#' Download transcriptome from Ensembl
#' This function downloads the cDNA fasta file from specific version of Ensembl.
#' It can also filter the fasta file by gene and transcript biotype and remove
#' scaffolds and haplotypes.
#' @inheritParams tr2g_ensembl
#' @inheritParams .get_velocity_files
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to `tr2g_fasta`.
#' @return Invisibly returns the path to the fasta file. The following files are
#' written to disk, in the `out_path` directory:
#' \describe{
#' \item{species.genome.cdna.all.fa.gz}{The cDNA fasta file from Ensembl, from
#' the specified version.}
#' \item{cdna_filtered.fa}{The filtered cDNA fasta file, only keeping the
#' desired biotypes and without scaffolds and haplotypes (if
#' `chrs_only = TRUE`). This file will not be written if all gene and transcript
#' biotypes are used and scaffolds and haplotypes are not removed.}
#' \item{tr2g.tsv}{The transcript to gene file, without headers so can be
#' directly used for `bustools`.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom biomaRt searchDatasets listMarts listEnsemblArchives
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @examples
#' dl_transcriptome("Drosophila melanogaster", gene_biotype_use = "cellranger",
#' chrs_only = FALSE)
#' # Clean up
#' file.remove("Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.32.cdna.all.fa.gz")
dl_transcriptome <- function(species, out_path = ".",
type = c("vertebrate", "metazoa", "plant",
"fungus", "protist"),
transcript_biotype_use = "all",
gene_biotype_use = "all",
chrs_only = TRUE,
ensembl_version = NULL,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
out_path <- normalizePath(out_path, mustWork = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(out_path)) dir.create(out_path)
if (length(strsplit(species, " ")[[1]]) != 2L) {
stop("Please use the Latin binomial convention for species rather than the colloquial name.")
if (!is.null(ensembl_version) && !is.numeric(ensembl_version)) {
stop("ensembl_version must be integer.")
styles <- try(genomeStyles(species))
if (is(styles, "try-error")) {
warning("All seqnames are used.")
chrs_only <- FALSE
# Get current ensembl version
ds_name <- species2dataset(species, type)
host_pre0 <- switch(type,
vertebrate = "www",
metazoa = "metazoa",
plant = "plants",
fungus = "fungi",
protist = "protists")
mart_use <- paste(host_pre0, "mart", sep = "_")
host_pre <- paste0("https://", host_pre0)
host_use <- paste0(host_pre, ".ensembl.org")
if (type == "vertebrate") mart_use <- "ensembl"
if (is.null(ensembl_version)) {
ds <- listMarts(host = host_use)
ev <- str_extract(ds$version[1], "\\d+") %>% as.integer()
} else ev <- ensembl_version
if (type != "vertebrate" & !is.null(ensembl_version)) {
warning("Cannot retrieve genome version of non-vertebrates from archive. ",
"Using genome of current version instead.")
ensembl_version <- NULL
mart <- my_useMart(ensembl_version, mart_use, ds_name, host_use)
# Get genome version
ds2<- searchDatasets(mart = mart, ds_name)
gv <- ds2$version
if (str_detect(gv, "^GRC")) {
gv <- str_extract(gv, "^GRC[a-z\\d]+")
# Build URL for download
species_url <- str_replace(species, " ", "_") %>% tolower()
if (type == "vertebrate") {
part1 <- "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-"
else {
part1 <- paste0("ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/", host_pre0, "/release-")
fn <- paste0(str_replace(species, " ", "_"), ".", gv, ".cdna.all.fa.gz")
url <- paste0(part1, ev, "/fasta/", species_url, "/cdna/", fn)
destfile <- paste(out_path, fn, sep = "/")
# Download fasta file
if (file.exists(destfile)) {
message("File ", destfile, " already exists, skipping download.")
} else {
download.file(url, destfile = destfile, quiet = !verbose)
# Filter biotype
do_filter <- transcript_biotype_use != "all" | gene_biotype_use != "all" |
if (do_filter) {
file_filtered <- paste(out_path, "tx_filtered.fa", sep = "/")
tr2g <- tr2g_fasta(destfile, out_path = out_path, write_tr2g = TRUE,
gene_biotype_use = gene_biotype_use,
transcript_biotype_use = transcript_biotype_use,
chrs_only = chrs_only, save_filtered = TRUE, ...)
file_return <- file_filtered
} else {
tr2g <- tr2g_fasta(destfile, out_path = out_path, gene_biotype_use = "all",
transcript_biotype_use = "all", write_tr2g = TRUE,
chrs_only = FALSE, save_filtered = FALSE, ...)
file_return <- destfile
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