#' @include hidden_aliases.R
#' @title Mass spectrometry data backends
#' @aliases class:MsBackend MsBackend-class MsBackendDataFrame-class
#' @aliases MsBackendMzR-class [,MsBackend-method
#' @description
#' Note that the classes described here are not meant to be used
#' directly by the end-users and the material in this man page is
#' aimed at package developers.
#' `MsBackend` is a virtual class that defines what each different
#' backend needs to provide. `MsBackend` objects provide access to
#' mass spectrometry data. Such backends can be classified into
#' *in-memory* or *on-disk* backends, depending on where the data, i.e
#' spectra (m/z and intensities) and spectra annotation (MS level,
#' charge, polarity, ...) are stored.
#' Typically, in-memory backends keep all data in memory ensuring fast
#' data access, while on-disk backends store (parts of) their data on
#' disk and retrieve it on demand.
#' The *Backend functions and implementation notes for new backend
#' classes* section documents the API that a backend must implement.
#' Currently available backends are:
#' - `MsBackendDataFrame`: stores all data in memory using a `DataFrame`.
#' - `MsBackendMzR`: stores the m/z and intensities on-disk in raw
#' data files (typically `mzML` or `mzXML`) and the spectra
#' annotation information (header) in memory in a `DataFrame`. This
#' backend requires the `mzR` package.
#' - `MsBackendHdf5Peaks`: stores the m/z and intensities on-disk in custom hdf5
#' data files and the remaining spectra variables in memory (in a
#' `DataFrame`). This backend requires the `rhdf5` package.
#' See below for more details about individual backends.
#' @param acquisitionNum for `filterPrecursorScan`: `integer` with the
#' acquisition number of the spectra to which the object should be
#' subsetted.
#' @param columns For `spectraData` accessor: optional `character` with column
#' names (spectra variables) that should be included in the
#' returned `DataFrame`. By default, all columns are returned.
#' @param data For `backendInitialize`: `DataFrame` with spectrum
#' metadata/data. This parameter can be empty for `MsBackendMzR` backends
#' but needs to be provided for `MsBackendDataFrame` backends.
#' @param dataOrigin For `filterDataOrigin`: `character` to define which
#' spectra to keep.
#' For `filterAcquisitionNum`: optionally specify if filtering should occurr
#' only for spectra of selected `dataOrigin`.
#' @param dataStorage For `filterDataStorage`: `character` to define which
#' spectra to keep.
#' For `filterAcquisitionNum`: optionally specify if filtering should occur
#' only for spectra of selected `dataStorage`.
#' @param drop For `[`: not considered.
#' @param f `factor` defining the grouping to split `x`. See [split()]. For
#' `filterPrecursorScan`: factor defining from which original data files
#' the spectra derive to avoid selecting spectra from different
#' samples/files. Defaults to `f = dataOrigin(object)`.
#' @param file For `filterFile`: index or name of the file(s) to which the data
#' should be subsetted. For `export`: `character` of length 1 or equal to
#' the number of spectra.
#' @param initial For `tic`: `logical(1)` whether the initially
#' reported total ion current should be reported, or whether the
#' total ion current should be (re)calculated on the actual data
#' (`initial = FALSE`).
#' @param i For `[`: `integer`, `logical` or `character` to subset the object.
#' @param j For `[`: not supported.
#' @param msLevel `integer` defining the MS level of the spectra to which the
#' function should be applied. For `filterMsLevel`: the MS level to which
#' `object` should be subsetted.
#' @param msLevel. same as `msLevel` above.
#' @param mz For `filterIsolationWindow`: `numeric(1)` with the m/z value to
#' filter the object. For `filterPrecursorMz`: `numeric(2)` with the lower
#' and upper m/z boundary.
#' @param z For `filterPrecursorCharge`: `integer()` with the precursor charges
#' to be used as filter.
#' @param n for `filterAcquisitionNum`: `integer` with the acquisition numbers
#' to filter for.
#' @param name For `$` and `$<-`: the name of the spectra variable to return
#' or set.
#' @param object Object extending `MsBackend`.
#' @param polarity For `filterPolarity`: `integer` specifying the polarity to
#' to subset `object`.
#' @param rt for `filterRt`: `numeric(2)` defining the retention time range to
#' be used to subset/filter `object`.
#' @param spectraVariables For `selectSpectraVariables`: `character` with the
#' names of the spectra variables to which the backend should be subsetted.
#' @param use.names For `lengths`: whether spectrum names should be used.
#' @param value replacement value for `<-` methods. See individual
#' method description or expected data type.
#' @param x Object extending `MsBackend`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @section Backend functions:
#' New backend classes **must** extend the base `MsBackend` class and
#' **have** to implement the following methods:
#' - `[`: subset the backend. Only subsetting by element (*row*/`i`) is
#' allowed
#' - `$`, `$<-`: access or set/add a single spectrum variable (column) in the
#' backend.
#' - `[[`, `[[<-`: access or set/add a single spectrum variable (column) in the
#' backend. The default implementation uses `$`, thus these methods don't have
#' to be implemented for new classes extending `MsBackend`.
#' - `acquisitionNum`: returns the acquisition number of each
#' spectrum. Returns an `integer` of length equal to the number of
#' spectra (with `NA_integer_` if not available).
#' - `peaksData` returns a `list` with the spectras' peak data. The length of
#' the list is equal to the number of spectra in `object`. Each element of
#' the list is a `matrix` with columns `"mz"` and `"intensity"`. For an empty
#' spectrum, a `matrix` with 0 rows and two columns (named `mz` and
#' `intensity`) is returned.
#' - `backendInitialize`: initialises the backend. This method is
#' supposed to be called rights after creating an instance of the
#' backend class and should prepare the backend (e.g. set the data
#' for the memory backend or read the spectra header data for the
#' `MsBackendMzR` backend). This method has to ensure to set the
#' spectra variable `dataStorage` correctly.
#' - `backendMerge`: merges (combines) `MsBackend` objects into a single
#' instance. All objects to be merged have to be of the same type (e.g.
#' [MsBackendDataFrame()]).
#' - `dataOrigin`: gets a `character` of length equal to the number of spectra
#' in `object` with the *data origin* of each spectrum. This could e.g. be
#' the mzML file from which the data was read.
#' - `dataStorage`: gets a `character` of length equal to the number of spectra
#' in `object` with the data storage of each spectrum. Note that a
#' `dataStorage` of `NA_character_` is not supported.
#' - `dropNaSpectraVariables`: removes spectra variables (i.e. columns in the
#' object's `spectraData` that contain only missing values (`NA`). Note that
#' while columns with only `NA`s are removed, a `spectraData` call after
#' `dropNaSpectraVariables` might still show columns containing `NA` values
#' for *core* spectra variables.
#' - `centroided`, `centroided<-`: gets or sets the centroiding
#' information of the spectra. `centroided` returns a `logical`
#' vector of length equal to the number of spectra with `TRUE` if a
#' spectrum is centroided, `FALSE` if it is in profile mode and `NA`
#' if it is undefined. See also `isCentroided` for estimating from
#' the spectrum data whether the spectrum is centroided. `value`
#' for `centroided<-` is either a single `logical` or a `logical` of
#' length equal to the number of spectra in `object`.
#' - `collisionEnergy`, `collisionEnergy<-`: gets or sets the
#' collision energy for all spectra in `object`. `collisionEnergy`
#' returns a `numeric` with length equal to the number of spectra
#' (`NA_real_` if not present/defined), `collisionEnergy<-` takes a
#' `numeric` of length equal to the number of spectra in `object`.
#' - `export`: exports data from a `Spectra` class to a file. This method is
#' called by the `export,Spectra` method that passes itself as a second
#' argument to the function. The `export,MsBackend` implementation is thus
#' expected to take a `Spectra` class as second argument from which all data
#' is exported. Taking data from a `Spectra` class ensures that also all
#' eventual data manipulations (cached in the `Spectra`'s lazy evaluation
#' queue) are applied prior to export - this would not be possible with only a
#' [MsBackend] class. An example implementation is the `export` method
#' for the `MsBackendMzR` backend that supports export of the data in
#' *mzML* or *mzXML* format. See the documentation for the `MsBackendMzR`
#' class below for more information.
#' - `filterAcquisitionNum`: filters the object keeping only spectra matching
#' the provided acquisition numbers (argument `n`). If `dataOrigin` or
#' `dataStorage` is also provided, `object` is subsetted to the spectra with
#' an acquisition number equal to `n` **in spectra with matching dataOrigin
#' or dataStorage values** retaining all other spectra.
#' - `filterDataOrigin`: filters the object retaining spectra matching the
#' provided `dataOrigin`. Parameter `dataOrigin` has to be of type
#' `character` and needs to match exactly the data origin value of the
#' spectra to subset.
#' `filterDataOrigin` should return the data ordered by the provided
#' `dataOrigin` parameter, i.e. if `dataOrigin = c("2", "1")` was provided,
#' the spectra in the resulting object should be ordered accordingly (first
#' spectra from data origin `"2"` and then from `"1"`).
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterDataStorage`: filters the object retaining spectra matching the
#' provided `dataStorage`. Parameter `dataStorage` has to be of type
#' `character` and needs to match exactly the data storage value of the
#' spectra to subset.
#' `filterDataStorage` should return the data ordered by the provided
#' `dataStorage` parameter, i.e. if `dataStorage = c("2", "1")` was provided,
#' the spectra in the resulting object should be ordered accordingly (first
#' spectra from data storage `"2"` and then from `"1"`).
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterEmptySpectra`: removes empty spectra (i.e. spectra without peaks).
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterFile`: retains data of files matching the file index or file name
#' provided with parameter `file`.
#' - `filterIsolationWindow`: retains spectra that contain `mz` in their
#' isolation window m/z range (i.e. with an `isolationWindowLowerMz` `<=` `mz`
#' and `isolationWindowUpperMz` `>=` `mz`.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterMsLevel`: retains spectra of MS level `msLevel`.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterPolarity`: retains spectra of polarity `polarity`.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterPrecursorMz`: retains spectra with a precursor m/z within the
#' provided m/z range.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterPrecursorCharge`: retains spectra with the defined precursor
#' charge(s).
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterPrecursorScan`: retains parent (e.g. MS1) and children scans (e.g.
#' MS2) of acquisition number `acquisitionNum`. Parameter `f` is supposed to
#' define the origin of the spectra (i.e. the original data file) to ensure
#' related spectra from the same file/sample are selected and retained.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `filterRt`: retains spectra of MS level `msLevel` with retention times
#' within (`>=`) `rt[1]` and (`<=`) `rt[2]`.
#' Implementation of this method is optional since a default implementation
#' for `MsBackend` is available.
#' - `intensity`: gets the intensity values from the spectra. Returns
#' a [NumericList()] of `numeric` vectors (intensity values for each
#' spectrum). The length of the `list` is equal to the number of
#' `spectra` in `object`.
#' - `intensity<-`: replaces the intensity values. `value` has to be a `list`
#' (or [NumericList()]) of length equal to the number of spectra and the
#' number of values within each list element identical to the number of
#' peaks in each spectrum (i.e. the `lengths(x)`). Note that just
#' writeable backends support this method.
#' - `ionCount`: returns a `numeric` with the sum of intensities for
#' each spectrum. If the spectrum is empty (see `isEmpty`),
#' `NA_real_` is returned.
#' - `isCentroided`: a heuristic approach assessing if the spectra in
#' `object` are in profile or centroided mode. The function takes
#' the `qtl` th quantile top peaks, then calculates the difference
#' between adjacent m/z value and returns `TRUE` if the first
#' quartile is greater than `k`. (See `Spectra:::.isCentroided` for
#' the code.)
#' - `isEmpty`: checks whether a spectrum in `object` is empty
#' (i.e. does not contain any peaks). Returns a `logical` vector of
#' length equal number of spectra.
#' - `isolationWindowLowerMz`, `isolationWindowLowerMz<-`: gets or sets the
#' lower m/z boundary of the isolation window.
#' - `isolationWindowTargetMz`, `isolationWindowTargetMz<-`: gets or sets the
#' target m/z of the isolation window.
#' - `isolationWindowUpperMz`, `isolationWindowUpperMz<-`: gets or sets the
#' upper m/z boundary of the isolation window.
#' - `isReadOnly`: returns a `logical(1)` whether the backend is *read
#' only* or does allow also to write/update data.
#' - `length`: returns the number of spectra in the object.
#' - `lengths`: gets the number of peaks (m/z-intensity values) per
#' spectrum. Returns an `integer` vector (length equal to the
#' number of spectra). For empty spectra, `0` is returned.
#' - `msLevel`: gets the spectra's MS level. Returns an `integer`
#' vector (of length equal to the number of spectra) with the MS
#' level for each spectrum (or `NA_integer_` if not available).
#' - `mz`: gets the mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) from the
#' spectra. Returns a [NumericList()] or length equal to the number of
#' spectra, each element a `numeric` vector with the m/z values of
#' one spectrum.
#' - `mz<-`: replaces the m/z values. `value` has to be a `list` of length equal
#' to the number of spectra and the number of values within each list element
#' identical to the number of peaks in each spectrum (i.e. the
#' `lengths(x)`). Note that just writeable backends support this method.
#' - `polarity`, `polarity<-`: gets or sets the polarity for each
#' spectrum. `polarity` returns an `integer` vector (length equal
#' to the number of spectra), with `0` and `1` representing negative
#' and positive polarities, respectively. `polarity<-` expects an
#' integer vector of length 1 or equal to the number of spectra.
#' - `precursorCharge`, `precursorIntensity`, `precursorMz`,
#' `precScanNum`, `precAcquisitionNum`: get the charge (`integer`),
#' intensity (`numeric`), m/z (`numeric`), scan index (`integer`)
#' and acquisition number (`interger`) of the precursor for MS level
#' 2 and above spectra from the object. Returns a vector of length equal to
#' the number of spectra in `object`. `NA` are reported for MS1
#' spectra of if no precursor information is available.
#' - `peaksData<-` replaces the peak data (m/z and intensity values) of the
#' backend. This method expects a `list` of `matrix` objects with columns
#' `"mz"` and `"intensity"` that has the same length as the number of
#' spectra in the backend. Note that just writeable backends support this
#' method.
#' - `reset` a backend (if supported). This method will be called on the backend
#' by the `reset,Spectra` method that is supposed to restore the data to its
#' original state (see `reset,Spectra` for more details). The function
#' returns the *reset* backend. The default implementation for `MsBackend`
#' returns the backend as-is.
#' - `rtime`, `rtime<-`: gets or sets the retention times for each
#' spectrum (in seconds). `rtime` returns a `numeric` vector (length equal to
#' the number of spectra) with the retention time for each spectrum.
#' `rtime<-` expects a numeric vector with length equal to the
#' number of spectra.
#' - `scanIndex`: returns an `integer` vector with the *scan index*
#' for each spectrum. This represents the relative index of the
#' spectrum within each file. Note that this can be different to the
#' `acquisitionNum` of the spectrum which is the index of the
#' spectrum as reported in the mzML file.
#' - `selectSpectraVariables`: reduces the information within the backend to
#' the selected spectra variables.
#' - `smoothed`,`smoothed<-`: gets or sets whether a spectrum is
#' *smoothed*. `smoothed` returns a `logical` vector of length equal
#' to the number of spectra. `smoothed<-` takes a `logical` vector
#' of length 1 or equal to the number of spectra in `object`.
#' - `spectraData`, `spectraData<-`: gets or sets general spectrum
#' metadata (annotation, also called header). `spectraData` returns
#' a `DataFrame`, `spectraData<-` expects a `DataFrame` with the same number
#' of rows as there are spectra in `object`. Note that `spectraData` has to
#' return the full data, i.e. also the m/z and intensity values (as a `list`
#' or `SimpleList` in columns `"mz"` and `"intensity"`.
#' - `spectraNames`: returns a `character` vector with the names of
#' the spectra in `object`.
#' - `spectraVariables`: returns a `character` vector with the
#' available spectra variables (columns, fields or attributes)
#' available in `object`. This should return **all** spectra variables which
#' are present in `object`, also `"mz"` and `"intensity"` (which are by
#' default not returned by the `spectraVariables,Spectra` method).
#' - `split`: splits the backend into a `list` of backends (depending on
#' parameter `f`). The default method for `MsBackend` uses [split.default()],
#' thus backends extending `MsBackend` don't necessarily need to implement
#' this method.
#' - `tic`: gets the total ion current/count (sum of signal of a
#' spectrum) for all spectra in `object`. By default, the value
#' reported in the original raw data file is returned. For an empty
#' spectrum, `NA_real_` is returned.
#' @section Subsetting and merging backend classes:
#' Backend classes must support (implement) the `[` method to subset the object.
#' This method should only support subsetting by spectra (rows, `i`) and has
#' to return a `MsBackend` class.
#' Backends extending `MsBackend` should also implement the `backendMerge`
#' method to support combining backend instances (only backend classes of the
#' same type should be merged). Merging should follow the following rules:
#' - The whole spectrum data of the various objects should be merged. The
#' resulting merged object should contain the union of the individual objects'
#' spectra variables (columns/fields), with eventually missing variables in
#' one object being filled with `NA`.
#' @section `MsBackendDataFrame`, in-memory MS data backend:
#' The `MsBackendDataFrame` objects keep all MS data in memory.
#' New objects can be created with the `MsBackendDataFrame()`
#' function. The backend can be subsequently initialized with the
#' `backendInitialize` method, taking a `DataFrame` with the MS data
#' as parameter. Suggested columns of this `DataFrame` are:
#' - `"msLevel"`: `integer` with MS levels of the spectra.
#' - `"rt"`: `numeric` with retention times of the spectra.
#' - `"acquisitionNum"`: `integer` with the acquisition number of the spectrum.
#' - `"scanIndex"`: `integer` with the index of the scan/spectrum within the
#' *mzML*/*mzXML*/*CDF* file.
#' - `"dataOrigin"`: `character` defining the *data origin*.
#' - `"dataStorage"`: `character` indicating grouping of spectra in different
#' e.g. input files. Note that missing values are not supported.
#' - `"centroided"`: `logical` whether the spectrum is centroided.
#' - `"smoothed"`: `logical` whether the spectrum was smoothed.
#' - `"polarity"`: `integer` with the polarity information of the spectra.
#' - `"precScanNum"`: `integer` specifying the index of the (MS1) spectrum
#' containing the precursor of a (MS2) spectrum.
#' - `"precursorMz"`: `numeric` with the m/z value of the precursor.
#' - `"precursorIntensity"`: `numeric` with the intensity value of the
#' precursor.
#' - `"precursorCharge"`: `integer` with the charge of the precursor.
#' - `"collisionEnergy"`: `numeric` with the collision energy.
#' - `"mz"`: [NumericList()] of `numeric` vectors representing the m/z values
#' for each spectrum.
#' - `"intensity"`: [NumericList()] of `numeric` vectors representing the
#' intensity values for each spectrum.
#' Additional columns are allowed too.
#' @section `MsBackendMzR`, on-disk MS data backend:
#' The `MsBackendMzR` keeps only a limited amount of data in memory,
#' while the spectra data (m/z and intensity values) are fetched from
#' the raw files on-demand. This backend uses the `mzR` package for
#' data import and retrieval and hence requires that package to be
#' installed. Also, it can only be used to import and represent data
#' stored in *mzML*, *mzXML* and *CDF* files.
#' The `MsBackendMzR` backend extends the `MsBackendDataFrame` backend using
#' its `DataFrame` to keep spectra variables (except m/z and intensity) in
#' memory.
#' New objects can be created with the `MsBackendMzR()` function which
#' can be subsequently filled with data by calling `backendInitialize`
#' passing the file names of the input data files with argument `files`.
#' This backend provides an `export` method to export data from a `Spectra` in
#' *mzML* or *mzXML* format. The definition of the function is:
#' `export(object, x, file = tempfile(), format = c("mzML", "mzXML"),
#' copy = FALSE)`
#' The parameters are:
#' - `object`: an instance of the `MsBackendMzR` class.
#' - `x`: the [Spectra-class] object to be exported.
#' - `file`: `character` with the (full) output file name(s). Should be
#' of length 1 or equal `length(x)`. If a single file is specified, all
#' spectra are exported to that file. Alternatively it is possible to specify
#' for each spectrum in `x` the name of the file to which it should be
#' exported (and hence `file` has to be of length equal `length(x)`).
#' - `format`: `character(1)`, either `"mzML"` or `"mzXML"` defining the output
#' file format.
#' - `copy`: `logical(1)` whether general file information should be copied from
#' the original MS data files. This only works if `x` uses a `MsBackendMzR`
#' backend and if `dataOrigin(x)` contains the original MS data file names.
#' - `BPPARAM`: parallel processing settings.
#' See examples in [Spectra-class] or the vignette for more details and
#' examples.
#' @section `MsBackendHdf5Peaks`, on-disk MS data backend:
#' The `MsBackendHdf5Peaks` keeps, similar to the `MsBackendMzR`, peak data
#' (i.e. m/z and intensity values) in custom data files (in HDF5 format) on
#' disk while the remaining spectra variables are kept in memory. This backend
#' supports updating and writing of manipulated peak data to the data files.
#' New objects can be created with the `MsBackendHdf5Peaks()` function which
#' can be subsequently filled with data by calling the object's
#' `backendInitialize` method passing the desired file names of the HDF5 data
#' files along with the spectra variables in form of a `DataFrame` (see
#' `MsBackendDataFrame` for the expected format). An optional parameter
#' `hdf5path` allows to specify the folder where the HDF5 data files should be
#' stored to. If provided, this is added as the path to the submitted file
#' names (parameter `files`).
#' By default `backendInitialize` will store all peak data into a single HDF5
#' file which name has to be provided with the parameter `files`. To store peak
#' data across several HDF5 files `data` has to contain a column
#' `"dataStorage"` that defines the grouping of spectra/peaks into files: peaks
#' for spectra with the same value in `"dataStorage"` are saved into the same
#' HDF5 file. If parameter `files` is omitted, the value in `dataStorage` is
#' used as file name (replacing any file ending with `".h5"`. To specify the
#' file names, `files`' length has to match the number of unique elements in
#' `"dataStorage"`.
#' For details see examples on the [Spectra()] help page.
#' @section Implementation notes:
#' Backends extending `MsBackend` **must** implement all of its methods (listed
#' above). Developers of new `MsBackend`s should follow the
#' `MsBackendDataFrame` implementation.
#' The `MsBackend` defines the following slots:
#' - `@readonly`: `logical(1)` whether the backend supports writing/replacing
#' of m/z or intensity values.
#' @name MsBackend
#' @return See documentation of respective function.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb, Laurent Gatto
#' @md
#' @exportClass MsBackend MsBackendDataFrame MsBackendMzR
#' @examples
#' ## The MsBackend class is a virtual class and can not be instantiated
#' ## directly. Below we define a new backend class extending this virtual
#' ## class
#' MsBackendDummy <- setClass("MsBackendDummy", contains = "MsBackend")
#' MsBackendDummy()
#' ## This class inherits now all methods from `MsBackend`, all of which
#' ## however throw an error. These methods would have to be implemented
#' ## for the new backend class.
#' try(mz(MsBackendDummy()))
#' ## See `MsBackendDataFrame` as a reference implementation for a backend
#' ## class (in the *R/MsBackendDataFrame.R* file).
#' ## MsBackendDataFrame
#' ##
#' ## The `MsBackendDataFrame` uses a `S4Vectors::DataFrame` to store all MS
#' ## data. Below we create such a backend by passing a `DataFrame` with all
#' ## data to it.
#' data <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 1L), scanIndex = 1:3)
#' data$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3), c(1.4, 54.2, 56.4, 122.1), c(15.3, 23.2))
#' data$intensity <- list(c(3, 2, 3), c(45, 100, 12.2, 1), c(123, 12324.2))
#' ## Backends are supposed to be created with their specific constructor
#' ## function
#' be <- MsBackendDataFrame()
#' be
#' ## The `backendInitialize` method initializes the backend filling it with
#' ## data. This method can take any parameters needed for the backend to
#' ## get loaded with the data (e.g. a file name from which to load the data,
#' ## a database connection or, in this case, a data frame containing the data).
#' be <- backendInitialize(be, data)
#' be
#' ## Data can be accessed with the accessor methods
#' msLevel(be)
#' mz(be)
#' ## Even if no data was provided for all spectra variables, its accessor
#' ## methods are supposed to return a value.
#' precursorMz(be)
#' ## The `peaksData` method is supposed to return the peaks of the spectra as
#' ## a `list`.
#' peaksData(be)
contains = "VIRTUAL",
slots = c(
readonly = "logical",
version = "character"),
prototype = prototype(readonly = FALSE, version = "0.1"))
#' @importFrom methods .valueClassTest is new validObject
#' @noRd
setValidity("MsBackend", function(object) {
msg <- .valid_ms_backend_data_storage(dataStorage(object))
if (length(dataStorage(object)) != length(object))
msg <- c(msg, "length of object and 'dataStorage' have to match")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
#' @exportMethod backendInitialize
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("backendInitialize", signature = "MsBackend", function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("backendMerge", "list", function(object, ...) {
backendMerge(object[[1]], object[-1])
#' @exportMethod backendMerge
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("backendMerge", "MsBackend", function(object, ...) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("export", "MsBackend", function(object, ...) {
stop(class(object), " does not support export of data; please provide a ",
"backend that supports data export with parameter 'backend'.")
#' @exportMethod acquisitionNum
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics acquisitionNum
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("acquisitionNum", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod peaksData
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("peaksData", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod centroided
#' @aliases centroided<-,MsBackend-method
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics centroided
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("centroided", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod centroided<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics centroided<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("centroided", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod collisionEnergy
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics collisionEnergy
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("collisionEnergy", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod collisionEnergy<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics collisionEnergy<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("collisionEnergy", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod dataOrigin
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataOrigin
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("dataOrigin", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod dataOrigin<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataOrigin<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("dataOrigin", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod dataStorage
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataStorage
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("dataStorage", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Method 'dataStorage' is not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod dataStorage<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataStorage<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("dataStorage", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Method 'dataStorage' is not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod dropNaSpectraVariables
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("dropNaSpectraVariables", "MsBackend", function(object) {
svs <- spectraVariables(object)
svs <- svs[!(svs %in% c("mz", "intensity"))]
spd <- spectraData(object, columns = svs)
keep <- !vapply1l(spd, function(z) all(is.na(z)))
selectSpectraVariables(object, c(svs[keep], "mz", "intensity"))
#' @exportMethod filterAcquisitionNum
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterAcquisitionNum
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterAcquisitionNum", "MsBackend", function(object, n, file, ...) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod filterDataOrigin
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterDataOrigin
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterDataOrigin", "MsBackend",
function(object, dataOrigin = character()) {
if (length(dataOrigin)) {
object <- object[dataOrigin(object) %in% dataOrigin]
if (is.unsorted(dataOrigin))
object[order(match(dataOrigin(object), dataOrigin))]
else object
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterDataStorage
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterDataStorage
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterDataStorage", "MsBackend",
function(object, dataStorage = character()) {
if (length(dataStorage)) {
object <- object[dataStorage(object) %in% dataStorage]
if (is.unsorted(dataStorage))
object[order(match(dataStorage(object), dataStorage))]
else object
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterEmptySpectra
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterEmptySpectra
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterEmptySpectra", "MsBackend", function(object, ...) {
if (!length(object)) return(object)
#' @exportMethod filterIsolationWindow
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterIsolationWindow
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterIsolationWindow", "MsBackend",
function(object, mz = numeric(), ...) {
if (length(mz)) {
if (length(mz) > 1)
stop("'mz' is expected to be a single m/z value")
keep <- which(isolationWindowLowerMz(object) <= mz &
isolationWindowUpperMz(object) >= mz)
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterMsLevel
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterMsLevel
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterMsLevel", "MsBackend",
function(object, msLevel = integer()) {
if (length(msLevel)) {
object[msLevel(object) %in% msLevel]
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterPolarity
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPolarity
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterPolarity", "MsBackend",
function(object, polarity = integer()) {
if (length(polarity))
object[polarity(object) %in% polarity]
else object
#' @exportMethod filterPrecursorMz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPrecursorMz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterPrecursorMz", "MsBackend",
function(object, mz = numeric()) {
if (length(mz)) {
mz <- range(mz)
keep <- which(precursorMz(object) >= mz[1] &
precursorMz(object) <= mz[2])
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterPrecursorCharge
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPrecursorCharge
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterPrecursorCharge", "MsBackend",
function(object, z = integer()) {
if (length(z)) {
keep <- which(precursorCharge(object) %in% z)
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterPrecursorScan
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPrecursorScan
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterPrecursorScan", "MsBackend",
function(object, acquisitionNum = integer(), f = dataOrigin(object)) {
if (length(acquisitionNum) && length(f)) {
if (!is.factor(f))
f <- factor(f, exclude = character())
keep <- unsplit(lapply(split(object, f = f), function(z, an) {
}, an = acquisitionNum), f = f)
} else object
#' @exportMethod filterRt
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterRt
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("filterRt", "MsBackend",
function(object, rt = numeric(), msLevel. = unique(msLevel(object))) {
if (length(rt)) {
rt <- range(rt)
sel_ms <- msLevel(object) %in% msLevel.
sel_rt <- rtime(object) >= rt[1] &
rtime(object) <= rt[2] & sel_ms
object[sel_rt | !sel_ms]
} else object
#' @exportMethod intensity
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics intensity
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("intensity", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod intensity<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics intensity<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("intensity", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod ionCount
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics ionCount
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("ionCount", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isCentroided
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isCentroided
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("isCentroided", "MsBackend", function(object, ...) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isEmpty
#' @rdname MsBackend
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors isEmpty
setMethod("isEmpty", "MsBackend", function(x) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowLowerMz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowLowerMz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("isolationWindowLowerMz", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowLowerMz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowLowerMz<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("isolationWindowLowerMz", "MsBackend", function(object,
value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowTargetMz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowTargetMz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("isolationWindowTargetMz", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowTargetMz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowTargetMz<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("isolationWindowTargetMz", "MsBackend", function(object,
value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowUpperMz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowUpperMz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("isolationWindowUpperMz", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isolationWindowUpperMz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics isolationWindowUpperMz<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("isolationWindowUpperMz", "MsBackend", function(object,
value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod isReadOnly
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("isReadOnly", "MsBackend", function(object) {
#' @exportMethod length
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("length", "MsBackend", function(x) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod msLevel
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics msLevel
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("msLevel", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod mz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics mz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("mz", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod mz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics mz<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("mz", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("lengths", "MsBackend", function(x, use.names = FALSE) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod polarity
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics polarity
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("polarity", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod polarity<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics polarity<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("polarity", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod precScanNum
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precScanNum
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("precScanNum", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod precursorCharge
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precursorCharge
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("precursorCharge", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod precursorIntensity
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precursorIntensity
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("precursorIntensity", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod precursorMz
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precursorMz
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("precursorMz", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod peaksData<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("peaksData", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod reset
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("reset", "MsBackend", function(object) {
#' @exportMethod rtime
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics rtime
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("rtime", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod rtime<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics rtime<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("rtime", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod scanIndex
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics scanIndex
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("scanIndex", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod selectSpectraVariables
#' @rdname MsBackend
"selectSpectraVariables", "MsBackend",
function(object, spectraVariables = spectraVariables(object)) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod smoothed
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics smoothed
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("smoothed", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod smoothed<-
#' @aliases smoothed<-,MsBackend-method
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics smoothed<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("smoothed", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod spectraData
#' @rdname MsBackend
"spectraData", "MsBackend",
function(object, columns = spectraVariables(object)) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod spectraData<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("spectraData", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod spectraNames
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod spectraNames<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackend", function(object, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod spectraVariables
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraVariables
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("spectraVariables", "MsBackend", function(object) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod split
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors split
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("split", "MsBackend", function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...) {
split.default(x, f, drop = drop, ...)
#' @exportMethod tic
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics tic
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("tic", "MsBackend", function(object, initial = TRUE) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(object), ".")
#' @exportMethod [
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("[", "MsBackend", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod $
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("$", "MsBackend", function(x, name) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod $<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("$", "MsBackend", function(x, name, value) {
stop("Not implemented for ", class(x), ".")
#' @exportMethod [[
#' @rdname MsBackend
setMethod("[[", "MsBackend", function(x, i, j, ...) {
if (!is.character(i))
stop("'i' is supposed to be a character defining the spectra ",
"variable to access.")
if (!missing(j))
stop("'j' is not supported.")
do.call("$", list(x, i))
#' @exportMethod [[<-
#' @rdname MsBackend
setReplaceMethod("[[", "MsBackend", function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
if (!is.character(i))
stop("'i' is supposed to be a character defining the spectra ",
"variable to replace or create.")
if (!missing(j))
stop("'j' is not supported.")
do.call("$<-", list(x, i, value))
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