##' @title Querying OLS
##' @aliases OlsSearch olsSearch
##' @aliases olsRows 'olsRows<-' allRows as.data.frame.OlsSearch
##' @description
##' Searching the Ontology Lookup Service is done first by creating an
##' object `OlsSearch` using the `OlsSearch()` constructor. Query
##' responses are then retrieved with the `olsSearch()` function.
##' @references
##' - OLS3 API (the OLS4 API should function identically to the OLS3):
##' <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ols3help>
##' - REST API for OLS: <https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/swagger-ui/index.html>
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @name OlsSearch
##' @examples
##' ## Many results across all ontologies
##' OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi")
##' ## Exact matches
##' OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", exact = TRUE)
##' ## Exact match in the gene ontology (go or GO) only
##' OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", exact = TRUE, ontology = "go")
##' OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", exact = TRUE, ontology = "GO")
##' ## Exact match in the GO and Uberon
##' OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", exact = TRUE,
##' ontology = c("GO", "Uberon"))
##' ## Testing different ESI queries
##' OlsSearch(q = "electrospray", ontology = "MS")
##' OlsSearch(q = "ionization", ontology = "MS")
##' OlsSearch(q = "electrospray ionization", ontology = "MS")
##' OlsSearch(q = "electrospray ionization", ontology = "MS", exact=TRUE)
##' ## Request 5 results instead of 20 (default)
##' OlsSearch(q = "plasma,membrane", ontology = "go", rows = 5)
##' ## Same as above
##' OlsSearch(q = "plasma membrane", ontology = "go", rows = 5)
##' ## or, once the object was created
##' (res <- OlsSearch(q = "plasma,membrane", ontology = "go"))
##' olsRows(res) <- 5
##' res
##' ## all results
##' res <- allRows(res)
##' res
##' res <- OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", ontology = "go", rows = 5)
##' res
##' res <- olsSearch(res)
##' res
##' as(res, "data.frame")
##' trms <- as(res, "olsTerms")
##' trms
##' termPrefix(trms)
##' termId(trms)
##' ## Setting rows and start parameters
##' tg1 <- OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", rows = 5, start = 0) |>
##' olsSearch() |>
##' as("data.frame")
##' tg2 <- OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", rows = 5, start = 5) |>
##' olsSearch() |>
##' as("data.frame")
##' tg3 <- OlsSearch(q = "trans-golgi", rows = 10, start = 0) |>
##' olsSearch() |>
##' as("data.frame")
##' ## The two consecutive small results are identical
##' ## to the larger on.
##' identical(rbind(tg1, tg2), tg3)
## OlsSearch class
.OlsSearch <- setClass("OlsSearch",
slots = c(q = "character",
ontology = "character",
type = "character",
slim = "character",
fieldList = "character",
queryFields = "character",
exact = "logical",
groupField = "logical",
obsoletes = "logical",
local = "logical",
childrenOf = "character",
rows = "integer",
start = "integer",
url = "character",
numFound = "integer",
response = "data.frame"))
## Constructor
##' @export
##' @rdname OlsSearch
##' @param q `characher(1)` containing the search query.
##' @param ontology `character()` defining the ontology to be
##' queried. Default is the empty character, to search all
##' ontologies.
##' @param type `character()` restricting the search to an entity
##' type, one of `"class"`, `"property"`, `"individual"` or
##' `"ontology"`.
##' @param slim `character()` restricts the search to an particular
##' set of slims by name.
##' @param fieldList `character()` specifcies the fields to return.
##' The defaults are iri, label, short_form, obo_id,
##' ontology_name, ontology_prefix, description and type. Default
##' is `""` for all fields.
##' @param queryFields `character()` specifcies the fields to query,
##' the defaults are label, synonym, description, short_form,
##' obo_id, annotations, logical_description, iri. Default is `""`
##' for all fields.
##' @param exact `logical(1)` defining if exact matches should be
##' returned. Default is `FALSE`.
##' @param groupField `logical(1)`, set to `TRUE` to group results by
##' unique id (IRI).
##' @param obsoletes `logical(1)` defining whether obsolete terms
##' should be queried. Default is `FALSE`.
##' @param local `character(1)`, default is `FALSE`. Set to `TRUE` to
##' only return terms that are in a defining ontology e.g. only
##' return matches to gene ontology terms in the gene ontology,
##' and exclude ontologies where those terms are also referenced.
##' @param childrenOf `character()` to restrict a search to children
##' of a given term. Supply a list of IRI for the terms that you
##' want to search under.
##' @param rows `integer(1)` defining the number of query
##' returns. Default is 20L. Maximum number of values returned by
##' the server is 1000. To retrieve the next results, set `start`
##' 1000. See examle below.
##' @param start `integer(1)` defining the results page.
##' number. Default is 0L.
##' @importFrom utils URLencode
OlsSearch <- function(q,
ontology = "",
type = "",
slim = "",
fieldList = "",
queryFields = "",
exact = FALSE,
groupField = FALSE,
obsoletes = FALSE,
local = TRUE,
childrenOf = "",
rows = 20L,
start = 0L) {
if (missing(q))
stop("You must supply a query.")
if (rows > 1000) {
warning("Setting row to max value 1000.")
rows <- 1000
.args <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
if (missing(rows))
.args[["rows"]] <- rows
## Create search URL and instantiate OlsSearch object
params <- c()
for (i in seq_along(.args)) {
nm <- names(.args)[i]
arg <- .args[[i]]
arg <- eval(arg, parent.frame())
if (is.logical(arg))
arg <- ifelse(arg, "true", "false")
if (is.character(arg))
arg <- URLencode(arg)
if (nm == "ontology")
arg <- tolower(arg)
if (length(arg) > 1)
arg <- paste(arg, collapse = ",")
params <- append(params, paste(nm, arg, sep = "="))
## searchUrl <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/beta/api/search?"
searchUrl <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/api/search?"
url <- paste0(searchUrl,
paste(params, collapse = "&"))
x <- request(url) |>
req_perform() |>
numFound <- x[["response"]][["numFound"]]
response <- data.frame()
.OlsSearch(q = q, ontology = ontology, slim = slim,
fieldList = fieldList, queryFields = queryFields,
exact = exact, groupField = groupField,
obsoletes = obsoletes, local = local,
childrenOf = childrenOf, rows = as.integer(rows),
start = as.integer(start), url = url,
numFound = as.integer(numFound),
response = response)
##' @export
##' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
##' @rdname OlsSearch
##' @param object `OlsSeach` result object.
##' @param all `logical(1)` Should all rows be retrieved. Default is
##' `FALSE`. Can also be set in the queary object directly with
##' `allRows()`.
olsSearch <- function(object, all = FALSE) {
if (all)
object <- allRows(object)
ans <- request(object@url) |>
req_perform() |>
resp_body_string() |>
if (!length(ans[['response']][['docs']])) {
object@response <- emptyQueryDataFrame
} else {
object@response <- ans[["response"]][["docs"]]
## show method
##' @export
##' @rdname OlsSearch
setMethod("show", "OlsSearch",
function(object) {
cat("Object of class 'OlsSearch':\n")
if (object@ontology[1] != "") {
if (length(object@ontology) == 1)
cat(" ontolgy:", object@ontology, "\n")
cat(" ontolgies:",
paste(object@ontology, collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(" query:", object@q, "\n")
cat(" requested: ", object@rows, " (out of ",
object@numFound, ")\n", sep ="")
cat(" response(s):", nrow(object@response), "\n")
## Accessors and setter
##' @export
##' @rdname OlsSearch
olsRows <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "OlsSearch"))
##' @export
##' @param value replacement value
##' @rdname OlsSearch
"olsRows<-" <- function(object, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "OlsSearch"))
object@url <- sub("rows=[0-9]+",
paste0("rows=", as.integer(value)),
object@rows <- as.integer(value)
##' @export
##' @rdname OlsSearch
allRows <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "OlsSearch"))
object@rows <- object@numFound
object@url <- sub("rows=[0-9]+",
paste0("rows=", object@numFound),
## Coercion
setAs(from = "OlsSearch", to = "data.frame",
function(from) from@response)
##' @export
as.data.frame.OlsSearch <-
function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
as(x, "data.frame")
##' @export
setAs(from = "OlsSearch", to = "olsTerms",
function(from) {
resp <- from@response
## see issue #24
if (anyNA(resp$obo_id)) {
i <- is.na(resp$obo_id)
resp$obo_id[i] <- sub("_", ":", resp$short_form)[i]
x <- apply(resp, 1,
error = function(e) NULL))
if (is.null(x)) {
msg <- paste("No result retrieved.",
"This might be due to a temporary network issue.")
## Remove any terms that failed above
if (any(nullterm <- sapply(x, is.null))) {
warning(sum(nullterm), " term failed to be instantiated.")
x <- x[!nullterm]
names(x) <- resp[["obo_id"]][!nullterm]
.olsTerms(x = x)
## helper functions
emptyQueryDataFrame <-
structure(list(id = character(0), iri = character(0),
short_form = character(0), obo_id = character(0),
label = character(0), description = list(),
ontology_name = character(0),
ontology_prefix = character(0), type = character(0),
is_defining_ontology = logical(0)),
row.names = integer(0),
class = "data.frame")
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