test_that("Spectra,ANY works", {
df <- DataFrame()
res <- Spectra(df)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
res <- Spectra(df)
expect_identical(msLevel(res), c(1L, 2L))
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
df$polarity <- "NEG"
expect_error(Spectra(df), "wrong data type: polarity")
test_that("Spectra,missing works", {
res <- Spectra()
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendDataFrame(), DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L),
fromFile = 1L))
res <- Spectra(backend = be)
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
expect_identical(msLevel(res), c(1L, 2L))
test_that("Spectra,MsBackend works", {
res <- Spectra()
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendDataFrame(), DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L),
fromFile = 1L))
res <- Spectra(be)
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
expect_identical(msLevel(res), c(1L, 2L))
test_that("Spectra,character works", {
res <- Spectra(sciex_file, backend = MsBackendMzR())
expect_true(is(res@backend, "MsBackendMzR"))
expect_equal(unique(res@backend$dataStorage), sciex_file)
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sciex_mzr))
res_2 <- Spectra(sciex_file, source = MsBackendMzR(),
backend = MsBackendDataFrame())
expect_true(is(res_2@backend, "MsBackendDataFrame"))
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(res_2))
test_that("setBackend,Spectra works", {
df <- DataFrame(rtime = as.numeric(1:9),
fact = c(2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 1L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendDataFrame())
expect_true(ncol(sps@backend@spectraData) < ncol(res@backend@spectraData))
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sps))
expect_identical(dataStorage(res), dataStorage(sps))
expect_identical(dataOrigin(res), dataStorage(sps))
## Use a different factor.
res <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendDataFrame(), f = df$fact)
expect_true(ncol(sps@backend@spectraData) < ncol(res@backend@spectraData))
expect_identical(dataStorage(res), dataStorage(sps))
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sps))
## switch from mzR to DataFrame
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendDataFrame())
expect_identical(rtime(sps), rtime(res))
expect_identical(mz(sps), mz(res))
expect_true(is(res@backend@spectraData$msLevel, "integer"))
expect_true(is(sps@backend@spectraData$msLevel, "integer"))
expect_identical(dataOrigin(res), dataStorage(sps))
## switch from DataFrame to hdf5
tdir <- normalizePath(paste0(tempdir(), "/a"))
res <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), hdf5path = tdir)
expect_identical(rtime(sps), rtime(res))
expect_identical(peaksData(sps), peaksData(res))
expect_identical(dataOrigin(res), dataStorage(sps))
## from DataFrame to hdf5 providing file names - need to disable
## parallelization
res <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendHdf5Peaks(),
files = c(tempfile(), tempfile()),
f = rep(1, length(sps)))
expect_identical(rtime(sps), rtime(res))
expect_identical(peaksData(sps), peaksData(res))
## errors:
expect_error(setBackend(sps, MsBackendMzR()), "is read-only")
test_that("c,Spectra works", {
df1 <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L, 1L))
df1$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.2), c(1.5), c(1.4, 1.5, 1.6))
df1$intensity <- list(c(4.5, 23), 452.1, c(4.1, 342, 123))
sp1 <- Spectra(df1)
df2 <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L), rtime = c(1.2, 1.5))
df2$mz <- list(1.5, 1.5)
df2$intensity <- list(1234.1, 34.23)
sp2 <- Spectra(df2)
df3 <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(3L, 3L), other_col = "a")
df3$mz <- list(c(1.4, 1.5, 1.6), c(1.8, 1.9))
df3$intensity <- list(c(123.4, 12, 5), c(43.1, 5))
sp3 <- Spectra(df3)
df4 <- df3
df4$mz <- NULL
df4$intensity <- NULL
sp4 <- Spectra(df4)
res <- c(sp1, sp2, sp3)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_equal(length(res), sum(nrow(df1), nrow(df2), nrow(df3)))
expect_identical(msLevel(res), c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L))
expect_identical(res$other_col, c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "a", "a"))
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
res <- c(a = sp1, b = sp2, sp3)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
tmp <- vector("list", 3)
tmp[[1L]] <- sp1
tmp[[2L]] <- sp2
tmp[[3L]] <- sp3
res <- concatenateSpectra(tmp)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
res_c <- do.call(c, tmp)
res_c@processing <- ""
res@processing <- ""
expect_equal(res, res_c)
names(tmp) <- c("a", "b", "c")
res <- concatenateSpectra(tmp)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
test_that("acquisitionNum,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- acquisitionNum(sps)
expect_identical(res, integer())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- acquisitionNum(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
df$acquisitionNum <- 1:2
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- acquisitionNum(sps)
expect_identical(res, 1:2)
test_that("centroided,centroided<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- centroided(sps)
expect_identical(res, logical())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 1L), centroided = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- centroided(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
centroided(sps) <- c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
res <- centroided(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
centroided(sps) <- FALSE
expect_true(all(centroided(sps) == FALSE))
expect_error(centroided(sps) <- 3, "'logical' of length")
expect_error(centroided(sps) <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), "length 1 or 3")
test_that("collisionEnergy,collisionEnergy<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- collisionEnergy(sps)
expect_identical(res, numeric())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 2L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- collisionEnergy(sps)
expect_equal(length(res), length(sps))
collisionEnergy(sps) <- c(1.2, 1.4, 1.7)
res <- collisionEnergy(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(1.2, 1.4, 1.7))
df$collisionEnergy <- c(3.4, 4.3, 2.3)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- collisionEnergy(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(3.4, 4.3, 2.3))
expect_error(collisionEnergy(sps) <- 4, "of length 3")
expect_error(collisionEnergy(sps) <- c("a", "b", "c"), "'numeric'")
test_that("dataOrigin,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- dataOrigin(sps)
expect_identical(res, character())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- dataOrigin(sps)
expect_identical(res, rep(NA_character_, length(sps)))
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), dataOrigin = c("a", "b"))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- dataOrigin(sps)
expect_identical(res, c("a", "b"))
sps <- Spectra(backend = sciex_mzr)
res <- dataOrigin(sps)
expect_identical(res, dataStorage(sps))
test_that("dataStorage,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- dataStorage(sps)
expect_identical(res, character())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- dataStorage(sps)
expect_identical(res, rep("<memory>", 2))
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- dataStorage(sps)
expect_identical(res, rep(sciex_file, each = 931))
test_that("length,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_equal(length(sps), 0)
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
expect_true(length(sps) == 2)
test_that("intensity,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- intensity(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "NumericList"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L),
rtime = c(1.2, 1.4),
centroided = TRUE)
df$intensity <- list(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0))
df$mz <- list(c(1:10), c(1:10))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- intensity(sps)
expect_identical(res, NumericList(
c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0),
compress = FALSE))
sps <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 0.1)
res <- intensity(sps)
expect_identical(res, NumericList(c(1, 6, 3, 9, 1), c(9, 6, 3, 9, 4),
compress = FALSE))
test_that("ionCount,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- ionCount(sps)
expect_identical(res, numeric())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), centroided = TRUE)
df$intensity <- list(c(5, 9, 3), c(9, 8, 2))
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:3)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- ionCount(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(17, 19))
sps <- replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = 4)
res <- ionCount(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(14, 17))
test_that("isCentroided,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- isCentroided(sps)
expect_identical(res, logical())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L))
df$intensity <- list(c(5, 6, 1), c(5, 3, 1))
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:3)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- isCentroided(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(NA, NA))
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- isCentroided(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == length(sps))
test_that("isEmpty,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- isEmpty(sps)
expect_identical(res, logical())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L), centroided = TRUE)
df$intensity <- list(c(4, 6, 1), c(45, 2))
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:2)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- isEmpty(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(FALSE, FALSE))
sps <- replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = 100)
res <- isEmpty(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(FALSE, FALSE))
sps <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 0.1)
res <- isEmpty(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(TRUE, TRUE))
test_that("isolationWindowLowerMz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(isolationWindowLowerMz(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
isolationWindowLowerMz(sps) <- as.numeric(1:length(sps))
expect_identical(isolationWindowLowerMz(sps), as.numeric(1:length(sps)))
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
expect_true(all(is.na(isolationWindowLowerMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 1L])))
expect_true(all(!is.na(isolationWindowLowerMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L])))
test_that("isolationWindowTargetMz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(isolationWindowTargetMz(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
isolationWindowTargetMz(sps) <- as.numeric(1:length(sps))
expect_identical(isolationWindowTargetMz(sps), as.numeric(1:length(sps)))
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
expect_true(all(is.na(isolationWindowTargetMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 1L])))
expect_true(all(!is.na(isolationWindowTargetMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L])))
expect_true(all(isolationWindowTargetMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L] >
isolationWindowLowerMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L]))
test_that("isolationWindowUpperMz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(isolationWindowUpperMz(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
isolationWindowUpperMz(sps) <- as.numeric(1:length(sps))
expect_identical(isolationWindowUpperMz(sps), as.numeric(1:length(sps)))
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
expect_true(all(is.na(isolationWindowUpperMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 1L])))
expect_true(all(!is.na(isolationWindowUpperMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L])))
expect_true(all(isolationWindowUpperMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L] >
isolationWindowTargetMz(sps)[msLevel(sps) == 2L]))
test_that("msLevel,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(msLevel(sps), integer())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
expect_identical(msLevel(sps), c(1L, 2L))
test_that("mz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- mz(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "NumericList"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L),
rtime = c(1.2, 1.4),
centroided = TRUE)
df$intensity <- list(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0))
df$mz <- list(c(1:10), c(1:10))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- mz(sps)
expect_identical(res, NumericList(1:10, 1:10, compress = FALSE))
sps <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 0.1)
res <- mz(sps)
expect_equal(res, NumericList(c(3, 4, 5, 8, 9), c(1, 2, 5, 6, 7),
compress = FALSE))
test_that("peaksData,Spectra works", {
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), fromFile = 1L)
df$mz <- list(1:4, 1:5)
df$intensity <- list(1:4, 1:5)
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendDataFrame(), file = NA_character_, df)
sps <- Spectra(backend = be)
res <- peaksData(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "SimpleList"))
expect_equal(res[[1]][, 1], 1:4)
expect_equal(res[[2]][, 1], 1:5)
res_2 <- as(sps, "SimpleList")
expect_equal(res, res_2)
res <- as(sps, "list")
expect_equal(res[[1]][, 1], 1:4)
expect_equal(res[[2]][, 1], 1:5)
sps <- Spectra(backend = MsBackendDataFrame())
res <- peaksData(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "SimpleList"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res_2 <- as(sps, "SimpleList")
expect_equal(res, res_2)
res <- as(sps, "list")
expect_true(is(res, "list"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
test_that("lengths,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- lengths(sps)
expect_identical(res, integer())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L), centroided = TRUE)
df$intensity <- list(c(4, 6, 1), c(45, 2))
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:2)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- lengths(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(3L, 2L))
sps <- replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = 100)
res <- lengths(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(3L, 2L))
sps <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 0.1)
res <- lengths(sps)
expect_identical(res, c(0L, 0L))
test_that("polarity,polarity<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(polarity(sps), integer())
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
expect_identical(polarity(sps), c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
polarity(sps) <- c(1L, -1L)
expect_identical(polarity(sps), c(1L, -1L))
polarity(sps) <- 2L
expect_identical(polarity(sps), c(2L, 2L))
expect_error(polarity(sps) <- c(1L, 2L, 1L), "of length 1 or 2")
expect_error(polarity(sps) <- c("a", "b"), "an 'integer'")
test_that("precScanNum,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(precScanNum(sps), integer())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L)))
expect_identical(precScanNum(sps), c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L), precScanNum = c(1L, 2L)))
expect_identical(precScanNum(sps), c(1L, 2L))
test_that("precursorCharge,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(precursorCharge(sps), integer())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L)))
expect_identical(precursorCharge(sps), c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L), precursorCharge = c(1L, 3L)))
expect_identical(precursorCharge(sps), c(1L, 3L))
test_that("precursorIntensity,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(precursorIntensity(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L)))
expect_identical(precursorIntensity(sps), c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L),
precursorIntensity = c(1.3, 3.2)))
expect_identical(precursorIntensity(sps), c(1.3, 3.2))
test_that("precursorMz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(precursorMz(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L)))
expect_identical(precursorMz(sps), c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L),
precursorMz = c(234.2, 668.2)))
expect_identical(precursorMz(sps), c(234.2, 668.2))
test_that("rtime,rtime<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(rtime(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L)))
expect_identical(rtime(sps), c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), rtime = c(2.1, 4.2)))
expect_identical(rtime(sps), c(2.1, 4.2))
rtime(sps) <- c(1.2, 1.3)
expect_identical(rtime(sps), c(1.2, 1.3))
expect_error(rtime(sps) <- c(TRUE, FALSE), "'numeric' of length 2")
expect_error(rtime(sps) <- 1.3, "'numeric' of length 2")
test_that("scanIndex,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(scanIndex(sps), integer())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L)))
expect_identical(scanIndex(sps), c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), scanIndex = c(1L, 2L)))
expect_identical(scanIndex(sps), c(1L, 2L))
test_that("selectSpectraVariables,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- selectSpectraVariables(sps, c("msLevel", "rtime"))
expect_equal(sps, res)
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), rtime = c(1.2, 1.4),
other_col = "a"))
res <- selectSpectraVariables(sps, c("rtime", "other_col"))
expect_equal(msLevel(res), c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
expect_equal(rtime(res), c(1.2, 1.4))
expect_equal(spectraData(res, "other_col")[, 1], c("a", "a"))
res <- selectSpectraVariables(sps, c("msLevel"))
expect_identical(rtime(res), c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
expect_identical(msLevel(res), 1:2)
expect_true(!any(spectraVariables(res) %in% "other_col"))
expect_error(selectSpectraVariables(sps, c("rtime", "something")), "not")
test_that("smoothed,smoothed<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(smoothed(sps), logical())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = 1:2))
expect_identical(smoothed(sps), c(NA, NA))
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = 1:2, smoothed = TRUE))
expect_identical(smoothed(sps), c(TRUE, TRUE))
smoothed(sps) <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
expect_identical(smoothed(sps), c(FALSE, TRUE))
smoothed(sps) <- FALSE
expect_identical(smoothed(sps), c(FALSE, FALSE))
expect_error(smoothed(sps) <- c("a", "b"), "of length 1 or 2")
expect_error(smoothed(sps) <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), "of length 1 or 2")
test_that("spectraData,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- spectraData(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "DataFrame"))
expect_true(nrow(res) == 0)
expect_true(all(c("msLevel", "rtime") %in% colnames(res)))
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L), rtime = c(1.2, 1.3), centroided = TRUE)
df$mz <- list(1:10, 1:10)
df$intensity <- list(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- spectraData(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "DataFrame"))
expect_equal(res$msLevel, c(1L, 1L))
expect_equal(res$rtime, c(1.2, 1.3))
expect_equal(res$precScanNum, c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_))
expect_equal(sps$mz, NumericList(1:10, 1:10, compress = FALSE))
expect_equal(sps$intensity, NumericList(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2),
compress = FALSE))
sps <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 0.1)
res <- spectraData(sps)
expect_equal(sps$mz, NumericList(c(3, 4, 5, 8, 9), c(1, 2, 5, 9, 10),
compress = FALSE))
expect_equal(sps$intensity, NumericList(c(1, 6, 3, 9, 1), c(9, 6, 3, 3, 2),
compress = FALSE))
test_that("spectraData<-,Spectra works", {
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L), rtime = c(1.2, 1.3), centroided = TRUE)
df$mz <- list(1:10, 1:10)
df$intensity <- list(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2))
sps <- Spectra(df)
spectraData(sps)$add_col <- 3
expect_true(any(spectraVariables(sps) == "add_col"))
expect_equal(spectraData(sps)$add_col, c(3, 3))
expect_error(spectraData(sps) <- 4, "DataFrame")
df$mz <- list(11:20, 11:20)
df$precursorMz <- c(0, 0)
spectraData(sps) <- df
expect_true(!any(spectraVariables(sps) == "add_col"))
expect_equal(mz(sps), NumericList(11:20, 11:20, compress = FALSE))
expect_error(spectraData(sps) <- c(1, 2, 4, 5), "DataFrame")
expect_error(spectraData(sps) <- df[c(1, 1, 2), ], "with 2 rows")
sps_orig <- sps
spectraData(sps)$rtime <- c(5, 2)
expect_equal(sps$mz, sps_orig$mz)
expect_equal(sps$intensity, sps_orig$intensity)
expect_equal(sps$msLevel, sps_orig$msLevel)
tmp <- sciex_mzr
sps <- Spectra(tmp)
sps <- sps[570:600]
expect_warning(spectraData(sps)$some_col <- "yes", "replacing")
expect_true(any(spectraVariables(sps) == "some_col"))
expect_true(all(spectraData(sps, "some_col")[, 1] == "yes"))
expect_true(is(sps@backend@spectraData$some_col, "character"))
sps$other_col <- "other_value"
expect_true(any(spectraVariables(sps) == "other_col"))
expect_identical(sps$other_col, rep("other_value", length(sps)))
sps_orig <- sps
spd <- spectraData(sps)
spd$msLevel <- 2L
expect_warning(spectraData(sps) <- spd, "Ignoring")
expect_true(all(msLevel(sps) == 2L))
expect_equal(mz(sps), mz(sps_orig))
expect_equal(intensity(sps), intensity(sps_orig))
test_that("spectraNames,spectraNames<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(spectraNames(sps), NULL)
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L)))
expect_identical(spectraNames(sps), NULL)
spectraNames(sps) <- c("a", "b")
expect_identical(spectraNames(sps), c("a", "b"))
expect_error(spectraNames(sps) <- 1, "invalid rownames length")
test_that("spectraVariables,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- spectraVariables(sps)
exp_col <- c("msLevel", "rtime", "acquisitionNum", "scanIndex",
"dataStorage", "centroided", "smoothed",
"polarity", "precScanNum", "precursorMz", "precursorIntensity",
"precursorCharge", "collisionEnergy")
expect_true(all(exp_col %in% res))
df <- DataFrame(other_col = "a", msLevel = c(1L, 1L))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- spectraVariables(sps)
expect_true(all(c(exp_col, "other_col") %in% res))
test_that("tic,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(tic(sps), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L)))
expect_identical(tic(sps), c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L), totIonCurrent = c(5, 3))
sps <- Spectra(df)
expect_identical(tic(sps), c(5, 3))
expect_identical(tic(sps, initial = FALSE), c(0, 0))
df$intensity <- list(c(3, 3, 1), c(5, 3, 1))
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:3)
sps <- Spectra(df)
expect_identical(tic(sps, initial = FALSE), c(7, 9))
test_that("$, $<-, [[, [[<-,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_identical(sps$msLevel, integer())
expect_identical(sps[["msLevel"]], integer())
expect_error(sps[[3]], "to be a character")
expect_error(sps[["msLevel", j = 3]], "not supported")
expect_error(sps$not_there, "No spectra variable")
expect_error(sps[["not_there"]], "No spectra variable")
sps <- Spectra(DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), other_column = "a"))
expect_identical(sps$msLevel, c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(sps$other_column, c("a", "a"))
expect_identical(sps[["msLevel"]], c(1L, 2L))
expect_identical(sps[["other_column"]], c("a", "a"))
sps$second_col <- c(1, 4)
expect_identical(sps$second_col, c(1, 4))
expect_true(any(spectraVariables(sps) == "second_col"))
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), other_column = "a")
df$mz <- list(1:3, 1:4)
df$intensity <- list(c(3, 6, 3), c(56, 6, 3, 2))
sps <- Spectra(df)
sps$intensity <- list(c(4, 4, 4), c(2, 4, 6, 3))
expect_equal(intensity(sps), NumericList(c(4, 4, 4), c(2, 4, 6, 3),
compress = FALSE))
sps[["msLevel"]] <- c(3L, 2L)
expect_equal(msLevel(sps), c(3L, 2L))
sps[["intensity"]] <- list(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 3, 4))
expect_equal(intensity(sps), NumericList(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 3, 4),
compress = FALSE))
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
sps$add_col <- "something"
expect_true(all(sps$add_col == "something"))
expect_error(sps$mz <- mz(sps))
expect_error(sps$add_col <- c(1, 2), "has to be either 1 or")
#### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("[,Spectra works", {
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L),
rtime = c(1, 2, 1, 2))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- sps[c(2, 4), ]
expect_identical(msLevel(res), c(2L, 2L))
expect_identical(sps, sps[])
expect_error(sps[, 4], "columns is not")
res <- sps[integer()]
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
tmp <- sps[dataStorage(sps) == sciex_file[2], ]
expect_true(all(dataStorage(tmp) == sciex_file[2]))
expect_equal(unique(tmp$dataStorage), sciex_file[2])
expect_equal(rtime(tmp), rtime(sps)[dataStorage(sps) == sciex_file[2]])
test_that("filterAcquisitionNum,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterAcquisitionNum(sps, n = 3L)
expect_equal(length(res), 0)
expect_equal(length(res@processing), 1)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterAcquisitionNum(sps, n = 1:10, dataStorage = sciex_file[2])
c(1:sum(dataStorage(sps) == sciex_file[1]), 1:10))
expect_error(filterAcquisitionNum(sps, dataStorage = 2), "type character")
expect_error(filterAcquisitionNum(sps, dataOrigin = 2), "type character")
test_that("filterDataOrigin,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterDataOrigin(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
expect_error(filterDataOrigin(sps, 3), "type character")
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterDataOrigin(sps, dataOrigin = "2")
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res <- filterDataOrigin(sps, sciex_file[1])
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sps)[1:931])
expect_true(length(res@processing) > length(sps@processing))
dorig <- rep(letters[1:7], each = length(sps)/7)
dataOrigin(sps) <- dorig
res <- filterDataOrigin(sps, dataOrigin = c("d", "a"))
expect_equal(unique(dataOrigin(res)), c("d", "a"))
expect_equal(rtime(res)[1:266], rtime(sps)[sps$dataOrigin == "d"])
SimpleList(sciex_pks[sps$dataOrigin == "d"]))
test_that("filterDataStorage,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterDataStorage(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
expect_error(filterDataStorage(sps, 3), "type character")
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterDataStorage(sps, "2")
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res <- filterDataStorage(sps, sciex_file[2])
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sps)[dataStorage(sps) == sciex_file[2]])
expect_true(length(res@processing) > length(sps@processing))
SimpleList(sciex_pks[dataStorage(sps) == sciex_file[2]]))
test_that("filterEmptySpectra,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterEmptySpectra(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L),
rtime = c(1, 2, 1, 2), centroided = TRUE)
df$mz <- SimpleList(1:3, integer(), 1:5, integer())
df$intensity <- SimpleList(c(4, 6, 3), numeric(), c(34, 2, 5, 9, 9), numeric())
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- filterEmptySpectra(sps)
expect_equal(length(res), 2)
expect_equal(length(res@processing), 1)
expect_equal(rtime(res), c(1, 1))
sps <- filterIntensity(replaceIntensitiesBelow(
sps, threshold = 20, value = NA_real_))
res <- filterEmptySpectra(sps)
expect_equal(length(res), 1)
expect_equal(rtime(res), 1)
expect_equal(length(res@processing), 3)
sps <- filterIntensity(replaceIntensitiesBelow(
sps, threshold = 50, value = NA_real_))
res <- filterEmptySpectra(sps)
expect_equal(length(res), 0)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterEmptySpectra(sps)
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sps))
test_that("filterIsolationWindow,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterIsolationWindow(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterIsolationWindow(sps, 123.323)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
res <- filterIsolationWindow(sps, 544)
expect_true(length(res) == 3)
expect_true(all(isolationWindowLowerMz(res) < 544))
expect_true(all(isolationWindowUpperMz(res) > 544))
expect_true(all(precursorMz(res) < 545 & precursorMz(res) > 543))
test_that("filterMsLevel,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterMsLevel(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterMsLevel(sps, 2L)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
expect_true(all(1:2 %in% msLevel(sps)))
res <- filterMsLevel(sps, 1L)
expect_false(all(1:2 %in% msLevel(res)))
expect_true(all(msLevel(res) == 1))
res <- filterMsLevel(sps, c(2L, 4L))
expect_false(all(1:2 %in% msLevel(res)))
expect_true(all(msLevel(res) == 2))
test_that("filterPolarity,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterPolarity(sps)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterPolarity(sps, polarity = c(2, 0))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res <- filterPolarity(sps, 1)
expect_true(all(polarity(res) == 1))
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sps))
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
test_that("filterPrecursorMz,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterPrecursorMz(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
res <- filterPrecursorMz(sps, mz = 544.75)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res <- filterPrecursorMz(sps, mz = 544.75 + ppm(c(-544.75, 544.75), 40))
expect_true(length(res) == 2)
test_that("filterPrecursorCharge,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterPrecursorCharge(sps)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
res <- filterPrecursorCharge(sps, z = 0L)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
res2 <- filterPrecursorCharge(sps, z = 2)
res3 <- filterPrecursorCharge(sps, z = 3)
res23 <- filterPrecursorCharge(sps, z = 2:3)
expect_true(length(res2) == 300)
expect_true(length(res3) == 128)
expect_true(length(res23) == (length(res2) + length(res3)))
test_that("filterPrecursorScan,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterPrecursorScan(sps, 3)
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
res <- filterPrecursorScan(sps, c(1087L, 1214L))
expect_true(sum(msLevel(res) == 1) == 2)
expect_true(all(c(1087L, 1214L) %in% acquisitionNum(res)))
sps <- c(sps, Spectra(sciex_mzr))
res <- filterPrecursorScan(sps, 1057)
expect_equal(acquisitionNum(res), c(1054L, 1057L))
test_that("filterRt,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterRt(sps, c(1, 2))
expect_true(is(res, "Spectra"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
expect_true(length(res@processing) == 1)
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- filterRt(sps, rt = c(100, 120))
expect_true(all(rtime(res) >= 100 & rtime(res) <= 120))
expect_error(filterRt(sps, rt = c(100)))
expect_error(filterRt(sps, rt = c(120, 100)))
expect_error(filterRt(sps, rt = c("100", "120")))
expect_error(filterRt(sps, rt = c(100, 120), msLevel. = "1"))
res <- filterRt(sps, rt = c(100, 120), msLevel = 2L)
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sps))
#### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("bin,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra(tmt_mzr)
pks <- peaksData(sps)
res <- bin(sps, binSize = 2)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
res1 <- bin(sps, msLevel = 1, binSize = 2)
expect_identical(peaksData(res1)[res1$msLevel == 2],
pks[sps$msLevel == 2])
mzr <- range(unlist(mz(sps)))
brks <- seq(floor(mzr[1]), ceiling(mzr[2]), by = 2)
res1 <- bin(sps, msLevel = 1, binSize = 2, breaks = brks)
res1_pks <- peaksData(res1)
res_pks <- peaksData(res)
expect_identical(res1_pks[res1$msLevel == 1],
res_pks[res$msLevel == 1])
expect_true(all(lengths(res_pks) != lengths(pks)))
expect_warning(res <- bin(sps, msLevel = 3))
expect_identical(res, sps)
test_that("filterIntensity,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterIntensity(sps)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
list(intensity = c(0, Inf),
msLevel = integer())))
res <- filterIntensity(sps, msLevel = 2L)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
list(intensity = c(0, Inf),
msLevel = 2L)))
res <- filterIntensity(Spectra(sciex_mzr), intensity = c(500, 9000))
ints <- unlist(intensity(res), use.names = FALSE)
expect_true(all(ints >= 500 & ints <= 9000))
expect_error(filterIntensity(Spectra(sciex_mzr), c(1, 2, 3)), "limit")
## With `intensity` being a function.
sps <- Spectra()
res <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = function(x) x > mean(x))
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
expect_true(length(intensity(res)) == 0)
expect_error(filterIntensity(sps, intensity = TRUE), "numeric or a fun")
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), fromFile = 1L)
df$mz <- list(1:4, 1:5)
df$intensity <- list(1:4, 1:5)
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = function(x) x > max(x)/2)
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[1L]], c(3, 4))
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[2L]], c(3, 4, 5))
res <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = function(x) x > max(x)/2,
msLevel = 1L)
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[1L]], c(3, 4))
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[2L]], c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
## Passing additional parameters.
filt_fun <- function(x, thresh = 1) x > thresh
res <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = filt_fun)
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[1L]], c(2:4))
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[2L]], c(2:5))
res <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = filt_fun, thresh = 2)
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[1L]], c(3:4))
expect_equal(intensity(res)[[2L]], c(3:5))
test_that("compareSpectra works", {
sps <- Spectra(sciex_hd5[1:20])
sps <- setBackend(sps, MsBackendDataFrame())
res <- compareSpectra(sps[c(1, 20)], sps[15:20])
expect_true(nrow(res) == 2)
expect_true(ncol(res) == 6)
expect_equal(res[2, 6], 1)
expect_true(all(res > 0.8))
spectraNames(sps) <- seq_along(sps)
res <- compareSpectra(sps[c(1, 20)], sps[15:20])
expect_equal(rownames(res), c("1", "20"))
expect_equal(colnames(res), as.character(15:20))
res <- compareSpectra(sps[1], sps[15:20])
res <- compareSpectra(sps[1], sps[15:20], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
res <- compareSpectra(sps[15:20], sps[4])
res <- compareSpectra(Spectra(), sps)
expect_equal(nrow(res), 0)
res <- compareSpectra(sps, Spectra())
expect_equal(ncol(res), 0)
## y missing
res <- compareSpectra(sps[2:5])
expect_equal(nrow(res), ncol(res))
expect_equal(unname(diag(res)), rep(1, 4))
res <- compareSpectra(sps[1])
expect_equal(res, 1)
## FUN
cor_fun <- function(x, y, ...) {
cor(x[, 2], y[, 2], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
res <- compareSpectra(sps[1], sps[2])
res_2 <- compareSpectra(sps[1], sps[2], FUN = cor_fun)
expect_true(res < res_2)
## Empty spectra:
sps2 <- Spectra()
res <- compareSpectra(sps2)
expect_true(nrow(res) == 0)
expect_true(ncol(res) == 0)
res <- compareSpectra(sps, sps2)
expect_true(ncol(res) == 0)
expect_true(nrow(res) == length(sps))
## Check compareSpectra with GNPS score.
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = 2L, precursorMz = c(488.358, 356.28))
df$intensity <- IRanges::NumericList(
c(7114.173828, 1001.093994, 770.18103,
13194.55957, 6228.618164, 8398.287109,
1492.104004, 5111.643066, 2547.698975,
1840.756958, 245.207001, 3336.004883,
313.119995, 626.439026, 4527.278809,
461.109985, 682.629028, 8239.036133,
43.747002, 16.875999, 240.197998,
276.912994, 65.282997, 31.399, 14.15),
c(7689.937012, 1007.257996, 4579.356934,
8001.039062, 2327.36792, 881.854004,
446.681, 6326.22998, 497.213013,
17089.107422, 153.132996, 17.469999,
53.928001, 93.917, 5.337, 11.661,
3.787, 73.805), compress = FALSE)
df$mz <- IRanges::NumericList(
c(57.068001, 74.096001, 87.043999, 89.059998,
121.065002, 133.085999, 147.080002, 165.091003,
177.112, 209.117004, 221.139008, 233.190002,
253.143005, 271.153992, 277.216003, 315.181,
321.243011, 359.207001, 365.21701, 383.179993,
401.166992, 419.177002, 427.303986, 442.194,
c(57.07, 74.096001, 89.059998, 121.065002,
133.085999, 139.074997, 147.080002, 165.091003,
209.117996, 227.128006, 233.190002, 250.901001,
268.912994, 277.216003, 303.231995, 309.901001,
315.194, 321.239014), compress = FALSE)
sp <- Spectra(df)
res <- compareSpectra(sp, MAPFUN = joinPeaksGnps, FUN = MsCoreUtils::gnps,
tolerance = 0.1)
expect_equal(round(res[1, 2], 2), 0.86)
res <- compareSpectra(sp[1], sp[2], MAPFUN = joinPeaksGnps,
FUN = MsCoreUtils::gnps, tolerance = 0.1)
expect_equal(round(res, 2), 0.86)
test_that("pickPeaks,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, halfWindowSize = 1), "integer")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, halfWindowSize = 1L:2L), "length 1")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, halfWindowSize = -1L), "> 0")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, method = "foo"), "MAD")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, snr = "foo"), "numeric")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, snr = 1L:2L), "length 1")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, snr = -1L), ">= 0")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, k = 1), "integer")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, k = 1L:2L), "length 1")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, k = -1L), ">= 0")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, descending = NA), "TRUE or FALSE")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, descending = c(TRUE, TRUE)), "TRUE or FALSE")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, threshold = "foo"), "numeric")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, threshold = 1L:2L), "length 1")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, threshold = -1L), ">= 0")
expect_error(pickPeaks(sps, threshold = 2L), "<= 1")
res <- pickPeaks(sps)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
list(halfWindowSize = 2L, method = "MAD",
snr = 0, k = 0L, descending = FALSE,
threshold = 0L, msLevel = integer())))
"Peak picking with MAD noise estimation, hws = 2, snr = 0 \\[")
res <- pickPeaks(sps, k = 2L)
paste0("Peak picking with MAD noise estimation, hws = 2, ",
"snr = 0 and centroid refinement \\["))
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
expect_warning(expect_equal(pickPeaks(sps, msLevel. = 3), sps))
res <- pickPeaks(sps)
pks_res <- lapply(sciex_pks, .peaks_pick, spectrumMsLevel = 1L,
centroided = FALSE)
expect_identical(peaksData(res), SimpleList(pks_res))
## Check that ... works
res2 <- pickPeaks(sps, method = "SuperSmoother", snr = 2, k = 0L,
descending = FALSE, threshold = 0, span = 0.2)
expect_true(length(intensity(res2[1L])[[1L]]) <
res3 <- pickPeaks(sps, method = "SuperSmoother", snr = 2, k = 0L,
descending = FALSE, threshold = 0)
expect_true(length(intensity(res2[1L])[[1L]]) <
test_that("smooth,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
expect_error(smooth(sps, halfWindowSize = 1), "integer")
expect_error(smooth(sps, halfWindowSize = 1L:2L), "length 1")
expect_error(smooth(sps, halfWindowSize = -1L), "> 0")
expect_error(smooth(sps, method = "foo"), "MovingAverage")
res <- smooth(sps)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
list(halfWindowSize = 2L,
coef = matrix(0.2, nrow = 5, ncol = 5),
msLevel = integer())))
"Spectra smoothing with MovingAverage, hws = 2 \\[")
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
expect_equal(smooth(sps, msLevel. = 3), sps)
res <- smooth(sps)
pks_res <- lapply(sciex_pks, .peaks_smooth,
spectrumMsLevel = 1L, coef = coefMA(2L))
expect_identical(peaksData(res), SimpleList(pks_res))
test_that("replaceIntensitiesBelow,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = 10)
expect_true(length(res@processingQueue) == 1)
list(threshold = 10, value = 0,
msLevel = integer())))
expect_error(replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = "b"), "numeric")
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
centroided(sps) <- TRUE
res <- replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, threshold = 5000)
pks_res <- lapply(sciex_pks, .peaks_replace_intensity, threshold = 5000,
spectrumMsLevel = 1L, centroided = TRUE)
expect_identical(peaksData(res), SimpleList(pks_res))
test_that("spectrapply,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)[c(1:3, 1400:1410)]
rts <- spectrapply(sps, rtime)
expect_equal(unlist(rts, use.names = FALSE), rtime(sps))
expect_equal(unname(split(sps, 1:length(sps))), unname(spectrapply(sps)))
## test on a mzR backend using intensities.
myFun <- function(x, add) {
mean(intensity(x)[[1]]) + add
res <- spectrapply(sps, FUN = myFun, add = 3)
ints <- intensity(sps)
expect_equal(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE),
vapply(ints, mean, numeric(1)) + 3)
## Same after replaceIntensitiesBelow and clean.
sps <- filterIntensity(replaceIntensitiesBelow(sps, t = 4000),
intensity = 0.1)
res <- spectrapply(sps, FUN = function(x) mean(x$intensity[[1]]))
expect_equal(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE),
vapply(intensity(sps), mean, numeric(1)))
test_that("split,Spectra works", {
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- split(sps, f = sps$dataStorage)
expect_identical(res, split.default(sps, f = sps$dataStorage))
test_that("containsMz,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
res <- containsMz(sps)
res <- containsMz(sps, NA)
res <- containsMz(sps, c(14.15), which = "any")
expect_equal(res, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
res_2 <- containsMz(sps, c(14.15), which = "any",
BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(2))
expect_equal(res, res_2)
## Check that unsplit works.
sps@backend$dataStorage <- c("3", "1", "2")
res_2 <- containsMz(sps, c(14.15))
expect_equal(res, res_2)
test_that("containsNeutralLoss,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3),
precursorMz = c(NA, 38, 16))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
res <- containsNeutralLoss(sps, neutralLoss = 4, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
expect_equal(res, c(NA, TRUE, FALSE))
res <- containsNeutralLoss(sps, neutralLoss = 4, BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
tolerance = 0.1)
expect_equal(res, c(NA, TRUE, TRUE))
## Compare with splitting/parallel.
res <- containsNeutralLoss(sps, neutralLoss = 4, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
expect_equal(res, c(NA, TRUE, FALSE))
res_2 <- containsNeutralLoss(sps, neutralLoss = 4, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam())
expect_equal(res, res_2)
sps@backend$dataStorage <- c("3", "1", "2")
res_2 <- containsNeutralLoss(sps, neutralLoss = 4, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam())
expect_equal(res, res_2)
test_that("reset,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3),
precursorMz = c(NA, 38, 16))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
res <- reset(sps)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
sps_mod <- filterIntensity(sps, intensity = 29)
res <- reset(sps_mod)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
test_that("export,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3),
precursorMz = c(NA, 38, 16))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
fl <- tempfile()
expect_error(export(sps, backend = MsBackendDataFrame(),
file = fl), "MsBackendDataFrame does not")
export(sps, backend = MsBackendMzR(), file = fl, copy = TRUE),
"Original data file not found")
test_that("filterMzRange,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3),
precursorMz = c(NA, 38, 16))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
expect_warning(res <- filterMzRange(sps, msLevel = 1L), "not available")
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
expect_warning(res <- filterMzRange(sps), "Inf")
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
res <- filterMzRange(sps, mz = c(200, 400))
expect_true(all(lengths(mz(res)) == 0))
res <- filterMzRange(sps, mz = c(40, 60))
expect_equal(mz(res)[[1L]], c(45, 56))
expect_equal(unname(mz(res)[[2L]]), 56.1)
expect_true(length(mz(res)[[3L]]) == 0)
test_that("filterMzValue,Spectra works", {
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3),
precursorMz = c(NA, 38, 16))
spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
sps <- Spectra(spd)
res <- filterMzValues(sps, mz = 56)
expect_equal(unname(mz(res)[[1L]]), 56)
expect_true(length(mz(res)[[2L]]) == 0)
expect_true(length(mz(res)[[3L]]) == 0)
res <- filterMzValues(sps, mz = c(56, 12), tolerance = c(0.2, 0))
expect_equal(mz(res)[[1L]], c(12, 56))
expect_equal(unname(mz(res)[[2L]]), 56.1)
expect_true(length(mz(res)[[3L]]) == 0)
res <- filterMzValues(sps, mz = c(56, 12), tolerance = c(0.2))
expect_equal(mz(res)[[1L]], c(12, 56))
expect_equal(unname(mz(res)[[2L]]), 56.1)
expect_equal(unname(mz(res)[[3L]]), 12.1)
expect_error(filterMzValues(sps, mz = c(56, 12), tolerance = c(1, 2, 3)),
"length 1 or equal")
expect_error(filterMzValues(sps, mz = c(56, 12), ppm = c(1, 2, 3)),
"length 1 or equal")
test_that("dropNaSpectraVariables works with MsBackendMzR", {
sps <- Spectra()
res <- dropNaSpectraVariables(sps)
expect_equal(spectraVariables(sps), spectraVariables(res))
sps <- Spectra(sciex_mzr)
res <- dropNaSpectraVariables(sps)
expect_equal(mz(res[1]), mz(sps[1]))
expect_true(length(spectraVariables(res)) <
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 1L), rtime = c(1.2, 1.3), centroided = TRUE)
df$mz <- list(1:10, 1:10)
df$intensity <- list(c(0, 0, 1, 6, 3, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0),
c(9, 6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2))
sps <- Spectra(df)
res <- dropNaSpectraVariables(sps)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
expect_equal(intensity(res), intensity(sps))
expect_equal(spectraVariables(res), spectraVariables(sps))
sps$other_col <- NA
res <- dropNaSpectraVariables(sps)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sps))
expect_true(length(spectraVariables(res)) < length(spectraVariables(sps)))
test_that("show,Spectra works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendDataFrame(), DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L),
fromFile = 1L))
sps <- Spectra(backend = be)
expect_output(show(sps), "MsBackendDataFrame")
sps@processing <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
expect_output(show(sps), "2 more processings.")
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