!as.logical(soloStart) & is.null(stopCol)) {
stopCol <- getRelevantCol(names(x),
c("txend", "end", "stop", "chromend"),
"end", multiple.ok = TRUE)
stopCol <- names(x)[stopCol[1]]
x$end <- x[,stopCol]
## do some testing for NAs in seqnames, start or end ##
if (any(is.na(x$start))) {
stop("NAs found in column containing start positions")
if (any(is.na(x$seqnames))) {
stop("NAs found in column containing chromosome information")
## convert any factor columns to character to avoid downstream issues ##
if (!keepFactors) {
factorCols <- sapply(x,is.factor)
if (any(factorCols)) {
for (y in names(which(factorCols))) {
x[,y] <- as.character(x[,y])
if (!any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x[, y]))))) {
x[,y] <- as.numeric(x[,y])
## if start and end coordinates are present, sort by midpoint
## else if only single coordinate is present, then add end column and sort
if (length(startCol) > 0 & length(stopCol) > 0) {
if (any(is.na(x$end))) {
stop("NAs found in column containing end positions")
} else {
x$end <- x$start
if (as.logical(positionsOnly)) {
x <- x[,c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")]
metadataCols <- setdiff(names(x),
c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "width"))
metadataCols <- metadataCols[!is.na(metadataCols)]
sites.gr <-
seqnames = x$seqnames, IRanges(start = x$start, end = x$end),
strand = x$strand
## Loop through incase only one metadataCol is present which returns a
## vector instead of a dataframe...DataFrame(x[,metadataCols]) may not work
for (f in metadataCols) {
mcols(sites.gr)[[f]] <- x[,f]
if (!is.null(freeze)) {
genomeLib <- grep(freeze, BSgenome::installed.genomes(), value = TRUE)
if (length(genomeLib) != 0) {
bsGenomeObject <- strsplit(genomeLib,"\\.")[[1]][2]
chrom.info <- seqlengths(do.call(`:::`,
list(genomeLib, bsGenomeObject)))
} else {
## get the chromInfo file from UCSC
z <-
freeze, "/database/chromInfo.txt.gz"
zlines <- try(readLines(z))
if (class(zlines) == "try-error")
stop("Could not get thru to UCSC server -
try later or drop the freeze parameter!")
raw.data <- textConnection(zlines)
chrom.info <- read.delim(raw.data, header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1:2]
chrom.info <-
structure(chrom.info$V2, names = chrom.info$V1)
# amend seqinfo slot of sites.gr #
seqlevels(sites.gr) <- sortSeqlevels(seqlevelsInUse(sites.gr))
seqlengths(sites.gr) <- chrom.info[seqlevels(sites.gr)]
sites.gr <- sort(sites.gr, ignore.strand = TRUE)
#' Get nearest annotation boundary for a position range.
#' Given a query object, the function retrieves the nearest feature and its
#' properties from a subject and then appends them as new columns within the
#' query object. When used in genomic context, the function can be used to
#' retrieve the nearest gene 5' or 3' end relative to genomic position
#' of interest.
#' @param sites.rd GRanges object to be used as the query.
#' @param features.rd GRanges object to be used as the subject or the
#' annotation table.
#' @param colnam column name to be added to sites.rd for the newly calculated
#' annotation...serves a core!
#' @param side boundary of annotation to use to calculate the nearest distance.
#' Options are '5p','3p', 'either'(default), or 'midpoint'.
#' @param feature.colnam column name from features.rd to be used for retrieving
#' the nearest feature name. By default this is NULL assuming that features.rd
#' has a column that includes the word 'name' somewhere in it.
#' @param dists.only flag to return distances only. If this is TRUE, then
#' 'feature.colnam' is not required and only distance to the nearest feature
#' will be returned. By default this is FALSE.
#' @param parallel use parallel backend to perform calculation with
#' \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}. Defaults to FALSE. If no parallel backend is
#' registered, then a serial version of foreach is ran using
#' \code{\link[foreach]{registerDoSEQ}}.
#' @param relativeTo calculate distance relative to query or subject.
#' Default is 'subject'. This essentially means whether to use query or subject
#' as the anchor point to get distance from!
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end
#' of sites.rd.
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#' \item When side='midpoint', the distance to nearest feature is
#' calculated by (start+stop)/2.
#' \item If strand information doesn't exist, then everything is defaulted
#' to '+' orientation (5' -> 3')
#' \item If parallel=TRUE, then be sure to have a parallel backend registered
#' before running the function. One can use any of the following libraries
#' compatible with \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}: doMC, doSMP, doSNOW, doMPI,
#' doParallel. For example: library(doMC); registerDoMC(2)
#' \item When relativeTo="subject", the biological distance is relative to
#' subject, meaning, the function reports the distance to query from subject
#' (i.e. an integration site is upstream or downstream from a gene).
#' When relativeTo="query", the distance is from the point of view of query
#' or an integration site (i.e. gene is upstream or downstream from an
#' integration site).
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}, \code{\link{get2NearestFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' nearestGenes <- getNearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene")
#' nearestGenes
#' nearestGenes <- getNearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' side = "5p")
#' nearestGenes
#' \dontrun{
#' nearestGenes <- getNearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' side = "3p")
#' nearestGenes
#' nearestGenes <- getNearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' side = "midpoint")
#' ## Parallel version of getNearestFeature
#' nearestGenes <- getNearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' parallel = TRUE)
#' nearestGenes
#' }
getNearestFeature <- function(sites.rd, features.rd,
colnam = NULL, side = "either",
feature.colnam = NULL,
dists.only = FALSE, parallel = FALSE,
relativeTo = 'subject') {
## this is to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" in R CMD check
query <- qID <- ok.chrs <- y <- freq <- NULL
## set global vars ##
if (!dists.only) {
mcols(subject)$featureName <- mcols(features.rd)[,feature.colnam]
if (side %in% c('5p', '3p', 'midpoint')) {
##get only 5 prime sides of features
if (side == '5p')
subject <- flank(subject, width = -1)
##get only 3 prime sides of features
if (side == '3p')
subject <- flank(subject, width = -1, start = FALSE)
##get (start+stop)/2 of features
if (side == 'midpoint')
ranges(subject) <- IRanges(mid(ranges(subject)), width = 1)
prefix <- ifelse(side == "either", "", side)
colnam <- cleanColname(colnam)
## chunksize the objects for parallel processing ##
chunks <- if (parallel) {
makeChunks(query, subject)
} else {
list(list("query" = query, "subject" = subject))
## first get the nearest indices, respective tempyIDs, and distances ##
res <- foreach(
x = iter(chunks), .inorder = FALSE,
.export = c("side", "relativeTo"),
.packages = c("GenomicRanges", "dplyr")
) %dopar% {
res.x <- as.data.frame(nearest(
x$query, x$subject, select = "all",
ignore.strand = TRUE
res.x$qID <- mcols(x$query)$tempyID[res.x$queryHits]
res.x$sID <- mcols(x$subject)$tempyID[res.x$subjectHits]
res.x <-
getLowestDists(x$query, x$subject, res.x, side, relativeTo)
inner_join(res.x, count(res.x, queryHits), by = "queryHits") %>%
rename(freq = n)
if (!dists.only) {
## for the feature of shortest indices, get the names, and strand
## attributes fix cases where >1 equally nearest features were returned
## by concatenating feature names and strand while returning one
## distance per query
res <-
x = iter(res), y = iter(sapply(chunks, "[[", "subject")),
.inorder = FALSE, .combine = rbind
) %dopar% {
# make sure x & y have the respective data chunks! #
stopifnot(all(x$sID %in% mcols(y)$tempyID))
x$featureName <-
x$strand <-
# isolate non-singletons to save time & memory! #
besties <- droplevels(subset(x,freq == 1))
x <- droplevels(subset(x,freq > 1))
x <- x %>% group_by(queryHits) %>%
mutate(featureName = paste(unique(featureName), collapse = ","),
strand = paste(unique(strand), collapse = ",")) %>%
ungroup %>%
select(queryHits, qID, dist, featureName, strand) %>%
# put singletons & curated non-singletons
# back together!
besties <- rbind(besties[,names(x)], x)
besties <- arrange(besties, qID)
## change column names for swift merging by .mergeAndReturn() ##
names(res)[grepl("featureName",names(res))] <- paste0(prefix, colnam)
names(res)[grepl("strand",names(res))] <- paste0(prefix, colnam, "Ort")
} else {
## fix cases where >1 equally nearest features were returned by
## choosing 1 distance
res <- foreach(x = iter(res), .inorder = FALSE,
.combine = rbind) %dopar% {
unique(x[, c("queryHits", "qID", "dist")])
## change distance column name for .mergeAndReturn() ##
names(res)[grep("dist", names(res))] <- paste0(prefix, colnam, "Dist")
# Do a last check to make sure there is only 1 hit per qID #
# This is useful in cases where two equally nearest distances
# but in opposite directions are returned #
test <- duplicated(res$qID)
if (any(test)) {
res <- res[!test,]
## merge results to the query object and return it ##
#' Get two nearest upstream and downstream annotation boundary for a
#' position range.
#' Given a query object, the function retrieves the two nearest feature
#' upstream and downstream along with their properties from a subject and
#' then appends them as new columns within the query object. When used in
#' genomic context, the function can be used to retrieve two nearest gene
#' upstream and downstream of the genomic position of interest.
#' @param sites.rd GRanges object to be used as the query.
#' @param features.rd GRanges object to be used as the subject or the
#' annotation table.
#' @param colnam column name to be added to sites.rd for the newly calculated
#' annotation...serves a core!
#' @param side boundary of annotation to use to calculate the nearest distance.
#' Options are '5p','3p', 'either'(default), or 'midpoint'.
#' @param feature.colnam column name from features.rd to be used for retrieving
#' the nearest feature name. By default this is NULL assuming that features.rd
#' has a column that includes the word 'name' somewhere in it.
#' @param relativeTo calculate distance relative to query or subject.
#' Default is 'subject'. See documentation of \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}
#' for more information.
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end
#' of sites.rd.
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#' \item When side='midpoint', the distance to nearest feature is
#' calculated by (start+stop)/2.
#' \item For cases where a position is at the edge and there are no feature
#' up/down stream since it would fall off the chromosome, the function simply
#' returns 'NA'.
#' \item If there are multiple locations where a query falls into,
#' the function arbitrarily chooses one to serve as the nearest feature,
#' then reports 2 upstream & downstream feature. That may occasionally yield
#' features which are the same upstream and downstream, which is commonly
#' encountered when studying spliced genes or phenomena related to it.
#' \item If strand information doesn't exist, then everything is defaults
#' to '+' orientation (5' -> 3')
#' \item If parallel=TRUE, then be sure to have a parallel backend registered
#' before running the function. One can use any of the following libraries
#' compatible with \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}: doMC, doSMP, doSNOW, doMPI,
#' doParallel. For example: library(doMC); registerDoMC(2)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{makeGRanges}},
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' nearestGenes <- get2NearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene")
#' nearestGenes
#' \dontrun{
#' nearestGenes <- get2NearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' side = "5p")
#' nearestGenes
#' nearestGenes <- get2NearestFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene",
#' side = "3p")
#' nearestGenes
#' }
get2NearestFeature <- function(sites.rd, features.rd,
colnam = NULL, side = "either",
feature.colnam = NULL, relativeTo = "subject") {
## this is to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" in R CMD check
query <- qID <- ok.chrs <- y <- freq <- NULL
## set global vars ##
## make sure features.rd/subject is sorted ##
mcols(subject)$featureName <- mcols(features.rd)[,feature.colnam]
subject <- sort(subject)
if (side %in% c('5p', '3p', 'midpoint')) {
##get only 5 prime sides of features
if (side == '5p')
subject <- flank(subject, width = -1)
##get only 3 prime sides of features
if (side == '3p')
subject <- flank(subject, width = -1, start = FALSE)
##get (start+stop)/2 of features
if (side == 'midpoint')
ranges(subject) <- IRanges(mid(ranges(subject)), width = 1)
## u = upstream, d = downstream
## thinking concept: u2.....u1.....intSite(+).....d1.....d2
## thinking concept: d2.....d1.....intSite(-).....u1.....u2
## searching concept: res.left2.....res.left1.....res....intSite....res...
## ..res.right1.....res.right2
## first get the nearest indices, respective tempyIDs ##
res <- as.data.frame(nearest(query, subject, select = "all",
ignore.strand = TRUE))
res$qID <- mcols(query)$tempyID[res$queryHits]
res$qStrand <- as.character(strand(query))[res$queryHits]
res <- getLowestDists(query, subject, res, side, relativeTo)
## perform upstream-downstream checks by testing distances
res <- res %>%
mutate(u2 = ifelse(dist < 0,
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits - 1,
subjectHits + 1),
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits - 2,
subjectHits + 2)),
u1 = ifelse(dist < 0,
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits - 1,
subjectHits + 1)),
d1 = ifelse(dist < 0,
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits + 1,
subjectHits - 1),
d2 = ifelse(dist < 0,
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits + 2,
subjectHits - 2),
ifelse(qStrand == "+", subjectHits + 1,
subjectHits - 1)))
prefix <- ifelse(side == "either", "Either", side)
message("u = upstream, d = downstream")
message("thinking concept: u2.....u1.....intSite(+).....d1.....d2")
message("thinking concept: d2.....d1.....intSite(-).....u1.....u2")
colnam <- cleanColname(colnam)
## add columns back to query object
all.res <- lapply(c("u1", "u2", "d1", "d2"), function(f) {
res.nrst <- res[, c("queryHits", "subjectHits", "qID", f)]
# make sure we haven't jumped a chromosome by shifting nearest indices
# if we did, then record it as NA at later a stage
# fix cases where chosen subjectHits are off the
# length of subjectObject
fixed <- with(res.nrst, ifelse(get(f) < 1 | get(f) > length(subject),
subjectHits, get(f)))
# do the chromosome test & tag rows which were off the subject length #
res.nrst$qChr <- as.character(seqnames(query))[res.nrst$queryHits]
res.nrst$sChr <- as.character(seqnames(subject))[fixed]
rows <- res.nrst$qChr != res.nrst$sChr | res.nrst[, f] < 1 |
res.nrst[, f] > length(subject)
# overwrite subjectHits indices with that of interested motif for l
# ater steps
res.nrst$subjectHits <- res.nrst[, f]
# remove unnecessary columns #
res.nrst[, f] <- NULL
res.nrst$qChr <- NULL
res.nrst$sChr <- NULL
# extract cases which fell off the chromosome but drop any queryHits
# which found multiple nearest hits and only one of them happened to be
# off the chromosome!
res.nrst.bad <-
droplevels(res.nrst[rows & !res.nrst$queryHits %in%
res.nrst$queryHits[!rows], ])
res.nrst <- droplevels(res.nrst[!rows, ])
res.nrst <-
getLowestDists(query, subject, res.nrst, side, relativeTo)
res.nrst$featureName <-
mcols(subject)[, "featureName"][res.nrst$subjectHits]
res.nrst$strand <-
res.nrst <- res.nrst %>% group_by(queryHits, qID, dist) %>%
featureName = paste(unique(featureName), collapse = ","),
strand = paste(unique(strand), collapse = ",")
) %>% ungroup
# add back rows which fell off the edge of chromosome #
if (any(rows)) {
res.nrst.bad[, c("dist", "featureName", "strand")] <- NA
res.nrst <-
rbind(res.nrst, unique(res.nrst.bad[, names(res.nrst)]))
res.nrst <- arrange(res.nrst, qID)
if (f == "u1") {
coldef <- paste(prefix, colnam, "upStream1", sep = ".")
if (f == "u2") {
coldef <- paste(prefix, colnam, "upStream2", sep = ".")
if (f == "d1") {
coldef <- paste(prefix, colnam, "downStream1", sep = ".")
if (f == "d2") {
coldef <- paste(prefix, colnam, "downStream2", sep = ".")
## add meta columns to the result ##
names(res.nrst)[grepl("featureName", names(res.nrst))] <- coldef
names(res.nrst)[grepl("strand", names(res.nrst))] <-
paste(coldef, "Ort", sep = ".")
names(res.nrst)[grepl("dist", names(res.nrst))] <-
paste(coldef, "Dist", sep = ".")
res <- do.call(cbind, all.res)
## merge results to the query object and return it ##
#' Get the lowest biological distance from the 5' or 3' boundaries of query
#' and subject.
#' Given a query and subject with indicies from \code{\link[IRanges]{nearest}},
#' calculate the shortest biological distance to either boundaries of the query
#' and subject. This is a helper function utilized in
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{get2NearestFeature}}
#' @param query GRanges object to be used as the query which holds data for
#' 'queryHits' attribute of res.nrst.
#' @param subject GRanges object to be used as the subject which holds data for
#' 'subjectHits' attribute of res.nrst.
#' @param res.nrst a dataframe of nearest indices as returned by
#' \code{\link[IRanges]{nearest}}.
#' @param side boundary of subject/annotation to use to calculate the
#' nearest distance. Options are '5p','3p', or the default 'either'.
#' @param relativeTo calculate distance relative to query or subject.
#' Default is 'subject'. See documentation of \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}
#' for more information.
#' @return res.nrst with lowest distances appended at the end.
#' @note for cases where a query has multiple nearest neighbors or overlaps
#' with >1 subjects, the function will choose the subject with the lowest
#' absolute distance.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{get2NearestFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 5, 12, 20), width = 1),
#' strand = c("-", "+", "-", "+"))
#' subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 5, 10, 15, 21), width = 8:4),
#' strand = c("+", "+", "-", "-", "-"))
#' res <- as.data.frame(nearest(query, subject, select = "all",
#' ignore.strand = TRUE))
#' res <- getLowestDists(query, subject, res, "either", "query")
getLowestDists <- function(query = NULL, subject = NULL, res.nrst = NULL,
side = "either", relativeTo = "subject") {
if (is.null(query) | is.null(subject) | is.null(res.nrst)) {
stop("One of following is null: query, subject, res.nrst")
if (side == "either") {
## get lowest dist to either annot boundary from 5p side of the query
dist.s <- start(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
dist.e <- start(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
dist5p <- ifelse(abs(dist.s) < abs(dist.e), dist.s, dist.e)
## get lowest dist to either annot boundary from 3p side of the query
dist.s <- end(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
dist.e <- end(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
dist3p <- ifelse(abs(dist.s) < abs(dist.e), dist.s, dist.e)
} else {
## no need to do calcs to start & end of subject since this clause
## assumes you have taken 5' or 3' of the subject!
## get lowest dist to annot boundary from 5p side of the query
dist5p <- start(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
## get lowest dist to annot boundary from 3p side of the query
dist3p <- end(query)[res.nrst$queryHits] -
## get lowest distance from the lowest 5p or 3p of the query!
dist.lowest <- ifelse(abs(dist5p) < abs(dist3p), dist5p, dist3p)
## fix signs to match biological upstream or downstream relative to
## query or subject!
if (relativeTo == 'query') {
bore <- as.character(strand(query))[res.nrst$query] == "+"
dist.lowest2 <- ifelse(bore, -dist.lowest, dist.lowest)
} else {
bore <- as.character(strand(subject))[res.nrst$subjectHits] == "-"
dist.lowest2 <- ifelse(bore, -dist.lowest, dist.lowest)
res.nrst$dist <- dist.lowest2
## fix cases where two nested features were returned by choosing
## the lowest absolute distances for both features.
res.nrst %>% group_by(queryHits) %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(dist) == min(abs(dist))) %>%
ungroup %>% as.data.frame
#' Generate a window size label.
#' Function to generate aesthetically pleasing window size label given an
#' integer. This is one of the helper function used in
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}} & \code{\link{getFeatureCountsBig}}.
#' @param x vector of integers to generate the labels for.
#' @return a character vector of length(x) which has x normalized and
#' suffixed by bp, Kb, Mb, or Gb depending on respective interval sizes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}, \code{\link{makeGRanges}},
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getWindowLabel(c(0, 1e7, 1e3, 1e6, 2e9))
getWindowLabel <- function(x) {
ind <- cut(abs(x), c(0, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE, labels = FALSE)
paste0(x / c(1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12)[ind],
c("bp", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb")[ind])
#' Get counts of annotation within a defined window around each query
#' range or positions.
#' Given a query object and window size(s), the function finds all the rows in
#' subject which are <= window size/2 distance away. If weights are assigned to
#' each positions in the subject, then tallied counts are multiplied
#' accordingly. For large annotations, use \code{\link{getFeatureCountsBig}}.
#' @param sites.rd GRanges object to be used as the query.
#' @param features.rd GRanges object to be used as the subject or
#' the annotation table.
#' @param colnam column name to be added to sites.rd for the newly calculated
#' annotation...serves as a prefix to windows sizes!
#' @param chromSizes named vector of chromosome/seqnames sizes to be used for
#' testing if a position is off the mappable region. DEPRECATED and will be
#' removed in future release.
#' @param widths a named/numeric vector of window sizes to be used for casting
#' a net around each position. Default: \code{c(1000,10000,1000000)}.
#' @param weightsColname if defined, weigh each row from features.rd when
#' tallying up the counts.
#' @param doInChunks break up sites.rd into small pieces of chunkSize to
#' perform the calculations. Default is FALSE. Useful if you are expecting
#' to find great deal of overlap between sites.rd and features.rd.
#' @param chunkSize number of rows to use per chunk of sites.rd.
#' Default to 10000. Only used if doInChunks=TRUE.
#' @param parallel use parallel backend to perform calculation with
#' \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}. Defaults to FALSE. If no parallel backend is
#' registered, then a serial version of foreach is ran using
#' \code{\link[foreach]{registerDoSEQ}}.
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end of
#' sites.rd. There will be a column for each width defined in widths parameter.
#' If widths was a named vector i.e. c("100bp"=100,"1K"=1000), then the colname
#' parameter will be pasted together with width name else default name will be
#' generated by the function.
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#' \item If parallel=TRUE, then be sure to have a parallel backend registered
#' before running the function. One can use any of the following libraries
#' compatible with \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}: doMC, doSMP, doSNOW,
#' doMPI. For example: library(doMC); registerDoMC(2)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCountsBig}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' geneCounts <- getFeatureCounts(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene")
#' \dontrun{
#' geneCounts <- getFeatureCounts(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene",
#' doInChunks = TRUE, chunkSize = 200)
#' geneCounts
#' ## Parallel version of getFeatureCounts
#' # geneCounts <- getFeatureCounts(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene",
#' parallel = TRUE)
#' # geneCounts
#' }
getFeatureCounts <- function(sites.rd, features.rd,
colnam = NULL, chromSizes = NULL,
widths = c(1000,10000,1000000),
weightsColname = NULL, doInChunks = FALSE,
chunkSize = 10000, parallel = FALSE) {
## this is to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" in R CMD check
query <- qID <- ok.chrs <- y <- freq <- NULL
## set global vars ##
if (!is.null(chromSizes)) {
warning("decrepit option: chromSizes parameter is no longer required
and will be ignored!")
if (doInChunks & chunkSize < length(sites.rd)) {
rm("query", "subject")
# no need to execute all this if chunkSize is bigger than data size!!!
total <- length(sites.rd)
starts <- seq(1, total, by = chunkSize)
stops <- unique(c(seq(chunkSize, total, by = chunkSize), total))
stopifnot(length(starts) == length(stops))
message("Breaking up sites.rd into chunks of ",chunkSize)
res <- GRanges()
for (x in 1:length(starts)) {
res <- c(res,
features.rd, colnam = colnam,
widths = widths,
weightsColname = weightsColname,
parallel = parallel),
} else {
weighted <- ifelse(is.null(weightsColname),FALSE,TRUE)
if (weighted) {
mcols(subject)$weights <- mcols(features.rd)[,weightsColname]
# only get labels if not supplied
if (is.null(names(widths))) {
names(widths) <- getWindowLabel(widths)
## chunkize the objects for parallel processing ##
chunks <- if (parallel) {
makeChunks(query, subject)
} else {
list(list("query" = query, "subject" = subject))
colnam <- cleanColname(colnam)
## perform overlap analysis in parallel by windows ##
res <- foreach(
x = iter(chunks), .inorder = FALSE, .combine = rbind,
.export = c("widths", "weighted", "colnam"),
.packages = c("GenomicRanges", "dplyr")
) %dopar% {
counts <- sapply(widths, function(y) {
res.x <- findOverlaps(x$query, x$subject, select = 'all',
maxgap = (y/2), ignore.strand = TRUE)
if (weighted) {
res.x <- as.data.frame(res.x)
res.x$weights <- mcols(x$subject)$weights[res.x$subjectHits]
res.x$tempyID <- mcols(x$query)$tempyID[res.x$queryHits]
res.x$counts <- with(res.x, ave(weights, tempyID, FUN = sum))
res.x <- unique(res.x[, c("tempyID", "counts")])
nohits <- setdiff(mcols(x$query)$tempyID, res.x$tempyID)
res.x <- rbind(res.x, data.frame(tempyID = nohits, counts = 0))
res.x[order(res.x$tempyID), "counts"]
} else {
counts <- as.data.frame(counts)
names(counts) <- paste(colnam, names(counts), sep = ".")
counts$qID <- mcols(x$query)$tempyID
## merge results to the query object and return it ##
#' Get counts of annotation within a defined window around each query
#' range/position for large annotation objects spanning greater than
#' 1 billion rows.
#' Given a query object and window size(s), the function finds all the rows in
#' subject which are <= window size/2 distance away. Note that here counting is
#' done using midpoint of the ranges in query instead of start-stop boundaries.
#' The counts will differ slightly when compared to
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}.
#' @param sites.rd GRanges object to be used as the query.
#' @param features.rd GRanges object to be used as the subject or the
#' annotation table.
#' @param colnam column name to be added to sites.rd for the newly calculated
#' annotation...serves as a prefix to windows sizes!
#' @param widths a named/numeric vector of window sizes to be used for casting
#' a net around each position. Default: \code{c(1000,10000,1000000)}
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end of
#' sites.rd. There will be a column for each width defined in widths parameter.
#' If widths was a named vector i.e. c("100bp"=100,"1K"=1000),
#' then the colname parameter will be pasted together with width name else
#' default name will be generated by the function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' geneCounts1 <- getFeatureCounts(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene")
#' \dontrun{
#' geneCounts2 <- getFeatureCountsBig(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene")
#' identical(geneCounts1, geneCounts2)
#' }
getFeatureCountsBig <- function(sites.rd, features.rd, colnam = NULL,
widths = c(1000, 10000, 1000000)) {
## this is to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" in R CMD check
query <- qID <- ok.chrs <- y <- freq <- NULL
## set global vars ##
ranges(query) <- mid(ranges(query))
query <- split(query, seqnames(query))
subject <- split(subject, seqnames(subject))
# only get labels if not supplied
if (is.null(names(widths))) {
names(widths) <- getWindowLabel(widths)
colnam <- cleanColname(colnam)
## get counts of midpoints using findInterval and add columns back to
## query object
res <- lapply(names(widths), function(windowName) {
columnName <- paste(colnam, names(widths[windowName]), sep = ".")
res.i <- lapply(ok.chrs, function(x) {
counts <- abs(findInterval(start(query[[x]]) - widths[windowName] / 2,
sort(start(subject[[x]]))) -
findInterval(start(query[[x]]) + widths[windowName] / 2,
res.x <- data.frame(qID = query[[x]]$tempyID)
res.x[,columnName] <- counts
do.call(rbind, res.i)
res <- do.call(cbind, res)
## merge results to the query object and return it ##
#' Find overlapping positions/ranges that match between the query and subject.
#' When used in genomic context, the function annotates genomic positions of
#' interest with information like if they were in a gene or cpg island or
#' whatever annotation that was supplied in the subject.
#' @param sites.rd GRanges object to be used as the query.
#' @param features.rd GRanges object to be used as the subject or the
#' annotation table.
#' @param colnam column name to be added to sites.rd for the newly calculated
#' annotation...serves a core! If allSubjectCols=TRUE, then this is used as a
#' prefix to all metadata column.
#' @param asBool Flag indicating whether to return results as TRUE/FALSE or the
#' property of an overlapping feature..namely feature name and orientation if
#' available. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param feature.colnam column name from features.rd to be used for retrieving
#' the feature name. By default this is NULL assuming that features.rd has a
#' column that includes the word 'name' somewhere in it.
#' Not required if asBool=TRUE or allSubjectCols=TRUE
#' @param parallel use parallel backend to perform calculation with
#' \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}. Defaults to FALSE. Not applicable when
#' asBool=T. If no parallel backend is registered, then a serial version of
#' foreach is ran using \code{\link[foreach]{registerDoSEQ}}.
#' @param allSubjectCols Flag indicating whether to return all annotations or
#' metadata columns from features.rd. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param overlapType see \code{\link[IRanges]{findOverlaps}}. Defaults to 'any'
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end
#' of sites.rd.
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#' \item If parallel=TRUE, then be sure to have a parallel backend registered
#' before running the function. One can use any of the following libraries
#' compatible with \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}: doMC, doSMP, doSNOW,
#' doMPI. For example: library(doMC); registerDoMC(2)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}},
#' \code{\link{getNearestFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' InGenes <- getSitesInFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene")
#' InGenes
#' \dontrun{
#' InGenes <- getSitesInFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene", asBool = TRUE)
#' InGenes
#' ## Parallel version of getSitesInFeature
#' InGenes <- getSitesInFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene", asBool = TRUE,
#' parallel = TRUE)
#' InGenes
#' InGenes <- getSitesInFeature(alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene",
#' allSubjectCols = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)
#' InGenes
#' }
getSitesInFeature <- function(sites.rd, features.rd, colnam = NULL,
asBool = FALSE, feature.colnam = NULL,
parallel = FALSE, allSubjectCols = FALSE,
overlapType = 'any') {
## this is to avoid "no visible binding for global variable" in R CMD check
query <- qID <- ok.chrs <- y <- freq <- NULL
## set global vars ##
## chunkize the objects for parallel processing ##
mcols(subject)$featureName <- mcols(features.rd)[,feature.colnam]
chunks <- if (parallel) {
makeChunks(query, subject)
} else {
list(list("query" = query, "subject" = subject))
colnam <- cleanColname(colnam)
## perform overlap analysis in parallel by windows ##
res <- foreach(
x = iter(chunks), .inorder = FALSE, .combine = rbind,
.export = c("colnam", "asBool", "allSubjectCols"),
.packages = c("GenomicRanges", "dplyr")
) %dopar% {
if (asBool) {
strand(x$subject) <- "*"
bore <- overlapsAny(x$query, x$subject, ignore.strand = TRUE,
type = overlapType)
res.x <- data.frame(qID = mcols(x$query)$tempyID, featureName = bore)
} else if (allSubjectCols) {
# remove artificially added featureName column else it will be duplicated!
mcols(x$subject)$featureName <- NULL
res.x <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(x$query, x$subject,
select = 'all', ignore.strand = TRUE,
type = overlapType))
res.x$qID <- mcols(x$query)$tempyID[res.x$queryHits]
allSubjCols <- mcols(x$subject[res.x$subjectHits])
rownames(allSubjCols) <- NULL
names(allSubjCols) <- paste("featureName", names(allSubjCols), sep = ".")
res.x <- cbind(res.x, as.data.frame(allSubjCols))
} else {
res.x <- as.data.frame(
x$query, x$subject, select = 'all', ignore.strand = TRUE,
type = overlapType
res.x$qID <- mcols(x$query)$tempyID[res.x$queryHits]
## collapse rows where query returned two hits with the same featureNames
## due to alternative splicing or something else.
res.x$featureName <- mcols(x$subject)$featureName[res.x$subjectHits]
res.x$strand <- as.character(strand(x$subject))[res.x$subjectHits]
# isolate non-singletons to save time & memory! #
res.x <- res.x %>% group_by(queryHits) %>% mutate(freq = n())
besties <- ungroup(res.x) %>% dplyr::filter(freq == 1)
res.x <- ungroup(res.x) %>% dplyr::filter(freq > 1)
# collapse multiple featureName #
res.x <- res.x %>% group_by(queryHits) %>%
mutate(featureName = paste(unique(featureName), collapse = ","),
strand = paste(unique(strand), collapse = ",")) %>%
ungroup %>% select(queryHits, qID, featureName, strand) %>%
# put singletons & curated non-singletons back together #
res.x <- rbind(besties[,names(res.x)], res.x)
res.x <- arrange(res.x, qID)
names(res.x)[grepl("strand",names(res.x))] <- paste0(colnam,"Ort")
## change column names for swift merging by
# .mergeAndReturn()
if (allSubjectCols) {
names(res.x)[grepl("featureName", names(res.x))] <-
gsub("featureName", colnam,
names(res.x)[grepl("featureName", names(res.x))])
} else {
names(res.x)[grepl("featureName", names(res.x))] <- colnam
## merge results to the query object and return it ##
## for legacy code support change sites.rd not in feature.rd to FALSE
## instead of NA
if (!allSubjectCols) {
mcols(sites.rd)[,colnam][is.na(mcols(sites.rd)[,colnam])] <- FALSE
#' Annotate a GRanges object using one of annotation functions.
#' This is a wrapper function which calls one of following functions depending
#' on annotType parameter: \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}},
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCountsBig}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{get2NearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}
#' @param annotType one of following: within, nearest, twoNearest, counts,
#' countsBig.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the respective annotation
#' function.
#' @param postProcessFun function to call on the resulting object for any post
#' processing steps.
#' @param postProcessFunArgs additional arguments for postProcessFun as a list.
#' @return a GRanges object with new annotation columns appended at the end
#' of sites.rd.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeGRanges}}, \code{\link{getFeatureCounts}},
#' \code{\link{getFeatureCountsBig}}, \code{\link{getNearestFeature}},
#' \code{\link{get2NearestFeature}}, \code{\link{getSitesInFeature}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert a dataframe to GRanges object
#' data(sites)
#' alldata.rd <- makeGRanges(sites, soloStart = TRUE)
#' data(genes)
#' genes.rd <- makeGRanges(genes)
#' doAnnotation(annotType = "within", alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene", asBool = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' doAnnotation(annotType = "counts", alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NumOfGene")
#' doAnnotation(annotType = "nearest", alldata.rd, genes.rd, "NearestGene")
#' doAnnotation(annotType = "countsBig", alldata.rd, genes.rd, "ChipSeqCounts")
#' geneCheck <- function(x,wanted) { x$isWantedGene <- x$InGene %in% wanted;
#' return(x) }
#' doAnnotation(annotType = "within", alldata.rd, genes.rd, "InGene",
#' postProcessFun = geneCheck,
#' postProcessFunArgs = list("wanted" = c("FOXJ3", "SEPT9", "RPTOR")) )
#' }
doAnnotation <-
function(annotType = NULL, ..., postProcessFun = NULL,
postProcessFunArgs = list()) {
if (is.null(annotType)) {
"Please define the annotType parameter to identify which type of
annotation to perform: within, nearest, counts"
res <- switch(
match.arg(annotType, c("within", "nearest", "twoNearest",
"counts", "countsBig")),
within = getSitesInFeature(...),
nearest = getNearestFeature(...),
twoNearest = get2NearestFeature(...),
counts = getFeatureCounts(...),
countsBig = getFeatureCountsBig(...),
stop("Invalid annoType parameter")
if (!is.null(postProcessFun)) {
res <- do.call(postProcessFun, append(postProcessFunArgs,
list(res), after = 0))
#' Check args and set defaults.
#' This function checks all the arguments passed to an annotation
#' function and set default values for later use. Evaluation of this function
#' happens in the parent function.
.checkArgsSetDefaults <- function() {
checks <- expression(
if (!is(sites.rd, "GRanges")) {
sites.rd <- as(sites.rd, "GRanges")
if (!is(features.rd, "GRanges")) {
features.rd <- as(features.rd, "GRanges")
if (!identical(class(sites.rd), class(features.rd))) {
"sites.rd & features.rd are of different classes.
Please make them the same class: GRanges"
stopifnot(length(sites.rd) > 0),
stopifnot(length(features.rd) > 0),
if ("parallel" %in% names(formals())) {
if (!parallel) {
if (exists("colnam")) {
if (is.null(colnam)) {
stop("Please define the colnam parameter for the new column(s)
to be appended.")
if (!any(unique(as.character(seqnames(sites.rd))) %in%
unique(as.character(seqnames(features.rd))))) {
"There are no seqnames/chromosomes that are shared between the
query (sites.rd) and subject (features.rd)"
## get feature names column for adding feature name to sites.rd
## dont throw error if dists.only flag is TRUE from getNearestFeature
if (exists("feature.colnam")) {
if (is.null(feature.colnam)) {
answer <- try(getRelevantCol(colnames(mcols(features.rd)),
c("name", "featureName"),
"featureName", multiple.ok = TRUE),
silent = TRUE)
feature.colnam <- colnames(mcols(features.rd))[answer][1]
if (exists("dists.only")) {
if (!dists.only & is.na(feature.colnam)) {
stop("No featureName based column found.")
} else if (exists("allSubjectCols")) {
if (!allSubjectCols & is.na(feature.colnam)) {
stop("No featureName based column found.")
} else {
if (is.na(feature.colnam)) {
stop("No featureName based column found.")
## use only chroms that are present in both sites.rd and features.rd ##
ok.chrs <- intersect(as.character(seqnames(sites.rd)),
features.rd <- keepSeqlevels(features.rd, ok.chrs, pruning.mode = "coarse"),
good.rows <- as.character(seqnames(sites.rd)) %in% ok.chrs,
## extract required objects to streamline downstream code/steps
## tag each row with tempyID for merging with original object
## this is crucial since objects are divided into chunks which resets
## the index from 1...n
## tempyID would preserve the original order for parallel processing ##
query <- sites.rd,
mcols(query) <- NULL,
mcols(query)$tempyID <- 1:length(query),
mcols(sites.rd)$tempyID <- mcols(query)$tempyID,
subject <- features.rd,
if (exists("allSubjectCols")) {
if (!allSubjectCols) {
mcols(subject) <- NULL
mcols(subject)$tempyID <- 1:length(subject)
} else {
mcols(subject) <- NULL
mcols(subject)$tempyID <- 1:length(subject)
#' Merge results back to the query object and perform additional post
#' processing steps.
#' This function merges all the calculation results back to the query object.
#' Additionally, if any flags were set, the function does the necessary checks
#' and processing to format the return object as required. Evaluation of this
#' function happens in the parent function.
.mergeAndReturn <- function() {
toDo <- expression(
## make sure res object has the required fields ##
stopifnot("qID" %in% names(res)),
## make sure we only have one resulting row per query unless
## allSubjectCols is TRUE ##
if (exists("allSubjectCols")) {
if (!allSubjectCols) {
stopifnot(!any(table(res$qID) > 1))
} else {
stopifnot(!any(table(res$qID) > 1))
res <- DataFrame(res),
## setup new columns to be added using NA and add the proper class ##
newCols <- grep(colnam,names(res),value = TRUE),
mcols(sites.rd)[newCols] <- NA,
for (newCol in newCols) {
mcols(sites.rd)[[newCol]] <- as(mcols(sites.rd)[[newCol]],
## merge back results in the same order as rows in query/sites.rd ##
rows <- match(mcols(sites.rd)$tempyID[good.rows], res$qID),
mcols(sites.rd)[good.rows,][!is.na(rows),newCols] <-
res[rows[!is.na(rows)], newCols],
## clear up any temp columns ##
mcols(sites.rd)$tempyID <- NULL
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.