
Defines functions motifDistrib

Documented in motifDistrib

#' profile TFBS distribution
#' This function allows you to profile TFBS distributions in a given list of peak sets.
#' @param id Required. TFregulomeR ID. The TFBS of interest to be profiled.
#' @param peak_list Required. List of data.frames, each of which contains bed-format peak regions. They are the peak sets in which you want to profile the TFBS distributions, and can be loaded from TFregulomeR database or self-provided.
#' @param peak_id Required. Character of vector, each of which is a unique ID corresponding to the element in "peak_list". If a peak set is orignally from TFregulomeR Database, its TFregulomeR ID should be used here.
#' @param plot_at_each_side By default 100bp, and motif occurrences in a window of +/- 100bp around peak centres will be returned.
#' @param server server localtion to be linked, either 'sg' or 'ca'.
#' @param TFregulome_url TFregulomeR server is implemented in MethMotif server. If the MethMotif url is NO more "https://bioinfo-csi.nus.edu.sg/methmotif/" or "https://methmotif.org", please use a new url.
#' @return  a list containing the numbers of input peaks and peaks with motif, as well as motif occurrences in the plot window.
#' @keywords motifDistrib
#' @export
#' @examples
#' CEBPB_peaks <- loadPeaks(id = "MM1_HSA_K562_CEBPB")
#' motifDistrib_output <- motifDistrib(id = "MM1_HSA_K562_CEBPB",
#'                                     peak_list = list(CEBPB_peaks[1:100,]),
#'                                     peak_id = "MM1_HSA_K562_CEBPB")

motifDistrib <- function(id, peak_list, peak_id, plot_at_each_side = 100,
                         server = "ca",TFregulome_url)
  # check input arguments
  if (missing(id))
    stop("Please provide a TFregulomeR ID using 'id ='!")
  if (missing(peak_list))
    stop("Please provide peak sets stored in list class list() using 'peak_list ='! Peak sets can be loaded from TRregulomeR using loadPeaks() or your own peaks in bed-like format")
  if (missing(peak_id))
    stop("Please provide unique ids in vector corresponding to the peak sets in 'peak_list'. If the peak set was derived from TFregulomeR, please use its TFregulomeR ID here!")
  if (length(peak_list) != length(peak_id))
    stop("The number of peak sets in 'peak_list' is NOT equal to the number of ids in 'peak_id'")
  if (!is.character(id))
    stop("id should be class character!")
  if (!is.list(peak_list))
    stop("'peak_list' should be class list!")
  if (!is.numeric(plot_at_each_side))
    stop("'plot_at_each_side' should be class numeric!")

  # check server location
  if (server != "sg" && server != "ca")
    stop("server should be either 'sg' (default) or 'ca'!")

  # make an appropriate API url
  if (missing(TFregulome_url)){
    if(server == 'sg')
      TFregulome_url <- "https://bioinfo-csi.nus.edu.sg/methmotif/api/table_query/"
      TFregulome_url <- "https://methmotif.org/api/table_query/"
  } else if (endsWith(TFregulome_url, suffix = "/index.php")==TRUE){
    TFregulome_url <- gsub("index.php", "", TFregulome_url)
    TFregulome_url <- paste0(TFregulome_url, "api/table_query/")
  } else if (endsWith(TFregulome_url, suffix = "/")==TRUE){
    TFregulome_url <- paste0(TFregulome_url, "api/table_query/")
  } else {
    TFregulome_url <- paste0(TFregulome_url, "/api/table_query/")

  # start analysing
  message(paste0("motifDistrib starts analysing for TFregulomeR ID = ", id))
  # get motif sequences for id
  query_url <- paste0("listTFBS.php?AllTable=F&id=", id)
  #parse JSON from API endpoint
  request_content_json <- tryCatch({
  error = function(cond)
    message("There is a warning to connect TFregulomeR API!")
    message("1) Check internet access;")
    message("2) Check dependent package 'jsonlite';")
    message("3) Current TFregulomeR server is implemented in MethMotif database, whose homepage is 'https://bioinfo-csi.nus.edu.sg/methmotif/' or 'https://methmotif.org'. If MethMotif homepage url is no more valid, please Google 'MethMotif', and input the valid MethMotif homepage url using 'TFregulome_url = '.")
    message(paste0("warning: ",cond))
  # check json content obtained from MethMotif API
  if (!is.null(request_content_json))
    request_content_df <- as.data.frame(request_content_json$TFBS_records)
    if (nrow(request_content_df)==0)
      message(paste0("No record was found for your input TFregulomeR ID. Your input: id = ", id, "."))
      motif_seq_path <- request_content_df[1,c("TFBS")]
      motif_seq <- read.delim(motif_seq_path, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
      colnames(motif_seq) <- c("motif_chr","motif_start","motif_end","motif_strand","motif_weight", "motif_pvalue","motif_qvalue","motif_sequence")
      motif_seq$motif_id <- paste0(id,"_motif_sequence_", as.vector(rownames(motif_seq)))
      motif_seq_grange <- GRanges(motif_seq$motif_chr,
                                  names = motif_seq$motif_id)
      names(motif_seq_grange) <- motif_seq$motif_id
    message("Empty output for TFregulomeR API request!")
  motifDistrb_list <- list()
  for (i in seq(1, length(peak_id), 1))
    peak_id_i <- peak_id[i]
    message(paste0("... ... analysing peak set ", peak_id_i))
    peak_target <- peak_list[[i]]
    # amend peak set
    peak_target <- peak_target[, c(1,2,3)]
    colnames(peak_target) <- c("peak_chr","peak_start","peak_end")
    peak_target$target_peak_id <- paste0(peak_id_i,"_target_peak_", as.vector(rownames(peak_target)))

    # query MethMotif API
    query_url <- paste0("listTFBS.php?AllTable=F&id=", peak_id_i)
    request_content_json <- fromJSON(paste0(TFregulome_url,query_url))
    # check json content obtained from MethMotif API
    if (!is.null(request_content_json))
      request_content_df <- as.data.frame(request_content_json$TFBS_records)
      if (nrow(request_content_df)==0)
        isTFregulomeID <- FALSE
        isTFregulomeID <- TRUE
      isTFregulomeID <- FALSE
    if (isTFregulomeID)
      peak_target_grange <- GRanges(peak_target$peak_chr,
      peak_target_grange <- GRanges(peak_target$peak_chr,
    # overlap with motif seq
    # subsetOverlaps may mis-think the two sets coming from different references, so suppressWarnings here
    suppressWarnings(overlapped <- subsetByOverlaps(peak_target_grange, motif_seq_grange))
    # combine overlapped motif seq information with peak
    hits <- findOverlaps(peak_target_grange, motif_seq_grange)
    motif_id <- CharacterList(split(names(motif_seq_grange)[subjectHits(hits)],
    mcols(overlapped) <- DataFrame(mcols(overlapped), motif_id)
    overlapped_df <- as.data.frame(overlapped)
    overlapped_df[, c(1,2,3,4,5,6)] <- lapply(overlapped_df[, c(1,2,3,4,5,6)], as.character)
    # form full list of multiple overlapping
    overlap_temp <- list()
    for (x in seq(1, nrow(overlapped_df), 1))
      df_temp <- overlapped_df[x, c("seqnames","start","end","names")]
      for (y in overlapped_df[x,c("motif_id")][[1]]){
        df_temp$motif_id <- y
        overlap_temp[[paste0(x,"_", y)]] <- df_temp
    overlapped_df_full <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(overlap_temp), ncol = 5))
    for (x in seq(1, nrow(overlapped_df_full), 1))
      overlapped_df_full[x,] <- overlap_temp[[x]]
    colnames(overlapped_df_full) <- c("peak_chr","peak_start","peak_end","peak_id","motif_id")
    overlapped_df_full_all <- merge(x = overlapped_df_full,
                                    y = motif_seq[,c("motif_chr","motif_start",
    overlapped_df_full_all[, c("peak_start","peak_end","motif_start","motif_end")] <- lapply(overlapped_df_full_all[, c("peak_start","peak_end","motif_start","motif_end")], as.numeric)
    overlapped_df_full_all$peak_center <- (overlapped_df_full_all$peak_start+overlapped_df_full_all$peak_end)/2
    overlapped_df_full_all[,c("peak_center")] <- vapply(overlapped_df_full_all[,c("peak_center")], as.integer, integer(1))
    overlapped_df_full_all$left_point <- overlapped_df_full_all$motif_start-overlapped_df_full_all$peak_center
    overlapped_df_full_all$right_point <- overlapped_df_full_all$motif_end-overlapped_df_full_all$peak_center
    #calculate motif occurrence
    motif_occurrence <- c(rep(0,(as.integer(plot_at_each_side)*2+3)))
    for (x in seq(1, nrow(overlapped_df_full_all), 1)){
      left_point <- overlapped_df_full_all[x, c("left_point")]
      right_point <- overlapped_df_full_all[x, c("right_point")]
      left_point <- left_point + (as.integer(plot_at_each_side)+2)
      left_point <- max(1, left_point)
      left_point <- min((as.integer(plot_at_each_side)*2+3), left_point)
      right_point <- right_point + (as.integer(plot_at_each_side)+2)
      right_point <- max(1, right_point)
      right_point <- min((as.integer(plot_at_each_side)*2+3), right_point)
      motif_occurrence[left_point:right_point] <- motif_occurrence[left_point:right_point]+1
    motif_occurrence <- 100*motif_occurrence/nrow(overlapped_df_full_all)
    motif_occurrence <- motif_occurrence[2:(as.integer(plot_at_each_side)*2+2)]
    motifDistrb_list_add <- list("target_id"=id,"input_peak_number"=nrow(peak_target),"peak_with_motif"=nrow(overlapped_df), "motif_occurrence"=motif_occurrence)
    motifDistrb_list[[peak_id_i]] <- motifDistrb_list_add
linquynus/TFregulomeR-dev documentation built on April 23, 2022, 11:11 a.m.