#'@title Variable Selection
#'@description Function to do variable selection using a Regression Biplot methodology.
#' This function calculates the regression biplot on the compromise matrix. Biplot can be
#' understood as the decomposition of a target matrix ($Y=XB$). Here, $Y$ is the matrix containing all
#' variables taken into account in the analisis,$X$ is the matrix containing the explaining variables, i.e., the coordinates of compromise matrix
#' and finally, $B$ are the regression coefficients to be estimated. Then, the method is interpreted as
#' a general linear regression into the $X$ matrix (${Y_hat}=X(X'X)^(-1)X'Y$) and the matrix $X(X'X)^(-1)X'$ is the projection matrix
#' onto the compromise configuration. We use a classical linear model to obtain the regressors coefficients, however
#' the model could be extended and alternatives methods are able to use.
#' The quality of the regression biplot is measured using the proportion of explained variance
#' by each regression (adjusted r squared coefficient).
#'@param x is an object of DistStatis Class.
#'@param Data should be a list of data.frame or ExpressionSet data with the same length of the number of tables to be integrate.
#' In each dataframe, the Observations (common elements on Statis) should be in rows and the variables should be in columns. Data are the same
#' data used to obtained the compromise configuration.It also can be a MultissayExperiment object, please check help of LinkData function and the package vignette.
#'@param intercept Logical. If is TRUE, the models with intercept are computed, else the intercept is zero.
#'@param model character. 'LM' for classical lm model. We've planned to implemening alternative models in the future.
#'@param Crit Character indicating the variable selection criteria.You could chose 'Rsquare' or 'p-val'.
#'@param perc The value of percentil that indicate how much data than are selected.
#'@param nDims Numeric that indicates the number of dimensions to use for do the model. Default is 2.
#'@param Normalize Logical. If is TRUE, the response variable in each model is normalized.
#'@return a \item{VarSelection}{VarSelection class with the
#' corresponding completed slots
#' according to the given model. Note that if a variable is chosen from several tables, it will appear as Var.1, Var.2, etc.}
#'@author Laura M Zingatetti
#'\item Gabriel, K. (1971). The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika 58(3), 453--467.
#'\item Gower, J. & Hand, D. (1996). Biplots, Monographs on statistics and applied probability. 54. London: Chapman and Hall., 277 pp.
#'\item Greenacre, M. J. (2010). Biplots in practice. Fundacion BBVA.
#' @examples
#'pro.phylo <- Taraoceans$taxonomy[ ,'Phylum']
#'Output<-LinkData(TaraOc,Scale =FALSE,
#'Distance = c('ScalarProduct','Euclidean','Euclidean'))
#'@name VarSelection
#'@rdname VarSelection
#'@import methods
#'@importMethodsFrom MultiAssayExperiment assays
# x is an object comes from DistStatis class, intercept idicates if the model would be runned with/without
# intercept crit is the model selection criteria used to variable selection Rsquare/ p-value perc proportion
# of observations to select nDims N how many dims do you want to use as explained variables in the model?
VarSelection <- function(x, Data, intercept = FALSE, model = "LM", Crit = "Rsquare", perc = 0.9, nDims = 2,
Normalize = FALSE) {
#fix the problem with categories Dec 11, 2019
## Obtain x name for future update
nameObject <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (!is(x, "DistStatis")) {
stop("x should be an object from DistStatis-class")
if (is(Data, "MultiassayExperiment")) {
Data <- assays(Data)
WWW <- Compromise_matrix(x)
## Check parameters
stopifnot(Crit[1] %in% c("Rsquare", "p-val"))
if (is.null(perc) == TRUE) {
perc = 0.95
if (Crit != "Rsquare" & Crit != "p-val") {
stop("Non-valid selection criteria")
if (perc < 0 || perc > 1) {
stop("Error in perc: Invalid percentil choice. Percentil have to be between 0 and 1")
if (nDims > ncol(WWW)) {
nDims <- 2
message("Arg nDims should be smaller than the number of observations")
if (nDims <= 1) {
nDims <- 2
message("Arg nDims must to be upper than 1")
if (model != "LM") {
stop("We only had been implemented the standard Linear Model")
nDims <- round(nDims)
SvdComp <- svd(as.matrix(WWW))
AP <- as.matrix(WWW) %*% SvdComp$u %*% diag((1/sqrt(SvdComp$d)))
# AP for plot
ProjObs <- as.data.frame(AP[, seq_len(nDims)])
rownames(ProjObs) <- rownames(WWW)
colnames(ProjObs) <- paste("Dim", seq_len(nDims))
Mat <- as.matrix(ProjObs)
if (is(Data, "MultiAssayExperiment")) {
Datos <- Data@ExperimentList@listData
} else {
Datos <- Data
if (all(apply((x <- vapply(Datos, rownames, character(nrow(Datos[[1]])))), 2, function(y) +identical(y,
rownames(Datos[[1]])))) == FALSE) {
stop("tables should be the same observations")
if (Normalize == TRUE) {
Datos <- lapply(Datos, function(x) {
scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
} else {
Datos <- Datos
if (model == "LM") {
s <- lapply(Datos, function(m) {
apply(m, 2, function(y) LinModel(Mat, y, intercept = intercept))
sn <- lapply(seq_along(s), function(i) {
s[[i]][!vapply(s[[i]], is.null, logical(1))]
names(sn) <- names(Datos)
# dataset contains all models (coordinates and R2, pval to each table)
dataset <- lapply(sn, function(x) {
as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(x), nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE))
# p val correction
# dataset<-lapply(dataset,function(x){x[2,]<-x[2,]/ncol(x)})
for (i in seq_along(dataset)) {
colnames(dataset[[i]]) <- names(s[[i]][!vapply(s[[i]], is.null, logical(1))])
dataset[[i]] <- rbind(dataset[[i]], rep(names(dataset)[i], ncol(dataset[[i]])))
rownames(dataset[[i]]) <- c("R2", "pv", "x", "y", "Table")
if (i == 1) {
all_dat <- dataset[[i]]
} else {
all_dat <- cbind(all_dat, dataset[[i]])
nvar <- sum(unlist(lapply(Datos, ncol)))
# number of variable to select
Tosel <- floor(nvar - nvar * perc)
if (Crit == "Rsquare") {
values <- unlist(lapply(dataset, function(x) {
x[1, ]
}),use.names = FALSE)
Nam <- unlist(lapply(dataset, function(x) {
names(x[1, ])
}),use.names = FALSE)
R2 <- sort(values, decreasing = TRUE)
Seleccionados <- R2[seq_len(Tosel)]
indices <- which(values %in% Seleccionados)
# indices<-order(values,decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(Tosel)]
if (Crit == "p-val") {
values <- p.adjust(unlist(lapply(dataset, function(x) {
x[2, ]
})), method = "fdr")
Nam <- unlist(lapply(dataset, function(x) {
names(x[2, ])
}),use.names = FALSE)
# we could considerer add other methods
pval <- sort(values)
Seleccionados <- pval[seq_len(Tosel)]
indices <- order(values)[seq_len(Tosel)]
### look for the variables into each table
Nam <- names(Seleccionados)
if (Crit == "Rsquare") {
Val <- all_dat[1, indices]
if (Crit == "p-val") {
Val <- all_dat[2, indices]
.Object <- new("VarSelection", Variables = Nam, Coordinates = all_dat[c(3:4), indices], VarTable = all_dat[5,
indices], sign_values = Val)
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