datdir <- system.file("extdata", package = "MACSr")
eh <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
eh <- AnnotationHub::query(eh, "MACSdata")
CHIP <- eh[["EH4558"]]
CTRL <- eh[["EH4563"]]
CHIPPE <- eh[["EH4559"]]
CTRLPE <- eh[["EH4564"]]
CHIPBEDPE <- eh[["EH4560"]]
CTRLBEDPE <- eh[["EH4565"]]
# context("1. test callpeak")
# cp1 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow0", outdir = tempdir(),
# cutoff_analysis = TRUE, log = FALSE, format = "BED")
# cp2 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow1", outdir = tempdir(),
# dmin = 15, call_summits = TRUE)
# cp3 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow2", outdir = tempdir(),
# nomodel = TRUE, extsize = 100)
# cp4 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow3", outdir = tempdir(),
# nomodel = TRUE, extsize = 100, shift = -50)
# cp5 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow4", outdir = tempdir(),
# nomodel = TRUE, nolambda = TRUE, extsize = 100,
# shift = -50)
# cp6 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_narrow5", outdir = tempdir(),
# scaleto = "large")
# test_that("test callpeak narrow", {
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp1$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow0_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp2$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow1_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp3$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow2_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp4$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow3_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp5$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow4_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp6$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_narrow5_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# })
# cp7 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# name = "run_callpeak_broad", outdir = tempdir(),
# broad = TRUE)
# test_that("test callpeak broad", {
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("broadPeak", cp7$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_broad_peaks.broadPeak")))
# })
# cp8 <- callpeak(CHIPPE, CTRLPE, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# format = "BAMPE", name = "run_callpeak_bampe_narrow", outdir = tempdir(),
# call_summits = TRUE)
# cp9 <- callpeak(CHIPBEDPE, CTRLBEDPE, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# format = "BEDPE", name = "run_callpeak_bedpe_narrow", outdir = tempdir(),
# call_summits = TRUE)
# cp10 <- callpeak(CHIPBEDPE, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# format = "BEDPE", name = "run_callpeak_pe_narrow_onlychip", outdir = tempdir())
# test_that("test callpeak on PE narrow", {
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp8$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_bampe_narrow_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp9$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_bedpe_narrow_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("narrowPeak", cp10$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_pe_narrow_onlychip_peaks.narrowPeak")))
# })
# cp11 <- callpeak(CHIPPE, CTRLPE, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# format = "BAMPE", name = "run_callpeak_bampe_broad", outdir = tempdir(),
# broad = TRUE)
# cp12 <- callpeak(CHIPBEDPE, CTRLBEDPE, gsize = 5.2e7, store_bdg = TRUE,
# format = "BEDPE", name = "run_callpeak_bedpe_broad", outdir = tempdir(),
# broad = TRUE)
# test_that("test callpeak on PE broad", {
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("broadPeak", cp11$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_bampe_broad_peaks.broadPeak")))
# expect_identical(readLines(grep("broadPeak", cp12$outputs, value = TRUE)),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_callpeak_bedpe_broad_peaks.broadPeak")))
# })
# context("2. test predictd")
# flen <- predictd(ifile = CHIP,
# d_min=10, gsize=5.2e+7, plot = NULL)
# test_that("test predictd", {
# expect_equal(flen, 229)
# })
# context("3. test filterdup")
# fd <- filterdup(ifile = CHIP,
# gsize = 5.2e+7, outputfile = "test.bed", outdir = tempdir(), format = "AUTO")
# test_that("test filterdup", {
# expect_identical(readLines(fd$outputs),
# readLines(file.path(datdir, "run_filterdup_result.bed.gz")))
# })
## ## test callvar
## if(file.exists(system.file(package="Rsamtools"))){
## Rsamtools::indexBam(CHIPPE)
## Rsamtools::indexBam(CTRLPE)
## callvarpeak <- file.path(datdir, "callvar_testing.narrowPeak")
## cv1 <- callvar(peakbed=callvarpeak, tfile=CHIPPE, cfile=CTRLPE, outputfile="PEsample.vcf")
## test_that("callvar", {
## expect_equal(nrow(read.table(cv1$outputs, sep="\t")), 16)
## })
## }
## atac <- hmmratac(bam=ATACSEQBAM, outdir="/tmp/atac", name="hmmratac_yeast500k", save_train=TRUE)
# datdir <- system.file("extdata", package = "MACSr")
# CHIP <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_SE_ChIP_chr22_50k.bed.gz")
# CTRL <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_SE_CTRL_chr22_50k.bed.gz")
# CHIPPE <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_PE_ChIP_chr22_50k.bam")
# CTRLPE <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_PE_CTRL_chr22_50k.bam")
# CHIPBEDPE <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_PE_ChIP_chr22_50k.bedpe.gz")
# CTRLBEDPE <- file.path(datdir, "CTCF_PE_CTRL_chr22_50k.bedpe.gz")
context("1. test callpeak")
test_that("callpeak runs without error", {
expect_no_error(cp1 <- callpeak(
tfile = CHIP,
cfile = CTRL,
gsize = 5.2e7,
format = "BED",
name = "callpeak_output"))
context("2. test pileup")
test_that("pileup runs without error", {
expect_no_error(pu1 <- pileup( ifile = CHIP,
format = 'BED',
extsize = 200,
outputfile = "pileup_output.bed.bdg"))
context("3. test filterdup")
test_that("filterdup runs without error", {
expect_no_error(fd1 <- filterdup( ifile = CHIP,
gsize = 52000000,
outputfile = "filterdup_output.bed"))
test_that("filterdup runs without error, format = bedpe", {
expect_no_error(fd2 <- filterdup( ifile = CHIPPE,
gsize = 52000000,
format = 'BAMPE',
outputfile = "filterdup_output.bedpe"))
context("4. test predictd") # this runs successfully, but has mismatch argument (plot vs rfile?)
test_that("predictd runs without error", {
expect_no_error(pd <- predictd(ifile = CHIP,
d_min = 10,
plot = NULL))
context("5. test randsample")
test_that("randsample runs without error", {
expect_no_error(rs <- randsample(ifile = CHIP,
seed = 31415926,
number = 10000,
outputfile = "randsample_output.bed"))
# context("6. test refinepeak")
# test_that("refinepeak runs without error 1", {
# expect_no_error(rp1 <- refinepeak(
# bedfile = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_peaks.narrowPeak'),
# ifile = CHIP,
# oprefix="refinepeak_output_prefix"))
# })
# test_that("refinepeak runs without error 2", {
# expect_no_error(rp2 <- refinepeak(
# bedfile = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_peaks.narrowPeak'),
# ifile = CHIP,
# outputfile="refinepeak_output.bed"))
# })
context("7. test bdgcmp")
test_that("bdgcmp runs without error 1", {
expect_no_error(bdgcmp1 <- bdgcmp(
tfile = file.path(datdir, 'run_pileup_ChIP.bed.bdg'),
cfile =file.path(datdir, 'run_pileup_CTRL.bed.bdg'),
oprefix="bdgcmp_output_prefix" ))
test_that("bdgcmp runs without error 2", {
expect_no_error(bdgcmp2 <- bdgcmp(
tfile = file.path(datdir, 'run_pileup_ChIP.bed.bdg'),
cfile =file.path(datdir, 'run_pileup_CTRL.bed.bdg'),
outputfile= list("bdgcmp_output.bdg") )) # why is it defined as a list?
# context("8. test bdgpeakcall")
# test_that("bdgpeakcall runs without error 1", {
# expect_no_error(bdgpc1 <- bdgpeakcall(
# ifile = file.path(datdir, 'run_bdgcmp_FE.bdg'),
# cutoff = 2,
# oprefix="bdgpeakcall_output_prefix"))
# })
# test_that("bdgpeakcall runs without error 2", {
# expect_no_error(bdgpc2 <- bdgpeakcall(
# ifile = file.path(datdir, 'run_bdgcmp_FE.bdg'),
# cutoff = 2,
# outputfile="bdgpeakcall_output.txt"))
# })
# context("9. test bdgbroadcall")
# test_that("bdgbroadcall runs without error 1", {
# expect_no_error(bdgbc1 <- bdgbroadcall(
# ifile = file.path(datdir, 'run_bdgcmp_FE.bdg'),
# cutoffpeak=2,
# cutofflink=1.5,
# oprefix="bdgbroadcall_output" ))
# })
# test_that("bdgbroadcall runs without error 2", {
# expect_no_error(bdgbc2 <- bdgbroadcall(
# ifile = file.path(datdir, 'run_bdgcmp_FE.bdg'),
# cutoffpeak=2,
# cutofflink=1.5,
# outputfile="bdgbroadcall_output.bed" ))
# })
# context("10. test bdgdiff")
# test_that("bdgdiff runs without error 1", {
# expect_no_error(bdgdiff1 <- bdgdiff(
# t1bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_treat_pileup.bdg'),
# c1bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_control_lambda.bdg'),
# t2bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow_revert_treat_pileup.bdg'),
# c2bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow_revert_control_lambda.bdg'),
# oprefix="bdgdiff_output_prefix"))
# })
# test_that("bdgdiff runs without error 2", {
# expect_no_error(bdgdiff2 <- bdgdiff(
# t1bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_treat_pileup.bdg'),
# c1bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_control_lambda.bdg'),
# t2bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow_revert_treat_pileup.bdg'),
# c2bdg = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow_revert_control_lambda.bdg'),
# outputfile= list("bdgdiff_output1.bed", "bdgdiff_output2.bed", "bdgdiff_output3.bed")))
# })
# context("11. test cmbreps")
# test_that("cmbreps runs without error", {
# expect_no_error(cmbreps <- cmbreps(
# ifile = list(file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_treat_pileup.bdg'),
# file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_control_lambda.bdg')),
# method = "max",
# outputfile = "cmbreps_output.bdg"
# ))
# })
context("12. test bdgopt")
test_that("bdgopt runs without error", {
expect_no_error(bdgopt <- bdgopt(
ifile = file.path(datdir, 'run_callpeak_narrow0_treat_pileup.bdg'),
method = "min",
extraparam = 10,
outputfile="bdgopt_output.bdg" ))
# context("13. test callvar")
# test_that("callvar runs without error", {
# expect_no_error(cv1 <- callvar(
# peakbed=file.path(datdir, "callvar_testing.narrowPeak"),
# tfile=CHIPPE,
# cfile=CTRLPE,
# outputfile="callvar_output.vcf"
# ))
# })
# context("14. test 50k contigs with buffersize")
# context("15. test hmmratac")
# test_that("hmmratac runs without error, defaults", {
# expect_no_error(hm1 <- hmmratac(
# input_file = file.path(datdir, 'yeast_500k_SRR1822137.bam'),
# name = "hmmratac_output"))
# })
# test_that("hmmratac runs without error, format = BEDPE", {
# expect_no_error(hm2 <- hmmratac(
# input_file = file.path(datdir, 'yeast_500k_SRR1822137.bedpe.gz'),
# format = 'BEDPE',
# name = "hmmratac_bedpe_output"))
# })
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