setMethod("spliceSummary", c("GenomicRanges", "GRangesList"), function(obj,
weighted = TRUE){
lst <- lapply(model, function(md){
logi <- isMatchedWithModel(md, obj)
logi <- rep(FALSE, length(obj))
res <-, lst)
res.s <- apply(res, 2, sum)
idx.all <- res.s > 1
res.n <- as.numeric(res)
res.m <- matrix(res.n, nrow = nrow(res))
res.m[,idx.all] <- res.m[,idx.all]/res.s[idx.all]
freq <- apply(res.m, 1, sum)
freq <- apply(res, 1, sum)
names(freq) <- names(model)
setMethod("spliceSummary", c("character", "GRangesList"), function(obj,
weighted = TRUE){
if(tools::file_ext(obj) == "bam"){
## bf <- BamFile(obj)
stop("Only support file with .bam extention name now")
## if(missing(which))
which <- range(reduce(unlist(model)))
ga <- readGAlignments(obj, param = ScanBamParam(which = which),
use.names = TRUE)
## reduce model
## assumption here is that: contains unoverlaped exons.
## must contain exon id
exons <- reduce(unlist(model), ignore.strand = TRUE);
## first leave only junction read
idx <- sapply(cigar(ga), isJunctionRead)
ga.junction <- ga[idx]
gr.junction <- as(ga.junction, "GRanges")
spliceSummary(gr.junction, model = model, weighted = weighted)
isJunctionRead <- function(cigar){
grepl("N", cigar)
## model is a GRanges containing exons, sgr is a single gr object
isMatchedWithModel <- function(model, gr){
## require on the same chromosome now
if(length(unique(as.character(seqnames(model)))) > 1)
stop("only support single chromosome summary now")
if(unique(as.character(seqnames(model))) !=
stop("Cannot be mapped due to different space")
model <- sort(model)
## do we consider strand information?
countOverlaps(ranges(gr), ranges(model)) == 2
setMethod("spliceSummary", c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicRanges"), function(obj,
model_id = NULL){
ov <- findOverlaps(ranges(obj), ranges(model))
mm <- as.matrix(ov)
res <- split(mm[,2], mm[,1])
idx <- unlist(lapply(split(mm[,2], mm[,1]),length)) > 1
res <- lapply(res[idx], function(x){
x <- values(model)[,model_id][x]
paste(head(x, 1), tail(x, 1), sep = "-")
nms <- names(table(unlist(res)))
res <- as.numeric(table(unlist(res)))
names(res) <- nms
setMethod("spliceSummary", c("character", "GenomicRanges"), function(obj,
model_id = NULL){
if(tools::file_ext(obj) == "bam"){
stop("Only support file with .bam extention name now")
## if(missing(which))
which <- range(model)
ga <- readGAlignments(obj, param = ScanBamParam(which = which),
use.names = TRUE)
## first leave only junction read
grl <- grglist(ga)
idx <- elementNROWS(grl) > 1
ga.junction <- ga[idx]
gr.junction <- as(ga.junction, "GRanges")
spliceSummary(gr.junction, model = model, model_id = model_id)
## functions downbelow from workshop by Michael Lawrence
## will be implmented by into his package, so I will replace this function later
## splicefun <- function(files, txdb, which, id, xlim, txdb.chr.pre = character(), weight = 1){
## elementGaps <- function(x) {
## x_flat <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
## egaps <- gaps(ranges(x))
## first_segment <- start(PartitioningByWidth(x))
## sn <- seqnames(x_flat)[first_segment][togroup(egaps)]
## strand <- strand(x_flat)[first_segment][togroup(egaps)]
## relist(GRanges(sn, unlist(egaps, use.names = FALSE),
## strand, seqlengths = seqlengths(x)),
## egaps)
## }
## pairReadRanges <- function(reads) {
## pairs <- split(unlist(reads, use.names=FALSE),
## factor(names(reads)[togroup(reads)],
## unique(names(reads))))
## metadata(pairs) <- metadata(reads)
## xs <- values(reads)$XS
## has_xs <- !
## pair_xs <- setNames(, length(pairs)),
## names(pairs))
## pair_xs[names(reads)[has_xs]] <- xs[has_xs]
## values(pairs)$XS <- unname(pair_xs)
## pairs
## }
## strandFromXS <- function(pairs) {
## xs <- values(pairs)$XS
## strand <- ifelse(! & xs != "?", xs, "*")
## strand(pairs) <- relist(Rle(strand, elementNROWS(pairs)),
## pairs)
## pairs
## }
## gr2key <- function(x) {
## paste(seqnames(x), start(x), end(x), strand(x),
## sep = ":")
## }
## key2gr <- function(x, ...) {
## key_mat <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(x, ":", fixed=TRUE)),
## nrow = 4)
## GRanges(key_mat[1,],
## IRanges(as.integer(key_mat[2,]),
## as.integer(key_mat[3,])),
## key_mat[4,], ...)
## }
## findIsoformOverlaps <- function(pairs) {
## splices <- values(pairs)$splices
## hits <- findOverlaps(pairs, tx)
## hit_pairs <- ranges(pairs)[queryHits(hits)]
## hit_splices <- ranges(splices)[queryHits(hits)]
## hit_tx <- ranges(tx)[subjectHits(hits)]
## read_within <-
## elementNROWS(setdiff(hit_pairs, hit_tx)) == 0L
## tx_within <-
## elementNROWS(intersect(hit_tx, hit_splices)) == 0L
## compatible <- read_within & tx_within
## compat_hits <- hits[compatible]
## reads_unique <- tabulate(queryHits(compat_hits),
## queryLength(compat_hits)) == 1L
## unique <- logical(length(hits))
## unique[compatible] <- reads_unique[queryHits(compat_hits)]
## strand_specific <-
## all(strand(pairs) != "*")[queryHits(hits)]
## values(hits) <- DataFrame(strand_specific,
## compatible,
## unique)
## list(hits = hits,
## compatible = compatible,
## strand_specific = strand_specific)
## }
## countIsoformHits <- function(hits, compatible, strand_specific) {
## countByTx <- function(x) {
## tabulate(subjectHits(hits)[x], subjectLength(hits))
## }
## compatible_strand <-
## countByTx(with(values(hits),
## compatible & strand_specific))
## counts <- DataFrame(compatible_strand,
## lapply(values(hits)[-1], countByTx))
## counts
## }
## summarizeSplices <- function(reads) {
## splices <- values(reads)$splices
## splices_flat <- unlist(splices, use.names = FALSE)
## if(length(splices_flat)){
## splice_table <- table(gr2key(splices_flat))
## splice_summary <-
## key2gr(names(splice_table),
## score = as.integer(splice_table),
## novel = !names(splice_table) %in% tx_keys,
## seqlengths = seqlengths(splices))
## }else{
## splice_summary <- GRanges()
## }
## splice_summary
## }
## getUniqueReads <- function(reads, hits) {
## sel <- values(hits)$unique &
## subjectHits(hits) %in% c(1, 4)
## reads[unique(queryHits(hits)[sel])]
## }
## message("Parsing gene structure from txdb...")
## if(!missing(id)){
## aldoa_gr <- exons(txdb, columns = c("tx_id", "gene_id"),
## filter = list(gene_id = id))
## aldoa_gr <- keepSeqlevels(aldoa_gr, unique(as.character(seqnames(aldoa_gr))))
## ## FIXME later
## nms <- as.character(names(seqlengths(aldoa_gr)))
## <- paste(txdb.chr.pre, nms, sep = "")
## names( <- nms
## aldoa_gr <- renameSeqlevels(aldoa_gr,
## aldoa_range <- range(aldoa_gr)
## wh <- aldoa_range
## aldoa_vals <- values(aldoa_gr)
## tx <- multisplit(aldoa_gr, aldoa_vals$tx_id)
## tx_to_val <- match(names(tx), unlist(aldoa_vals$tx_id))
## values(tx)$gene_id <-
## rep(unlist(aldoa_vals$gene_id),
## elementNROWS(aldoa_vals$tx_id))[tx_to_val]
## values(tx)$tx_id <- names(tx)
## }else if(!missing(which) & is(which, "GRanges")){
## isActiveSeq(txdb)[seqlevels(txdb)] <- FALSE
## seqnms <- as.character(unique(seqnames(which)))
## seqnms <- gsub(txdb.chr.pre, "", seqnms)
## isActiveSeq(txdb)[seqnms] <- TRUE
## ## aldoa_gr <- exons(txdb, columns = c("tx_id", "gene_id"))
## ## aldoa_gr <- keepSeqlevels(aldoa_gr, unique(as.character(seqnames(aldoa_gr))))
## ## nms <- as.character(names(seqlengths(aldoa_gr)))
## ## <- paste(txdb.chr.pre, nms, sep = "")
## ## names( <- nms
## ## aldoa_gr <- renameSeqlevels(aldoa_gr,
## ## aldoa_gr <- subsetByOverlaps(aldoa_gr, which)
## ## aldoa_range <- range(aldoa_gr)
## aldoa_range <- which
## exons_grl <- exonsBy(txdb)
## gr.l <- stack(exons_grl, ".sample")
## gr.l <- keepSeqlevels(gr.l, unique(as.character(seqnames(gr.l))))
## nms <- as.character(names(seqlengths(gr.l)))
## <- paste(txdb.chr.pre, nms, sep = "")
## names( <- nms
## gr.l <- renameSeqlevels(gr.l,
## exons_grl <- split(gr.l, values(gr.l)$.sample)
## ans <- subsetByOverlaps(exons_grl, which)
## values(ans)$tx_id <- names(ans)
## tx_gr <- transcripts(txdb, columns = c("tx_id", "gene_id"))
## values(ans)$gene_id <-
## drop(values(tx_gr)$gene_id)[match(names(ans),
## values(tx_gr)$tx_id)]
## tx <- ans
## ## wh <- aldoa_range
## ## aldoa_vals <- values(aldoa_gr)
## ## tx <- multisplit(aldoa_gr, aldoa_vals$tx_id)
## ## tx_to_val <- match(names(tx), unlist(aldoa_vals$tx_id))
## ## values(tx)$gene_id <-
## ## rep(unlist(aldoa_vals$gene_id),
## ## elementNROWS(aldoa_vals$tx_id))[tx_to_val]
## ## values(tx)$tx_id <- names(tx)
## }
## message("Parsing bam files")
## bamFiles <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(files)
## message("Analysing...")
## introns <- elementGaps(tx)
## introns_flat <- unlist(introns, use.names = FALSE)
## tx_keys <- gr2key(introns_flat)
## readReadRanges <- function(bam) {
## param <- ScanBamParam(tag = "XS", which = aldoa_range)
## ga <- readGAlignments(path(bam),
## use.names = TRUE,
## param = param)
## reads <- grglist(ga)
## metadata(reads)$bamfile <- bam
## splices <- elementGaps(reads)
## values(splices)$XS <- values(reads)$XS
## pairs <- pairReadRanges(reads)
## pairs <- strandFromXS(pairs)
## splices <- pairReadRanges(splices)
## splices <- strandFromXS(splices)
## values(pairs)$splices <- splices
## pairs
## }
## N <- length(bamFiles)
## nms <- names(bamFiles)
## lst_hits <- lst_counts <- lst_splices <- lst_rr <- list()
## message("parsing hits/counts/splcies")
## for(i in 1:N){
## bf <- bamFiles[[i]]
## rr <- readReadRanges(bf)
## lst_rr <- c(lst_rr, rr)
## hits.lst <- findIsoformOverlaps(rr)
## lst_hits <- c(lst_hits, hits.lst$hits)
## lst_counts <- c(lst_counts, countIsoformHits(hits.lst$hits, hits.lst$compatible, hits.lst$strand_specific))
## lst_splices <- c(lst_splices, summarizeSplices(rr))
## }
## names(lst_hits) <- nms
## names(lst_counts) <- nms
## names(lst_splices) <- nms
## names(lst_rr) <- nms
## ## normal <- readReadRanges(bamFiles)
## ## tumor <- readReadRanges(bamFiles$tumor)
## ## normal_hits <- findIsoformOverlaps(normal)
## ## normal_counts <- countIsoformHits(normal_hits)
## ## normal_splices <- summarizeSplices(normal)
## ## tumor_hits <- findIsoformOverlaps(tumor)
## ## tumor_counts <- countIsoformHits(tumor_hits)
## ## tumor_splices <- summarizeSplices(tumor)
## ###################################################
## ### code chunk number 39: combine-samples
## ###################################################
## assays <-, c(list(cbind), lst_counts, list(SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
## ## assays <- mapply(cbind, normal_counts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
## ## assays <- mapply(cbind, normal_counts, tumor_counts,
## colData <- DataFrame(tumorStatus = names(bamFiles))
## rownames(colData) <- colData$tumorStatus
## se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays, tx, colData)
## ###################################################
## ### code chunk number 40: order-se
## ###################################################
## uc <- assay(se, "unique")
## uc_ord <- order(rowSums(uc), decreasing = TRUE)
## uc_top <- uc[head(uc_ord, 2),]
## ## fisher.test(uc_top)$estimate
## ###################################################
## ### code chunk number 41: get-unique-reads
## ###################################################
## lst_uniq <- lapply(1:N, function(i){
## getUniqueReads(lst_rr[[i]], lst_hits[[i]])
## })
## names(lst_uniq) <- nms
## ## normal_uniq <- getUniqueReads(normal, normal_hits)
## ## tumor_uniq <- getUniqueReads(tumor, tumor_hits)
## both_uniq <-, lapply(lst_uniq, unlist))
## ###################################################
## ### code chunk number 42: combine-splices
## ###################################################
## lst_uniq_splices <- lapply(lst_uniq, summarizeSplices)
## names(lst_uniq_splices) <- nms
## uniq_splices <-, lst_uniq_splices)
## all_splices <-, lst_splices)
## novel_splices <- all_splices[values(all_splices)$novel]
## ## novel_splices <- all_splices[values(all_splices)$novel &
## ## values(all_splices)$score == 9]
## ## novel_splices <- all_splices[values(all_splices)$novel &
## ## values(all_splices)$score == 9]
## ## uniq_novel_splices <- c(uniq_splices, novel_splices)
## ## uniq_novel_splices <- c(uniq_splices, all_splices)
## uniq_novel_splices <- c(uniq_splices, novel_splices)
## both_uniq <- keepSeqlevels(both_uniq, unique(as.character(seqnames(both_uniq))))
## .wt <- max(width(uniq_novel_splices))/max(coverage(both_uniq)) * weight
## .wt <- as.numeric(.wt)
## aes.res <-,list(size = substitute(score),
## height = substitute(width/.wt, list(.wt = .wt)),
## color = substitute(novel)))
## message("Constructing splicing graphics....")
## p.novel <-, c(list(data = uniq_novel_splices,
## ylab = "coverage",
## rect.height = 0), list(aes.res)))
## p.s <- ggplot() + p.novel +, list(data = both_uniq, facets = name~.))
## message("Constructing gene model....")
## if(length(txdb.chr.pre))
## wh <- GRanges(gsub(txdb.chr.pre, "", as.character(seqnames(wh))),
## ranges(wh))
## ## browser()
## tx_un <- stack(tx, ".sample")
## tx_cur <- keepSeqlevels(tx_un, unique(as.character(seqnames(tx_un))))
## tx_cur <- tx_cur[, setdiff(colnames(values(tx_cur)), c("tx_id", "gene_id"))]
## tx_cur <- split(tx_cur, values(tx_cur)$.sample)
## tx_track <-, list(object = tx_cur, geom = "alignment", ylab = ""))
## ## tx_track <- autoplot(tx_16, geom = "alignment", ylab = "")
## ## tx_track <-, list(object = txdb, which = wh))
## if(missing(xlim))
## xlim <- c(start(wh), end(wh))
## tracks(p.s, tx_track, xlim = xlim, heights = c(3, 1))
## }
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