#' Generate a HTML/PDF report exploring edgeR results
#' This function generates a HTML report with exploratory data analysis plots
#' for edgeR results created. Other output formats are possible such as PDF
#' reports but they lose the interactivity. Users can easily append
#' to the report by providing a R Markdown file to \code{customCode}, or can
#' customize the entire template by providing an R Markdown file to
#' \code{template}.
#' @param dge A \link[edgeR]{DGEList} object.
#' @param object A \link[edgeR:DGEList-class]{DGEExact} or
#' \link[edgeR:DGELRT-class]{DGELRT} object that contains p-values stored in
#' \code{object$table$PValue}.
#' @param pAdjustMethod the method to use for adjusting p-values, see
#' \link[stats]{p.adjust}. This argument will be passed to
#' \link[DESeq2]{results}.
#' @param alpha the significance cutoff used for optimizing the independent
#' filtering (by default 0.1). If the adjusted p-value cutoff (FDR) will be a
#' value other than 0.1, alpha should be set to that value. This argument will
#' be passed to \link[DESeq2]{results}.
#' @param independentFiltering logical, whether independent filtering should be
#' applied automatically. By default it's set to \code{FALSE} in contrast with
#' the default used in \link[DESeq2]{results} to match \code{edgeR}'s behavior.
#' @param filter the vector of filter statistics over which the independent filtering
#' will be optimized. By default the logCPM will be used if
#' \code{independentFiltering} is set to \code{TRUE}. It can also be a length
#' 1 character vector specifying one of the column names of \code{object$table}.
#' @param theta the quantiles at which to assess the number of rejections from independent filtering. This argument is passed \link[DESeq2]{results}.
#' @param filterFun an optional custom function as described in
#' \link[DESeq2]{results}.
#' @inheritParams DESeq2Report
#' @return An HTML report with a basic exploration for the given set of edgeR
#' results. See the example report at
#' <http://leekgroup.github.io/regionReport/reference/edgeReport-example/edgeRexploration.html>.
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata 'metadata<-'
#' @importFrom DEFormats as.DESeqDataSet
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqResults
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols 'mcols<-'
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @details
#' Set \code{output_format} to \code{'knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document'} or
#' \code{'pdf_document'} if you want a HTML report styled by knitrBootstrap or
#' a PDF report respectively. If using knitrBootstrap, we recommend the version
#' available only via GitHub at <https://github.com/jimhester/knitrBootstrap>
#' which has nicer features than the current version available via CRAN.
#' If you modify the YAML front matter of \code{template}, you can use other
#' values for \code{output_format}.
#' This report is similar to the one created by \link{DESeq2Report} with two
#' additional plots exclusive for edgeR results. We designed the reports to be
#' very similar intentionally and use the Bioconductor package DEFormats to
#' achieve this goal.
#' @examples
#' ## Create example data using DEFormats
#' library("DEFormats")
#' set.seed(20160407)
#' counts <- simulateRnaSeqData()
#' group <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)
#' ## Create DGEList object
#' library("edgeR")
#' dge <- DGEList(counts, group = group)
#' ## Perform DE analysis with edgeR
#' design <- model.matrix(~group)
#' dge <- estimateDisp(dge, design)
#' fit <- glmFit(dge, design)
#' lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef = 2)
#' ## The output will be saved in the 'edgeReport-example' directory
#' dir.create("edgeReport-example", showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
#' ## Generate the HTML report
#' report <- edgeReport(dge, lrt,
#' project = "edgeR-example", intgroup = "group",
#' outdir = "edgeReport-example"
#' )
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ## Browse the report
#' browseURL(report)
#' }
#' ## See the example report at
#' ## http://leekgroup.github.io/regionReport/reference/edgeReport-example/edgeRexploration.html
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Note that you can run the example using:
#' example("edgeReport", "regionReport", ask = FALSE)
#' }
edgeReport <- function(
dge, object, project = "", intgroup, colors = NULL,
pAdjustMethod = "BH", alpha = 0.1, independentFiltering = FALSE, filter,
theta, filterFun, nBest = 500, nBestFeatures = 20, customCode = NULL,
outdir = "edgeRexploration", output = "edgeRexploration",
browse = interactive(), device = "png", template = NULL,
searchURL = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=", theme = NULL,
digits = 2, ...) {
## Check inputs
stopifnot(is(dge, "DGEList"))
stopifnot(is(object, "DGEExact") | is(object, "DGELRT"))
if (is.null(object$table)) stop("Need to run exactTest or glmLRT first")
stopifnot(nrow(dge$counts) == nrow(object$table))
stopifnot(rownames(dge$counts) == rownames(object$table))
stopifnot(all(c("PValue", "logCPM", "logFC") %in% colnames(object$table)))
## Transform to DESeq2 format
dds <- as.DESeqDataSet(dge)
## Fake having created results
mcols(dds) <- DataFrame(pvalue = object$table$PValue)
mcols(mcols(dds)) <- DataFrame(
type = "results",
description = "manual incomplete conversion from edgeR to DESeq2"
## Fix column names
colnames(object$table)[colnames(object$table) == "PValue"] <- "pvalue"
colnames(object$table)[colnames(object$table) == "logFC"] <- "log2FoldChange"
colnames(object$table)[colnames(object$table) == "logCPM"] <- "baseMean"
## Define res input
deseqRes <- DESeqResults(DataFrame(object$table))
## Use as default the logCPM (since it's renamed to baseMean)
if (!missing(filter)) {
if (is.character(filter) & length(filter) == 1) {
stopifnot(filter %in% colnames(object$table))
filter <- object$table[, filter]
## Obtain results
if (missing(filterFun)) {
deseqRes <- DESeq2:::pvalueAdjustment(deseqRes,
independentFiltering = independentFiltering, filter = filter,
theta = theta, alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod
} else {
deseqRes <- filterFun(deseqRes,
filter = filter, alpha = alpha,
pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod
## Save alpha value
metadata(deseqRes)[["alpha"]] <- alpha
## Call used
theCall <- match.call()
## Create report
project = project, intgroup = intgroup, colors = colors,
res = deseqRes, nBest = nBest, nBestFeatures = nBestFeatures,
customCode = customCode, outdir = outdir, output = output,
browse = browse, device = device, template = template,
searchURL = searchURL, theme = theme, digits = digits,
software = "edgeR", theCall = theCall, dge = dge, ...
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.