# SOURCING FROM radiant.data PACKAGE #
## Must be in global.R before sourcing from bioCancer
options(radiant.path.data = system.file(package = "radiant.data"))
source(file.path(getOption("radiant.path.data"), "app/global.R"),
encoding = getOption("radiant.encoding", default = "UTF-8"), local = TRUE)
## Setting bioCancer package path
options(radiant.path.bioCancer = system.file(package = "bioCancer"))
## option to change theme
options(radiant.nav_ui =
list(windowTitle = "bioCancer" ,theme= shinythemes::shinytheme("cerulean") , id = "nav_radiant",
inverse = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE, tabPanel("Workspace", withMathJax(), uiOutput("ui_data"))))
## change help menu function
## function to generate help, must be in global because used in ui.R
help_menu <- function(hlp) {
navbarMenu("", icon = icon("question-circle"),
tabPanel("Help", uiOutput(hlp), icon = icon("question")),
#tabPanel("Videos", uiOutput("help_videos"), icon = icon("film")),
tabPanel("About", uiOutput("help_about"), icon = icon("info")),
tabPanel(tags$a("", href = "http://kmezhoud.github.io/bioCancer/", target = "_blank",
list(icon("globe"), "BioCancer docs"))),
#tabPanel(tags$a("", href = "https://github.com/kmezhoud/bioCancer/issues", target = "_blank",
# list(icon("github"), "Report issue")))
tags$script(src = "js/session.js"),
tags$script(src = "js/returnTextAreaBinding.js"),
tags$script(src = "js/returnTextInputBinding.js"),
tags$script(src = "js/video_reset.js"),
tags$script(src = "js/message-handler.js"),
tags$script(src = "js/run_return.js"),
# tags$script(src = "js/draggable_modal.js"),
tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "imgs/icon.png")
## needed to change author in the helps of the Menu help
options(radiant.help.cc = "© Karim Mezhoud (2024) <a rel='license' href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/'
target='_blank'><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0' src ='imgs/80x15.png' /></a></br>")
## set path for package
ifelse(grepl("bioCancer", getwd()) && file.exists("../../inst") , "..",
system.file(package = "bioCancer")) %>%
options(radiant.path.bioCancer = .)
## loading urls and ui
source(file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "app/init.R"),
encoding = getOption("radiant.encoding"), local = TRUE)
## loading functions no longer used by radiant.data
source(file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "app/radiant_old.R"),
encoding = getOption("radiant.encoding"), local = TRUE)
## needed to change figures in helps
addResourcePath("figures", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "app/tools/help/figures/"))
addResourcePath("imgs", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "app/www/logo/"))
#addResourcePath("js", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "app/www/js/"))
#addResourcePath("js", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "htmlwidgets/"))
#addResourcePath("js", file.path(getOption("radiant.path.bioCancer"), "htmlwidgets/tooltipster/"))
## set example data
options(radiant.example.data = "bioCancer")
## cleanup the global environment if stop button is pressed in Rstudio
## based on barbara's reply to
## https://community.rstudio.com/t/rstudio-viewer-window-not-closed-on-shiny-stopapp/4158/7?u=vnijs
onStop(function() {
## don't run if the stop button was pressed in Radiant
if (!exists("r_data")) {
unlink("~/r_figures/", recursive = TRUE)
clean_up_list <- c(
"r_sessions", "help_menu", "make_url_patterns", "import_fs",
"init_data", "navbar_proj", "knit_print.data.frame", "withMathJax"
res <- try(sapply(clean_up_list, function(x) if (exists(x, envir = .GlobalEnv)) rm(list = x, envir = .GlobalEnv)), silent = TRUE)
message("Stopped bioCancer\n")
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