#' DeeDee Summary
#' @param deedee_list named list of results from deedee_prepare()
#' @param output_path the path to save the resulting report in. must end with
#' a filename.html (default = "DeeDee_Summary.html" in the
#' working directory)
#' @param overwrite logical value specifying if the output is supposed to
#' overwrite a potential existing file at the location of
#' output_path (default = FALSE)
#' @param pthresh threshold for p-values to be in-/excluded (default = 0.05)
#' @param scatter_select1 index of first data-list element to be used
#' (default = 1)
#' @param scatter_select2 index of second data-list element to be used
#' (default = 2)
#' @param scatter_color_by indicates which set of values the output should be
#' colored by (possible values = `pval1` (default),
#' `pval2`)
#' @param heatmap_show_first indicating the number of genes depicted
#' (default = 25)
#' @param heatmap_show_gene_names boolean, show row names next to heatmap
#' (default = FALSE)
#' @param heatmap_dist select the distance measure (`euclidean`, `manhattan`,
#' `pearson`, `spearman`)
#' @param heatmap_clust select the clustering method (`single`, `complete`,
#' `average`, `centroid`)
#' @param heatmap_show_na boolean, include genes with NA values in heatmap
#' (default = FALSE)
#' @param venn_mode show all overlapping DE genes (`both`, default),
#' only conjointly up-regulated (`up`)
#' or only conjointly down-regulated (`down`) genes
#' @param upset_mode show all overlapping DE genes (`both`),
#' all overlapping genes colored by DE direction
#' (`both_colored`, default),
#' only conjointly up-regulated (`up`)
#' or only conjointly down-regulated (`down`) genes
#' @param upset_min_setsize the minimum size of intersections to be displayed in
#' the UpSet plot (default = 10)
#' @param qqmult_ref index of the contrast in data to be used as reference
#' contrast (default = 1)
#' @param cat_ref index of the contrast in data to be used as reference contrast
#' (default = 1)
#' @param cat_maxrank highest rank that should be displayed (default = 1000)
#' @param cat_mode sort by highest logFC (`up`, default), lowest logFC (`down`)
#' or greatest deviation from zero (`both`)
#' @param silent logical, specifying if success message shall be suppressed
#' (default = FALSE)
#' @param open_file logical, specifying if the output file is supposed to be
#' opened after successful creation (default = TRUE)
#' @return Creates a html document containing the results of running the DeeDee
#' functions on your input data and params. TODO where
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(DE_results_IFNg_naive, package = "DeeDee")
#' IFNg_naive <- deedee_prepare(IFNg_naive, "DESeq2")
#' data(DE_results_IFNg_both, package = "DeeDee")
#' IFNg_both <- deedee_prepare(IFNg_both, "DESeq2")
#' data(DE_results_Salm_naive, package = "DeeDee")
#' Salm_naive <- deedee_prepare(Salm_naive, "DESeq2")
#' data(DE_results_Salm_both, package = "DeeDee")
#' Salm_both <- deedee_prepare(Salm_both, "DESeq2")
#' dd_list <- list(
#' IFNg_naive = IFNg_naive, IFNg_both = IFNg_both,
#' Salm_naive = Salm_naive, Salm_both = Salm_both
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' deedee_summary(dd_list)
#' }
deedee_summary <- function(deedee_list,
output_path = "DeeDee_Summary.html",
overwrite = FALSE,
pthresh = 0.05,
scatter_select1 = 1,
scatter_select2 = 2,
scatter_color_by = "pval1",
heatmap_show_first = 25,
heatmap_show_gene_names = FALSE,
heatmap_dist = "euclidean",
heatmap_clust = "average",
heatmap_show_na = FALSE,
venn_mode = "both",
upset_mode = "both_colored",
upset_min_setsize = 10,
qqmult_ref = 1,
cat_ref = 1,
cat_maxrank = 1000,
cat_mode = "up",
silent = FALSE,
open_file = TRUE) {
# ----------------------------- argument check ------------------------------
checkmate::assert_list(deedee_list, type = "data.frame", min.len = 2)
for (i in 1:length(deedee_list)) {
checkmate::assert_data_frame(deedee_list[[i]], type = "numeric")
checkmate::assert_number(pthresh, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assert_number(scatter_select1, lower = 1, upper = length(deedee_list))
checkmate::assert_number(scatter_select2, lower = 1, upper = length(deedee_list))
choices <- c("pval1", "pval2")
checkmate::assert_choice(scatter_color_by, choices)
checkmate::assert_number(heatmap_show_first, lower = 1)
choices1 <- c("euclidean", "manhattan", "pearson", "spearman")
checkmate::assert_choice(heatmap_dist, choices1)
choices2 <- c("single", "complete", "average", "centroid")
checkmate::assert_choice(heatmap_clust, choices2)
choices <- c("up", "down", "both")
checkmate::assert_choice(venn_mode, choices)
choices <- c("up", "down", "both", "both_colored")
checkmate::assert_choice(upset_mode, choices)
checkmate::assert_number(upset_min_setsize, lower = 0)
checkmate::assert_number(qqmult_ref, lower = 1, upper = length(deedee_list))
checkmate::assert_number(cat_ref, lower = 1, upper = length(deedee_list))
checkmate::assert_number(cat_maxrank, lower = 1)
choices <- c("up", "down", "both")
checkmate::assert_choice(cat_mode, choices)
# ---------------------------- R Markdown output -----------------------------
template <- system.file("extdata",
package = "DeeDee"
if (file.exists(output_path)) {
if (!overwrite) {
stop("Your declared output file already exists. ",
"Set overwrite = TRUE to proceed anyway.",
call. = FALSE
output_rmd <- paste(unlist(strsplit(output_path,
split = ".",
fixed = TRUE
))[1], ".Rmd", sep = "")
file.copy(from = template, to = output_rmd, overwrite = TRUE)
args <- list()
args$input <- output_rmd
args$output_format <- "html_document"
args$output_path <- output_path
output_path <- rmarkdown::render(output_rmd,
params = args
if (open_file == TRUE) {
if (silent == FALSE) {
print("Your summary has been generated!")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.