#' Conversion of Maxquant search result file (i.e. msms.txt) to the mms2plot-required identification file.
#' @export MQ_prep
#' @param config_table_path File path of the table that contains four columns:the raw MS filepath,
#' the type of modifiation, mass shift and the tolerance of the mass shift.
#' Please see the user guide for the details.
#' @param msms_path File path of the MaxQuant search result file (i.e. msms.txt).
#' @param output_path a character string naming a output file as the identification txt file for mms2plot.
#' @return No value is returned.
#' @examples
#' general_path = system.file( package = "mms2plot",dir = "extdata" )
#' setwd( general_path )
#' config_table_path = 'prep/user_table_forMSMS.txt'
#' msms_path = 'prep/MaxQuant/msms.txt'
#' output_path = 'prep/MaxQuant/conversion/identification.txt'
#' MQ_prep(config_table_path,msms_path,output_path)
#rm(list = ls())
MQ_prep = function(config_table_path,msms_path,output_path){
user_table = data.table::fread(config_table_path,data.table = FALSE)
msms_read = data.table::fread(msms_path,data.table = FALSE)
raws = unique(msms_read$`Raw file`)###Raw(s) in msms.txt
raws_user = stringr::str_remove(basename(user_table$rawfilepath),'\\.mzML')###Raw(s) in usr's table
stop(paste0('Can not find the full path of raw file ...mzML ! Please check the user table.'))
if(any(!raws %in% raws_user)){
stop(paste0('Can not find the full path of "',
raws[!raws %in% raws_user],'.mzML" ! Please check the user table.'))
user_table_1 = user_table[raws_user %in% raws,]
cols_fix = c('[Rr]aw.?[Ff]ile','[Ss]can.?[Nn]umber','[Mm]odifications?',
cols_select = c(cols_fix,'[Gg]ene.?[Nn]ames?')
num_cols = unlist(lapply(X = cols_select,FUN = Find_cols,df = msms_read))
sel = msms_read[,num_cols]
}else if(any(stringr::str_detect(colnames(msms_read),'^[Pp]roteins?$'))){
cols_select = c(cols_fix,'[Pp]roteins?')
num_cols = unlist(lapply(X = cols_select,FUN = Find_cols,df = msms_read))
sel = msms_read[,num_cols]
cols_select = cols_fix
num_cols = unlist(lapply(X = cols_select,FUN = Find_cols,df = msms_read))
sel = msms_read[,num_cols]
sel$`Gene Names` = NA
colnames(sel) = c('Raw file','Scan number','Modifications','Sequence',
'Modified sequence','Charge','Gene Names')
keys = paste(sel$`Raw file`,sel$Sequence,sel$Charge,sep = '_')
label_ls = lapply(seq(length(unique(keys))),Add_label,df = sel,keys = keys)
label = do.call(rbind,label_ls)
raw_ls = lapply(X = raws,Sub_raw,df1 = user_table_1,raws,df2 = label)
bind = do.call(rbind,raw_ls)
bind$`Modified sequence` = stringr::str_remove_all(bind$`Modified sequence`,'_')
if(!dir.exists(dirname(output_path))){dir.create(dirname(output_path),recursive = TRUE)}
utils::write.table(bind,output_path,quote = F,row.names = F,sep = '\t')
print("The conversion is successfully complete.")
# ###For test >>>
# general = 'E:/mingliya/mms2plot-master/inst/extdata'
# setwd(general)
# config_table_path = 'prep/user_table_forMSMS.txt'
# msms_path = 'prep/MaxQuant/msms.txt'
# output_path = 'prep/MaxQuant/test.txt'
# # ####Run---MQ_prep
# MQ_prep(config_table_path,msms_path,output_path)
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