test_that("filter 1d", {
set.seed(1, kind="default")
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=5000)
y <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
x <- y + runif(length(y))
w <- 5L
r <- w %/% 2
x0 <-[1L], r)
xn <-[length(x)], r)
xr <- c(x0, x, xn)
xr <- roll(xr, w)[(r + 1):(length(xr) - r)]
xm <- vapply(xr, mean, numeric(1), na.rm=TRUE)
wt <- dnorm((-r):r)
wt <- wt / sum(wt)
f <- function(z) sum(wt * z)
xg <- vapply(xr, f, numeric(1))
x1 <- filt1_ma(x, w)
x2 <- filt1_gauss(x, w)
x2c <- filt1_conv(x, wt)
expect_equal(x1, xm)
expect_equal(x2, xg)
expect_equal(x2c, xg)
x3 <- filt1_bi(x, w)
x4 <- filt1_adapt(x, w)
x5 <- filt1_diff(x, w)
x6 <- filt1_guide(x, w)
x7 <- filt1_pag(x, w)
x8 <- filt1_sg(x, w)
expect_lt(sum((x3 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_lt(sum((x4 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_lt(sum((x5 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_lt(sum((x6 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_lt(sum((x7 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_lt(sum((x8 - y)^2), sum((x - y)^2))
expect_gt(cor(x3, y), cor(x, y))
expect_gt(cor(x4, y), cor(x, y))
expect_gt(cor(x5, y), cor(x, y))
expect_gt(cor(x6, y), cor(x, y))
expect_gt(cor(x7, y), cor(x, y))
expect_gt(cor(x8, y), cor(x, y))
i <- roll(seq_along(x), width=5)
wts <- rep_len(list(, 5)), length(i))
x9 <- convolve_at(x, i, wts)
x10 <- convolve_at(x, i, wt)
expect_equal(x1[3:4998], x9[3:4998])
expect_equal(x2[3:4998], x10[3:4998])
set.seed(1, kind="default")
z <- matrix(rlnorm(5000), nrow=100, ncol=50)
i1 <- roll(seq_len(nrow(z)), width=5)
i2 <- roll(seq_len(ncol(z)), width=5)
w1 <- rep_len(list(, 5)), length(i1))
w2 <- rep_len(list(, 5)), length(i2))
FUN1 <- function(i, w, ...) colSums(w * z[i,,drop=FALSE], ...)
FUN2 <- function(i, w, ...) colSums(w * t(z[,i,drop=FALSE]), ...)
z1 <- t(mapply(FUN1, i1, w1))
z2 <- mapply(FUN2, i2, w2)
expect_equal(convolve_at(z, i1, w1, margin=1), z1)
expect_equal(convolve_at(z, i2, w2, margin=2), z2)
test_that("filter nd (1d)", {
set.seed(1, kind="default")
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=200)
y <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
x <- y + runif(length(y))
x1a <- filtn_ma(x, k=5)
x1b <- filt1_ma(x, width=5)
x2a <- filtn_gauss(x, k=5, sd=1)
x2b <- filt1_gauss(x, width=5, sd=1)
x3a <- filtn_bi(x, k=5, sddist=1, sdrange=1)
x3b <- filt1_bi(x, width=5, sddist=1, sdrange=1)
x4a <- filtn_adapt(x, k=5, spar=1)
x4b <- filt1_adapt(x, width=5, spar=1)
test_that("warp + align 1d", {
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=1000)
dt <- 0.2 * (sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t))
x <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
y <- sin(t + dt) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * (t + dt))
z <- sin(t - dt) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * (t - dt))
px <- which(locmax(x))
i <- seq_along(px)
y2 <- warp1_loc(y, x)
z2 <- warp1_loc(z, x)
py2 <- which(locmax(y2))
pz2 <- which(locmax(z2))
expect_equivalent(py2[i], px, tolerance=1)
expect_equivalent(pz2[i], px, tolerance=1)
y3 <- warp1_dtw(y, x)
z3 <- warp1_dtw(z, x)
py3 <- which(locmax(y3))
pz3 <- which(locmax(z3))
y4 <- warp1_dtw(y, x, tol=Inf)
z4 <- warp1_dtw(z, x, tol=Inf)
py4 <- which(locmax(y4))
pz4 <- which(locmax(z4))
expect_equivalent(py3[i], px, tolerance=1)
expect_equivalent(pz3[i], px, tolerance=1)
expect_equivalent(py4[i], px, tolerance=1)
expect_equivalent(pz4[i], px, tolerance=1)
set.seed(1, kind="default")
x <- 1:17
y <- 1:18 + runif(18)
rxy <- cor(approx(seq_along(x), x, n=length(y))$y, y)
ryx <- cor(approx(seq_along(y), y, n=length(x))$y, x)
expect_equal(icor(x, y), rxy)
expect_equal(icor(y, x), ryx)
test_that("binvec + rollvec", {
set.seed(1, kind="default")
x <- runif(50)
l <- seq(from=1, to=50, by=10)
u <- seq(from=10, to=50, by=10)
binfun <- function(x, l, u, fun, ...) {
mapply(function(i, j) fun(x[i:j], ...), l, u)
rollfun <- function(x, width, fun, ...) {
sapply(roll(x, width, na.drop=TRUE), fun, ...)
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, sum), binvec(x, l, u, "sum"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, mean), binvec(x, l, u, "mean"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, max), binvec(x, l, u, "max"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, min), binvec(x, l, u, "min"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, sd), binvec(x, l, u, "sd"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, var), binvec(x, l, u, "var"))
expect_equal(binfun(x, l, u, mad), binvec(x, l, u, "mad"))
binfun(x, l, u, quantile, probs=0, type=3),
binvec(x, l, u, "quantile", prob=0))
binfun(x, l, u, quantile, probs=1/3, type=3),
binvec(x, l, u, "quantile", prob=1/3))
binfun(x, l, u, quantile, probs=2/3, type=3),
binvec(x, l, u, "quantile", prob=2/3))
binfun(x, l, u, quantile, probs=1, type=3),
binvec(x, l, u, "quantile", prob=1))
expect_equal(binvec(x, l, u), binvec(x, lower=l))
expect_equal(binvec(x, l, u), binvec(x, upper=u))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, sum), rollvec(x, 7L, "sum"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, mean), rollvec(x, 7L, "mean"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, max), rollvec(x, 7L, "max"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, min), rollvec(x, 7L, "min"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, sd), rollvec(x, 7L, "sd"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, var), rollvec(x, 7L, "var"))
expect_equal(rollfun(x, 7L, mad), rollvec(x, 7L, "mad"))
rollfun(x, 11L, quantile, probs=0, type=3),
rollvec(x, 11L, "quantile", prob=0))
rollfun(x, 11L, quantile, probs=1/3, type=3),
rollvec(x, 11L, "quantile", prob=1/3))
rollfun(x, 11L, quantile, probs=2/3, type=3),
rollvec(x, 11L, "quantile", prob=2/3))
rollfun(x, 11L, quantile, probs=1, type=3),
rollvec(x, 11L, "quantile", prob=1))
test_that("rescale", {
set.seed(1, kind="default")
x <- rnorm(1000)
i <- 1L
x2 <- rescale_rms(x, 1)
x3 <- rescale_sum(x, 1)
x4 <- rescale_ref(x, ref=i, scale=1)
x5 <- rescale_range(x, c(0, 1))
x6 <- rescale_iqr(x, 1)
expect_equal(sqrt(mean(x2^2)), 1)
expect_equal(sum(abs(x3)), 1)
expect_equal(x4[i], 1)
expect_equal(range(x5), c(0, 1))
expect_equal(IQR(x6), 1)
test_that("downsample", {
set.seed(1, kind="default")
n <- 200
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=5000)
x <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
x <- x + runif(length(x))
x2 <- downsample(x, n, method="lttb")
expect_length(x2, n)
expect_equal(x[1L], x2[1L])
expect_equal(x[length(x)], x2[length(x2)])
expect_true(all(x2 %in% x))
x3 <- downsample(x, n, method="ltob")
expect_length(x3, n)
expect_equal(x[1L], x3[1L])
expect_equal(x[length(x)], x3[length(x3)])
expect_true(all(x3 %in% x))
x4 <- downsample(x, n, method="dynamic")
expect_length(x4, n)
expect_equal(x[1L], x4[1L])
expect_equal(x[length(x)], x4[length(x4)])
expect_true(all(x4 %in% x))
test_that("locmax", {
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1)
names(x) <- seq_along(x)
m1 <- which(locmax(x))
expect_equal(m1, c(4, 7, 13))
x[11] <- 3
m2 <- which(locmax(x))
expect_equal(m2, c(4, 7, 11))
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
m3 <- which(locmax(x))
expect_equal(m3, 5)
test_that("findpeaks", {
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1)
names(x) <- seq_along(x)
p1 <- findpeaks(x)
expect_equivalent(p1, c(4, 7, 13))
expect_equal(attr(p1, "left_bounds"), c(3, 6, 10))
expect_equal(attr(p1, "right_bounds"), c(5, 10, 14))
x[11] <- 3
p2 <- findpeaks(x)
expect_equivalent(p2, c(4, 7, 11))
expect_equal(attr(p2, "left_bounds"), c(3, 6, 10))
expect_equal(attr(p2, "right_bounds"), c(5, 10, 14))
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
p3 <- findpeaks(x)
expect_equivalent(p3, 5)
expect_equal(attr(p3, "left_bounds"), 4)
expect_equal(attr(p3, "right_bounds"), 6)
x <- c(0, 1, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 4, 0)
names(x) <- seq_along(x)
p4 <- findpeaks(x, prominence=TRUE)
expect_equivalent(p4, c(4, 8))
expect_equal(attr(p4, "left_bases"), c(3, 7))
expect_equal(attr(p4, "right_bases"), c(7, 9))
expect_equal(attr(p4, "prominence"), c(3, 4))
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=1000)
x <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
p5 <- findpeaks(x, prominence=TRUE, relheight=NULL)
ref <- c(1.2415949, 0.4784017, 0.2847052, 3.1071679,
0.2846030, 0.4782249, 2.4834026, 0.4782249)
expect_equivalent(attr(p5, "prominences"), ref, tolerance=1e-3)
test_that("binpeaks + mergepeaks", {
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=1000)
x1 <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
x2 <- sin(t + 0.02) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * (t + 0.02))
x3 <- sin(t - 0.02) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * (t - 0.02))
p1 <- findpeaks(x1)
p2 <- findpeaks(x2)
p3 <- findpeaks(x3)
pb <- binpeaks(list(p1, p2, p3), tol=15, merge=FALSE)
pm <- mergepeaks(sort(c(p1, p2, p3)), tol=15,, 3 * length(p1)))
expect_equivalent(unclass(pb), p1, tolerance=0.5)
expect_equivalent(unclass(pm), p1, tolerance=0.5)
p <- c(1, 1.11, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2, 2.1, 2.22, 2.3, 2.4)
n <- c(1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4)
pm2 <- mergepeaks(p, n, tol=0.5)
pwm1 <- sum((n * p)[1:5]) / sum(n[1:5])
pwm2 <- sum((n * p)[6:10]) / sum(n[6:10])
expect_equal(as.numeric(pm2), c(pwm1, pwm2))
test_that("peakwidths", {
t <- seq(from=0, to=6 * pi, length.out=1000)
x <- sin(t) + 0.6 * sin(2.6 * t)
p <- findpeaks(x, relheight=NULL)
w <- peakwidths(x, p, ref="prominence")
ref <- c(64.25172825, 41.29465463, 35.46943289, 104.71586081,
35.46729324, 41.30429622, 181.93835853, 45.37078546)
expect_equivalent(w, ref, tolerance=1e-3)
t2 <- seq(from=-4, to=4, length.out=1000)
x2 <- dnorm(t2)
p2 <- findpeaks(x2)
w2 <- peakwidths(x2, p2, domain=t2, ref="height")
expect_equivalent(w2, 2 * sqrt(2 * log(2)), tolerance=1e-3)
test_that("peakareas", {
t <- seq(from=-4, to=4, length.out=1000)
x <- dnorm(t)
p <- findpeaks(x)
a <- peakareas(x, p, domain=t)
expect_equivalent(a, 1, tolerance=1e-3)
test_that("peakheights", {
t <- seq(from=-4, to=4, length.out=1000)
x <- dnorm(t)
p <- findpeaks(x)
h <- peakheights(x, p)
expect_equivalent(h, max(x), tolerance=1e-3)
test_that("estres", {
x <- 1:100
y <- seq(1001L, 1100L, by=3L)
z <- seq_rel(501, 600, 1e-3)
u <- runif(100)
expect_equal(estres(x), c(absolute=1L))
expect_equal(estres(y), c(absolute=3L))
expect_equal(estres(z), c(relative=1e-3))
expect_equal(estres(u), c(absolute=min(diff(sort(u)))))
expect_equal(estres(x, tol=1e-6), c(absolute=1L))
expect_equal(estres(y, tol=1e-6), c(absolute=3L))
expect_equal(estres(z, tol=1e-6), c(relative=1e-3))
expect_equal(estres(u, tol=1e-6), c(absolute=NA_real_))
p <- expand.grid(x=1:10, y=1:10)
q <- expand.grid(
x=seq(1L, 28L, by=3L),
y=seq(1L, 28L, by=3L))
r <- jitter(as.matrix(p))
expect_equal(estres(p[,1L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=1L))
expect_equal(estres(p[,2L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=1L))
expect_equal(estres(q[,1L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=3L))
expect_equal(estres(q[,2L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=3L))
expect_equal(estres(r[,1L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=NA_real_))
expect_equal(estres(r[,2L], tol=1e-6), c(absolute=NA_real_))
test_that("approx1 (sorted)", {
x <- c(1.0, 1.01, 1.11, 2.0, 2.22, 3.0, 3.33, 3.333, 4.0)
y <- x
xi <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, 5.0)
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, 4.0), approx1(x, y, xi))
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, NA), approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0))
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, NA), approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5))
test1 <- c(1.0+1.01+1.11, 2.0+2.22, 3.0+3.33+3.333, NA)
expect_equal(test1, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="sum"))
test2 <- c((1.0+1.01+1.11)/3, (2.0+2.22)/2, (3.0+3.33+3.333)/3, NA)
expect_equal(test2, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="mean"))
test3 <- c(1.11, 2.22, 3.333, NA)
expect_equal(test3, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="max"))
expect_equal(test3^2, approx1(x, y^2, xi, tol=0.5, interp="max"))
test4 <- c(1, 2, 3, NA)
expect_equal(test4, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="min"))
expect_equal(test4^2, approx1(x, y^2, xi, tol=0.5, interp="min"))
xi1 <- x[abs(x - 2) <= 1]
test5 <- c(dnorm(xi1, mean=2, sd=1/2))
test5 <- sum(xi1 * test5 / sum(test5))
expect_equal(test5, approx1(x, y, 2, tol=1, interp="gaussian"))
xi2 <- seq(from=1, to=3, by=0.2)
expect_equal(xi2, approx1(x, y, xi2, tol=1, interp="linear"))
expect_equal(xi2, approx1(x, y, xi2, tol=2, interp="cubic"))
xi3 <- seq(from=1, to=3, by=0.05)
expect_equal(xi3, approx1(x, y, xi3, tol=1, interp="linear"))
t <- seq(from=-4, to=4, length.out=1000)
s <- dnorm(t)
expect_equal(1, approx1(t, s, 0, tol=4, interp="area"), tolerance=1e-3)
test6 <- c(2.0, 3.0)
expect_equal(test6, approx1(x, y, c(2, 3), tol=0.1, interp="max"))
test_that("approx1 (unsorted)", {
x <- rev(c(1.0, 1.01, 1.11, 2.0, 2.22, 3.0, 3.33, 3.333, 4.0))
y <- x
xi <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, 5.0)
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, 4.0), approx1(x, y, xi))
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, NA), approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0))
expect_equal(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.33, NA), approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5))
test1 <- c(1.0+1.01+1.11, 2.0+2.22, 3.0+3.33+3.333, NA)
expect_equal(test1, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="sum"))
test2 <- c((1.0+1.01+1.11)/3, (2.0+2.22)/2, (3.0+3.33+3.333)/3, NA)
expect_equal(test2, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="mean"))
test3 <- c(1.11, 2.22, 3.333, NA)
expect_equal(test3, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="max"))
expect_equal(test3^2, approx1(x, y^2, xi, tol=0.5, interp="max"))
test4 <- c(1, 2, 3, NA)
expect_equal(test4, approx1(x, y, xi, tol=0.5, interp="min"))
expect_equal(test4^2, approx1(x, y^2, xi, tol=0.5, interp="min"))
xi1 <- x[abs(x - 2) <= 1]
test5 <- c(dnorm(xi1, mean=2, sd=1/2))
test5 <- sum(xi1 * test5 / sum(test5))
expect_equal(test5, approx1(x, y, 2, tol=1, interp="gaussian"))
xi2 <- seq(from=1, to=3, by=0.2)
expect_equal(xi2, approx1(x, y, xi2, tol=1, interp="linear"))
expect_equal(xi2, approx1(x, y, xi2, tol=2, interp="cubic"))
xi3 <- seq(from=1, to=3, by=0.05)
expect_equal(xi3, approx1(x, y, xi3, tol=1, interp="linear"))
test6 <- c(2.0, 3.0)
expect_equal(test6, approx1(x, y, c(2, 3), tol=0.1, interp="max"))
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