shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
## If this application was invoked via explore(MultiGSEAResult), then
## getOption(EXPLORE_MULTIGSEA_RESULT='path/to/result.rds') was set that
## we can load, otherwise this will respond to a user upload.
mgc <- reactive({
## Are we here because the user uploaded something, or did the user ask
## to `explore(MultiGSEAResult)`? This implementation feels wrong, but ...
if (is.null(input$mgresult)) {
res <- failWith(NULL, MultiGSEAResultContainer(mg), silent=TRUE)
## User uploaded a file
return(failWith(NULL, MultiGSEAResultContainer(input$mgresult$datapath)))
lfc <- reactive({
lfc <- req(mgc()$mg)
lfc <- logFC(lfc, as.dt=TRUE)
lfc[order(logFC, decreasing=TRUE)]
gs_result_filter <- callModule(mgResultFilter, 'mg_result_filter', mgc)
## Overview Tab ==============================================================
output$gseaMethodSummary <- renderUI({
obj <- failWith(NULL, expr=mgc(), silent=TRUE)
if (!is(obj, 'MultiGSEAResultContainer')) {
tags$p(style="font-weight: bold; color: red",
"Upload the MultiGSEAResult object to initialize the application")
} else {
tags$h4("GSEA Analyses Overview"),
summaryHTMLTable.multiGSEA(mgc()$mg, mgc()$methods,
## GSEA Results Tab ==========================================================
gs_viewer <- callModule(geneSetContrastView, 'geneset_viewer',
mgc, maxOptions=500, server=TRUE)
## A table of GSEA statistics/results for the given method and fdr threshold
## The table is wired to the gs_viewer so that row clicks can signal updates
## to the contrast viewer
gs_table_browser <- callModule(mgTableBrowser, 'mg_table_browser', mgc,
## clicks on gsea result table update the contrast view
observeEvent(gs_table_browser$selected(), {
.mgc <- req(mgc())
geneset <- req(gs_table_browser$selected())
updateActiveGeneSetInContrastView(session, gs_viewer, geneset, .mgc)
## A table of other genesets that brushed genes in the contrast viewer
## belong to. This table is also wired to the contrast viewer, so that
## a click on a row of the table will update the contrast view, too.
other_genesets_gsea <- callModule(mgGeneSetSummaryByGene,
mgc, features=gs_viewer()$selected,
## DEBUG: Can we add a DT row click listner to the `other_genesets_gsea` so
## that it updates the `gs_viewer`? My first shot at doing sends the
## application into a tailspin, my best guess is because the selection is
## still active in the interactive boxp/density plot.
## Differential Gene Expression Tab ==========================================
gene.volcano <- callModule(mgVolcano, 'dge_volcano', mgc,
width=400, height=350)
output$dge_volcano_genestats <- DT::renderDataTable({
res.all <- req(lfc())
res <- res.all[, list(symbol, feature_id, logFC, pval, padj)]
selected <- gene.volcano()
# browser()
if (!is.null(selected)) {
res <- subset(res, feature_id %in% selected$feature_id)
renderFeatureStatsDataTable(res, filter='top',
## Respond to user click to download differential expression statistics
output$download_dge_stats <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() "multiGSEA-feature-level-statistics.csv",
content=function(file) write.csv(lfc(), file, row.names=FALSE))
## A table of other genesets that brushed genes in the contrast viewer
## belong to. This table is also wired to the contrast viewer, so that
## a click on a row of the table will update the contrast view, too.
other_genesets_volcano <- callModule(mgGeneSetSummaryByGene,
mgc, features=gene.volcano,
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