#' backfitting to correct K-factor model
#' Correct the factor and loading matrix estimates using backfitting algorithm
#' @param Y is the data matrix (N by P)
#' @param initial_list is the list from initial_list algorithm
#' @param Fest is estimate for f to correct
#' @param maxiter_bf maximum number of iterations
#' @param flash_parais the list for flash parameters setting up
#' @param initial_list initial list for the starting value which contains
#' l,f,l2,f2
#' priorpost_vec
#' clik_vec
#' @param gvalue is for output of the backfit,
#' "eigen" means just provide the sum of square
#' "lik" mean provide the lowerbound
#' @details Repeatedly applies rank 1 algorithm to Y-L[,-i]F[,-i]'
#' @export flash.backfitting
#' @importFrom ashr ash
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{l}} {is a N by K matrix for loadings}
#' \item{\code{f}} {is a P by K matrix for factors}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2}} {is variance for the error, scalar for constant case and vector for nonconstant case}
#' }
#' @examples
#' N = 100
#' P = 200
#' Y = matrix(rnorm(N*P,0,1),ncol=P)
#' g = initial_list(Y,K = 10)
#' gb = flash.backfitting(Y,g$l,g$f,maxiter_bf=100,maxiter_r1 = 5)
flash.backfitting = function(Y,initial_list, maxiter_bf=100,
flash_para = list(), gvalue = c("lik","eigen"),
parallel = FALSE){
epsilon = 1
tau = 1
N = dim(Y)[1]
P = dim(Y)[2]
# match the input parameter
gvalue = match.arg(gvalue, c("lik","eigen"))
# set the default value for flash
flash_default = list(tol=1e-5, maxiter_r1 = 500,
partype = "constant",
sigmae2_true = NA,
factor_value = NA,fix_factor = FALSE,
nonnegative = FALSE,
objtype = "margin_lik",
ash_para = list(),
fl_list = list())
if(gvalue == "lik"){
flash_default$objtype = "lowerbound_lik"
# this is never used but just a initail value
flash_default$Y = Y
flash_para = modifyList(flash_default,flash_para, keep.null = TRUE)
#initial check
if(is.vector(initial_list$l)){initial_list$l = matrix(initial_list$l,ncol=1)}
if(is.vector(initial_list$f)){initial_list$f = matrix(initial_list$f,ncol=1)}
if(nrow(initial_list$l)!=nrow(Y)){stop("L of wrong dimension for Y")}
if(nrow(initial_list$f)!=ncol(Y)){stop("F of wrong dimension for Y")}
# now we need to specify the fl_list for each
# at first we put all the result from initial_list into the Lest Fest
Lest = initial_list$l
Fest = initial_list$f
L2est = initial_list$l2
F2est = initial_list$f2
priorpost_vec = initial_list$priorpost_vec
# print((sum(priorpost_vec) + initial_list$clik_vec[length(initial_list$clik_vec)]))
# print(priorpost_vec)
# track the obj value
obj_lik = (sum(priorpost_vec) + initial_list$clik_vec[length(initial_list$clik_vec)])
track_obj = c(obj_lik)
# in the begining we have all the factors storing in the fl_list
while(epsilon>1e-5 & tau < maxiter_bf){
tau = tau + 1
K = dim(Lest)[2]
if(K==0){break} #tests for case where all factors disappear!
# this one can be put out of the while loop
# preRMSfl = sqrt(mean((Lest %*% t(Fest))^2))
pre_obj_lik = obj_lik
sigmae2_out = rep(0,K)
for(k in 1:K){
residual = Y - Lest[,-k] %*% t(Fest[,-k])
flash_para$Y = residual
flash_para$fl_list$El = Lest[,-k]
flash_para$fl_list$Ef = Fest[,-k]
flash_para$fl_list$Ef2 = F2est[,-k]
flash_para$fl_list$El2 = L2est[,-k]
# run the rank one flash
r_flash = do.call(flash,flash_para)
Lest[,k] = r_flash$l
Fest[,k] = r_flash$f
L2est[,k] = r_flash$l2
F2est[,k] = r_flash$f2
sigmae2_out[k] = r_flash$sigmae2
priorpost = r_flash$obj_val - r_flash$c_lik_val
priorpost_vec[k] = priorpost
clik = r_flash$c_lik_val
obj_lik = clik + sum(priorpost_vec)
track_obj = c(track_obj,obj_lik)
#sigmae2_out = sigmae2_out/K
# remove the zero in the l and f
# zeros = is_zero_factor(Lest) || is_zero_factor(Fest) #this is wrong
zeros = is_zero_factor(Lest)
Lest = Lest[,!zeros,drop=FALSE]
Fest = Fest[,!zeros,drop=FALSE]
L2est = L2est[,!zeros,drop=FALSE]
F2est = F2est[,!zeros,drop=FALSE]
priorpost_vec = priorpost_vec[!zeros,drop = FALSE]
# RMSfl = sqrt(mean((Lest %*% t(Fest))^2))
epsilon = abs(obj_lik - pre_obj_lik)
return(list(l = Lest, f = Fest , sigmae2 = sigmae2_out,track_obj = track_obj))
# returns whether a vector is all 0
allzeros = function(x){return (all(x==0))}
#returns vector of TRUE and FALSE for which factors (columns) of l are all 0
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