## Functions that mimic my GenomeAnnotation calls
## (for package migration purposes)
.geneCacheFileName <- function(gcache, chromosome) {
paste(genome(gcache), annotationSource(gcache), "genes", chromosome, "rda",
loadGFXGeneModels <- function(gcache, chromosome, cache.dir=NULL) {
cache.dir <- cacheDir(gcache, 'gene.models')
file.name <- .geneCacheFileName(gcache, chromosome)
fpath <- file.path(cache.dir, file.name)
if (is.na(file.info(fpath)$isdir)) {
addIdealizedToGFXGeneCache <- function(gcache, gene.by, gene.collapse,
flank.up=0L, flank.down=0L,
verbose=FALSE) {
gdir <- cacheDir(gcache, 'gene.models')
files <- list.files(gdir, full.names=TRUE)
mclapply(files, function(fname) {
cat(fname, "\n")
.gc <- duplicate(gcache)
m <- regexpr('(chr.*?\\.)', fname)
chr <- substring(fname, m, m + attr(m, 'match.length') - 2)
genes <- getGenesOnChromosome(.gc, chr)
whatever <- lapply(genes, idealized, gene.by, gene.collapse, gene.cds.cover,
which.chr=chr, flank.up=flank.up, flank.down=flank.down)
save(genes, file=fname)
}, mc.preschedule=FALSE)
## ~ 6 Hours for RefSeq hg18
## ~ 8.3 hours for Ensembl hg18
generateGFXGeneModels <- function(gcache, gene.by='all', gene.collapse='cover',
gene.cds.cover='min', chromosomes=NULL,
## flank.up=c(0, 500, 1000),
## flank.down=c(0, 500, 1000),
flank.up=0L, flank.down=0L,
verbose=FALSE) {
cache.dir <- cacheDir(gcache, 'gene.models')
if (!dir.exists(cache.dir)) {
cat("Making cache directory:", cache.dir, "\n")
if (!dir.create(cache.dir)) {
stop("Error creating directory")
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- seqlevels(gcache)
xcripts <- transcripts(gcache)
# foreach(chr=chromosomes, .packages="GenomicCache", .inorder=FALSE,
# .options.multicore=list(preschedule=FALSE), .verbose=verbose) %dopar% {
## for (chr in chromosomes) {
mclapply(chromosomes, function(chr) {
cat("===", chr, "===...\n")
.gc <- duplicate(gcache)
chr.xcripts <- xcripts[which(seqnames(xcripts) == chr)]
if (length(chr.xcripts) == 0L) {
genes <- list()
missed.id <- character()
} else {
.so.far <- character(length(chr.xcripts))
.idx <- 1L
genes <- lapply(values(chr.xcripts)$tx_name, function(tx) {
if (tx %in% .so.far) {
## cat("..", tx, "..\n")
g <- tryCatch(GFGene(tx.id=tx, .gc), error=function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(g)) {
## cat(chr, symbol(g), "\n")
xc <- transcripts(g, which.chr=chr)
to <- .idx + length(xc) - 1
.so.far[.idx:to] <<- values(xc)$tx_name
.idx <<- to + 1
## Generate idealized models
for (i in 1:length(flank.up)) {
idealized(g, gene.by, gene.collapse, gene.cds.cover, which.chr=chr,
flank.up=flank.up[i], flank.down=flank.down[i])
missed <- sapply(genes, is.null)
missed.id <- setdiff(values(chr.xcripts)$tx_name[missed], .so.far)
genes <- genes[!missed]
if (length(genes) > 0) {
names(genes) <- make.unique(sapply(genes, symbol))
cat("...", chr, "done:", length(genes), "good,", length(missed.id), "bad\n")
save(genes, file=file.path(cache.dir, .geneCacheFileName(.gc, chr)))
}, mc.preschedule=FALSE)
## NOTE: genesOnChromosome is not done
setMethod("getGenesOnChromosome", c(x="GenomicCache"),
function(x, chromosome, start, end, maxgap, minoverlap, overlap.type,
use.cache, cache.dir=cacheDir(x), ...) {
xcripts <- transcripts(x)
if (use.cache) {
genes <- loadGFXGeneModels(x, chromosome, cache.dir=cache.dir)
if (is.null(genes)) {
stop("Build the gene models first!")
if (!is.null(start) || !is.null(end)) {
## NOTE: This is poorly implemented
if (is.null(start)) {
start <- 1L
if (is.null(end)) {
end <- xcripts[[chromosome]]
tx.bounds <- txBounds(x, chromosome, .genes=genes)
subset.bounds <- IRangest(start, end)
o <- findOverlaps(tx.bounds, subset.bounds, maxgap=maxgap,
minoverlap=minoverlap, type=overlap.type)
genes <- genes[queryHits(o)]
} else {
stop("getGenesOnChromosome w/o cache not implemented yet.")
if (is.null(end)) {
end <- seqlengths(xcripts)[[chromosome]]
bounds <- switch(is(start)[1],
"NULL"=GRanges(seqname=chromosome, ranges=IRanges(start=1, end=end)),
numeric=GRanges(seqname=chromosome, ranges=IRanges(start=start, end=end)),
integer=GRanges(seqname=chromosome, ranges=IRanges(start=start, end=end)),
IRanges=GRanges(seqname=chromosome, ranges=start),
stop("Illegal value for `start`"))
if (use.cache) {
} else {
possibly <- subsetByOverlaps(xcripts, bounds, maxgap, minoverlap,
if (length(possibly) > 0) {
entrez <- getEntrezIdFromTranscriptId(x, values(possibly)$tx_name)
entrez <- unique(unlist(entrez))
symbols <- unlist(getSymbolFromEntrezId(x, entrez))
genes <- lapply(symbols, GFGene, .gc=x)
names(genes) <- sapply(genes, symbol)
setMethod("txBounds", c(x="GenomicCache"),
function(x, chromosome, .genes=NULL, ...) {
var.name <- paste('txBounds', chromosome, sep=".")
cacheFetch(x, var.name, {
if (is.null(.genes)) {
.genes <- getGenesOnChromosome(x, chromosome)
txBoundsFromGeneList <- function(genes) {
tx.bounds <- RangesList(lapply(genes, function(g) {
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