mutation_sig: Compositional mutational signature data, with mismatch and...

Description Usage Format


Compositional mutational signature data, with mismatch and flanking base frequencies reported A dataset of compositional weights for mismatches in the "0"the position (center of signature) and that of the bases A, C, G, T for two left flanking bases (-1, -2) and two right flanking bases (1, 2). The data here corresponds to the 12th mutational signature profile from Shiraishi et al 2015 paper.




A matrix with 10 rows (4 bases and 6 types of mismatches) and 5 columns (center - 0, flanking bases 1,2 on the left and flanking bases 1, 2 on the right of the center)

kkdey/Logolas documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:30 a.m.