#' Dialog Box to set methylation options
#' @usage
#' dialogMetOption(ProfData, k)
#' @param ProfData adataframe with methylation data
#' @param k threshold of silencing gene 0:1
#' @return a dialog box to set methylation option (threshold of silencing gene)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' readRDS(paste(path.package("canceR"),"/extdata/rdata/ucec_tcga_pubGSEA1021.rds", sep=""))
#' \dontrun{
#' getMetDataMultipleGenes()
#' #dialogMetOption(ProfData,0.7)
#' }
dialogMetOption <- function(ProfData,k){
ttMethData <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(ttMethData) <- paste(ENV$StudyRefCase[k],ENV$GenProfChoice[k], sep=" ")
rEntry = tclVar(.8)
frameTHRESHOLD<- tkframe(ttMethData,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
tkgrid(tklabel(frameTHRESHOLD, text="Specify Threshold of correlation rate:"))
tkgrid.configure(frameTHRESHOLD, sticky="new")
okOn <- function(){
#Compute mean of correlation
meanProfData <-as.matrix(round(colMeans(ProfData), digits=3))
#Compute median of correlation
medianProfData<- as.matrix(apply(ProfData, 2, median))
#Entry Threshold of correlation
seuilRVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(rEntry))
MeanTable <- subset(meanProfData, meanProfData[,1] > seuilRVal)
MedianTable <- subset(medianProfData, medianProfData[,1] > seuilRVal)
mergeTable <- merge(MeanTable, MedianTable, by="row.names")
colnames(mergeTable) <- c("Gene","Mean", "Median")
title <- paste (ENV$StudyRefCase[k],":",
"Correlation of silencing gene expression by Methylation",
seuilRVal,ENV$GenProfChoice[k], sep=" " )
getInTable(mergeTable, title=title)
Ok.but <- tkbutton(ttMethData, text= "OK", command= okOn)
tkgrid.configure(Ok.but, sticky="n", column=0)
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