tt2dt <- function(x) {
if (is(x, 'TopTags')) {
onames <- c('PValue', 'FDR')
} else {
onames <- c('P.Value', 'adj.P.Val')
x <-
x$feature_id <- rownames(x)
data.table::setnames(x, onames, c('pval', 'padj'))
## TODO: Test that logFC's are calculated correctly when using contrast
## vectors
test_that("logFC's calculated from contrast vectors are correct", {
y <- exampleExpressionSet('tumor-subtype', do.voom=FALSE)
d0 <- y$design
di <- model.matrix(~ PAM50subtype, data = y$samples)
colnames(di) <- sub('PAM50subtype', '', colnames(di))
## limma ----------------------------------------------------------
## with intercept
vmi <- limma::voom(y, di)
fit <- limma::lmFit(vmi, vmi$design)
e <- limma::eBayes(fit)
tt.lumA <- tt2dt(limma::topTable(e, 'LumA', number=Inf, sort='none'))
tt.her2 <- tt2dt(limma::topTable(e, 'Her2', number=Inf, sort='none'))
## no intercept
cm <- limma::makeContrasts(her2.vs.basal=Her2 - Basal,
lumA.vs.basal=LumA - Basal,
vm0 <- limma::voom(y, d0)
fit0 <- limma::lmFit(vm0, vm0$design)
e0 <- limma::eBayes(, cm))
tt0.lumA <- tt2dt(limma::topTable(e0, 'lumA.vs.basal', number=Inf, sort='none'))
tt0.her2 <- tt2dt(limma::topTable(e0, 'her2.vs.basal', number=Inf, sort='none'))
## Checks results from analysis w/ and w/o intercepts
expect_equal(tt.lumA, tt0.lumA)
expect_equal(tt.her2, tt0.her2)
## logFC via multiGSEA codepath ----------------------------------------------
## 1. Using coef from design matrix <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vmi, vmi$design, 'LumA') <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vmi, vmi$design, 'Her2')
expect_equal(tt.lumA,[, names(tt.lumA)], check.attributes=FALSE)
expect_equal(tt.her2,[, names(tt.her2)], check.attributes=FALSE)
## 2. Using a contrast vector
my.tt0.lumA <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm0, d0, cm[, 'lumA.vs.basal'])
my.tt0.her2 <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm0, d0, cm[, 'her2.vs.basal'])
expect_equal(tt.lumA, my.tt0.lumA[, names(tt.lumA)], check.attributes=FALSE)
expect_equal(tt.her2, my.tt0.her2[, names(tt.her2)], check.attributes=FALSE)
test_that("treat pvalues are legit", {
lfc <- log2(1.25)
y <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom = FALSE)
y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y, y$design, robust=TRUE)
vm <- limma::voom(y, y$design)
## limma/voom ----------------------------------------------------------------
fit <- limma::lmFit(vm, vm$design)
e <- limma::treat(fit, lfc=lfc)
tt <- tt2dt(limma::topTreat(e, 'tumor', number=Inf, sort='none'))
xx <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm, vm$design, 'tumor', treat.lfc=lfc)
expect_equal(tt$feature_id, xx$feature_id, info="voom")
expect_equal(xx$logFC, tt$logFC, info="voom")
expect_equal(xx$pval, tt$pval, info="voom")
## edgeR
yfit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(y, y$design, robust = TRUE)
res <- edgeR::glmTreat(yfit, coef='tumor', lfc = lfc)
et <- tt2dt(edgeR::topTags(res, Inf,'none'))
yy <- calculateIndividualLogFC(y, y$design, 'tumor', treat.lfc = lfc)
expect_equal(et$feature_id, yy$feature_id, info="edgeR")
expect_equal(yy$logFC, et$logFC, info="edgeR")
expect_equal(yy$pval, et$pval, info="edgeR")
test_that("edgeR's glmLRT or QLF are used when asked", {
y <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom = FALSE)
y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y, y$design, robust = TRUE)
gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
ex.qlf <- glmQLFit(y, y$design, robust = TRUE) %>%
glmQLFTest %>%
topTags(n = Inf, = "none") %>%
mgq <- multiGSEA(gdb, y, y$design, use.qlf = TRUE)
expect_equal(logFC(mgq)$pval, ex.qlf$PValue, info = "QLF")
ex.lrt <- glmFit(y, y$design) %>%
glmLRT %>%
topTags(n = Inf, = "none") %>%
mgl <- multiGSEA(gdb, y, y$design, use.qlf = FALSE)
expect_equal(logFC(mgl)$pval, ex.lrt$PValue, info = "LRT")
# Pvalues from QLF and LRT should not be the same
expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(logFC(mgq)$pval, logFC(mgl)$pval)))
test_that("calculateIndividualLogFC supports basic ANOVA", {
y <- exampleExpressionSet('tumor-subtype', do.voom=FALSE)
d0 <- y$design
di <- model.matrix(~ PAM50subtype, data = y$samples)
vm <- voom(y, di)
anova.res <- lmFit(vm, vm$design) %>%
eBayes() %>%
topTable(coef = 2:3, n = Inf)
lfc <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm, vm$design, 2:3)
cmp <- merge(
anova.res[, c("symbol", "entrez_id", "F", "P.Value")],
lfc[, c("entrez_id", "F", "pval")], by = "entrez_id")
expect_equal(cmp$F.x, cmp$F.y)
expect_equal(cmp$P.Value, cmp$pval)
test_that("use explicit observation weights", {
vm <- exampleExpressionSet(do.voom = TRUE)
# we have already tested that this codepath produces the "standard"
# limma::voom result
vm.res <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm, vm$design, "tumor")
# explicit matrix and weights
w.res <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm$E, vm$design, "tumor",
weights = vm$weights)
expect_equal(w.res[["feature_id"]], vm.res[["feature_id"]])
expect_equal(w.res[["logFC"]], vm.res[["logFC"]])
expect_equal(w.res[["pval"]], vm.res[["pval"]])
# standard voom w/ custom weights. Order of output is the same, but
# everything (logFC, t-stats, etc.) are different
W <- runif(length(vm$E), min = min(vm$weights), max = max(vm$weights))
W <- matrix(W, nrow = nrow(vm))
x.res <- calculateIndividualLogFC(vm, vm$design, "tumor", weights = W)
expect_equal(x.res[["feature_id"]], vm.res[["feature_id"]])
mismatch.logFC <- sign(x.res[["logFC"]]) != sign(vm.res[["logFC"]])
expect_true(mean(mismatch.logFC) > 0 & mean(mismatch.logFC) < 0.10)
expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(x.res[["pval"]], vm.res[["pval"]])))
# custom weights through limma
ex.res <- lmFit(vm$E, vm$design, weights = W) %>%
eBayes() %>%
topTable(coef = "tumor", n = Inf, = "none")
expect_equal(x.res[["feature_id"]], rownames(ex.res))
expect_equal(x.res[["logFC"]], ex.res[["logFC"]])
expect_equal(x.res[["pval"]], ex.res[["P.Value"]])
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