# PACKAGE: e1071
# title: bclustB
# description: interface to bclust {e1071}
# arguments:
# exprObj ExpressionSet
# classifLab character string specifying what covariate data
# to use for classification
# dist.method for distance matrix (equivalent to the "metric" argument in other
# machLI interfaces, eg. see knnB)
# value:
# object of class "classifPred"
# example:
# bOut <- bclustB(golubMerge[100:200,], "ALL.AML", 2)
setGeneric("bclustB", function(exprObj, k, height=0, iter.base=10, minsize=0, dist.method="euclidian",
hclust.method="average", base.method="kmeans", base.centers=5, verbose=TRUE,
final.kmeans=FALSE, docmdscale=FALSE, resample=TRUE, weights, maxcluster=5, ...){
setMethod("bclustB", c("ExpressionSet", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
"ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, k, height, iter.base, minsize, dist.method, hclust.method, base.method,
base.centers, verbose, final.kmeans, docmdscale, resample, weights,
maxcluster, ...){
if(missing(weights)){ weights <- NULL }
dat <- t(exprs(exprObj))
dis <- dist(dat, method=dist.method)
out <- e1071::bclust(dat, k, iter.base=iter.base, minsize=minsize,
dist.method=dist.method, hclust.method=hclust.method,
base.method=base.method, base.centers=base.centers,
verbose=verbose, final.kmeans=final.kmeans,
docmdscale=docmdscale, resample=resample, weights=weights,
maxcluster=maxcluster, ...)
# CANNOT USE WRAPCLUST tmp <- wrapClust( out, k, height, dis)
if (k > 0 && height > 0) warn("both k and height provided, using k")
if (k > 0) clinds <- newGroupIndex(out$cluster)
else if (k == 0 & height > 0)
clinds <- cutree(out$hclust, h=height)
clsco <- newSilhouetteVec(cluster::silhouette(clinds,dis)[,3])
new("clustOutput", method="bclust",
RObject=out, call=match.call(),
clustIndices=clinds, clustScores=clsco)
# title: cmeansB
# description: interface to cmeans {e1071}
# arguments:
# exprObj ExpressionSet
# classifLab character string specifying what covariate data
# to use for classification
# dist for distance matrix (equivalent to the "metric" argument in other
# machLI interfaces, eg. see knnB)
# value:
# object of class "classifPred"
# example:
# cOut <- cmeansB(golubMerge[100:200,], "ALL.AML", 2)
setGeneric("cmeansB", function(exprObj, k, height=0, iter.max=100, verbose=FALSE, dist="euclidean",
method="cmeans", m=2, rate.par=NULL){
setMethod("cmeansB", c("ExpressionSet", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, k, height=0, iter.max, verbose, dist, method, m, rate.par){
dat <- t(exprs(exprObj))
dis <- dist(dat, method=dist)
out <- e1071::cmeans(dat, k, iter.max=iter.max, verbose=verbose, dist=dist,
method=method, m=m, rate.par=rate.par)
clinds <- newGroupIndex(out$cluster)
clsco <- newSilhouetteVec(cluster::silhouette( clinds, dis )[,3])
new("clustOutput", method="cmeans",
RObject=out, call=match.call(),
clustIndices=clinds, clustScores=clsco)
setGeneric("cshellB", function(exprObj, k, height=0, iter.max=20, verbose=FALSE, dist="euclidean",
method="cshell", m=2, radius){
setMethod("cshellB", c("ExpressionSet", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, k, height, iter.max, verbose, dist, method, m, radius){
dat <- t(exprs(exprObj))
dis <- dist(dat, method=dist)
out <- e1071::cshell(dat, k, iter.max=iter.max, verbose=verbose, dist=dist,
method=method, m=m)
out <- e1071::cshell(dat, k, iter.max=iter.max, verbose=verbose, dist=dist,
method=method, m=m, radius=radius)
clinds <- newGroupIndex(out$cluster)
clsco <- newMembMat(out$membership)
new("clustOutput", method="cmeans",
RObject=out, call=match.call(),
clustIndices=clinds, clustScores=clsco)
## title: icaB
## description: interface to ica {e1071}
## arguments:
## exprObj ExpressionSet
## metric for distance matrix
## value:
## object of class "classifPred"
## where sampLabels are the labels of the original sample
## example:
## icaOut <- icaB(golubMerge[100:150,], "ALL.AML", 100)
## note: is there a better way to specify a learning rate?
## ica {e1071} outputs weights and projection that are all NaN
## initweights output corresponds to the condensed profiles (rows) across columns
#setGeneric("icaB", function(exprObj, classifLab, lrate, epochs=100, ncomp, fun="negative", metric="euclidean"){
# standardGeneric("icaB")
#setMethod("icaB", c("ExpressionSet", "character", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
# function(exprObj, classifLab, lrate, epochs, ncomp, fun, metric){
# dat <- t(exprs(exprObj))
# dis <- dist(dat, method=metric)
# out <- e1071::ica(dat, lrate, epochs=epochs, ncomp=dim(dat)[2], fun=fun)
# new("classifPred", sampLabels=pData(exprObj)[[classifLab]], distMat=dis, classifObj=out)
## title: lcaB
## description: interface to lca {e1071}
# arguments:
# exprObj ExpressionSet
# metric for distance matrix
# value:
# object of class "classifPred"
# where sampLabels are the labels of the original sample
# example:
# x <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 7272, replace=T), ncol=72, nrow=12)
# colnames(x) <- golubMerge$"ALL.AML"
# g2Merge <- golubMerge[100:111,]
# exprs(g2Merge) <- x
# lcaOut <- lcaB(g2Merge, "ALL.AML", 2)
# note: artificial example since data needs to be binary
# for > 15 genes, lca algorithm runs out of memory
# for a much larger number of genes, error is returned
setGeneric("lcaB", function(exprObj, k, niter=100, matchdata=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, metric="euclidean"){
setMethod("lcaB", c("ExpressionSet", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, k, niter, matchdata, verbose, metric){
dat <- t(exprs(exprObj))
if (!all(dat %in% c(0,1))) stop("binary expr data required")
dis <- dist(dat, method=metric)
out <- e1071::lca(dat, k, niter=niter, matchdata=matchdata, verbose=verbose)
clinds <- newGroupIndex(out$matching)
clsco <- newSilhouetteVec(cluster::silhouette( clinds, dis )[,3])
new("clustOutput", method="lca",
RObject=out, call=match.call(),
clustIndices=clinds, clustScores=clsco)
# title: naiveBayesB
# description: interface to naiveBayes {e1071}
# arguments:
# exprObj ExpressionSet
# trainInd vector of indices for the columns to be
# included in the training set
# classifLab character string specifying what covariate data
# to use for classification
# metric for distance matrix
# value:
# object of class "classifPred"
# example:
# train <- c(sample(1:47, 24), sample(48:72, 12))
# nbOut <- naiveBayesB(golubMerge[100:110,], "ALL.AML", train)
# note:
# algorithm appears to be bad at handling a large number of genes (ie. columns in naiveBayes)
setGeneric("naiveBayesB", function(exprObj, classifLab, trainInd, na.action=na.pass, threshold=0.001,
setMethod("naiveBayesB", c("ExpressionSet", "character", "integer", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, classifLab, trainInd, na.action, threshold, metric){
cl <- pData(exprObj)[[classifLab]][trainInd]
trainDat <- data.frame(y=cl, t(exprs(exprObj)[,trainInd]))
testDat <- data.frame(t(exprs(exprObj)[,-trainInd]))
dis <- dist(testDat, method=metric)
model <- e1071::naiveBayes(y~., data=trainDat)
out <- predict( model, newdata=testDat )
new("classifOutput", method="naiveBayes",
trainInds=trainInd, allClass=as.character(pData(exprObj)[[classifLab]]),
# predScores=newQualScore(attr(out,"prob")),
RObject=model, call=match.call(), distMat=dis)
# title: svmB
# description: interface to svm {e1071}
# arguments:
# exprObj ExpressionSet
# trainInd vector of indices for the columns to be
# included in the training set
# classifLab character string specifying what covariate data
# to use for classification
# metric for distance matrix
# value:
# object of class "classifPred"
# example:
# train <- c(sample(1:47, 23), sample(48:72, 12))
# svmOut <- svmB(golubMerge[100:200,], "ALL.AML", train)
setGeneric("svmB", function(exprObj, classifLab, trainInd, scale=TRUE,
type, kernel="radial", degree=3, gamma, coef0 = 0,
cost = 1, nu = 0.5, class.weights, cachesize = 40,
tolerance = 0.001, epsilon = 0.1, shrinking = TRUE, cross = 0,
fitted = TRUE, subset, na.action = na.omit, decision.values=FALSE, metric="euclidean", ...){
setMethod("svmB", c("ExpressionSet", "character", "integer", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
"ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
"ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(exprObj, classifLab, trainInd, scale, type, kernel, degree, gamma,
coef0, cost, nu, class.weights, cachesize, tolerance, epsilon, shrinking,
cross, fitted, subset, na.action, decision.values, metric, ...){
trainDat <- t(exprs(exprObj)[,trainInd])
testDat <- t(exprs(exprObj)[,-trainInd])
dis <- dist(testDat, method=metric)
cl <- pData(exprObj)[[classifLab]][trainInd]
if(missing(type)){ type <- NULL }
if(missing(class.weights)){ class.weights <- NULL }
if(missing(gamma)){ gamma <- 1/ncol(trainDat) }
out <- e1071::svm(trainDat, cl, scale=scale, type=type, kernel=kernel, degree=degree,
gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, cost=cost, nu=nu, class.weights=class.weights,
cachesize=cachesize, tolerance=tolerance, epsilon=epsilon, shrinking=shrinking,
cross=cross, fitted=fitted, subset=subset, na.action = na.action, ...)
ans <- predict(out, newdata=testDat,
decision.values=decision.values, na.action=na.action)
new("classifOutput", method="svm",
trainInds=trainInd, allClass=as.character(pData(exprObj)[[classifLab]]),
# predScores=newQualScore(attr(out,"prob")),
RObject=out, call=match.call(), distMat=dis)
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