#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom utils write.table head
#' @importFrom stats cutree dist hclust
#' @importFrom methods new 'slot<-' show
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import dplyr
#' An S4 class to represent the fcoex analysis.
#' @slot expression Normalized gene expression table from
#' single-cells \code{data.frame}.
#' @slot discretized_expression Discretized gene expression table from
#' single-cells \code{data.frame}.
#' @slot target Original target classes for the cells (\code{factor}).
#' @slot selected_genes Character \code{vector} containing the names of
#' genes selected for analysis
#' @slot module_list \code{list} containing genes in each module.
#' @slot adjacency \code{data.frame} containing the adjacency table for
#' the selected genes.
#' @slot coex_network_plot list of ggplot graphs with module gene interactions.
#' @slot new_clusters \code{list} containing gene interactions present in
#' modules.
#' @slot mod_colors character \code{vector} containing colors associated with
#' each network module.
#' @slot ora Over-representation analysis results \code{data.frame}.
#' @slot barplot_ora list of ggplot graphs with over-representation analysis
#' results per module.
#' @slot mod_idents Identities of cells based on each co-expression module.
#' Determined by the "recluster" method
#' @slot parameters \code{list} containing analysis parameters.
slots = list(
expression = 'data.frame',
discretized_expression = 'data.frame',
target = 'factor',
selected_genes = 'vector',
module_list = 'list',
adjacency = 'list',
coex_network_plot = 'list',
new_clusters = 'list',
mod_colors = 'character',
parameters = 'list',
ora = 'data.frame',
barplot_ora = 'list',
mod_idents = 'list'
setMethod("initialize", signature = "fcoex",
function(.Object, expression, target) {
.Object@expression <- expression
.Object@target <- target
#' Create a fcoex object
#' @param expression Normalized gene expression table from single-cells
#' \code{data.frame}.
#' @param target Original target classes for the cells (\code{factor}).
#' @return Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @examples
#' # Create new fcoex object
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' data("mini_pbmc3k")
#' targets <- colData(mini_pbmc3k)$clusters
#' exprs <- as.data.frame(assay(mini_pbmc3k, "logcounts"))
#' fc <- new_fcoex(exprs, targets)
#' @export
new_fcoex <- function(expression = data.frame(), target = vector()) {
fc <- new("fcoex", expression = expression, target = target)
msg <- "Created new fcoex object."
#' Set the discretized expression attribute
#' Uses the discretize_exprs function of the FCBF package
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @param method Method applied to all genes for discretization.
#' Methods available: "varying_width"
#' (Binarization modulated by the number_of_bins param),
#' "mean" (Split in ON/OFF by each gene mean expression),
#' "median" (Split in ON/OFF by each gene median expression),
#' "mean_sd"(Split in low/medium/high by each assigning "medium" to
#' the interval between mean +- standard_deviation.
#' Modulated by the alpha param, which enlarges (>1) or shrinks (<1) the
#' "medium" interval. ),
#' ),
#' "kmeans"(Split in different groups by the kmeans algorithm. As many
#' groups as specified by the centers param) and
#' "min_max_\%" (Similat to the "varying width", a binarization threshold
#' in a % of the min-max range is set. (minmax\% param)),
#' "GMM" (A Gaussian Mixture Model as implemented by the package mclust,
#' trying to fit 2:5 Gaussians). Default is "varying_width"
#' @param number_of_bins Number of equal-width bins for discretization.
#' Note: it is a binary discretization, with the
#' first bin becoming one class ('low') and the other bins, another class
#' ('high').#' Defaults to 4.
#' @param alpha Modulator for the "mean_sd" method.Enlarges (>1) or
#' shrinks (<1) the "medium" interval. Defaults to 1.
#' @param centers Modulator for the "kmeans" method. Defaults to 3.
#' @param min_max_cutoff <- Modulator for the "min_max_\%" method.
#' Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param show_pb Enables a progress bar for the discretization.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A data frame with the discretized features in the same
#' order as previously
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' data("mini_pbmc3k")
#' targets <- colData(mini_pbmc3k)$clusters
#' exprs <- as.data.frame(assay(mini_pbmc3k, "logcounts"))
#' fc <- new_fcoex(exprs, targets)
#' fc <- discretize(fc)
#' @import FCBF
#' @rdname discretize
#' @export
setGeneric("discretize", function(fc, number_of_bins = 4,
method = "varying_width",
alpha = 1,
centers = 3,
min_max_cutoff = 0.25,
show_pb = TRUE) {
#' @rdname discretize
setMethod("discretize", signature("fcoex"),
number_of_bins = 4,
method = "varying_width",
alpha = 1,
centers = 3,
min_max_cutoff = 0.25,
show_pb = TRUE) {
expression_table <- fc@expression
discretized_expression <-
colnames(discretized_expression) <-
fc@discretized_expression <- discretized_expression
#' .get_correlates
#' auxiliary function for find_cbf_modules
#' @param i A gene to be correlated
#' @param su_i_j_matrix the dataframe with the correlations to be updated
#' @param discretized_exprs the dataframe with discretized expression
#' to extract a gene
#' @param exprs_small the dataframe to after the filtering step
#' @return the updated column of the su_i_j_matrix
.get_correlates <- function(i,
exprs_small) {
gene_i <- as.factor(discretized_exprs[i,])
gene_i_correlates <-
FCBF::get_su(x = exprs_small, y = as.factor(exprs_small[i,]))
gene_i_correlates$gene <-
gsub('\\.', '-', rownames(gene_i_correlates))
gene_i_correlates <-
gene_i_correlates[match(su_i_j_matrix$genes, gene_i_correlates$gene), ]
colnames(gene_i_correlates)[1] <- i
su_i_j_matrix[, i] <- gene_i_correlates[, 1]
su_i_j_matrix[, i]
#' find_cbf_modules
#' find_cbf_modules uses Symmetrical Uncertainty as a correlation measure
#' and the FCBF algorithm to
#' 1 - Filter the gene list by correlations to a class (Step 1)
#' and
#' 2 - Determine soft thresholds for coexpression to genes predominantly
#' correlated to a class.
#' @param fc A fcoex object containing a discretized expression table
#' @param FCBF_threshold A threshold for the minimum correlation (as
#' determined by symettrical uncertainty)
#' between each variable and the class used for wrapped FCBF function.
#' Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param is_parallel Uses package parallel to paralleliza calculations.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param verbose Adds verbosity. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param n_genes Sets the number of genes to be selected in the first
#' part of the algorithm. If left unchanged, it defaults to NULL and the
#' thresh parameter is used.
#' Caution: it overrides the thresh parameter altogether.
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' data("mini_pbmc3k")
#' targets <- colData(mini_pbmc3k)$clusters
#' exprs <- as.data.frame(assay(mini_pbmc3k, "logcounts"))
#' fc <- new_fcoex(exprs, targets)
#' fc <- discretize(fc)
#' fc <- find_cbf_modules(fc)
#' @return Returns a list with the CBF modules found or a adjacency matrix of the graph
#' @import dplyr
#' @import parallel
#' @import progress
#' @import FCBF
#' @export
#' @rdname find_cbf_modules
setGeneric("find_cbf_modules", function(fc,
n_genes = NULL,
FCBF_threshold = 0.1,
verbose = TRUE,
is_parallel = FALSE) {
#' @rdname find_cbf_modules
setMethod("find_cbf_modules", signature("fcoex"),
n_genes = NULL,
FCBF_threshold = 0.1,
verbose = TRUE,
is_parallel = FALSE) {
discretized_exprs <- fc@discretized_expression
target <- fc@target
# get the SU scores for each gene
message('Getting SU scores')
su_ic_vector <- FCBF::get_su(discretized_exprs, target)
su_ic_vector$gene <- gsub('\\.', '-', rownames(su_ic_vector))
colnames(su_ic_vector)[1] <- 'SU'
message('Running FCBF to find module headers')
fcbf_filtered <-
thresh = FCBF_threshold,
verbose = verbose)
fcbf_filtered$gene <- rownames(fcbf_filtered)
# R does not like points. Subs for -.
FCBF_genes <- gsub('\\.', '-', fcbf_filtered$gene)
if (length(n_genes)) {
FCBF_threshold <- su_ic_vector$SU[n_genes]
# get only those with an SU score above a threshold
SU_threshold <- FCBF_threshold
su_ic_vector_small <-
su_ic_vector[su_ic_vector[1] > SU_threshold, ]
SU_genes <- gsub('\\.', '-', su_ic_vector_small[, 2])
fc@selected_genes <- SU_genes
exprs_small <- discretized_exprs[SU_genes , ]
# get and adjacency matrix for gene to gene correlation
su_i_j_matrix <- data.frame(genes = SU_genes)
message('Calculating adjacency matrix')
if (!is_parallel) {
pb_findclusters <- progress_bar$new(total = length(SU_genes),
format = "[:bar] :percent eta:
# this can surely be improved for speed.
for (i in SU_genes) {
gene_i <- as.factor(discretized_exprs[i,])
gene_i_correlates <-
FCBF::get_su(x = exprs_small, y = as.factor(exprs_small[i,]))
gene_i_correlates$gene <-
gsub('\\.', '-', rownames(gene_i_correlates))
gene_i_correlates <-
gene_i_correlates[match(su_i_j_matrix$genes, gene_i_correlates$gene), ]
colnames(gene_i_correlates)[1] <- i
su_i_j_matrix[, i] <- gene_i_correlates[, 1]
su_i_j_matrix <- su_i_j_matrix[, -1]
# This was not faster than the for loop! ######
# get_correlates <- function(i, su_i_j_matrix, discretized_exprs,
# exprs_small){
# gene_i <- as.factor(discretized_exprs[i, ])
# gene_i_correlates <- FCBF::get_su(x = exprs_small,
# y = as.factor(exprs_small[i, ]))
# gene_i_correlates$gene <- gsub('\\.', '-',rownames(gene_i_correlates))
# gene_i_correlates <- gene_i_correlates[match(su_i_j_matrix$genes,gene_i_correlates$gene),]
# colnames(gene_i_correlates)[1] <- i
# su_i_j_matrix[, i] <- gene_i_correlates[,1]
# su_i_j_matrix[, i]
# }
# bla <- pblapply(SU_genes, function(x){
# get_correlates(x, su_i_j_matrix, discretized_exprs, exprs_small)
# })
# su_i_j_matrix <- as.data.frame(ble)
# Second Try
cl <- detectCores() - 2
bla <- mclapply(SU_genes, function(i) {
.get_correlates(i, su_i_j_matrix, discretized_exprs, exprs_small)
}, mc.cores = cl)
su_i_j_matrix <- as.data.frame(bla)
rownames(su_i_j_matrix) <- su_ic_vector_small$gene
colnames(su_i_j_matrix) <- su_ic_vector_small$gene
filtered_su_i_j_matrix <- data.frame(genes = SU_genes)
message('Getting modules from adjacency matrix')
for (i in colnames(su_i_j_matrix)) {
tf_vector <-
su_i_j_matrix[, i] > su_ic_vector$SU[seq_len(length(su_ic_vector_small$gene))]
filtered_su_i_j_matrix[, i] <- su_i_j_matrix[, i] * tf_vector
list_of_fcbf_modules <- list()
for (seed in FCBF_genes) {
module_members <-
as.character(filtered_su_i_j_matrix$genes[filtered_su_i_j_matrix[, seed] >
module_members <- module_members[!is.na(module_members)]
if (length(module_members) > 1) {
list_of_fcbf_modules[[seed]] <- module_members
fc@adjacency <- filtered_su_i_j_matrix
fc@module_list <- list_of_fcbf_modules
#' Get the number of modules in a fcoex object
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @return number of modules
#' @rdname nmodules
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' nmodules(fc)
#' @export
setGeneric('nmodules', function(fc) {
#' @rdname nmodules
setMethod('nmodules', signature('fcoex'),
function(fc) {
n <- 0
if ((length(fc@module_list)) > 0) {
n <- length(fc@module_list)
} else {
warning("Run find_cbf_modules function to get modules!")
#' Get the number of genes in modules in a fcoex object
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @param module Default is NULL. If a character string designating a
#' module is#' given, the number of genes in that module is returned instead.
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' mod_gene_num(fc, module = "TYROBP")
#' @return The number of genes in module(s)
#' @rdname mod_gene_num
#' @export
setGeneric('mod_gene_num', function(fc, module = NULL) {
#' @rdname mod_gene_num
setMethod('mod_gene_num', signature(fc = 'fcoex'),
function(fc, module = NULL) {
if (!is.null(module)) {
if (!(all(module %in% mod_names(fc)))) {
stop("Module '", module, "' not in fcoex object!")
if (!length(module_genes(fc)) > 0) {
stop("No modules in fcoex object!")
if (!is.null(module)) {
mod_genes <- fc@module_list[[module]]
if (is.null(module)) {
stop("No modules selected!")
#' Get module names in a fcoex object
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @param include_NC Logical. Whether or not to include "Not.Correlated"
#' module. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Module names
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' mod_names(fc)
#' @rdname mod_names
#' @export
setGeneric('mod_names', function(fc, include_NC = TRUE) {
#' @rdname mod_names
setMethod('mod_names', signature(fc = 'fcoex'),
function(fc, include_NC = TRUE) {
mods <- NULL
if (length(fc@module_list) > 0) {
mods <- names(fc@module_list)
} else {
warning("No modules in this fcoex object.")
#' Get the module genes in a fcoex object
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @param module A character string with the name of the module of which
#' genes are to be returned. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which returns the full
#' list of genes and modules.
#' @return Object of class \code{data.frame} containing genes and their
#' respective module
#' @rdname module_genes
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' module_genes(fc)
#' @export
setGeneric('module_genes', function(fc, module = NULL) {
#' @rdname module_genes
setMethod('module_genes', signature(fc = 'fcoex'),
function(fc, module = NULL) {
#mod_names <- unique(fc@module[, "modules"])
res <- NULL
if (length(fc@module_list) > 0) {
res <- fc@module_list
} else{
message("No modules in this fcoex object.")
mod_names <- names(fc@module_list)
if (!is.null(module)) {
if (module %in% mod_names) {
res <- res[names(res) == module]
} else{
stop("Undefined module!")
#' Print a fcoex object
#' @param object Object of class fcoex
#' @return A fcoex object.
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' fc
#' @export
setMethod('show', signature(object = 'fcoex'),
function(object) {
cat("fcoex Object\n")
cat("- Number of modules:", suppressWarnings(nmodules(object)),
cat("- Module headers: \n")
if (length(object@module_list) == 0) {
} else {
cat(names(object@module_list), sep = ", ")
cat("- Expression file: ")
if (nrow(object@expression) == 0) {
} else {
"data.frame with",
"genes and",
if (is.character(object@selected_genes)) {
if (length(object@selected_genes) != nrow(object@expression)) {
cat("- Selected data:",
"genes selected\n")
#' # Run module overrepresentation analysis
#' @param fc A fcoex object.
#' @param gmt A gmt file with gene sets for ora analysis
#' @param verbose Controls verbosity. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' gmt_fname <- system.file("extdata", "pathways.gmt", package = "CEMiTool")
#' gmt_in <- read_gmt(gmt_fname)
#' fc <- mod_ora(fc, gmt_in)
#' @return A fcoex object containing over-representation analysis data
#' @rdname mod_ora
#' @export
setGeneric('mod_ora', function(fc, gmt, verbose = FALSE) {
#' @rdname mod_ora
setMethod('mod_ora', signature('fcoex'),
function(fc, gmt, verbose = FALSE) {
#fc <- get_args(fc, vars=mget(ls()))
if (!"gene" %in% names(gmt) | !"term" %in% names(gmt)) {
stop("The gmt object must contain two columns named 'term' and 'gene'")
if (verbose) {
message('Running ORA')
message("Using all genes in GMT file as universe.")
allgenes <- unique(gmt[, "gene"])
if (is.null(fc@module_list)) {
warning("No modules in fcoex object! Did you run find_modules()?")
mods <- fc@module_list
res_list <-
lapply(names(mods), ora, gmt, allgenes, mods)
if (all(lapply(res_list, nrow) == 0)) {
"Enrichment is NULL. Either your gmt file is inadequate or your modules really aren't enriched for any of the pathways in the gmt file."
names(res_list) <- names(mods)
res <- lapply(names(res_list), function(x) {
if (nrow(res_list[[x]]) > 0) {
as.data.frame(cbind(x, res_list[[x]]))
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
names(res)[names(res) == "x"] <- "Module"
rownames(res) <- NULL
fc@ora <- res
#' Retrieve over representation analysis (ORA) results
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @details This function returns the results of the \code{mod_ora} function
#' on the \code{fcoex} object. The ID column corresponds to pathways in
#' the gmt file for which genes in the modules were enriched. The Count
#' column shows the number of genes in the module that are enriched for each
#' pathway. The GeneRatio column shows the proportion of genes in the module
#' enriched for a given pathway out of all the genes in the module enriched
#' for any given pathway. The BgRatio column shows the proportion of genes
#' in a given pathway out of all the genes in the gmt file. For more details,
#' please refer to the \code{clusterProfiler} package documentation.
#' @return Object of class \code{data.frame} with ORA data
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' ora_data(fc)
#' @references Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Yanyan Han, Qing-Yu He. clusterProfiler:
#' an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. OMICS:
#' A Journal of Integrative Biology. 2012, 16(5):284-287.
#' @rdname ora_data
#' @export
setGeneric("ora_data", function(fc) {
#' @rdname ora_data
setMethod("ora_data", signature("fcoex"),
function(fc) {
#' Recluster cells based on fcoex module composition
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @param hclust_method method for the hclust function. Defaults to "ward.D2".
#' @param dist_method method for the dist function. Defaults to "manhattan".
#' @param k desired number of clustes. Defaults to 2.
#' @param verbose Adds verbosity, defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Object of class \code{data.frame} with new clusters
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' fc <- recluster(fc)
#' @export
#' @rdname recluster
setGeneric("recluster", function(fc, hclust_method = "ward.D2",
dist_method = 'manhattan',
k = 2,
verbose = TRUE) {
#' @rdname recluster
setMethod("recluster", signature("fcoex"),
hclust_method = "ward.D2",
dist_method = 'manhattan',
k = 2,
verbose = TRUE) {
mod_idents <- list()
if (verbose){
message("Detecting clusters for the following modules: ")
for (i in names(fc@module_list)) {
if (verbose){
expression_table <-
fc@expression[fc@module_list[[i]], ]
d <-
dist(t(as.matrix(expression_table)), method = dist_method)
hc <- hclust(d, method = hclust_method)
idents <- as.factor(cutree(hc, k))
if (k == 2){
mean_1 <- mean(as.numeric(fc@expression[i,][idents==1]))
mean_2 <- mean(as.numeric(fc@expression[i,][idents==2]))
if (mean_1 > mean_2){
# The first cluster will be the header positive cluster
first = "HP"
second = "HN"
} else {
# The first cluster will be the header negative cluster
first = "HN"
second = "HP"
idents <- ifelse(idents == 1, first, second)
mod_idents[[i]] <- as.factor(idents)
fc@mod_idents <- mod_idents
#' Retrieves module identities from the recluster function
#' @param fc Object of class \code{fcoex}
#' @return Named object of class \code{list} with clusterings derived
#' from the recluster function.
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' idents(fc)
#' @references Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Yanyan Han, Qing-Yu He. clusterProfiler:
#' an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. OMICS:
#' A Journal of Integrative Biology. 2012, 16(5):284-287.
#' @rdname idents
#' @export
setGeneric("idents", function(fc) {
#' @rdname idents
setMethod("idents", signature("fcoex"),
function(fc) {
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