
context("MSnSet class")

test_that("MSnSet validity", {
    e <- matrix(rnorm(12), ncol = 3)
    rownames(e) <- LETTERS[1:4]
    colnames(e) <- letters[1:3]

test_that("MSnSet acquisitionNum", {
    featureData(msnset)$acquisition.number <- NULL
    expect_error(acquisitionNum(msnset), "has no column")

test_that("MSnSet validity for empty feature names", {
    featureNames(msnset)[1] <- ""
                 "Empty string is not a valid feature name.")

test_that("MSnSet coersion", {
    data(dunkley2006, package = "pRolocdata")
    es <- as(dunkley2006, "ExpressionSet")
    ## back to MSnSet
    ms <- as(es, "MSnSet")
    ## compare original dunkley2006 and ms
    ## we know that coercion ExpressionSet to MSnSet initialises a new
    ## experimentData
    ms@experimentData <- experimentData(dunkley2006)
    ## processingData is also list in MSnSet -> ExpressionSet
    ms@processingData <- processingData(dunkley2006)
    ## and classVersion will differ
    ms@.__classVersion__ <- classVersion(dunkley2006)
    expect_true(all.equal(ms, dunkley2006))

test_that("Combine MSnSet features: groupBy and fcol", {
    msnset <- msnset[11:15, ]
    grp <- as.factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2))
    fData(msnset)$k <- grp
    x1 <- combineFeatures(msnset, groupBy = grp)
    x2 <- combineFeatures(msnset, fcol = "k")
    x2@processingData <- x1@processingData
    expect_equal(x1, x2)

test_that("Combine MSnSet features (V)", {
    aa <- new("MSnSet",
              exprs = matrix(
                  c(rnorm(10, 4, 0.0001),
                    rnorm(10, 10, 0.0001)),
                  nrow = 10, byrow = TRUE),
              featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                  data = data.frame(
                      A = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5),
                      B = paste(
                          rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5),
                          sep = "."))))
    ## gb <- factor(rep(letters[1:2], each = 5))
    gb <- factor(rep(1:2, each = 5))
    bb <- MSnbase:::nologging(combineFeatures(aa, gb, "mean"), 1)
    bb2 <- MSnbase:::nologging(combineFeatures(aa, as.character(gb), "mean"), 1)
    gbn <- rep(1:2, each = 5)
    bb3 <- MSnbase:::nologging(combineFeatures(aa, gbn, "mean"), 1)
    expect_equal(bb, bb2)
    expect_equal(bb, bb3)
    cc <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, "sum")
    dd <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, "median")
    ee <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, "weighted.mean", w = rep(1, 10))
    ff <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, "medpolish", verbose = FALSE)
                 matrix(c(4, 10, 4, 10), ncol = 2),
                 tolerance = .001,
                 check.attributes = FALSE)
                 matrix(c(4, 10, 4, 10), ncol = 2),
                 tolerance = .001,
                 check.attributes = FALSE)
                 matrix(c(4, 10, 4, 10), ncol = 2),
                 tolerance = .001,
                 check.attributes = FALSE)
                 matrix(c(4, 10, 4, 10), ncol = 2),
                 tolerance = .001,
                 check.attributes = FALSE)

                 matrix(c(5*4, 5*10, 5*4, 5*10), ncol = 2),
                 tolerance = .001,
                 check.attributes = FALSE)

    expect_true(all(fData(bb)[, 1] == c("A", "B")))
    expect_true(all(fData(bb)[, 2] == c("A.1", "B.6")))
    gb2 <- factor(c("a", "c", "z", "a", "z", "b", "b", "a", "c", "a"))
    gb3 <- factor(rev(c("a", "c", "z", "a", "z", "b", "b", "a", "c", "a")))
    fData(aa)$Z <- gb2
    zz <- combineFeatures(aa, gb2, method = "sum")
    zz3 <- combineFeatures(aa[10:1, ], gb3, method = "sum")
    expect_equal(exprs(zz), exprs(zz3))
    expect_equal(fData(zz)[, 3:5], fData(zz3)[, 3:5], tolerance=1e-5)
    expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(exprs(zz["a", ])),
                          colSums(exprs(aa)[gb2 == "a", ]),
                          check.attributes = FALSE))
    expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(exprs(zz["b", ])),
                          colSums(exprs(aa)[gb2 == "b", ]),
                          check.attributes = FALSE))
    expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(exprs(zz["c", ])),
                          colSums(exprs(aa)[gb2 == "c", ]),
                          check.attributes = FALSE))
    expect_true(all.equal(as.numeric(exprs(zz["z", ])),
                          colSums(exprs(aa)[gb2 == "z", ]),
                          check.attributes = FALSE))
                          check.attributes = FALSE))

test_that("Combine MSnSet features (L)", {
    e <- matrix(1:15, nrow = 5)
    colnames(e) <- paste0("X", 1:3)
    rownames(e) <- letters[1:5]
    ee <- new("MSnSet", exprs = e)

    ## different lengths -> error
    L <- list(c("A", "B"), "B", "C", c("A", "B", "C"), "A", "X")
    expect_error(combineFeatures(ee, L))

    ## wrong names
    L <- list(c("A", "B"), "B", "C", c("A", "B", "C"), "A")
    names(L) <- LETTERS[1:5]
    expect_error(combineFeatures(ee, L))

    ## unordered names -> warning
    names(L) <- featureNames(ee)
    L <- L[sample(featureNames(ee))]
    expect_warning(combineFeatures(ee, L,
                                   redundancy.handler = "unique",
                                   cv = FALSE))

    L <- list(c("A", "B"), "B", "C", c("A", "B", "C"), "A")
    names(L) <- featureNames(ee)
    ee2 <- combineFeatures(ee, L,
                           redundancy.handler = "unique",
                           cv = FALSE)
    ee2 <- MSnbase:::nologging(ee2, 2)
    ## peptide a -> protein(s) A, B  DISCARD
    ## peptide b -> protein(s) B       KEEP
    ## peptide c -> protein(s) C       KEEP
    ## peptide d -> protein(s) A, B, C DISCARD
    ## peptide e -> protein(s) A       KEEP
    ## Protein A is quantified by pep e only
    ## Protein B is quantified by pep b only
    ## Protein C is quantified by pep c only
    ee3 <- ee[c("e", "b", "c"), ]
    featureNames(ee3) <- LETTERS[1:3]
    ee3@processingData@merged <- TRUE
    ee3 <- MSnbase:::nologging(ee3, 1)
    expect_equal(ee2, ee3)

    ee4 <- combineFeatures(ee, L,
                           redundancy.handler = "multiple",
                           cv = FALSE)
    expect_equal(exprs(ee4)["A", ],
                 colMeans(exprs(ee)[sapply(L, function(l) any(grepl("A", l))), ]))
    expect_equal(exprs(ee4)["B", ],
                 colMeans(exprs(ee)[sapply(L, function(l) any(grepl("B", l))), ]))
    expect_equal(exprs(ee4)["C", ],
                 colMeans(exprs(ee)[sapply(L, function(l) any(grepl("C", l))), ]))

test_that("Combine MSnSet features repeatedly", {
    fv1 <- fvarLabels(msnset)
    pep <- combineFeatures(msnset, groupBy = fData(msnset)$PeptideSequence,
                           cv = TRUE)
    prot <- combineFeatures(pep, groupBy = fData(pep)$ProteinAccession,
                            cv = TRUE)
    expect_identical(length(fv1) + 4L, length(fvarLabels(pep)))
    expect_identical(length(fv1) + 8L, length(fvarLabels(prot)))

test_that("makeImpuritiesMatrix", {
    i4 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "MSnbase"),
              pattern = "iTRAQ4plexPurityCorrection",
              full.names = TRUE)
    m4 <- makeImpuritiesMatrix(filename = i4, edit = FALSE)
    a4 <- matrix(c(0.929, 0.059, 0.002, 0.000,
                   0.020, 0.923, 0.056, 0.001,
                   0.000, 0.030, 0.924, 0.045,
                   0.000, 0.001, 0.040, 0.923),
                 nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
    expect_equal(a4, m4, check.attributes = FALSE)
    t6 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "MSnbase"),
              pattern = "TMT6plexPurityCorrection",
              full.names = TRUE)
    m6 <- makeImpuritiesMatrix(filename = t6, edit = FALSE)
    a6 <- matrix(c(0.939, 0.061, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.005, 0.928, 0.067, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.000, 0.011, 0.947, 0.042, 0.000, 0.000,
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.017, 0.942, 0.041, 0.000,
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.016, 0.963, 0.021,
                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.002, 0.032, 0.938),
                 nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE)
    expect_equal(a6, m6, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("Transpose and subset", {
    ## transpose
    tmsnset <- t(msnset)
    expect_true(nrow(msnset) == ncol(tmsnset))
    expect_true(ncol(msnset) == nrow(tmsnset))
    expect_true(all.equal(pData(msnset), fData(tmsnset)))
    expect_true(all.equal(pData(tmsnset), fData(msnset)))
    ## subset
    bb <- msnset[1:2, c(2, 4)]
    expect_identical(dim(bb), c(2L, 2L))

test_that("nQuants", {
    m <- new("MSnSet",
             exprs=matrix(1:10, nrow=5, ncol=2),
                                             factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B")))))
    qu <- matrix(3:2, nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c("A", "B"), 1:2))
    expect_equal(nQuants(m, group=fData(m)$accession), qu)

    ## more levels than items present in the factor
    m@featureData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                                         factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
    expect_equal(nQuants(m, group=fData(m)$accession), qu)

    ## real world example
    pa <- fData(msnset)$ProteinAccession
    upa <- unique(pa)
    qu <- matrix(1, nrow=length(upa), ncol=ncol(msnset),
                 dimnames=list(upa[order(upa)], sampleNames(msnset)))
    qu[c("ECA0435", "ECA0469", "ECA3349", "ECA3566", "ECA4026"),] <- 2
    qu["BSA",] <- 3
    qu["ENO",] <- c(4, 4, 3, 4)
    qu["ECA4514",] <- 6
    expect_equal(nQuants(msnset, pa), qu)

    ## more levels than items present in the factor
    qu <- matrix(1, nrow=10, ncol=4,
    expect_equal(nQuants(msnset[1:10], pa[1:10]), qu)

test_that("featureCV", {
    m <- new("MSnSet",
             exprs=matrix(1:10, nrow=5, ncol=2),
                                             factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B")))))
    cv <- matrix(c(0.5, sqrt(0.5)/4.5, 1/7, sqrt(0.5)/9.5),
                 nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c("A", "B"), c("CV.1", "CV.2")))
    expect_equal(featureCV(m, group=fData(m)$accession, norm="none"), cv)

    ## more levels than items present in the factor
    m@featureData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                                         factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
    expect_equal(featureCV(m, group=fData(m)$accession, norm="none"), cv)

    i <- list(1:3, 4:5, 6:8, 9:10)
    div <- rowSums(exprs(m))
    cv <- matrix(sapply(i, function(ii) {
                   sd((exprs(m)/div)[ii]/mean((exprs(m)/div)[ii])) }),
                 nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c("A", "B"), c("CV.1", "CV.2")))
    expect_equal(featureCV(m, group=fData(m)$accession, norm="sum"), cv)

    cv1 <- featureCV(m, group=fData(m)$accession)
    cv2 <- featureCV(m, group=fData(m)$accession, suffix = "2")
    expect_identical(colnames(cv1), sub("\\.2", "", colnames(cv2)))

context("MSnSet identification data")

test_that("addIdentificationData", {
  quantFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
                   full.name = TRUE, pattern = "mzXML$")
  identFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
                   full.name = TRUE, pattern = "dummyiTRAQ.mzid")
  aa <- extdata_mzXML_in_mem_ms2
  msnset <- quantify(aa, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ4,
                     BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
                     verbose = FALSE)
  fd <- fData(addIdentificationData(msnset, identFile, verbose = FALSE))
  expect_equal(fd$spectrum, 1:5)
  expect_equal(fd$file, rep(1, 5))
  expect_equal(fd$acquisition.number, 1:5)
                 NA, NA, "LVILLFR"))
               c("ECA0984", "ECA1028", NA, NA, "ECA0510"))
  expect_equal(fd$idFile, c("dummyiTRAQ.mzid", "dummyiTRAQ.mzid", NA, NA,
  expect_equal(fd$npsm.prot, c(1, 1, NA, NA, 1))
  expect_equal(fd$npsm.pep, c(1, 1, NA, NA, 1))
  expect_equal(fd$npep.prot, c(1, 1, NA, NA, 1))
  expect_equal(fd$nprot, c(1, 1, NA, NA, 1))

test_that("idSummary", {
  quantFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
                   full.name = TRUE, pattern = "mzXML$")
  identFile <- dir(system.file(package = "MSnbase", dir = "extdata"),
                   full.name = TRUE, pattern = "dummyiTRAQ.mzid")
  ## aa <- readMSData(quantFile, centroided. = FALSE)
  aa <- extdata_mzXML_in_mem_ms2
  msnset <- quantify(aa, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ4,
                     BPPARAM = SerialParam())
  bb <- addIdentificationData(msnset, identFile)
  expect_error(idSummary(aa), "No quantification/identification data found")
               data.frame(spectrumFile = "dummyiTRAQ.mzXML",
                          idFile = "dummyiTRAQ.mzid",
                          coverage = 0.6,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

test_that("commonFeatureNames works with lists or MSnSetLists", {
    data(tan2009r1, package = "pRolocdata")
    data(tan2009r2, package = "pRolocdata")
    data(tan2009r3, package = "pRolocdata")
    ## both below show work exactly the same
    res1 <- commonFeatureNames(MSnSetList(list(tan2009r1, tan2009r2)))
    res2 <- commonFeatureNames(list(tan2009r1, tan2009r2))
    res1 <- lapply(res1, MSnbase:::nologging)
    res2 <- lapply(res2, MSnbase:::nologging)
    expect_equal(res1, res2)
    res3 <- commonFeatureNames(MSnSetList(list(tan2009r1 = tan2009r1,
                                               tan2009r2 = tan2009r2)))
    res4 <- commonFeatureNames(list(tan2009r1 = tan2009r1,
                                    tan2009r2 = tan2009r2))
    res3 <- lapply(res3, MSnbase:::nologging)
    res4 <- lapply(res4, MSnbase:::nologging)
    expect_equal(res3, res4)

test_that("keeping common features", {
    data(tan2009r1, package = "pRolocdata")
    data(tan2009r2, package = "pRolocdata")
    data(tan2009r3, package = "pRolocdata")
    res0 <- commonFeatureNames(tan2009r1, tan2009r1)
    ## @qual and @processingData@processing will be different
    ## expect_equal(res0[[1]], res0[[2]]) ## uncomment after release <2017-04-18 Tue>
    res01 <- res0[[1]]
    res01@qual <- tan2009r1@qual
    res01 <- MSnbase:::nologging(res01)
    expect_equal(res01, tan2009r1)
    res1 <- commonFeatureNames(tan2009r1, tan2009r2)
    ## both below show work exactly the same
    res2 <- commonFeatureNames(MSnSetList(list(tan2009r1, tan2009r2)))
    res2 <- commonFeatureNames(list(tan2009r1, tan2009r2))
    res3 <- commonFeatureNames(list(tan2009r1 = tan2009r1,
                                    tan2009r2 = tan2009r2))
    ## the only expected difference are
    ## names and .@processingData@processing
    res1 <- lapply(res1, MSnbase:::nologging)
    res2 <- lapply(res2, MSnbase:::nologging)
    expect_equal(msnsets(res1), msnsets(res2),
                 check.attributes = FALSE)
    expect_equal(names(res2), as.character(1:2))
    expect_equal(names(res1), names(res3))

test_that("Combine with fun or 'fun'", {
    aa <- new("MSnSet",
              exprs = matrix(
                  c(rnorm(10, 4, 0.0001),
                    rnorm(10, 10, 0.0001)),
                  nrow = 10, byrow = TRUE),
              featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                                data = data.frame(
                                    A = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5),
                                    B = paste(
                                        rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5),
                                        sep = "."))))
    gb <- factor(rep(1:2, each = 5))
    xchar <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, "sum")
    xfun <- combineFeatures(aa, gb, sum)
    expect_equal(exprs(xchar), exprs(xfun))

test_that("Robust summary and sample names order (bug PR# 349)", {
    ## This identified the bug
    msnset2 <- msnset <- log(filterNA(msnset), 2)
    ## Expected results
    res0 <- combineFeatures(msnset,
                            fcol = "ProteinAccession",
                            method = "robust")
    ## Identify the bug
    sampleNames(msnset2)[1] <- "zzz"
    res2 <- combineFeatures(msnset2,
                            fcol = "ProteinAccession",
                            method = "robust")
    ## Re-set sample name
    sampleNames(res2) <- sampleNames(res0)
    expect_equal(exprs(res0), exprs(res2))

test_that("aggvar, son of ragnar", {
    e <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3)
    colnames(e) <- letters[1:3]
    rownames(e) <- 1:3
    f <- data.frame(gb = c("A", "A", "B"),
                    row.names = rownames(e))
    p <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(e))
    x <- MSnSet(exprs = e, fData = f, pData = p)
    res1 <- aggvar(x, "gb", max)
    expect_identical(max(dist(exprs(x)[1:2, ])), res1[1, 1])
    expect_true(is.na(res1[2, 1]))
    expect_identical(res1[, 2], c(A = 2, B = 1))

test_that("nFeatures are added correctly", {
    data("hyperLOPIT2015ms3r1psm", package = "pRolocdata")
    k0 <- k <- table(fData(hyperLOPIT2015ms3r1psm)$Protein.Group.Accessions)
    k <- k[as.character(fData(hyperLOPIT2015ms3r1psm)[, "Protein.Group.Accessions"])]
    res <- nFeatures(hyperLOPIT2015ms3r1psm, "Protein.Group.Accessions")
    expect_equivalent(k, fData(res)$Protein.Group.Accessions.nFeatures)
    expect_error(nFeatures(res, "Protein.Group.Accessions"),
                 "'Protein.Group.Accessions.nFeatures' already present.")
    expect_error(nFeatures(hyperLOPIT2015ms3r1psm, "foo"))
    tmp <- fData(res)$Protein.Group.Accessions.nFeatures
    names(tmp) <- fData(res)$Protein.Group.Accessions
    sel <- !duplicated(names(tmp))
    g <- tmp[sel]
    expect_equivalent(g[sort(names(g))], k0[sort(names(k0))])
lgatto/MSnbase documentation built on Nov. 12, 2024, 10:58 a.m.