#' @title Import 1D NMR spectra
#' @export
#' @details This function imports TopSpin processed NMR spectra as well as spectrometer and processing parameters found in files \emph{acqus} and \emph{procs}. Experiments can be filtered according to data acquisition variables using the \code{exp_type} argument: For example, to read standard 1D NMR experiments use \code{exp_type=list(exp='noesygppr1d')}. More than one argument can be provided as list element.
#' @param path char, path to file directory containing spectra
#' @param exp_type named list, filter for acquisition parameters of experiments to read-in (see Details)
#' @param n_max int, maximum number of experiments to read-in
#' @param filter logic, remove experiments with incomplete file systems (TRUE is recommended)
#' @param recursive logic, if TRUE recursively search all subfolders of path for specified NMR files
#' @param verbose num, different verbose levels: 0 (no info), 1 (overview), 2 (detailed), 3 (step-by-step for debugging)
#' @param n_spec string, the number of spectra being read in. Takes either '1' or 'multiple'.
#' @family {preproc}
#' @return
#' The function exports the following three objects into the currently active R environment (no variable assignments needed):
#' \itemize{
#' \item X, num matrix: NMR data, spectra in rows
#' \item ppm, num array - chemical shift positions, length matches to columns in X
#' \item meta, data.frame - spectrometer metadata as extracted from individual \emph{acqus} files, row-matched to X
#' }
#' Objects in the R environment with the same variable names will be overwritten.
#' @examples
#' read_in(path = system.file('extdata',package='concentr8r'),
#' exp_type = list(exp=c("PROF_URINE_NOESY")),
#' n_spec = 'multiple')
#' @author Torben Kimhofer \email{torben.kimhofer@@murdoch.edu.au}
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
#' @section
read_in <- function(path, exp_type = list(exp = c("PROF_PLASMA_CPMG")), n_max = 1000, filter = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, n_spec = "multiple") {
if (n_spec!='multiple' & n_spec!= '1'){
stop("Please provide a valid argument for n_spec. Must be a string, either '1' or 'multiple'.")
if (n_spec=="multiple"){
path <- path.expand(path)
f_list <- .detect1d_procs(path, n_max = 1e6, filter, recursive, verbose)
pars <- .extract_pars1d(f_list)
exp_filt <- .filterExp_files(pars, exp_type, f_list, n_max)
f_list <- exp_filt[[1]]
pars <- exp_filt[[2]]
ppm_ref <- .chemShift(swidth = pars$a_SW[1], offset = pars$p_OFFSET[1], si = pars$p_SI[1])
out <- vapply(seq_along(f_list[[1]]), function(s, ppref = ppm_ref) {
csF2_ppm <- .chemShift(swidth = pars$a_SW[s], offset = pars$p_OFFSET[s], si = pars$p_SI[s])
byteord <- c(little = 0, big = 1)
spec <- readBin(f_list$f_1r[s], what = "int", n = pars$p_FTSIZE[s], size=4,
signed = TRUE, endian = names(byteord)[match(pars$p_BYTORDP[s], byteord)])
spec <- (spec * (2^(pars$p_NC_proc[s])))
nspec <- length(spec)
f_spec <- approxfun(x = csF2_ppm, y = spec)
spec_inter <- f_spec(ppref)
}, FUN.VALUE = ppm_ref)
out <- t(out)
colnames(out) <- ppm_ref
fnam <- strsplit(f_list$f_1r, .Platform$file.sep)
idx_keep <- which((apply(do.call(rbind, fnam), 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) > 1)
fnam <- vapply(fnam, function(x, st = idx_keep) {
paste(x[idx_keep], collapse = .Platform$file.sep)
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
rownames(out) <- fnam
rownames(pars) <- fnam
assign("X", out, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("ppm", ppm_ref, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("meta", pars, envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (n_spec=="1"){
readin <- function(path) {
path = gsub(paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "$"), '', path)
ff<-list.files(path = paste(path, 'pdata', '1', sep=.Platform$file.sep), pattern = "^1r$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
if( length(ff) == 1 ) {
f_list=list(list(f_procs=paste(path, 'pdata', '1', 'procs', sep=.Platform$file.sep), f_acqus=paste(path, 'acqus', sep=.Platform$file.sep)))
endianness<-ifelse(meta$p_BYTORDP!=0, 'big', 'little')
spec <- readBin(ff, what = "int", n = meta$p_FTSIZE, size = 4, signed = TRUE, endian = endianness)
spec <- ((2^meta$p_NC_proc) * spec)
swp <- meta$p_SW_p/meta$p_SF
dppm <- swp/(length(spec) - 1)
offset <- meta$p_OFFSET
ppm <- seq(from = offset, to = (offset - swp), by = -dppm)
assign("x", spec, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("p", ppm, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("m", meta, envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
#' @title Read Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
#' @param f_list list, intact files system for NMR experiments. See fct checkFiles1d
#' @return data frame of spectrometer acquisition metadata
#' @author \email{torben.kimhofer@@murdoch.edu.au}
#' @section
extract_pars1d_ <- function(f_list) {
out <- lapply(seq(length(f_list)), function(i) {
f_procs <- f_list[[i]]$f_procs[i]
fhand <- file(f_procs, open = "r")
f_procs <- readLines(fhand, n = -1, warn = FALSE)
idx <- grep("..", f_procs, fixed = TRUE)
f_procs[idx] <- vapply(idx, function(i) {
gsub(" .*", f_procs[i + 1], f_procs[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
out <- strsplit(gsub("^##\\$", "", grep("^##\\$", f_procs, value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE), fixed = FALSE), "=")
d_procs_val <- gsub("^ ", "", vapply(out, "[[", 2, FUN.VALUE = ""))
names(d_procs_val) <- paste0("p_", vapply(out, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = ""))
f_acqu <- f_list[[i]]$f_acqus[i]
fhand <- file(f_acqu, open = "r")
f_acqu <- readLines(fhand, n = -1, warn = FALSE)
idx <- grep("..", f_acqu, fixed = TRUE)
f_acqu[idx] <- vapply(idx, function(i) {
gsub(" .*", f_acqu[i + 1], f_acqu[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
out <- strsplit(gsub("^##\\$", "", grep("^##\\$", f_acqu, value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE), fixed = FALSE), "=")
d_acqu_val <- gsub("^ ", "", vapply(out, "[[", 2, FUN.VALUE = ""))
names(d_acqu_val) <- paste0("a_", vapply(out, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = ""))
idx <- grep("date", names(d_acqu_val), ignore.case = TRUE)
d_acqu_val[idx] <- as.character(as.POSIXct(x = "01/01/1970 00:00:00", format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + (as.numeric(d_acqu_val[idx])))
pars <- c(d_acqu_val, d_procs_val)
out_le <- vapply(out, length, FUN.VALUE = 1)
if (length(unique(out_le)) > 1) {
cnam <- unique(as.vector(vapply(out, names, FUN.VALUE = out[[1]])))
out_df <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(cnam))
out <- as.data.frame(t(vapply(out, function(x, odf = out_df, cc = cnam) {
odf[1, match(names(x), cnam)] <- x
}, FUN.VALUE = out[[1]])))
colnames(out) <- cnam
if (is.list(out)) {
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
if (nrow(out) != length(f_list)) {
out <- t(out)
dtype_num <- apply(out, 2, function(x) {
out <- as.data.frame(out)
out[, dtype_num] <- apply(out[, dtype_num], 2, as.numeric)
#' @title filtering Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
#' @param n_max int, maximum number of experiments to read-in
#' @param pars the parameters
#' @param exp_type The experiment type filtered for
#' @param f_list list, intact files system for NMR experiments. See fct checkFiles1d
#' @return data frame filtered experiment files
#' @author \email{torben.kimhofer@@murdoch.edu.au}
#' @section
.filterExp_files <- function (pars, exp_type, f_list, n_max) {
idx <- match(toupper(names(exp_type)), toupper(gsub("[ap]_", "", colnames(pars))))
if (length(idx) == 0) {
stop("No parameter(s) found that that match the specification. Check for exp_type argument for typos and parameter choices in acqus and procs files.")
idx_na <- which(is.na(idx))
if (length(idx_na) > 0) {
if (length(idx_na) == length(idx)) {
stop("No matching paramter names found. Check input argument exp_type.")
else {
message(paste("Experiment filter", names(exp_type)[idx_na], "not in NMR acquisition list. Using remaining arguments to filter :", names(exp_type)[-idx_na]))
idx = idx[-idx_na]
fmat <- vapply(seq(length(idx)), function(i) {
vars = gsub("^<|>$", "", pars[, idx[i]])
vars %in% exp_type[[i]]
}, FUN.VALUE = rep(TRUE, length(pars[,idx[1]])))
idx_filt = apply(fmat == 1, 1, all)
if (!any(idx_filt)) {
stop("No files found that match the specified parameter specification levels.")
f_list = lapply(f_list, function(x) {
idx_filt = which(idx_filt)
if (length(idx_filt) > n_max) {
idx_filt = idx_filt[seq_len(n_max)]
f_list = lapply(f_list, function(x, idx = seq_len(n_max)) {
else {
pars <- pars[idx_filt, ]
fnam <- strsplit(f_list$f_1r, .Platform$file.sep)
idx_keep <- which((apply(do.call(rbind, fnam), 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) > 1)
if (length(idx_keep) > 1) {
rack_ <- t(vapply(seq_len(length(fnam)), function(i, iid = idx_keep[length(idx_keep) - 1]) {
c(fnam[[i]][iid], pars$a_DATE[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = c("", "")))
colnames(rack_) <- c("a", "b")
rack_order_ <- plyr::ddply(as.data.frame(rack_), plyr::.(a), function(x) {
rord_fac <- order(rack_order_$V1) * 1e+05
fnam1 <- vapply(fnam, function(x, st = idx_keep[length(idx_keep) - 1]) {
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
rord_fac = rord_fac[match(fnam1, rack_order_$a)]
exp_ <- vapply(fnam, function(x, st = idx_keep[length(idx_keep)]) {
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
rr <- order(as.numeric(exp_) + rord_fac)
else {
exp_ <- vapply(fnam, function(x, st = idx_keep) {
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
rr <- order(as.numeric(exp_))
pars = pars[rr, ]
f_list = lapply(f_list, function(x) {
pars$a_DATE = as.POSIXct(pars$a_DATE)
return(list(f_list, pars))
#' @title Read Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
#' @param f_list list, intact files system for NMR experiments. See fct checkFiles1d
#' @return data frame of spectrometer acquisition metadata
#' @author \email{torben.kimhofer@@murdoch.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @section
.extract_pars1d <- function(f_list) {
out <- lapply(seq(f_list[[1]]), function(i) {
f_procs <- f_list$f_procs[i]
fhand <- file(f_procs, open = "r")
f_procs <- readLines(fhand, n = -1, warn = FALSE)
idx <- grep("..", f_procs, fixed = TRUE)
f_procs[idx] <- vapply(idx, function(i) {
gsub(" .*", f_procs[i + 1], f_procs[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
out <- strsplit(gsub("^##\\$", "", grep("^##\\$", f_procs, value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE), fixed = FALSE), "=")
d_procs_val <- gsub("^ ", "", vapply(out, "[[", 2, FUN.VALUE = ""))
names(d_procs_val) <- paste0("p_", vapply(out, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = ""))
f_acqu <- f_list$f_acqus[i]
fhand <- file(f_acqu, open = "r")
f_acqu <- readLines(fhand, n = -1, warn = FALSE)
idx <- grep("..", f_acqu, fixed = TRUE)
f_acqu[idx] <- vapply(idx, function(i) {
gsub(" .*", f_acqu[i + 1], f_acqu[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = "")
out <- strsplit(gsub("^##\\$", "", grep("^##\\$", f_acqu, value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE),fixed = FALSE), "=")
d_acqu_val <- gsub("^ ", "", vapply(out, "[[", 2, FUN.VALUE = ""))
names(d_acqu_val) <- paste0("a_", vapply(out, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = ""))
idx <- grep("date", names(d_acqu_val), ignore.case = TRUE)
d_acqu_val[idx] <- as.character(as.POSIXct(x = "01/01/1970 00:00:00", format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + (as.numeric(d_acqu_val[idx])))
pars <- c(d_acqu_val, d_procs_val)
out_le <- vapply(out, length, FUN.VALUE = 1)
if (length(unique(out_le)) > 1) {
cnam <- unique(as.vector(unlist(lapply(out, names))))
out_df <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(cnam))
out <- as.data.frame(t(vapply(out, function(x){#,odf = out_df, cc = cnam) {
out_df[1, match(names(x), cnam)] <- x
}, FUN.VALUE = rep('a',length(cnam)))))
colnames(out) <- cnam
if (!is.data.frame(out)) {
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
if (nrow(out) != length(f_list[[1]])) {
out <- t(out)
dtype_num <- apply(out, 2, function(x) {
out <- as.data.frame(out)
out[, dtype_num] <- apply(out[, dtype_num], 2, as.numeric)
rownames(out) <- f_list[[2]]
#' @title Check for intact file systems - helper function read1d!
#' @param datapath char, File directory containing spectra
#' @param procs_exp num, Topspin processing experiment ID
#' @param n_max int, Maximum number of spectra to read-in
#' @param filter lobic, filter for intact file systems (TRUE is recommended)
#' @return list of file descriptors: experiment folder path, folder id, procs file, acqus file, 1r file.
#' list(path=p_intact, exp_no=exp_no, f_procs=f_procs, f_acqus=f_acqus, f_1r=f_1r)
#' @author \email{torben.kimhofer@@murdoch.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @section
.detect1d_procs <- function(datapath, n_max = 10, filter = TRUE, recursive, verbose) {
datapath <- gsub(paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "$"), "", datapath)
f_procs <- list.files(path = datapath, pattern = "^procs$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
f_acqus <- list.files(path = datapath, pattern = "^acqus$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
f_1r <- list.files(path = datapath, pattern = "^1r$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
id_a <- gsub(paste("^", datapath, "/|/acqus$", sep = ""), "", f_acqus)
id_p <- gsub(paste("^", datapath, "/|/pdata/.*", sep = ""), "", f_procs)
id_f1r <- gsub(paste("^", datapath, paste0("/|/pdata/.*"), sep = ""), "", f_1r)
idx_a <- which(id_a %in% id_f1r)
idx_p <- which(id_p %in% id_f1r)
idx_f1r <- which(id_f1r %in% id_a)
if (length(idx_a) != length(id_a) || length(idx_f1r) != length(id_f1r) || length(idx_p) !=
length(id_p)) {
if (filter) {
if (verbose > 1) {
message("Reading experiments with matching acqus, procs and 1r files.")
f_acqus <- f_acqus[idx_a]
id_a <- id_a[idx_a]
f_procs <- f_procs[idx_p]
id_p <- id_p[idx_p]
f_1r <- f_1r[idx_f1r]
id_f1r <- id_f1r[idx_f1r]
} else {
message("File system seems to be corrupt for some experiments. Consider function argument `filter=TRUE`")
idm_f1r <- match(id_a, id_f1r)
idm_p <- match(id_a, id_p)
if (any(is.na(idm_f1r)) || any(is.na(idm_p))) {
stop("check matching of this functions")
f_procs <- f_procs[idm_p]
f_1r <- f_1r[idm_f1r]
id_f1r <- id_f1r[idm_f1r]
if (length(unique(c(length(f_acqus), length(f_1r), length(f_procs)))) != 1) {
stop("Something's wrong after filtering!")
if (n_max < length(f_1r)) {
idx_nmax <- seq_len(n_max)
f_acqus <- f_acqus[idx_nmax]
f_procs <- f_procs[idx_nmax]
f_1r <- f_1r[idx_nmax]
id_f1r <- id_f1r[idx_nmax]
message("Reached n_max - not all spectra read-in.")
p_intact <- gsub("/acqus$", "", f_acqus)
exp_no <- id_f1r
return(list(path = p_intact, exp_no = exp_no, f_procs = f_procs, f_acqus = f_acqus, f_1r = f_1r))
#' @title Calculate chemical shift axis
#' @return num array, chemical shift for resp experiment
#' @keywords internal
#' @section
.chemShift <- function(swidth, offset, si) {
dppm <- swidth/(si - 1)
cshift <- seq(offset, (offset - swidth), by = -dppm)
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