#' Preprocessing function to filter genes
#' Preprocessing function to filter low-expressed genes and/or mitochondrial
#' genes for 'nnSVG'.
#' Preprocessing function to filter low-expressed genes and/or mitochondrial
#' genes for 'nnSVG'.
#' This function can be used to filter out low-expressed genes and/or
#' mitochondrial genes before additional preprocessing (calculating logcounts or
#' deviance residuals) and running 'nnSVG'.
#' We use this function in the examples and vignettes in the 'nnSVG' package,
#' and provide default filtering parameter values that are appropriate for 10x
#' Genomics Visium data.
#' The use of this function is optional. Users can also perform filtering and
#' preprocessing separately, and run \code{\link{nnSVG}} on a preprocessed
#' \code{SpatialExperiment} object.
#' @param spe \code{SpatialExperiment}: Input data, assumed to be formatted as a
#' \code{SpatialExperiment} object with an \code{assay} slot named
#' \code{counts} containing raw expression counts.
#' @param filter_genes_ncounts \code{numeric}: Filtering parameter for
#' low-expressed genes. Filtering retains genes containing at least
#' \code{filter_genes_ncounts} expression counts in at least
#' \code{filter_genes_pcspots} percent of the total number of spatial
#' locations (spots). Defaults: \code{filter_genes_ncounts} = 3,
#' \code{filter_genes_pcspots} = 0.5, i.e. keep genes with at least 3 counts
#' in at least 0.5 percent of spots. Set to NULL to disable.
#' @param filter_genes_pcspots \code{numeric}: Second filtering parameter for
#' low-expressed genes. Set to NULL to disable. See
#' \code{filter_genes_ncounts} for details.
#' @param filter_mito \code{logical}: Whether to filter out mitochondrial genes,
#' identified by gene names starting with "MT" or "mt". This requires that the
#' \code{rowData} slot of the input object contains a column named
#' \code{gene_name}. Default = TRUE. Set to FALSE to disable.
#' @return Returns \code{SpatialExperiment} with filtered genes (rows) removed.
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assays rowData 'rowData<-'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(SpatialExperiment)
#' library(STexampleData)
#' # load example dataset from STexampleData package
#' spe <- Visium_humanDLPFC()
#' # preprocessing steps
#' # keep only spots over tissue
#' spe <- spe[, colData(spe)$in_tissue == 1]
#' dim(spe)
#' # filter low-expressed and mitochondrial genes
#' spe <- filter_genes(spe)
#' dim(spe)
filter_genes <- function(spe, filter_genes_ncounts = 3,
filter_genes_pcspots = 0.5,
filter_mito = TRUE) {
# filter mitochondrial genes
if (filter_mito) {
stopifnot("gene_name" %in% colnames(rowData(spe)))
message("Gene filtering: removing mitochondrial genes")
is_mito <- grepl("(^MT-)|(^mt-)", rowData(spe)$gene_name)
message("removed ", sum(is_mito), " mitochondrial genes")
spe <- spe[!is_mito, ]
# filter low-expressed genes
if (!is.null(filter_genes_ncounts) & !is.null(filter_genes_pcspots)) {
stopifnot("counts" %in% assayNames(spe))
nspots <- ceiling(filter_genes_pcspots / 100 * ncol(spe))
message("Gene filtering: retaining genes with at least ",
filter_genes_ncounts, " counts in at least " ,
filter_genes_pcspots, "% (n = ", nspots, ") of spatial locations")
ix_remove <- rowSums(counts(spe) >= filter_genes_ncounts) < nspots
message("removed ", sum(ix_remove), " out of ", nrow(spe),
" genes due to low expression")
spe <- spe[!ix_remove, ]
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