#' @rdname getCurves
#' @description This function constructs simultaneous principal curves, the
#' second step in Slingshot's trajectory inference procedure. It takes a
#' (specifically formatted) \code{\link[TrajectoryUtils]{PseudotimeOrdering}}
#' object, as is returned by the first step, \code{\link{getLineages}}. The
#' output is another \code{PseudotimeOrdering} object, containing the
#' simultaneous principal curves, pseudotime estimates, and lineage assignment
#' weights.
#' @param data a data object containing lineage information provided by
#' \code{\link{getLineages}}, to be used for constructing simultaneous
#' principal curves. Supported types include
#' \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}}, \code{\link{SlingshotDataSet}}, and
#' \code{\link[TrajectoryUtils]{PseudotimeOrdering}} (recommended).
#' @param shrink logical or numeric between 0 and 1, determines whether and how
#' much to shrink branching lineages toward their average prior to the split
#' (default \code{= TRUE}).
#' @param extend character, how to handle root and leaf clusters of lineages
#' when constructing the initial, piece-wise linear curve. Accepted values are
#' \code{'y'} (default), \code{'n'}, and \code{'pc1'}. See 'Details' for more.
#' @param reweight logical, whether to allow cells shared between lineages to be
#' reweighted during curve fitting. If \code{TRUE} (default), cells shared
#' between lineages will be iteratively reweighted based on the quantiles of
#' their projection distances to each curve. See 'Details' for more.
#' @param reassign logical, whether to reassign cells to lineages at each
#' iteration. If \code{TRUE} (default), cells will be added to a lineage when
#' their projection distance to the curve is less than the median distance for
#' all cells currently assigned to the lineage. Additionally, shared cells
#' will be removed from a lineage if their projection distance to the curve is
#' above the 90th percentile and their weight along the curve is less than
#' \code{0.1}.
#' @param thresh numeric, determines the convergence criterion. Percent change
#' in the total distance from cells to their projections along curves must be
#' less than \code{thresh}. Default is \code{0.001}, similar to
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}}.
#' @param maxit numeric, maximum number of iterations (default \code{= 15}), see
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}}.
#' @param stretch numeric factor by which curves can be extrapolated beyond
#' endpoints. Default is \code{2}, see
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}}.
#' @param approx_points numeric, whether curves should be approximated by a
#' fixed number of points. If \code{FALSE} (or 0), no approximation will be
#' performed and curves will contain as many points as the input data. If
#' numeric, curves will be approximated by this number of points (default
#' \code{= 150} or \code{#cells}, whichever is smaller). See 'Details' and
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}} for more.
#' @param smoother choice of scatter plot smoother. Same as
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}}, but \code{"lowess"} option is
#' replaced with \code{"loess"} for additional flexibility.
#' @param shrink.method character denoting how to determine the appropriate
#' amount of shrinkage for a branching lineage. Accepted values are the same
#' as for \code{kernel} in \code{\link{density}} (default is \code{"cosine"}),
#' as well as \code{"tricube"} and \code{"density"}. See 'Details' for more.
#' @param allow.breaks logical, determines whether curves that branch very close
#' to the origin should be allowed to have different starting points.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to scatter plot smoothing function,
#' \code{smoother}.
#' @details This function constructs simultaneous principal curves (one per
#' lineage). Cells are mapped to curves by orthogonal projection and
#' pseudotime is estimated by the arclength along the curve (also called
#' \code{lambda}, in the \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}} objects).
#' @details When there is only a single lineage, the curve-fitting algorithm is
#' nearly identical to that of \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}}. When
#' there are multiple lineages and \code{shrink > 0}, an additional step
#' is added to the iterative procedure, forcing curves to be similar in the
#' neighborhood of shared points (ie., before they branch).
#' @details The \code{approx_points} argument, which sets the number of points
#' to be used for each curve, can have a large effect on computation time. Due
#' to this consideration, we set the default value to \code{150} whenever the
#' input dataset contains more than that many cells. This setting should help
#' with exploratory analysis while having little to no impact on the final
#' curves. To disable this behavior and construct curves with the maximum
#' number of points, set \code{approx_points = FALSE}.
#' @details The \code{extend} argument determines how to construct the
#' piece-wise linear curve used to initiate the recursive algorithm. The
#' initial curve is always based on the lines between cluster centers and if
#' \code{extend = 'n'}, this curve will terminate at the center of the
#' endpoint clusters. Setting \code{extend = 'y'} will allow the first and
#' last segments to extend beyond the cluster center to the orthogonal
#' projection of the furthest point. Setting \code{extend = 'pc1'} is similar
#' to \code{'y'}, but uses the first principal component of the cluster to
#' determine the direction of the curve beyond the cluster center. These
#' options typically have limited impact on the final curve, but can
#' occasionally help with stability issues.
#' @details When \code{shink = TRUE}, we compute a percent shrinkage curve,
#' \eqn{w_l(t)}, for each lineage, a non-increasing function of pseudotime
#' that determines how much that lineage should be shrunk toward a shared
#' average curve. We set \eqn{w_l(0) = 1} (complete shrinkage), so that the
#' curves will always perfectly overlap the average curve at pseudotime
#' \code{0}. The weighting curve decreases from \code{1} to \code{0} over the
#' non-outlying pseudotime values of shared cells (where outliers are defined
#' by the \code{1.5*IQR} rule). The exact shape of the curve in this region is
#' controlled by \code{shrink.method}, and can follow the shape of any
#' standard kernel function's cumulative density curve (or more precisely,
#' survival curve, since we require a decreasing function). Different choices
#' of \code{shrink.method} to have no discernable impact on the final curves,
#' in most cases.
#' @details When \code{reweight = TRUE}, weights for shared cells are based on
#' the quantiles of their projection distances onto each curve. The
#' distances are ranked and converted into quantiles between \code{0} and
#' \code{1}, which are then transformed by \code{1 - q^2}. Each cell's weight
#' along a given lineage is the ratio of this value to the maximum value for
#' this cell across all lineages.
#' @return An updated \code{\link{PseudotimeOrdering}} object containing the
#' pseudotime estimates and lineage assignment weights in the \code{assays}.
#' It will also include the original information provided by
#' \code{getLineages}, as well as the following new elements in the
#' \code{metadata}: \itemize{ \item{\code{curves}} {A list of
#' \code{\link[princurve]{principal_curve}} objects.}
#' \item{\code{slingParams}} {Additional parameters used for fitting
#' simultaneous principal curves.}}
#' @references Hastie, T., and Stuetzle, W. (1989). "Principal Curves."
#' \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 84:502--516.
#' @seealso \code{\link{slingshot}}
#' @examples
#' data("slingshotExample")
#' rd <- slingshotExample$rd
#' cl <- slingshotExample$cl
#' pto <- getLineages(rd, cl, start.clus = '1')
#' pto <- getCurves(pto)
#' # plotting
#' sds <- as.SlingshotDataSet(pto)
#' plot(rd, col = cl, asp = 1)
#' lines(sds, type = 'c', lwd = 3)
#' @importFrom princurve project_to_curve
#' @import matrixStats
#' @export
setMethod(f = "getCurves",
signature = signature(data = "PseudotimeOrdering"),
definition = function(data,
shrink = TRUE,
extend = 'y',
reweight = TRUE,
reassign = TRUE,
thresh = 0.001, maxit = 15, stretch = 2,
approx_points = NULL,
smoother = 'smooth.spline',
shrink.method = 'cosine',
allow.breaks = TRUE, ...){
pto <- data
# check that getLineages was run
if(!all(c('lineages','mst','slingParams') %in% names(metadata(pto)))){
stop("Lineage information is missing or incomplete. Either run ",
"getLineages() first or use the slingshot() function.")
X <- slingReducedDim(pto)
clusterLabels <- slingClusterLabels(pto)
lineages <- slingLineages(pto)
.slingParams(pto) <- c(
shrink = shrink,
extend = extend,
reweight = reweight,
reassign = reassign,
thresh = thresh,
maxit = maxit,
stretch = stretch,
approx_points = approx_points,
smoother = smoother,
shrink.method = shrink.method,
allow.breaks = allow.breaks
shrink <- as.numeric(shrink)
if(shrink < 0 | shrink > 1){
stop("'shrink' parameter must be logical or numeric between",
" 0 and 1")
if(nrow(X) > 150){
approx_points <- 150
approx_points <- FALSE
smootherFcn <- switch(smoother, loess = function(lambda, xj,
w = NULL, ...){
loess(xj ~ lambda, weights = w, ...)$fitted
}, smooth.spline = function(lambda, xj, w = NULL, ..., df = 5,
tol = 1e-4){
# fit <- smooth.spline(lambda, xj, w = w, ..., df = df,
# tol = tol, keep.data = FALSE)
fit <- tryCatch({
smooth.spline(lambda, xj, w = w, ..., df = df,
tol = tol, keep.data = FALSE)
}, error = function(e){
smooth.spline(lambda, xj, w = w, ..., df = df,
tol = tol, keep.data = FALSE, spar = 1)
predict(fit, x = lambda)$y
# remove unclustered cells
X.original <- X
clusterLabels.original <- clusterLabels
clusterLabels <- clusterLabels[, colnames(clusterLabels) != -1,
drop = FALSE]
L <- length(lineages) # number of lineages
clusters <- colnames(clusterLabels)
d <- dim(X); n <- d[1]; p <- d[2]
nclus <- length(clusters)
centers <- t(vapply(clusters,function(clID){
w <- clusterLabels[,clID]
return(colWeightedMeans(X, w = w))
}, rep(0,ncol(X))))
if(p == 1){
centers <- t(centers)
rownames(centers) <- clusters
rownames(centers) <- clusters
W <- assay(pto, 'weights') # weighting matrix
W.orig <- W
D <- W; D[,] <- NA
# determine curve hierarchy
C <- as.matrix(vapply(lineages[seq_len(L)], function(lin) {
vapply(clusters, function(clID) {
as.numeric(clID %in% lin)
}, 0)
}, rep(0,nclus)))
rownames(C) <- clusters
segmnts <- unique(C[rowSums(C)>1,,drop = FALSE])
segmnts <- segmnts[order(rowSums(segmnts),decreasing = FALSE), ,
drop = FALSE]
avg.order <- list()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(segmnts))){
idx <- segmnts[i,] == 1
avg.order[[i]] <- colnames(segmnts)[idx]
new.col <- rowMeans(segmnts[,idx, drop = FALSE])
segmnts <- cbind(segmnts[, !idx, drop = FALSE],new.col)
colnames(segmnts)[ncol(segmnts)] <- paste('average',i,sep='')
# initial curves are piecewise linear paths through the tree
pcurves <- list()
for(l in seq_len(L)){
idx <- W[,l] > 0
line.initial <- centers[clusters %in% lineages[[l]], ,
drop = FALSE]
line.initial <- line.initial[match(lineages[[l]],
rownames(line.initial)), ,
drop = FALSE]
K <- nrow(line.initial)
# special case: single-cluster lineage
if(K == 1){
pca <- prcomp(X[idx, ,drop = FALSE])
ctr <- line.initial
line.initial <- rbind(ctr - 10*pca$sdev[1] *
pca$rotation[,1], ctr,
ctr + 10*pca$sdev[1] *
curve <- project_to_curve(X[idx, ,drop = FALSE],
s = line.initial, stretch = 9999)
# do this twice because all points should have projections
# on all lineages, but only those points on the lineage
# should extend it (also need to adjust the s matrix to
# have the right number of points, if approx_points specified)
pcurve <- project_to_curve(X, s = curve$s[curve$ord, ,
drop=FALSE], stretch=0)
if(approx_points > 0){
xout_lambda <- seq(min(pcurve$lambda), max(pcurve$lambda),
length.out = approx_points)
pcurve$s <- apply(pcurve$s, 2, function(sjj){
return(approx(x = pcurve$lambda[pcurve$ord],
y = sjj[pcurve$ord],
xout = xout_lambda, ties = 'ordered')$y)
pcurve$ord <- seq_len(approx_points)
pcurve$dist_ind <- abs(pcurve$dist_ind)
# ^ force non-negative distances
pcurve$lambda <- pcurve$lambda - min(pcurve$lambda,
# ^ force pseudotime to start at 0
pcurve$w <- W[,l]
pcurves[[l]] <- pcurve
D[,l] <- abs(pcurve$dist_ind)
if(extend == 'y'){
curve <- project_to_curve(X[idx, ,drop = FALSE],
s = line.initial, stretch = 9999)
curve$dist_ind <- abs(curve$dist_ind)
if(extend == 'n'){
curve <- project_to_curve(X[idx, ,drop = FALSE],
s = line.initial, stretch = 0)
curve$dist_ind <- abs(curve$dist_ind)
if(extend == 'pc1'){
cl1.idx <- clusterLabels[ , lineages[[l]][1] ,
drop = FALSE] > 0
pc1.1 <- prcomp(X[cl1.idx, ])
pc1.1 <- pc1.1$rotation[,1] * pc1.1$sdev[1]^2
leg1 <- line.initial[2,] - line.initial[1,]
# pick the direction most "in line with" the first branch
# dot prod < 0 => cos(theta) < 0 => larger angle
if(sum(pc1.1*leg1) > 0){
pc1.1 <- -pc1.1
cl2.idx <- clusterLabels[ , lineages[[l]][K] ,
drop = FALSE] > 0
pc1.2 <- prcomp(X[cl2.idx, ])
pc1.2 <- pc1.2$rotation[,1] * pc1.2$sdev[1]^2
leg2 <- line.initial[K-1,] - line.initial[K,] # intentionally
# reverse of above. Otherwise, would need to flip > to < below
# dot prod < 0 => cos(theta) < 0 => larger angle
if(sum(pc1.2*leg2) > 0){
pc1.2 <- -pc1.2
line.initial <- rbind(line.initial,
line.initial[K,] + pc1.2)
line.initial <- rbind(line.initial[1,] + pc1.1,
curve <- project_to_curve(X[idx, ,drop = FALSE],
s = line.initial, stretch = 9999)
curve$dist_ind <- abs(curve$dist_ind)
pcurve <- project_to_curve(X, s = curve$s[curve$ord, ,drop=FALSE],
if(approx_points > 0){
xout_lambda <- seq(min(pcurve$lambda), max(pcurve$lambda),
length.out = approx_points)
pcurve$s <- apply(pcurve$s, 2, function(sjj){
return(approx(x = pcurve$lambda[pcurve$ord],
y = sjj[pcurve$ord],
xout = xout_lambda, ties = 'ordered')$y)
pcurve$ord <- seq_len(approx_points)
# force non-negative distances
pcurve$dist_ind <- abs(pcurve$dist_ind)
# force pseudotime to start at 0
pcurve$lambda <- pcurve$lambda - min(pcurve$lambda,
pcurve$w <- W[,l]
pcurves[[l]] <- pcurve
D[,l] <- abs(pcurve$dist_ind)
# track distances between curves and data points to determine
# convergence
dist.new <- sum(abs(D[W>0]), na.rm=TRUE)
it <- 0
hasConverged <- FALSE
while (!hasConverged && it < maxit){
it <- it + 1
dist.old <- dist.new
if(reweight | reassign){
ordD <- order(D)
W.prob <- W/rowSums(W)
WrnkD <- cumsum(W.prob[ordD]) / sum(W.prob)
Z <- D
Z[ordD] <- WrnkD
Z.prime <- 1-Z^2
Z.prime[W==0] <- NA
W0 <- W
W <- Z.prime / rowMaxs(Z.prime,na.rm = TRUE) #rowMins(D) / D
W[is.nan(W)] <- 1 # handle 0/0
W[is.na(W)] <- 0
W[W > 1] <- 1
W[W < 0] <- 0
W[W0==0] <- 0
# add if z < .5
idx <- Z < .5
W[idx] <- 1 #(rowMins(D) / D)[idx]
# drop if z > .9 and w < .1
ridx <- rowMaxs(Z, na.rm = TRUE) > .9 &
rowMins(W, na.rm = TRUE) < .1
W0 <- W[ridx, ]
Z0 <- Z[ridx, ]
W0[!is.na(Z0) & Z0 > .9 & W0 < .1] <- 0
W[ridx, ] <- W0
# predict each dimension as a function of lambda (pseudotime)
for(l in seq_len(L)){
pcurve <- pcurves[[l]]
s <- pcurve$s
ordL <- order(pcurve$lambda)
if(approx_points > 0){
xout_lambda <- seq(min(pcurve$lambda), max(pcurve$lambda[
which(pcurve$w > 0)]),
length.out = approx_points)
for(jj in seq_len(p)){
yjj <- smootherFcn(pcurve$lambda, X[,jj], w = pcurve$w,
if(approx_points > 0){
yjj <- approx(x = pcurve$lambda[ordL], y = yjj,
xout = xout_lambda, ties = 'ordered')$y
s[, jj] <- yjj
new.pcurve <- project_to_curve(X, s = s, stretch = stretch)
new.pcurve$lambda <- new.pcurve$lambda -
min(new.pcurve$lambda[which(W[,l] > 0)])
if(approx_points > 0){
xout_lambda <- seq(min(new.pcurve$lambda),
which(W[,l] > 0)]),
length.out = approx_points)
new.pcurve$s <- apply(new.pcurve$s, 2, function(sjj){
return(approx(x = new.pcurve$lambda[new.pcurve$ord],
y = sjj[new.pcurve$ord],
xout = xout_lambda, ties = 'ordered')$y)
new.pcurve$ord <- seq_len(approx_points)
new.pcurve$dist_ind <- abs(new.pcurve$dist_ind)
new.pcurve$w <- W[,l]
pcurves[[l]] <- new.pcurve
D[,] <- vapply(pcurves, function(p){ p$dist_ind }, rep(0,nrow(X)))
# shrink together lineages near shared clusters
if(shrink > 0){
if(max(rowSums(C)) > 1){
segmnts <- unique(C[rowSums(C)>1,,drop=FALSE])
segmnts <- segmnts[order(rowSums(segmnts),
decreasing = FALSE),
, drop = FALSE]
seg.mix <- segmnts
avg.lines <- list()
pct.shrink <- list()
# determine average curves and amount of shrinkage
for(i in seq_along(avg.order)){
ns <- avg.order[[i]]
to.avg <- lapply(ns,function(n){
l.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('Lineage','',n))
a.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('average','',n))
avg <- .avg_curves(to.avg, X, stretch = stretch,
approx_points = approx_points)
avg.lines[[i]] <- avg
common.ind <- rowMeans(vapply(to.avg,
function(crv){ crv$w > 0 },
rep(TRUE,nrow(X)))) == 1
pct.shrink[[i]] <- lapply(to.avg,function(crv){
.percent_shrinkage(crv, common.ind,
approx_points = approx_points,
method = shrink.method)
# check for degenerate case (if one curve won't be
# shrunk, then the other curve shouldn't be,
# either)
new.avg.order <- avg.order
all.zero <- vapply(pct.shrink[[i]], function(pij){
return(all(pij == 0))
}, TRUE)
new.avg.order[[i]] <- NULL
message('Curves for ', ns[1], ' and ',
ns[2], ' appear to be going in opposite ',
'directions. No longer forcing them to ',
'share an initial point. To manually ',
'override this, set allow.breaks = ',
pct.shrink[[i]] <- lapply(pct.shrink[[i]],
pij[] <- 0
# do the shrinking in reverse order
for(j in rev(seq_along(avg.lines))){
ns <- avg.order[[j]]
avg <- avg.lines[[j]]
to.shrink <- lapply(ns,function(n){
l.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('Lineage','',n))
a.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('average','',n))
shrunk <- lapply(seq_along(ns),function(jj){
crv <- to.shrink[[jj]]
return(.shrink_to_avg(crv, avg,
pct.shrink[[j]][[jj]] * shrink,
X, approx_points = approx_points,
stretch = stretch))
for(jj in seq_along(ns)){
n <- ns[jj]
l.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('Lineage','',n))
pcurves[[l.ind]] <- shrunk[[jj]]
a.ind <- as.numeric(gsub('average','',n))
avg.lines[[a.ind]] <- shrunk[[jj]]
avg.order <- new.avg.order
D[,] <- vapply(pcurves, function(p){ p$dist_ind }, rep(0,nrow(X)))
dist.new <- sum(D[W>0], na.rm=TRUE)
hasConverged <- (abs((dist.old -
dist.new)) <= thresh * dist.old)
if(reweight | reassign){
ordD <- order(D)
W.prob <- W/rowSums(W)
WrnkD <- cumsum(W.prob[ordD]) / sum(W.prob)
Z <- D
Z[ordD] <- WrnkD
Z.prime <- 1-Z^2
Z.prime[W==0] <- NA
W0 <- W
W <- Z.prime / rowMaxs(Z.prime,na.rm = TRUE) #rowMins(D) / D
W[is.nan(W)] <- 1 # handle 0/0
W[is.na(W)] <- 0
W[W > 1] <- 1
W[W < 0] <- 0
W[W0==0] <- 0
# add if z < .5
idx <- Z < .5
W[idx] <- 1 #(rowMins(D) / D)[idx]
# drop if z > .9 and w < .1
ridx <- rowMaxs(Z, na.rm = TRUE) > .9 &
rowMins(W, na.rm = TRUE) < .1
W0 <- W[ridx, ]
Z0 <- Z[ridx, ]
W0[!is.na(Z0) & Z0 > .9 & W0 < .1] <- 0
W[ridx, ] <- W0
for(l in seq_len(L)){
class(pcurves[[l]]) <- 'principal_curve'
pcurves[[l]]$w <- W[,l]
names(pcurves) <- pathnames(pto)
.slingCurves(pto) <- pcurves
pst <- vapply(pcurves, function(pc) {
t <- pc$lambda
t[pc$w == 0] <- NA
}, rep(0,nrow(X)))
rownames(pst) <- rownames(pto)
colnames(pst) <- colnames(pto)
assay(pto, 'pseudotime') <- pst
scw <- vapply(pcurves, function(pc) { pc$w },
rep(0, nrow(X)))
rownames(scw) <- rownames(pto)
colnames(scw) <- colnames(pto)
assay(pto, 'weights') <- scw
#' @rdname getCurves
#' @export
setMethod(f = "getCurves",
signature = signature(data = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(data, ...){
sce <- data
stop("No lineage information found. Either run getLineages() ",
"first or use the slingshot() function.")
pto <- getCurves(colData(sce)$slingshot, ...)
# combine slingshot output with SCE
colData(sce)$slingshot <- pto
pst <- slingPseudotime(pto)
colnames(pst) <- paste0('slingPseudotime_',seq_len(ncol(pst)))
colData(sce) <- cbind(colData(sce), pst)
#' @rdname getCurves
#' @export
setMethod(f = "getCurves",
signature = signature(data = "SlingshotDataSet"),
definition = function(data, ...){
return(getCurves(as.PseudotimeOrdering(data), ...))
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