
Defines functions shift_pickr

Documented in shift_pickr

#' Peak-Picking
#' @param X The X array or matrix you want to pick the peak of
#' @param ppm The column matched ppm variable to your X
#' @param sh The chemical **sh**ift region you want to search
#' @param pm The amount you want to add to each side of the peak
#' @return The ppm variables that match the peak you are searching for
#' @export
#' @family {estimation}
#' @examples
#' data(X)
#' idx <- shift_pickr(X[1,], ppm, sh = c(4,4.1), pm = 0.005)
#' idx1 <- shift_pickr(X[2,], ppm, sh = c(4,4.1), pm = 0.01)
#' plot(ppm[idx], X[1,idx], main = "Creatinine Peak 4.05", type = 'l', xlim = c(4.05, 4.07))
#' points(ppm[idx1], X[2,idx1], type = 'l', col = 'red')

shift_pickr <- function(X, ppm = NULL, sh = c(3,3.1), pm = 0.005){
    if (is.null(dim(X)) & is.null(length(X))){
      stop("X is neither a spectrum or a matrix, please provide an approproiate X.")
    if (!is.numeric(pm) | is.null(pm) | length(pm)!=1){
      stop("Please provide a single numerical value for the argument pm being the amount to be added to either side of the peak")
    if (!is.numeric(sh) | is.null(sh) | length(sh)!=2){
      stop("Please provide two numerical values for the argument sh. The first being the lower bounds of the search region as ppm and the second, the upper bounds in ppm")
    if (is.null(dim(X)) & !is.null(length(X))){
      if (is.null(ppm)){
        stop('Please provide a X-matched ppm variable')
      p <- ppm
      if (length(sh)>2){
        i <- sh
      } else {
        i <- get_idx(sh, p)
      m <- unname(which(X==max(X[i])))
      s <- get_idx(c(p[m]-pm,p[m]+pm), p)
    if (!is.null(nrow(X))){
      if (is.null(ppm)){
        p <- as.numeric(colnames(X))
      } else {
        p <- ppm
      if (length(sh)>2){
        i <- sh
      } else {
        i <- get_idx(sh, p)
      s <- t(vapply(seq_len(nrow(X)), function(y){
        m <- unname(which(X[y,]==max(X[y,i])))
        s <- get_idx(c(p[m]-pm,p[m]+pm), p)
      }, FUN.VALUE = get_idx(c(p[(length(p)/2)]-pm, p[(length(p)/2)]+pm), ppm)))
kylebario/concentr8r documentation built on Nov. 9, 2022, 12:47 a.m.