## This GFGene class is really handy when interactively working with your data.
## Imagine you want to see what's happening over a certain gene, or some such.
setMethod("initialize", "GFGene",
function(.Object, ...,
.cache=new.env()) {
##' @nord
.guessGeneIdType <- function(id, anno.source) {
if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer(id)))) {
id.type <- "entrez"
} else if (anno.source == 'refGene') {
## refseq
id.type <- switch(substring(id, 1, 3), NM_='tx.id', NR_='tx.id', "symbol")
} else if (anno.source == 'ensGene') {
## ensemble
id.type <- switch(substring(id, 1, 4), ENST='tx.id', ENSG='id', 'symbol')
} else if (anno.source == 'knownGene') {
## UCSC genes
id.type <- switch(substring(id, 1, 2), uc='tx.id', 'symbol')
} else if (anno.source == 'acembly') {
## Aceview
if (length(grep('.', id, fixed=TRUE)) == 0) {
id.type <- 'symbol'
} else {
id.type <- 'tx.id'
} else {
stop("Don't know how to parse gene names of this type: ", anno.source)
##' Create a Gene object.
##' This requires the use of a \code{\linkS4class{GenomicCache}} object
##' passed into \code{.gc}, which is, for convenience, automatically "pulled
##' out" from the argument list (\code{...}) if not explicitly passed.
##' @export
##' @author Steve Lianoglou \email{slianoglou@@gmail.com}
##' @param ... The symbol, entrez id, transcript id, or gene id of the Gene,
##' optionally prefixed with what it is. For example,
##' \code{GFGene(symbol="DICER1", gcr)} or \code{GFGene("DICER1", gcr)} both
##' will work.
##' @param .gc The \code{\linkS4class{GenomicCache}} object for the annotation
##' source. The variable is fished out of \code{...} if it is not explicitly
##' passed.
##' @return A \code{\linkS4class{GFGene}} object
GFGene <- function(..., .gc=NULL) {
args <- list(...)
arg.names <- names(args)
if (is.null(.gc)) {
.gc <- takeFromListByType(args, 'GenomicCache')
if (is.null(.gc)) {
stop("GenomicCache (.gc) object expected.")
anno.source <- annotationSource(.gc)
class.name <- switch(anno.source, refGene="RefSeqGene",
ensGene="EnsemblGene", acembly="AceviewGene",
stop("Unknown source: ", anno.source))
genome <- genome(.gc)
id <- takeFromListByType(args, 'character', index=TRUE)
if (is.null(id)) {
stop("No gene name/id passed")
id.type <- names(args)[id]
id <- args[[id]]
if (is.null(id.type)) {
id.type <- .guessGeneIdType(id, anno.source)
## Necessary monkey business to "do the right thing" in order to get
## the correct entrez.id and symbol for this gene
symbol <- NULL
gene.id <- NULL
if (id.type == 'symbol') {
symbol <- id
entrez.id <- getEntrezIdFromSymbol(.gc, id, anno.source)
} else if (id.type == 'entrez') {
entrez.id <- id
} else {
if (class.name == 'EnsemblGene') {
if (id.type == 'id') {
entrez.id <- getEntrezIdFromGeneId(.gc, id, anno.source)
} else {
entrez.id <- getEntrezIdFromTranscriptId(.gc, id, anno.source)
} else {
entrez.id <- getEntrezIdFromTranscriptId(.gc, id, anno.source)
## DEBUG: Why does more than one entrez id come back -- and even for the
## wrong transcript id? Try ENST00000270722, it returns results for
## ENST000002707221 and ENST000002707222
## if (!is.null(entrez.id) && !(id %in% names(entrez.id))) {
## entrez.id <- NULL
## }
if (is.null(entrez.id) || length(entrez.id) == 0) {
stop("Unknown gene identifier: ", id, " (is it a ", id.type, "?)")
if (length(entrez.id) > 1) {
stop("More than one entrez.id is returned for tx.id: ", id)
if (is.null(symbol)) {
symbol <- getSymbolFromEntrezId(.gc, entrez.id, anno.source)
if (is.null(gene.id)) {
gene.id <- switch(anno.source, refGene=symbol,
ensGene=getGeneIdFromEntrezId(.gc, entrez.id),
knownGene=symbol, acembly=symbol,
stop("Unknown anno.source"))
.exons <- exonsBy(.gc, 'tx')
.transcripts <- transcripts(.gc)
## Get all transcript IDs associated with this gene
if (class.name != 'AceviewGene') {
tx.name <- getTranscriptIdFromEntrezId(.gc, entrez.id, anno.source)
tx.take <- which(values(.transcripts)$tx_name %in% tx.name)
} else {
tx.names <- values(.transcripts)$tx_name
tx.take <- grep(sprintf('%s\\.', symbol), tx.names, ignore.case=TRUE)
if (length(tx.take) == 0) {
stop("Can not find transcripts in TranscriptDb")
xcripts <- .transcripts[tx.take]
xm <- values(xcripts)
tx.ids <- as.character(xm$tx_id)
meta <- DataFrame(tx_name=xm$tx_name)
## Errors fly when you try to index a GRangesList with a multiple keys, and
## one of which isn't present. This is why I lapply of the tx.ids instead
## of cdsBy(.gd, 'tx)[tx.ids]. This results in an empty GRanges object in the
## the slot the expected cds, utr, etc. should have been if the transcript
## had one.
take <- function(grl, idxs) {
x <- GRangesList(lapply(idxs, function(idx) {
xx <- grl[[idx]]
if (is.null(xx)) xx <- GRanges()
names(x) <- idxs
g.exons <- .exons[tx.ids]
values(g.exons) <- meta
g.cds <- take(cdsBy(.gc, 'tx'), tx.ids)
values(g.cds) <- meta
g.utr5 <- take(fiveUTRsByTranscript(.gc), tx.ids)
values(g.utr5) <- meta
g.utr3 <- take(threeUTRsByTranscript(.gc), tx.ids)
values(g.utr3) <- meta
setMethod("show", c(object="GFGene"),
function(object) {
asource <- switch(substring(annotationSource(object), 1, 3),
ens="Ensembl", ref="RefSeq", ace="AceView",
kno="UCSC", "unknown source")
xcripts <- transcripts(object)
meta <- values(xcripts)
cat(sprintf("%s|%s [%s]: %d transcripts\n",
symbol(object), entrezId(object), asource,
for (idx in 1:length(xcripts)) {
xcript <- xcripts[[idx]]
bounds <- range(ranges(xcript))
cat(" ", meta$tx_name[idx], ": ")
cat(" (", as.character(strand(xcript)[1]), ") : ", sep="")
cat(format(start(bounds), big.mark=","), "-", sep="")
cat(format(end(bounds), big.mark=","), "\n")
setMethod("length", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x) {
setMethod("txBounds", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
bounds <- unlist(endoapply(transcripts(x, ...), function(xx) range(xx)),
values(bounds) <- DataFrame(tx_name=txNames(x, ...),
tx_id=names(transcripts(x, ...)))
setMethod("txNames", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
values(transcripts(x, ...))$tx_name
##' Returns a GRanges object
setMethod("cdsBounds", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
bounds <- unlist(endoapply(cds(x, ...), function(xx) range(xx)),
values(bounds) <- DataFrame(tx_name=txNames(x, ...),
tx_id=names(transcripts(x, ...)))
#' Returns RangesList
setMethod("cds", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
filterByChr(x@.cds, which.chr=which.chr)
setMethod("utr5", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
filterByChr(x@.utr5, which.chr=which.chr)
setMethod("utr3", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
filterByChr(x@.utr3, which.chr=which.chr)
setMethod("range", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, by=c('gene', 'tx', 'cds'), ..., na.rm=TRUE) {
by <- match.arg(by)
gene=range(unlist(transcripts(x, ...))),
tx=endoapply(transcripts(x, ...), range),
cds=endoapply(cds(x, ...), range))
setMethod("ranges", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, type=c('tx', 'transcript', 'cds', 'coding'),
summary=TRUE, ...) {
stop("Not implemented yet")
## Return the bounds of the gene's transcripts, or coding regions
setMethod("getBsGenome", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
############################################################## Simple Accessors
setMethod("entrezId", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
##' @importFrom ShortRead id
setMethod("id", c(object="GFGene"),
function(object, ...) {
setMethod("isProteinCoding", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
sapply(cds(x, which.chr=which.chr, ...), function(exons) length(exons) > 0)
##' @importFrom rtracklayer genome
setMethod("genome", c(x="GFGene"), function(x) x@.genome)
setMethod("symbol", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
##' @importFrom ShortRead chromosome
setMethod("chromosome", c(object="GFGene"),
function(object, as.DNAString=FALSE, unmasked=TRUE, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
chr <- as.character(object@.chromosome)
if (as.DNAString) {
if (is.null(which.chr)) {
chr <- chr[1]
chr <- getBsGenome(object)[[chr]]
if (unmasked) {
chr <- unmasked(chr)
##' @importFrom GenomicRanges strand
setMethod("strand", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x) {
setMethod('start', c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
start(ranges(x, ...))
setMethod('end', c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
end(ranges(x, ...))
setMethod("annotationSource", c(object="GFGene"),
function(object) {
setMethod("transcripts", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, which.chr=NULL, ...) {
filterByChr(x@.exons, which.chr=which.chr)
setMethod("exons", c(x="GFGene"),
function(x, ...) {
transcripts(x, ...)
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