#' @export
#' @title Simulate a gene regulatory circuit
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import doRNG
#' @import doFuture
#' @import foreach
#' @import future
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table data
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @description Simulate a gene regulatory circuit using its topology as the
#' only input. It will generate an ensemble of random models.
#' @param circuit data.frame or character. The file containing the circuit or
#' @param config (optional) List. It contains simulation parameters
#' like integration method
#' (stepper) and other lists or vectors like simParams,
#' stochParams, hyperParams, options, thresholds etc.
#' The list simParams contains values for parameters like the
#' number of models (numModels),
#' simulation time (simulationTime), step size for simulations
#' (integrateStepSize), when to start recording the gene expressions
#' (printStart), time interval between recordings (printInterval), number of
#' initial conditions (nIC), output precision (outputPrecision), tolerance for
#' adaptive runge kutta method (rkTolerance), parametric variation (paramRange).
#' The list stochParams contains the parameters for stochastic simulations like
#' the number of noise levels to be simulated (nNoise), the ratio of subsequent
#' noise levels (noiseScalingFactor), maximum noise (initialNoise), whether to
#' use same noise for all genes or to scale it as per the median expression of
#' the genes (scaledNoise), ratio of shot noise to additive noise (shotNoise).
#' The list hyperParams contains the parameters like the minimum and maximum
#' production and degration of the genes, fold change, hill coefficient etc.
#' The list options includes logical values like annealing (anneal), scaling of
#' noise (scaledNoise), generation of new initial conditions (genIC), parameters
#' (genParams) and whether to integrate or not (integrate). The user
#' modifiable simulation options can be specified as other arguments. This
#' list should be used if one wants to modify many settings for multiple
#' simulations.
#' @param anneal (optional) Logical. Default FALSE. Whether to use annealing
#' for stochastic simulations. If TRUE, the gene expressions at higher noise
#' are used as initial conditions for simulations at lower noise.
#' @param numModels (optional) Integer. Default 2000. Number of random models
#' to be simulated.
#' @param thresholdModels (optional) integer. Default 5000. The number of
#' models to be used for calculating the thresholds for genes.
#' @param paramRange (optional) numeric (0-100). Default 100. The relative
#' range of parameters (production rate, degradation rate, fold change).
#' @param prodRateMin (optional) numeric. Default 1. Minimum production rate.
#' @param prodRateMax (optional) numeric. Default 100. Maximum production rate.
#' @param degRateMin (optional) numeric. Default 0.1. Minimum degradation rate.
#' @param degRateMax (optional) numeric. Default 1. Maximum degradation rate.
#' @param foldChangeMin (optional) numeric. Default 1. Minimum fold change for
#' interactions.
#' @param foldChangeMax (optional) numeric. Default 100. Maximum fold change for
#' interactions.
#' @param hillCoeffMin (optional) integer. Default 1. Minimum hill coefficient.
#' @param hillCoeffMax (optional) integer. Default 6. Maximum hill coefficient.
#' @param integrateStepSize (optional) numeric. Default 0.02. step size for
#' integration using "EM" and "RK4" steppers.
#' @param simulationTime (optional) numeric. Default 50. Total simulation time.
#' Only used for stochastic and time series simulations. For adjusting
#' deterministic simulation run times, see numConvergenceIter.
#' @param nIC (optional) integer. Default 1. Number of initial conditions to be
#' simulated for each model.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @param nNoise (optional) integer. Default 0.
#' Number of noise levels at which simulations
#' are to be done. Use nNoise = 1 if simulations are to be carried out at a
#' specific noise. If nNoise > 0, simulations will be carried out at nNoise
#' levels as well as for zero noise. "EM" stepper will be used for simulations
#' and any argument for stepper will be ignoired.
#' @param simDet (optional) logical. Default TRUE.
#' Whether to simulate at zero noise as well also when using nNoise > 0.
#' @param initialNoise (optional) numeric.
#' Default 50/sqrt(number of genes in the circuit). The initial value of noise
#' for simulations. The noise value will decrease by a factor
#' \code{noiseScalingFactor} at subsequent noise levels.
#' @param noiseScalingFactor (optional) numeric (0-1) Default 0.5.
#' The factor by which noise
#' will be decreased when nNoise > 1.
#' @param shotNoise (optional) numeric. Default 0.
#' The ratio of shot noise to additive
#' noise.
#' @param ouNoise_t (optional) numeric. Default 1. Correlation time parameter
#' for OU noise. Only used when "EM_OU" stepper is selected
#' @param scaledNoise (optional) logical. Default FALSE. Whether to scale the
#' noise in each gene by its expected median expression across all models. If
#' TRUE the noise in each gene will be proportional to its expression levels.
#' @param outputPrecision (optional) integer. Default 12.
#' The decimal point precison of
#' the output.
#' @param knockOut (optional) List of character or vector of characters.
#' Simulation after knocking out one or more genes. To knock out all the genes
#' in the circuit, use \code{knockOut = "all"}. If it is a vector, then all
#' the genes in the vector will be knocked out simultaneously.
#' @param printStart (optional) numeric (0-\code{simulationTime}).
#' Default \code{simulationTime}. To be used only when \code{timeSeries} is
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' The time from which the output should be recorded. Useful for time series
#' analysis and studying the dynamics of a model for a particular initial
#' condition.
#' @param printInterval (optional) numeric (\code{integrateStepSize}-
#' \code{simulationTime - printStart}). Default 10. The separation between
#' two recorded time points for a given trajectory.
#' To be used only when \code{timeSeries} is
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param stepper (optional) Character. Stepper to be used for integrating the
#' differential equations. The options include \code{"EM"} for Euler-Maruyama
#' O(1), \code{"RK4"}
#' for fourth order Runge-Kutta O(4) and \code{"DP"} for adaptive stepper based
#' Dormand-Prince algorithm. The default method is \code{"RK4"}
#' for deterministic
#' simulations and the method defaults to \code{"EM"}
#' for stochastic simulations.
#' @param plots (optional) logical Default \code{FALSE}.
#' Whether to plot the simuated data.
#' @param plotToFile (optional) Default \code{FALSE}. Whether to save the plots
#' to a file.
#' @param genIC (optional) logical. Default \code{TRUE}. Whether to generate
#' the initial conditions. If \code{FALSE}, the initial conditions must be
#' supplied as a dataframe to \code{circuit$ic}.
#' @param genParams (optional) logical. Default \code{TRUE}. Whether to generate
#' the parameters. If \code{FALSE}, the parameters must be
#' supplied as a dataframe to \code{circuit$params}.
#' @param integrate (optional) logical. Default \code{TRUE}. Whether to
#' integrate the differential equations or not. If \code{FALSE}, the function
#' will only generate the parameters and initial conditions. This can be used
#' iteratively as one can fist generate the parameters and initial conditions
#' and then modify these before using these modified values for integration.
#' For example, this can be used to knockOut genes by changing the production
#' rate and initial condition to zero.
#' @param rkTolerance (optional) numeric. Default \code{0.01}. Error tolerance
#' for adaptive integration method.
#' @param timeSeries (optional) logical. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' Whether to generate time series for a single model instead of performing
#' RACIPE simulations.
#' @param signalRate (optional) numeric. Default \code{10}. The factor by which
#' the differential equations for fast genes are multiplied by. Fast genes only
#' have inward signaling interactions of types 5 or 6
#' @param uniqueDigits (optional) integer. Default \code{4}. Deterministic
#' simulations with nIC > 1 count the number of unique steady states per model
#' by truncating the expression by this many digits and counting the number of
#' unique expressions
#' @param convergThresh (optional) numeric. Default \code{1e-12}. The threshold
#' for convergence to a steady state for deterministic simulations.
#' @param numStepsConverge (optional) integer Default \code{500}. The number of
#' integration steps between convergence tests for deterministic simulations.
#' @param numConvergenceIter (optional) integer. Default \code{25}. The total
#' number of convergence test iterations to run per model
#' initial condition in deterministic simulations.
#' @param limitcycles (optional) logical. Default \code{FALSE}. Whether to check
#' for limit cycles in deterministic simulations.
#' @param LCSimTime (optional) numeric. Default \code{10}. The length of each
#' iteration for the secondary limit cycle simulation
#' @param LCSimStepSize (optional) numeric. Default \code{0.01}. The integration
#' step size for the secondary limit cycle simulation.
#' @param maxLCs (optional) integer. Default \code{10}. The maximum allowable
#' number of limit cycles that can be detected for each model.
#' @param LCIter (optional) integer. Default \code{20}. The number of iterations
#' to run in the secondary limit cycle simulation
#' @param maxPeriods (optional) integer. Default \code{100}. The number of periods
#' to count in the distance function constructed by the limit cycle detection
#' algorithm
#' @param numSampledPeriods (optional) integer. Default \code{3}. The number of
#' times the limit cycle detection algorithm tries to calculate the period of the
#' simulated trajectory using the local minima in a constructed distance function.
#' @param allowedPeriodError (optional) integer. Default \code{3}. The allowed
#' difference in the sampled periods for a trajectory from the limit cycle
#' detection algorithm. Decrease this value to make for more stringent limit
#' cycle detection
#' @param samePointProximity (optional) numeric. Default \code{0.1}. The max
#' allowed square euclidean difference between two minima of the distance function
#' constructed by the limit cycle detection algorithm before they are considered
#' different points in phase space.
#' @param LCStepper (optional) Character. Default \code{"RK4"} The integration
#' method used for the limit cycle simulation. The options include \code{"E"}
#' for first order Euler and \code{"RK4"} for fourth order Runge Kutta. Any other
#' input will cause the simulation to use the Euler method
#' @param paramSignalVals (optional) Data Frame. Default data.frame(). The
#' first column must be a vector of time values with the first element as 0 and
#' the last element as simulationTime. The other column names must be valid
#' production or degradation parameter names for the circuit. Use
#' sracipeGenParamNames() to generate valid parameter names. The
#' first column must be a vector of time values with the first element as 0 and
#' the last element as simulationTime.
#' @param geneClamping (optional) Data Frame. Default data.frame(). The column
#' names must be genes in the circuit. The number of columns must either be one
#' or equal to numModels. If the number of columns is one, the selected genes
#' are clamped to those values for every model. Otherwise, the gene is clamped
#' to the value of the corresponding row for a particular model.
#' @param nCores (optional) integer. Default \code{1}
#' Number of cores to be used for computation. Utilizes \code{multisession} from
#' \code{doFuture} pacakge, as well and \code{doRNG} package.
#' @return \code{RacipeSE} object. RacipeSE class inherits
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} and contains the circuit, parameters,
#' initial conditions,
#' simulated gene expressions, and simulation configuration. These can be
#' accessed using correponding getters.
#' @examples
#' data("demoCircuit")
#' rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit)
#' @section Related Functions:
#' \code{\link{sracipeSimulate}}, \code{\link{sracipeKnockDown}},
#' \code{\link{sracipeOverExp}}, \code{\link{sracipePlotData}}
sracipeSimulate <- function( circuit="inputs/test.tpo", config = config,
anneal=FALSE, knockOut = NA_character_,numModels=2000,
prodRateMin=1.,prodRateMax=100, degRateMin=0.1,
simulationTime=50.0,nIC=1L,nNoise=0L,simDet = TRUE,
ouNoise_t=1, scaledNoise=FALSE,outputPrecision=12L,
printStart = 50.0,
printInterval=10, stepper = "RK4",
thresholdModels = 5000, plots = FALSE,
plotToFile = FALSE,
genIC = TRUE, genParams = TRUE,
integrate = TRUE, rkTolerance = 0.01, timeSeries = FALSE,
signalRate = 10.0, uniqueDigits = 4, convergThresh = 1e-12,
numStepsConverge = 500, numConvergenceIter = 25,
limitcycles = FALSE, LCSimTime = 10, LCSimStepSize = 0.01,
maxLCs = 10, LCIter = 20, maxPeriods = 100,
numSampledPeriods = 3, allowedPeriodError = 3,
samePointProximity = 0.1, LCStepper = "RK4",
paramSignalVals = data.frame(), geneClamping = data.frame(),
nCores = 1L,
rSet <- RacipeSE()
metadataTmp <- metadata(rSet)
configData <- NULL
data("configData",envir = environment(), package = "sRACIPE")
configuration <- configData
rSet <- circuit
metadataTmp <- metadata(rSet)
configuration <- metadata(rSet)$config
if((methods::is(circuit,"character")) | (methods::is(circuit, "data.frame")))
sracipeCircuit(rSet) <- circuit
circuitTmp <- sracipeCircuit(rSet)
metadataTmp$geneTypes <- metadata(rSet)$geneTypes
metadataTmp$nInteractions <- length(circuitTmp[,1])
if(methods::is(circuit, "data.frame")){
metadataTmp$annotation <- deparse(substitute(circuit))
message("Please specify a circuit either as a file or as a data.frame")
configuration <- config
message("Incorrect config provided!")
if(!(methods::is(knockOut, "list"))){
knockOut <- list(knockOut)
if(nCores<1) {
warning("Number of cores, nCores, is less than 1 or not an interger.
Using nCores=1")
configuration$options["anneal"] <- anneal
configuration$simParams["numModels"] <- numModels
configuration$simParams["paramRange"] <- paramRange
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMin"] <- prodRateMin
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"] <- prodRateMax
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMin"] <- degRateMin
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"] <- degRateMax
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMin"] <- foldChangeMin
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"] <- foldChangeMax
configuration$hyperParams["hillCoeffMin"] <- hillCoeffMin
configuration$hyperParams["hillCoeffMax"] <- hillCoeffMax
configuration$hyperParams["signalRate"] <- signalRate
configuration$simParams["integrateStepSize"] <- integrateStepSize
configuration$simParams["simulationTime"] <- simulationTime
configuration$options["simDet"] <- simDet
} else {
configuration$options["simDet"] <- TRUE
configuration$simParams["nIC"] <- nIC
configuration$simParams["outputPrecision"] <- outputPrecision
configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] <- nNoise
configuration$stochParams["initialNoise"] <- initialNoise
configuration$stochParams["noiseScalingFactor"] <- noiseScalingFactor
configuration$stochParams["shotNoise"] <- shotNoise
configuration$stochParams["ouNoise_tcorr"] <- ouNoise_t
configuration$options["scaledNoise"] <-scaledNoise
configuration$simParams["printStart"] <- printStart
configuration$simParams["printInterval"] <- printInterval
if(configuration$simParams["printInterval"] <
configuration$simParams["printInterval"] <-
warnings("Print Interval cannot be smaller than integration step size.
Setting it to integrate step size.")}
configuration$simParams["convergThresh"] <- convergThresh
configuration$simParams["numStepsConverge"] <- numStepsConverge
configuration$simParams["numConvergenceIter"] <- numConvergenceIter
configuration$simParams["uniqueDigits"] <- uniqueDigits
configuration$options["genIC"] <- genIC
configuration$options["genParams"] <- genParams
# stepper is not included in configdata. This can be changed
configuration$stepper <- stepper
configuration$options["integrate"] <- integrate
configuration$options["limitcycles"] <- limitcycles
configuration$simParams["printStart"] <-
configuration$simParams["rkTolerance"] <- rkTolerance
#Putting LC params in configuration list
configuration$LCParams["LCSimTime"] <- LCSimTime
configuration$LCParams["LCSimStepSize"] <- LCSimStepSize
configuration$LCParams["maxLCs"] <- maxLCs
configuration$LCParams["LCIter"] <- LCIter
configuration$LCParams["maxPeriods"] <- maxPeriods
configuration$LCParams["numSampledPeriods"] <- numSampledPeriods
configuration$LCParams["allowedPeriodError"] <- allowedPeriodError
configuration$LCParams["samePointProximity"] <- samePointProximity
# Storing stepper for limit cycle calculations
configuration$LCStepper <- LCStepper
# Apply parameter range
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMin"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"]) - 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"] -
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"]) + 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["prodRateMax"] -
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMin"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"]) - 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"] -
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"]) + 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["degRateMax"] -
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMin"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"]) - 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"] -
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"] <- 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMin"] +
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"]) + 0.5*(
configuration$hyperParams["foldChangeMax"] -
nGenes <- length(rSet)
geneInteraction <- as.matrix(rowData(rSet))
thresholdGene <- rep(0, nGenes)
geneNames <- names(rSet)
# outFile <- paste0(Sys.Date(),"_",metadata(rSet)$annotation,"_",
# basename(tempfile()))
outFileGE <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
outFileParams <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
outFileIC <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
outFileConverge <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
outFileLC <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
outFileLCIC <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") #Records the different ics which produce limitcycles
message("Generating gene thresholds")
threshold_test <- generateThresholds(
geneInteraction, thresholdGene, configuration)
configuration$thresholds <- thresholdGene
stop("Error in threshold generation")
} else {
message("Please specify the parameters as genParams is FALSE")
} else {
params <- as.data.frame(sracipeParams(rSet))
utils::write.table(params, file = outFileParams,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
message("Please specify the initial conditions
as genIC is FALSE")
} else {
ic <- as.data.frame(t(sracipeIC(rSet)))
utils::write.table(ic, file = outFileIC,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
if(!missing(initialNoise) & !anneal )
# if(timeSeries)
{configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] <- 1}
else {if(simDet) configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] <- 2}
if(missing(nNoise)) {configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] <- 30L}
# For time series, default to 1 model and single noise level.
configuration$simParams["numModels"] <- 1
# configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] <- 0
configuration$simParams["printInterval"] <- max(
0.05, configuration$simParams["integrateStepSize"])
if(missing(printStart)) configuration$simParams["printStart"] <- 0
if(configuration$stepper == "DP") {configuration$stepper <- "RK4"
warnings("Using RK4 integration method for time series simulation.")
#Checking whether or not to do convergence tests
if(all(simDet, nNoise==0L, !timeSeries, nrow(paramSignalVals)==0)){
convergTesting <- TRUE
message("Running with convergence tests")
}else {convergTesting <- FALSE}
configuration$options["convergTesting"] <- convergTesting
stepperInt <- 1L
if(configuration$stepper == "RK4"){ stepperInt <- 4L}
if(configuration$stepper == "DP") {stepperInt <- 5L}
if(configuration$stepper == "EM_OU") {stepperInt <- 6L}
} else { #Two digit stepperInt values correlate to running convergence tests
stepperInt <- 11L
if(configuration$stepper == "RK4"){ stepperInt <- 41L}
if(configuration$stepper == "DP") {stepperInt <- 51L}
paramSignalTypes <- numeric(nGenes)
if(nrow(paramSignalVals)>0){ #Determining which genes are being varied, if an input is given
metadataTmp$paramSignalVals <- paramSignalVals
paramName <- sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
prodParams <- paramName[1:nGenes]
degParams <- paramName[(nGenes+1):(2*nGenes)]
variedParams <- colnames(paramSignalVals[,2:ncol(paramSignalVals)]) #First column is time points
if(paramSignalVals[1,1] != 0 | paramSignalVals[nrow(paramSignalVals), 1] != simulationTime){
message("The first and last time points for parameter variation must be 0 and simulationTime respectively")
if(!(identical(paramSignalVals[,1], sort(paramSignalVals[,1])))){
message("Time points for parameter variation must be given in ascending order")
for(param in variedParams){
if(param %in% prodParams){
geneIdx <- which(prodParams == param)
paramSignalTypes[geneIdx] <- 1
else if(param %in% degParams){
geneIdx <- which(degParams == param)
if(paramSignalTypes[geneIdx] == 1){
paramSignalTypes[geneIdx] <- 3 #Both deg and prod being varied
else {
paramSignalTypes[geneIdx] <- 2
message("Invalid Param names given in paramSignalVals")
#Sorting paramSignalVals columns dataframe to be read in C++
tempIdxArray <- data.frame(value = variedParams,
Idx1 = match(variedParams, prodParams),
Idx2 = match(variedParams, degParams))
#Replace NaN vals with Inf for sorting
tempIdxArray$Idx1[is.na(tempIdxArray$Idx1)] <- Inf
tempIdxArray$Idx2[is.na(tempIdxArray$Idx2)] <- Inf
tempIdxArray <- tempIdxArray[order(pmin(tempIdxArray$Idx1, tempIdxArray$Idx2), tempIdxArray$Idx1 < Inf,
tempIdxArray$Idx1, tempIdxArray$Idx2), ]
variedParams <- tempIdxArray$value
paramSignalVals <- paramSignalVals[, c(colnames(paramSignalVals)[1],variedParams)] #Sorted for C++ steppers
#If no paramSignalVals dataframe provided, create a dummy data frame to pass to C++
paramSignalVals <- data.frame(temp1 = c(-1,-1), temp2 = c(-1, -1))
paramSignalValsTmp <- as.matrix(paramSignalVals)
#gene clamping
clampedGenes <- rep(0, nGenes)
clamping <- TRUE
clampedIdx <- match(colnames(geneClamping), geneNames)
clampedGenes[clampedIdx] <- 1
message(paste0("clamped genes: ",paste0(clampedGenes, collapse = ",")))
if(nrow(geneClamping) == 1){
clampVals <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, replicate(numModels, geneClamping, simplify = FALSE)))
configuration$clampVals <- clampVals
}else if(nrow(geneClamping) == numModels){
configuration$clampVals <- as.matrix(geneClamping)
message("geneClamping must have a number of rows equal to 1 or numModels")
configuration$clampVals <- as.matrix(c(-1))
clamping <- FALSE
configuration$clampedGenes <- clampedGenes
if(configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] > 0) {
if(stepper != "EM" && stepper != "EM_OU"){
warnings("Defaulting to EM stepper for stochastic simulations")
configuration$stepper <- "EM"
stepperInt <- 1L
if(missing(initialNoise)) { configuration$stochParams["initialNoise"] <-
annotationTmp <- outFileGE
message("Running the simulations")
# print(configuration$stochParams["nNoise"])
if(!configuration$options["integrate"] | (nCores==1) | timeSeries){
Time_evolution_test<- simulateGRCCpp(geneInteraction, configuration,outFileGE,
outFileParams,outFileIC, outFileConverge,
metadataTmp$geneTypes, paramSignalValsTmp,
paramSignalTypes, stepperInt)
} else{
if(nCores>1 & !timeSeries){
configuration$options["integrate"] <- FALSE
Time_evolution_test<- simulateGRCCpp(geneInteraction, configuration,outFileGE,
metadataTmp$geneTypes, paramSignalValsTmp,
paramSignalTypes, stepperInt)
configuration$options["integrate"] <- TRUE
configList <- list()
parModel <- floor(configuration$simParams["numModels"]/nCores)
gEFileList <- character(length = nCores)
paramFileList <- character(length = nCores)
iCFileList <- character(length = nCores)
convFileList <- character(length = nCores)
parameters <- utils::read.table(outFileParams, header = FALSE)
ic <- utils::read.table(outFileIC, header = FALSE)
for(i in seq(1,nCores)){
parConfig <- configuration
gEFileList[i] <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
paramFileList[i] <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
iCFileList[i] <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
convFileList[i] <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
parConfig$simParams["numModels"] <-
configuration$simParams["numModels"] - (nCores-1)*parModel
paramPar <- parameters[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(nrow(parameters))),]
icPar <- ic[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(nrow(parameters))),]
parConfig$clampVals <- as.matrix(geneClamping[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(nrow(parameters))),])
} else {
parConfig$simParams["numModels"] <- parModel
paramPar <- parameters[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(i*parModel)),]
icPar <- ic[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(i*parModel)),]
parConfig$clampVals <- as.matrix(geneClamping[(((i-1)*parModel+1):(i*parModel)),])
configList[[i]] <- parConfig
utils::write.table(paramPar, file = paramFileList[i],
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
utils::write.table(icPar, file = iCFileList[i],
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
utils::globalVariables(c("configurationTmp", "outFileGETmp",
"outFileParamsTmp", "outFileICTmp",
x <- foreach::foreach(configurationTmp = configList,outFileGETmp = gEFileList,
outFileParamsTmp=paramFileList, outFileICTmp=iCFileList,
.export = c("geneInteraction","metadataTmp",
"paramSignalValsTmp", "paramSignalTypes",
"stepperInt")) %dorng% {
geneInteraction, configurationTmp,outFileGETmp, outFileParamsTmp,
outFileICTmp, outFileConvergeTmp, metadataTmp$geneTypes,
paramSignalValsTmp, paramSignalTypes, stepperInt)
geList <- list()
convList <- list()
for(i in seq(1,nCores)){
geList[[i]] <- utils::read.table(gEFileList[i],
header = FALSE)
convList[[i]] <- utils::read.table(convFileList[i],
header = FALSE)
geneExpression <- do.call(rbind, geList)
converge <- do.call(rbind, convList)
timeStamps <- c(seq(
configuration$simParams["printStart"] +
geneExpression <- utils::read.table(outFileGE, header = FALSE)
# print(dim(geneExpression))
geneExpression <- matrix(geneExpression, ncol = nGenes, byrow = TRUE)
# print(dim(geneExpression))
parameters <- utils::read.table(outFileParams, header = FALSE)
paramName <- sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
colnames(parameters) <- paramName
ic <- utils::read.table(outFileIC, header = FALSE)
if(configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] ==1){
# print(dim(geneExpression))
detGeneExp <- geneExpression[(1+dim(geneExpression)[1]/2):dim(geneExpression)[1],]
geneExpression <- geneExpression[(seq_len(dim(geneExpression)[1]/2)),]
detGeneExp <- t(detGeneExp)
rownames(detGeneExp) <- geneNames
colnames(detGeneExp) <- timeStamps[seq_len(dim(detGeneExp)[2])]
metadataTmp$timeSeriesDet <- NULL
metadataTmp$timeSeriesDet <- detGeneExp
geneExpression <- t(geneExpression)
colnames(ic) <- geneNames
metadataTmp$normalized <- FALSE
colData <- cbind(parameters,ic)
metadataTmp$config <- configuration
# colnames(geneExpression) <- seq(
# configuration$simParams["integrateStepSize"],
# configuration$simParams["simulationTime"],
# configuration$simParams["integrateStepSize"])
rownames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
# print(dim(geneExpression))
# print(length(timeStamps))
colnames(geneExpression) <- timeStamps[seq_len(dim(geneExpression)[2])]
metadataTmp$timeSeries <- NULL
metadataTmp$timeSeries <- geneExpression
rSet <- RacipeSE(rowData = geneInteraction,
colData = colData,
metadata = metadataTmp)
if(!(nCores>1 & !timeSeries)){
geneExpression <- utils::read.table(outFileGE, header = FALSE)
#Checking if any models had problematic results
message("NaN in expression data. Likely due to stiff equations. Try
lowering step size to fix it.")
else if(!all(geneExpression >= 0)){
message("Negative vals in expression data. Likely due to stiff equations.
Try lowering step size to fix it.")
(configuration$simParams["printStart"] +
configuration$simParams["printInterval"]) <
timeStamps <- seq(
configuration$simParams["printStart"] +
tsSimulations <- as.list(timeStamps)
names(timeStamps) <- timeStamps
for(i in seq_along(timeStamps)){
tsSimulations[[i]] <- geneExpression[
, (1+(i-1)*(nGenes)):(i*nGenes)]
colnames(tsSimulations[[i]]) <- geneNames
geneExpression <- geneExpression[
tsSimulations <- lapply(tsSimulations,t)
geneExpression <- t(geneExpression)
rownames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
assayDataTmp <- c(list(deterministic = geneExpression),
metadataTmp$tsSimulations <- timeStamps
if((configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] == 0) &
(configuration$simParams["printStart"] +
configuration$simParams["printInterval"] >
geneExpression <- t(geneExpression)
rownames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
assayDataTmp <- list(deterministic = geneExpression)}
# colnames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
if(configuration$stochParams["nNoise"] > 0){
noiseLevels <- (configuration$stochParams["initialNoise"]*
stochasticSimulations <- as.list(noiseLevels)
names(stochasticSimulations) <- noiseLevels
for(i in seq_len(configuration$stochParams["nNoise"])){
stochasticSimulations[[i]] <- geneExpression[
, (1+(i-1)*(nGenes)):(i*nGenes)]
colnames(stochasticSimulations[[i]]) <- geneNames
stochasticSimulations <- lapply(stochasticSimulations,t)
geneExpression <- geneExpression[
geneExpression <- t(geneExpression)
rownames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
assayDataTmp <- c(list(deterministic = geneExpression),
} else {
assayDataTmp <- stochasticSimulations
metadataTmp$stochasticSimulations <- noiseLevels
paramName <- sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
# paramFile <- paste0("tmp/",outFile,"_parameters.txt")
if(!(nCores>1 & !timeSeries)){
parameters <- utils::read.table(outFileParams, header = FALSE)
colnames(parameters) <- paramName
# icFile <- paste0("tmp/",outFile,"_IC.txt")
if(!(nCores>1 & !timeSeries)){
ic <- utils::read.table(outFileIC, header = FALSE)
colnames(ic) <- geneNames
metadataTmp$normalized <- FALSE
if(convergTesting) {
converge<- utils::read.table(outFileConverge, header = FALSE)
colnames(converge)<-c("Model Convergence", "Tests Done")
if(nIC > 1){#Counts unique states per model
geneExpressionRounded <- round(geneExpression, digits = uniqueDigits)
uniqueStates <- numeric(numModels) #store number of unique states in a vector
for(modelCount in seq_len(numModels)){
#grab ICs and convergence data for each model
startIdx <- (modelCount - 1)*nIC + 1
endIdx <- modelCount*nIC
finalModelExpressions <- geneExpressionRounded[, startIdx:endIdx]
ICconvergences <- converge[startIdx:endIdx, 1]
convergedICs <- finalModelExpressions[, as.logical(ICconvergences)]
if(is.null(ncol(unique(convergedICs, MARGIN = 2)))){
uniqueStates[modelCount] <- 0
} else {
uniqueStates[modelCount] <- ncol(unique(convergedICs, MARGIN = 2))
StateCounts <- data.frame(modelNo = 1:numModels, UniqueStableStateNo = uniqueStates)
metadataTmp$uniqueStateCounts <- StateCounts
if(limitcycles){ #Running limit cycle algorithm
message("Checking for limit cycles")
#Making sure outFileGE file has valid expressions
utils::write.table(geneExpression, file = outFileGE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
LCStepperInt <- 1L
if(configuration$LCStepper == "RK4"){ LCStepperInt <- 4L}
LC_Test <- limitcyclesGRC(geneInteraction, outFileLC, outFileLCIC, configuration, converge[,1],
outFileParams, outFileGE, metadataTmp$geneTypes, LCStepperInt)
if(LC_Test > 0){
metadataTmp$totalNumofLCs <- LC_Test
LCs <- utils::read.table(outFileLC, header = FALSE)
colnames(LCs) <- c("Model No", "Limit Cycle No", "Period", geneNames)
metadataTmp$LCData <- LCs
LCICs <- utils::read.table(outFileLCIC, header = FALSE)
#metadataTmp$LCICs <- LCICs
#Recording the initial conditions which produced limit cycles and
#categorizing them separately from non-converging models
for(k in 1:nrow(LCICs)){
modelNo <- LCICs[k, 1]
positions <- which(LCICs[k, -1] == 1)
startIdx <- (modelNo - 1)*nIC + 1
converge[startIdx + positions - 1, 1] <- 2
else{ #Reports errors in file handling
message("No limit cycles detected")
## Knockouts
if(knockOut[[1]] == "all"){
knockOut <- as.list(geneNames)
knockOutData <- knockOut
names(knockOutData) <- knockOut
knockOutDataConv <- knockOut
names(knockOutDataConv) <- knockOut
for(ko in seq_along(knockOut)){
koGene <- knockOut[[ko]]
knockOut_number <- which(koGene==geneNames)
message("knockOut gene not found in the circuit")
params <- parameters
params[,knockOut_number] <- 0.0
icTmp <- ic
icTmp[,knockOut_number] <- 0.0
configTmp <- configuration
configTmp$options["genIC"] <- FALSE
configTmp$options["genParams"] <- FALSE
utils::write.table(params, file = outFileParams,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
utils::write.table(icTmp, file = outFileIC,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
Time_evolution_test<- simulateGRCCpp(geneInteraction, configTmp,
outFileGE,outFileParams,outFileIC, outFileConverge,
metadataTmp$geneTypes, paramSignalValsTmp,
paramSignalTypes, stepperInt)
# geFile <- paste0("tmp/",outFileKO,"_geneExpression.txt")
geneExpression <- utils::read.table(outFileGE, header = FALSE)
colnames(geneExpression) <- geneNames
knockOutData[[ko]] <- geneExpression
convTmp <- utils::read.table(outFileConverge, header = FALSE)
colnames(convTmp)<-c(paste0(ko, " Model Convergence"),paste0(ko, " Tests Done"))
knockOutDataConv[[ko]] <- convTmp
#Collects convergence data for every knockout simulation
converge <- cbind(converge, do.call(cbind, knockOutDataConv))
knockOutData <- lapply(knockOutData, t)
assayDataTmp <- c(assayDataTmp,knockOutData)
metadataTmp$knockOutSimulations <- names(knockOutData)
else {
paramName <- sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
parameters <- utils::read.table(outFileParams, header = FALSE)
colnames(parameters) <- paramName
ic <- utils::read.table(outFileIC, header = FALSE)
colnames(ic) <- geneNames
colData <- (cbind(parameters,ic))
metadataTmp$config <- configuration
rSet <- RacipeSE(rowData = geneInteraction, colData = colData,
metadata = metadataTmp)
colData <- (cbind(parameters,ic))
colData <- (cbind(colData, converge))
metadataTmp$config <- configuration
# return(list(rowData = geneInteraction, colData = colData,
# assays = assayDataTmp,
# metadata = metadataTmp))
rSet <- RacipeSE(rowData = geneInteraction, colData = colData,
assays = assayDataTmp,
metadata = metadataTmp)
rSet <- sracipePlotData(rSet,plotToFile = plotToFile,...)
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