#' Generate a HTML/PDF report exploring the basic results from derfinder
#' This function generates a HTML report exploring the basic results from
#' single base-level approach derfinder analysis results
#' (<www.bioconductor.org/packages/derfinder>). The HTML report itself
#' is generated using rmarkdown (<http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/>). It works best
#' after using \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
#' @param prefix The main data directory path where
#' \link[derfinder]{mergeResults} was run. It should be the same as
#' \code{mergeResults(prefix)}.
#' @param outdir The name of output directory relative to \code{prefix}.
#' @param output The name of output HTML file (without the html extension).
#' @param project The title of the project.
#' @param browse If \code{TRUE} the HTML report is opened in your browser once
#' it's completed.
#' @param nBestRegions The number of region plots to make, ordered by area.
#' @param makeBestClusters If \code{TRUE}, \link[derfinderPlot]{plotCluster} is
#' used on the \code{nBestClusters} regions by area. Note that these plots take
#' some time to make.
#' @param nBestClusters The number of region cluster plots to make by taking
#' the \code{nBestClusters} regions ranked by area of the cluster.
#' @param fullCov A list where each element is the result from
#' \link[derfinder]{loadCoverage} used with \code{cutoff=NULL}. Can be
#' generated using \link[derfinder]{fullCoverage}.
#' @param hg19 If \code{TRUE} then the reference is assumed to be hg19 and
#' chromosome lengths as well as the default transcription database
#' (TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) will be used.
#' @param p.ideos A list where each element is the result of
#' \link[ggbio:plotSingleChrom]{plotIdeogram}. If it's \code{NULL} and \code{hg19=TRUE} then
#' they are created for the hg19 human reference.
#' @param txdb Specify the transcription database to use for making the plots
#' for the top regions by area. If \code{NULL} and \code{hg19=TRUE} then
#' TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene is used.
#' @param device The graphical device used when knitting. See more at
#' <http://yihui.name/knitr/options> (\code{dev} argument).
#' @param significantVar A character variable specifying whether to use the
#' p-values, the FDR adjusted p-values or the FWER adjusted p-values to
#' determine significance. Has to be either \code{'pvalue'}, \code{'qvalue'}
#' or \code{'fwer'}.
#' @param customCode An absolute path to a child R Markdown file with code to be
#' evaluated before the reproducibility section. Its useful for users who want
#' to customize the report by adding conclusions derived from the data and/or
#' further quality checks and plots.
#' @param template Template file to use for the report. If not provided, will
#' use the default file found in basicExploration/basicExploration.Rmd
#' within the package source.
#' @param theme A ggplot2 \link[ggplot2]{theme} to use for the plots made with
#' ggplot2.
#' @param digits The number of digits to round to in the interactive table of
#' the top \code{nBestRegions}. Note that p-values and adjusted p-values won't
#' be rounded.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and/or advanced arguments.
#' Advanced arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{chrsStyle }{ The naming style of the chromosomes. By default, UCSC.
#' See \link[GenomeInfoDb]{seqlevelsStyle}.}
#' \item{species }{ Species name. See \link[derfinder]{extendedMapSeqlevels}
#' for more information.}
#' \item{currentStyle }{ Current naming style used. See
#' \link[derfinder]{extendedMapSeqlevels} for more information.}
#' \item{fullRegions }{ Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
#' Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.}
#' \item{fullNullSummary }{ Part of the output of
#' \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}. Specify it only if you have already loaded
#' it in memory.}
#' \item{fullAnnotatedRegions }{ Part of the output of
#' \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}. Specify it only if you have already loaded
#' it in memory.}
#' \item{optionsStats }{ Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{analyzeChr}.
#' Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.}
#' \item{optionsMerge }{ Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
#' Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.}
#' \item{overviewParams }{ A two element list with \code{base_size} and
#' \code{areaRel} that control the text size for the genomic overview plots.}
#' \item{output_format }{ Either \code{html_document}, \code{pdf_document} or
#' \code{knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document} unless you modify the YAML
#' template.}
#' \item{clean }{ Logical, whether to clean the results or not. Passed to
#' \link[rmarkdown]{render}.}
#' }
#' Passed to \link[derfinder]{extendedMapSeqlevels}.
#' @return An HTML report with a basic exploration of the derfinder results.
#' See the example output at
#' <http://leekgroup.github.io/regionReport/reference/derfinderReport-example/basicExploration/basicExploration.html>.
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @seealso \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}, \link[derfinder]{analyzeChr},
#' \link[derfinder]{fullCoverage}
#' @export
#' @importFrom derfinder extendedMapSeqlevels
#' @importFrom RefManageR PrintBibliography Citep WriteBib as.BibEntry
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels renameSeqlevels
#' @importFrom utils browseURL citation packageVersion
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
#' @importFrom knitrBootstrap knit_bootstrap
#' @importFrom BiocStyle html_document
#' @import knitr
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @details
#' Set \code{output_format} to \code{'knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document'} or
#' \code{'pdf_document'} if you want a HTML report styled by knitrBootstrap or
#' a PDF report respectively. If using knitrBootstrap, we recommend the version
#' available only via GitHub at <https://github.com/jimhester/knitrBootstrap>
#' which has nicer features than the current version available via CRAN. You can
#' also set the \code{output_format} to \code{'html_document'} for a HTML
#' report styled by rmarkdown. The default is set to
#' \code{'BiocStyle::html_document'}.
#' If you modify the YAML front matter of \code{template}, you can use other
#' values for \code{output_format}.
#' The HTML report styled with knitrBootstrap can be smaller in size than the
#' \code{'html_document'} report.
#' @examples
#' ## Load derfinder
#' library("derfinder")
#' ## The output will be saved in the 'derfinderReport-example' directory
#' dir.create("derfinderReport-example", showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
#' ## For convenience, the derfinder output has been pre-computed
#' file.copy(system.file(file.path("extdata", "chr21"),
#' package = "derfinder",
#' mustWork = TRUE
#' ), "derfinderReport-example", recursive = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## If you prefer, you can generate the output from derfinder
#' initialPath <- getwd()
#' setwd(file.path(initialPath, "derfinderReport-example"))
#' ## Collapse the coverage information
#' collapsedFull <- collapseFullCoverage(list(genomeData$coverage),
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Calculate library size adjustments
#' sampleDepths <- sampleDepth(collapsedFull,
#' probs = c(0.5), nonzero = TRUE,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Build the models
#' group <- genomeInfo$pop
#' adjustvars <- data.frame(genomeInfo$gender)
#' models <- makeModels(sampleDepths, testvars = group, adjustvars = adjustvars)
#' ## Analyze chromosome 21
#' analyzeChr(
#' chr = "21", coverageInfo = genomeData, models = models,
#' cutoffFstat = 1, cutoffType = "manual", seeds = 20140330, groupInfo = group,
#' mc.cores = 1, writeOutput = TRUE, returnOutput = FALSE
#' )
#' ## Change the directory back to the original one
#' setwd(initialPath)
#' }
#' ## Merge the results from the different chromosomes. In this case, there's
#' ## only one: chr21
#' mergeResults(
#' chrs = "21", prefix = "derfinderReport-example",
#' genomicState = genomicState$fullGenome
#' )
#' ## Load the options used for calculating the statistics
#' load(file.path("derfinderReport-example", "chr21", "optionsStats.Rdata"))
#' ## Generate the HTML report
#' report <- derfinderReport(
#' prefix = "derfinderReport-example", browse = FALSE,
#' nBestRegions = 15, makeBestClusters = TRUE,
#' fullCov = list("21" = genomeDataRaw$coverage), optionsStats = optionsStats
#' )
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ## Browse the report
#' browseURL(report)
#' }
#' ## See the example output at
#' ## http://leekgroup.github.io/regionReport/reference/derfinderReport-example/basicExploration/basicExploration.html
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Note that you can run the example using:
#' example("derfinderReport", "regionReport", ask = FALSE)
#' }
derfinderReport <- function(
prefix, outdir = "basicExploration",
output = "basicExploration", project = prefix, browse = interactive(),
nBestRegions = 100, makeBestClusters = TRUE, nBestClusters = 2,
fullCov = NULL, hg19 = TRUE, p.ideos = NULL, txdb = NULL,
device = "png", significantVar = "qvalue", customCode = NULL,
template = NULL, theme = NULL, digits = 2, ...) {
stopifnot(length(significantVar) == 1)
stopifnot(significantVar %in% c("pvalue", "qvalue", "fwer"))
if (!is.null(theme)) stopifnot(is(theme, c("theme", "gg")))
hasCustomCode <- !is.null(customCode)
if (hasCustomCode) stopifnot(length(customCode) == 1)
## Save start time for getting the total processing time
startTime <- Sys.time()
## Advanced parameters
# @param chrsStyle The naming style of the chromosomes. By default, UCSC. See
# \link[GenomeInfoDb]{seqlevelsStyle}.
chrsStyle <- .advanced_argument("chrsStyle", "UCSC", ...)
# @param species Species name. See \link[derfinder]{extendedMapSeqlevels} for
# more information.
species <- .advanced_argument("species", getOption("species", "homo_sapiens"), ...)
# @param currentStyle Current naming style used. See
# \link[derfinder]{extendedMapSeqlevels} for more information.
currentStyle <- .advanced_argument("currentStyle", "UCSC", ...)
# @param fullRegions Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
# Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.
fullRegions <- .advanced_argument("fullRegions", NULL, ...)
# @param fullNullSummary Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
# Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.
fullNullSummary <- .advanced_argument("fullNullSummary", NULL, ...)
# @param fullAnnotatedRegions Part of the output of
# \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}. Specify it only if you have already loaded
# it in memory.
fullAnnotatedRegions <- .advanced_argument(
"fullAnnotatedRegions", NULL,
# @param optionsStats Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{analyzeChr}.
# Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.
optionsStats <- .advanced_argument("optionsStats", NULL, ...)
# @param optionsMerge Part of the output of \link[derfinder]{mergeResults}.
# Specify it only if you have already loaded it in memory.
optionsMerge <- .advanced_argument("optionsMerge", NULL, ...)
# @param overviewParams A two element list with \code{base_size} and
# \code{areaRel} that control the text size for the genomic overview plots.
overviewParams <- .advanced_argument("overviewParam", list(
base_size = 10,
areaRel = 5
), ...)
## Check that overviewParams is correctly specified
stopifnot(sum(names(overviewParams) %in% c("base_size", "areaRel")) == 2)
## Create outdir
dir.create(file.path(prefix, outdir),
showWarnings = FALSE,
recursive = TRUE
workingDir <- file.path(getwd(), prefix)
## Locate Rmd if one is not provided
if (is.null(template)) {
templateNull <- TRUE
template <- system.file(
file.path("basicExploration", "basicExploration.Rmd"),
package = "regionReport", mustWork = TRUE
} else {
templateNull <- FALSE
## Check all packages (from suggests) needed for the report
if (hg19) load_check(c("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene", "biovizBase"))
"IRanges", "derfinderPlot", "ggbio", "ggplot2", "grid", "gridExtra",
"RColorBrewer", "mgcv", "whisker", "DT", "sessioninfo"
## Write bibliography information
bib <- c(
RefManageR = citation("RefManageR")[1],
derfinder = citation("derfinder")[1],
derfinderPlot = citation("derfinderPlot")[1],
regionReport = citation("regionReport")[1],
DT = citation("DT"),
ggbio = citation("ggbio"),
ggplot2 = citation("ggplot2"),
knitr = citation("knitr")[3],
rmarkdown = citation("rmarkdown")[1]
WriteBib(as.BibEntry(bib), file = file.path(prefix, outdir, paste0(output, ".bib")))
## Load files
if (is.null(fullRegions)) {
load(file.path(prefix, "fullRegions.Rdata"))
if (is.null(fullNullSummary)) {
load(file.path(prefix, "fullNullSummary.Rdata"))
if (is.null(fullAnnotatedRegions)) {
load(file.path(prefix, "fullAnnotatedRegions.Rdata"))
if (is.null(optionsStats)) {
load(file.path(prefix, dir(prefix, pattern = "chr")[1], "optionsStats.Rdata"))
if (is.null(optionsMerge)) {
load(file.path(prefix, "optionsMerge.Rdata"))
## Require fullCov
if (makeBestClusters) {
makeBestClusters <- !nBestClusters == 0
} else {
nBestClusters <- 0
## Use UCSC names for homo_sapiens by default
fullRegions <- renameSeqlevels(fullRegions, extendedMapSeqlevels(seqlevels(fullRegions), ...))
names(fullCov) <- extendedMapSeqlevels(names(fullCov), ...)
##### Setup chunk options Are there any null regions? If not, then there
##### won't be any p-values either.
nullExist <- length(fullNullSummary) > 0
fwerExist <- all(c("fwer", "significantFWER") %in% colnames(mcols(fullRegions)))
## Were permutations used?
seeds <- optionsStats$seeds
usedPermutations <- length(optionsStats$nPermute) > 0 & !is.null(seeds)
## Are there significant regions?
sigVar <- switch(significantVar,
pvalue = "significant",
qvalue = "significantQval",
fwer = "significantFWER"
if (significantVar == "fwer" & !fwerExist) {
warning("There are no FWER adjusted P-values, will use FDR adjusted p-values instead.")
significantVar <- "significantQval"
pvalText <- switch(sigVar,
significant = "P-value",
significantQval = "FDR adjusted P-value",
significantFWER = "FWER adjusted P-value"
pvalVar <- switch(sigVar,
significant = "pval",
significantQval = "qval",
significantFWER = "fwer"
idx.sig <- as.logical(mcols(fullRegions)[[sigVar]])
sigCut <- optionsMerge$significantCut[ifelse(sigVar == "significantQval", 2, 1)]
hasSig <- any(idx.sig)
## Are there regions with infite area?
finite.area <- is.finite(fullRegions$area)
hasArea <- any(idx.sig & finite.area)
inf.area <- sum(!is.finite(fullRegions$area))
## Save the call
theCall <- match.call()
## Generate report
## Perform code within the output directory.
tmpdir <- getwd()
with_wd(file.path(prefix, outdir), {
file.copy(template, to = paste0(output, ".Rmd"))
## Output format
output_format <- .advanced_argument(
"BiocStyle::html_document", ...
outputIsHTML <- output_format %in% c(
"knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document", "BiocStyle::html_document"
if (!outputIsHTML) {
if (device == "png") warning("You might want to switch the 'device' argument from 'png' to 'pdf' for better quality plots.")
## Check knitrBoostrap version
knitrBootstrapFlag <- packageVersion("knitrBootstrap") < "1.0.0"
if (knitrBootstrapFlag & output_format == "knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document") {
## CRAN version
tmp <- knit_bootstrap(paste0(output, ".Rmd"), chooser = c(
), show_code = TRUE)
res <- file.path(tmpdir, outdir, paste0(output, ".html"))
unlink(paste0(output, ".md"))
} else {
res <- render(paste0(output, ".Rmd"), output_format,
clean = .advanced_argument("clean", TRUE, ...)
if (templateNull) file.remove(paste0(output, ".Rmd"))
## Open
if (browse) browseURL(res)
## Finish
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.