#' @title Load 10X CellRanger V(D)J data
#' @name readVDJcontigs
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "readVDJcontigs",
signature = "samples",
def = function(samples, ...) standardGeneric("readVDJcontigs"))
#' @rdname readVDJcontigs
#' @description Creates a \code{SplitDataFrameList} (see
#' \code{\link[IRanges]{DataFrameList}}) from a character vector of directory
#' names corresponding to the output of the CellRanger V(D)J pipeline.
#' @param samples A character vector containing one or more directory names,
#' each corresponding to a 10X sample. Each directory should contain a file
#' named \code{filtered_contig_annotations.csv}.
#' @param sample.names A character vector of length equal to \code{samples}
#' containing the sample names to store in the output object. If \code{NULL},
#' the \code{basename}s of each directory will be used.
#' @details The resulting list of \code{DataFrame}s contains all the data in
#' \code{filtered_contig_annotations.csv}, split by cell barcode. Note that
#' the index of each sample in \code{samples} is concatenated to the cell
#' barcodes, so that cells from different samples cannot have identical
#' barcodes.
#' @return A \code{SplitDataFrameList} object containing data on all contigs,
#' grouped by cell barcode.
#' @examples
#' # write the example data to a temporary directory
#' example(writeVDJcontigs)
#' # specify sample locations and read in data
#' samples <- file.path(loc, c('sample1','sample2'))
#' contigs <- readVDJcontigs(samples)
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges SplitDataFrameList
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'readVDJcontigs',
signature = signature(samples = "character"),
definition = function(samples, sample.names = names(samples)){
sample.names <- basename(samples)
# get TCR contigs
contigs <- NULL
for (ii in seq_along(samples)) {
tcr_ii <- read.csv(file.path(
samples[ii], "filtered_contig_annotations.csv"))
tcr_ii$barcode <- gsub("1$", ii, tcr_ii$barcode)
tcr_ii$sample <- sample.names[ii]
contigs <- rbind(contigs, tcr_ii)
rm(ii, tcr_ii)
# convert to logical ("None" treated as FALSE)
contigs$is_cell <- contigs$is_cell %in% c('true','True','TRUE')
contigs$high_confidence <- contigs$high_confidence %in%
contigs$full_length <- contigs$full_length %in%
contigs$productive <- contigs$productive %in%
# convert to SplitDataFrameList
tcr.list <- split(DataFrame(contigs), factor(contigs$barcode))
#' @title Add 10X CellRanger V(D)J data to SingleCellExperiment
#' @name addVDJtoSCE
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "addVDJtoSCE",
signature = c("samples","sce"),
def = function(samples, sce, ...) standardGeneric("addVDJtoSCE"))
#' @rdname addVDJtoSCE
#' @description Matches CellRanger V(D)J data to paired data in an existing
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} object.
#' @param samples A character vector containing one or more directory names,
#' each corresponding to a 10X sample. Each directory should contain a file
#' named \code{filtered_contig_annotations.csv}. Alternatively, a
#' \code{SplitDataFrameList}, the output of \code{\link{readVDJcontigs}}.
#' @param sce A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param sample.names A character vector of length equal to \code{samples}
#' containing the sample names to store in the output object. If \code{NULL}
#' and \code{samples} is a character vector, the \code{basename}s of each
#' directory will be used.
#' @param barcode The column name from the \code{colData} of \code{sce}
#' containing cell barcodes. These should match the barcodes in the V(D)J data
#' (see Details). Alternatively, a vector of cell barcodes of length equal to
#' \code{ncol(sce)}.
#' @details Matching cell barcodes between data objects can cause problems,
#' because different methods have different ways of ensuring barcodes are
#' unique across all samples. This function and \code{\link{readVDJcontigs}}
#' follow the naming conventions of \code{\link[DropletUtils]{read10xCounts}},
#' where the sample index (in the \code{samples} vector) is appended to each
#' cell barcode, to ensure that each barcode is unique, across all samples. If
#' \code{sce} was created by a different method, such as conversion from a
#' \code{Seurat} object, you may need to check the barcode naming convention.
#' @return A \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} object
#' with an element named \code{"contigs"} added to the \code{colData},
#' representing the V(D)J data.
#' @examples
#' # load example V(D)J data
#' data('contigs')
#' # make SCE object with matching barcodes and sample IDs
#' ncells <- 24
#' u <- matrix(rpois(1000 * ncells, 5), ncol = ncells)
#' barcodes <- vapply(contigs[,'barcode'], function(x){ x[1] }, 'A')
#' samples <- vapply(contigs[,'sample'], function(x){ x[1] }, 'A')
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = u),
#' colData = data.frame(Barcode = barcodes,
#' sample = samples))
#' sce <- addVDJtoSCE(contigs, sce)
#' sce$contigs
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<-
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges SplitDataFrameList
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'addVDJtoSCE',
signature = signature(samples = "SplitDataFrameList",
sce = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(samples, sce, sample.names = NULL,
barcode = 'Barcode'){
contigs <- unlist(samples)
if(length(barcode) == 1){
stopifnot(barcode %in% names(colData(sce)))
bcVar <- as.character(sce[[barcode]])
stopifnot(length(barcode) == ncol(sce))
bcVar <- as.character(barcode)
tcr.list <- split(DataFrame(contigs),
factor(contigs$barcode, bcVar))
loss <- length(unique(contigs$barcode)) -
pct <- loss / length(unique(contigs$barcode))
if(loss > 0){
message(loss, ' cells with V(D)J data were dropped because ',
'they had no match in SingleCellExperiment object (',
format(100 * pct, digits = 2),
'% of V(D)J data).')
sce$contigs <- tcr.list
#' @rdname addVDJtoSCE
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'addVDJtoSCE',
signature = signature(samples = "character",
sce = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(samples, sce, sample.names = names(samples),
barcode = 'Barcode'){
# get TCR contigs
contigs <- readVDJcontigs(samples, sample.names = sample.names)
return(addVDJtoSCE(contigs, sce, sample.names = sample.names,
barcode = barcode))
#' @title Write V(D)J contig data in 10X format
#' @name writeVDJcontigs
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "writeVDJcontigs",
signature = c("path","x"),
def = function(path, x, ...) standardGeneric("writeVDJcontigs"))
#' @rdname writeVDJcontigs
#' @description Write V(D)J data to a series of directories, each containing a
#' CSV file with the data for an individual sample.
#' @param path A string containing the path to the output directory.
#' @param x A \code{SplitDataFrameList} object containing V(D)J contig
#' information, split by cell barcodes, as created by \code{readVDJcontigs}.
#' @returns
#' Creates various subdirectories of the directory specified in \code{path}.
#' Each subdirectory is named for a sample found in the dataset, \code{x}, and
#' contains a CSV filed named \code{filtered_contig_annotations.csv}.
#' @examples
#' data('contigs')
#' loc <- tempdir()
#' writeVDJcontigs(loc, contigs)
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'writeVDJcontigs',
signature = signature(path = "character", x = "SplitDataFrameList"),
definition = function(path, x){
contigs <- data.frame(unlist(x))
for(samp in unique(contigs$sample)){
contigs.ii <- contigs[which(contigs$sample==samp), ]
contigs.ii$sample <- NULL
path.ii <- file.path(path, samp)
write.csv(contigs.ii, file.path(path.ii,
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