##' @title Spectrum class
##' @name Spectrum
##' @aliases class:Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum-class [[<-,Spectrum-method [<-,Spectrum-method $<-,Spectrum-method Spectrum_elements
##' @description
##' The `Spectrum` class is a simple list of elements. There are two
##' classes of elements. Mandatory elements such as the MS level of
##' the spectrum (`msLevel`), its retention time (`rtime`), ... that
##' must be of a pre-defined class (see the `Spectrum_elements` vector
##' for their names and classes). Optional elements with arbitrary
##' names and classes can also be added.
##' If, as some point, some elements were to become mandatory, their
##' names and classes would simply need to be added to the
##' `Spectrum_elements` vector.
##' Object are created with the `Spetrum(...)`
##' constructor. `Spectrum()` generates a instance with empty valid
##' values.
##' @param ... Mandatory spectrum elements or list thereof. See
##' `Spectrum_elements` for their names and classes.
##' @md
##' @exportClass Spectrum
##' @examples
##' ## An empty spectrum
##' sp <- Spectrum()
##' sp
##' ## Mandatory elements
##' Spectrum_elements
##' ## Updating mandatory elements
##' sp$msLevel
##' class(sp$msLevel)
##' sp$msLevel <- 2L ## works
##' sp$msLevel
##' try(sp$msLevel <- "not an integer")
##' sp$msLevel
##' pa <- PeakAnnotation(peaks = list(c(345.3, 345.32, 345.35, 345.39, 345.4),
##' 657.01,
##' 1231.182),
##' annotations = list("a5", "z3", "y7"))
##' sp$peakAnnotation
##' sp$peakAnnotation <- pa
##' sp$peakAnnotation
##' ## Adding arbitrary elements
##' sp$foo <- "bar"
##' sp
##' ## All current elements (mandatory and optional) and their
##' ## respective classes
##' sapply(sp, class)
##' ## Setting intensity and m/z values. These must be set together,
##' ## as these two elements must be of the same length.
##' mz <- as.numeric(sample(1000, 10))
##' i <- as.numeric(sample(1e3:1e5, 10))
##' sp[c("intensity", "mz")] <- list(i, mz)
##' plot(sp$mz, sp$intensity, type = "h")
.Spectrum <- setClass("Spectrum",
contains = "SimpleList")
##' @export Spectrum
Spectrum <- function(...) {
if (missing(...)) args <- .Spectrum_prototype()
else args <- list(...)
if (length(args) == 1L && extends(class(args[[1L]]), "list"))
args <- args[[1L]]
listData = args,
check = TRUE)
.Spectrum_prototype <- function() {
list(msLevel = NA_integer_,
peaksCount = NA_integer_,
rtime = NA_real_,
acquisitionNum = NA_integer_,
scanIndex = NA_integer_,
tic = NA_real_,
mz = NA_real_,
intensity = NA_real_,
fromFile = NA_integer_,
centroided = NA,
smoothed = NA,
polarity = NA_integer_,
precScanNum = NA_integer_,
precursorMz = NA_real_,
precursorIntensity = NA_real_,
precursorCharge = NA_integer_,
collisionEnergy = NA_real_,
peakAnnotation = PeakAnnotation())
##' @export Spectrum_elements
Spectrum_elements <- c(msLevel = "integer",
peaksCount = "integer",
rtime = "numeric",
acquisitionNum = "integer",
scanIndex = "integer",
tic = "numeric",
mz = "numeric",
intensity = "numeric",
fromFile = "integer",
centroided = "logical",
smoothed = "logical",
polarity = "integer",
precScanNum = "integer",
precursorMz = "numeric",
precursorIntensity = "numeric",
precursorCharge = "integer",
collisionEnergy = "numeric",
peakAnnotation = "PeakAnnotation")
.valid_Spectrum <- function(object) {
if (!all(names(Spectrum_elements) %in% names(object)))
return("Mandatory elements are missing")
slot_classes <- sapply(object@listData, class)
if (!all(slot_classes[names(Spectrum_elements)] == Spectrum_elements))
return("Mandatory element of wrong class")
if (!identical(length(object$mz), length(object$intensity)))
return("Intensities and m/z must be of same lengths.")
## TODO: check cardinality of mandatory elements. All but
## PeaksAnnotation must be 1.
function(object) {
msg <- .valid_Spectrum(object)
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
setReplaceMethod("[[", "Spectrum",
function(x, i, j, ..., value)
if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0)
stop("invalid replacement")
xl <- x@listData
Spectrum(setListElement(xl, i, value))
setReplaceMethod("$", "Spectrum",
function(x, name, value) {
xl <- x@listData
xl[[name]] <- value
##' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
setReplaceMethod("[", "Spectrum",
function(x, i, j, ..., value)
Spectrum(callNextMethod(x@listData, i, value = value)))
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