#' Switch-like model fitting and differential expression test
#' Fit sigmoidal differential expression models to gene expression across pseudotime.
#' Parameter estimates are returned along with a p-value for switch-like differential
#' expression over a null model (constant expression).
#' @param object Gene expression data that is either
#' \itemize{
#' \item A vector of length number of cells for a single gene
#' \item A matrix of dimension number of genes x number of cells
#' \item An object of class \code{SingleCellExperiment} from package SingleCellExperiment
#' }
#' @param pseudotime A pseudotime vector with a pseudotime corresponding to
#' every cell. Can be \code{NULL} if object is of class \code{SCESet} and
#' \code{colData(sce)$pseudotime} is defined.
#' @param zero_inflated Logical. Should zero inflation be implemented? Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param lower_threshold The minimum threshold below which to set expression to zero to avoid
#' numerical issues. Default is 0.01
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm if zero inflation enabled. Default 100
#' @param log_lik_tol If the change in the log-likelihood falls below this for zero inflated EM
#' the algorithm is assumed to have converged
#' @param verbose Print convergence update for EM algorithm
#' @param sce_assay The assay from the \code{SingleCellExperiment} to be used
#' as expression, defaulting to "exprs"
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @return A matrix where each column corresponds to a gene, the first row is
#' the p-value for that gene and subsequent rows are model parameters.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @examples
#' data(synth_gex)
#' data(ex_pseudotime)
#' sde <- switchde(synth_gex, ex_pseudotime)
switchde <- function(object, pseudotime = NULL, zero_inflated = FALSE,
lower_threshold = 0.01, maxiter = 1000,
log_lik_tol = 1e-2, verbose = FALSE,
sce_assay = "exprs") {
res <- NULL
inputs <- sanitise_inputs(object, pseudotime, lower_threshold, zero_inflated, sce_assay)
X <- inputs$X
pst <- inputs$pst
feature_names <- NULL
if(!is.null(rownames(X))) {
feature_names <- rownames(X)
} else {
feature_names <- paste0("gene", 1:nrow(X))
if(any(is.na(inputs$pst))) {
warning("NAs present in pseudotime vector. Returning NA for all parameters.")
na_vec <- rep(NA, nrow(X))
res <- dplyr::data_frame(gene = feature_names,
pval = na_vec, qval = na_vec,
mu0 = na_vec, k = na_vec, t0 = na_vec)
if(zero_inflated) {
res <- mutate(res, lambda = na_vec, EM_converged = na_vec)
## differential gene test time
if(zero_inflated) {
res <- apply(X, 1, fit_zi_model, pst, maxiter, log_lik_tol, verbose)
} else {
res <- apply(X, 1, fit_nzi_model, pst)
res <- as_data_frame(t(res))
res <- mutate(res, gene = feature_names)
## This just appeases R CMD CHECK
pval <- gene <- qval <- mu0 <- k <- t0 <- lambda <- EM_converged <- NULL
res <- mutate(res, qval = p.adjust(pval, method = "BH"))
if(zero_inflated) {
res <- select(res, gene, pval, qval, mu0, k, t0, lambda, EM_converged)
res$EM_converged <- as.logical(res$EM_converged)
if(any(!res$EM_converged)) {
warning("Some EM fits did not converge. Please inspect the `EM_converged` column")
} else {
res <- select(res, gene, pval, qval, mu0, k, t0)
return( res )
#' Extract parameters from fitted model
#' Extract maximum likelihood parameter estimates from a call to \code{switchde}.
#' @param sde The \code{data.frame} returned by \code{switchde}
#' @param gene The gene for which to extract parameters
#' @return A vector of length 3 corresonding to the parameters \eqn{\mu_0}, \eqn{k} and \eqn{t_0}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(synth_gex)
#' data(ex_pseudotime)
#' sde <- switchde(synth_gex, ex_pseudotime)
#' pars <- extract_pars(sde, "Gene1")
extract_pars <- function(sde, gene) {
stopifnot(gene %in% sde$gene)
g <- gene
sde_gene <- filter(sde, gene == g)
return( unlist(sde_gene[,4:6]) )
#' Plot gene behaviour
#' Plot gene behaviour and MLE sigmoid as a function of pseudotime.
#' @param x Gene expression vector
#' @param pseudotime Pseudotime vector (of same length as x)
#' @param pars Fitted model parameters
#' @details This plots expression of a single gene. Fitted model parameters can
#' either be specified manually or can be extracted from the \code{data.frame} returned
#' by \code{switchde} using the function \code{extract_pars}.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot of gene expression and MLE sigmoid
#' @examples
#' data(synth_gex)
#' data(ex_pseudotime)
#' sde <- switchde(synth_gex, ex_pseudotime)
#' switchplot(synth_gex[1, ], ex_pseudotime, extract_pars(sde, "Gene1"))
switchplot <- function(x, pseudotime, pars) {
ggplot(data_frame(Expression = x, Pseudotime = pseudotime),
aes_string(x = "Pseudotime", y = "Expression")) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5, fill = "grey", colour = "black", shape = 21) + theme_bw() +
stat_function(fun = sigmoid, args = list(params = pars), color = 'red')
#' Sanitise inputs
#' @param object The object passed at the entry point (either a SCESet or gene
#' expression matrix)
#' @param pseudotime A pseudotime vector
#' @param zero_inflated Logical. Should zero inflation be implemented? Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param lower_threshold The minimum threshold below which to set expression to zero to avoid
#' numerical issues. Default is 0.01
#' @param sce_assay The assay from the \code{SingleCellExperiment} to be used
#' as expression, defaulting to "exprs"
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay colData
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A list with two entries: a gene expression matrix \code{X}
#' and a pseudotime vector \code{pst}.
sanitise_inputs <- function(object, pseudotime, lower_threshold, zero_inflated,
sce_assay) {
X <- pst <- NULL
if(is.vector(object) && is.numeric(object)) { # single gene expression vector
message(paste("Assuming single gene measured in", length(object)), " cells")
X <- matrix(object, nrow = 1)
} else if(is.matrix(object)) { # multiple gene expression matrix
message(paste("Input gene-by-cell matrix:", nrow(object), "genes and ", ncol(object), "cells"))
X <- object
} else if(is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
if(is.null(pseudotime)) {
pst <- colData(object)$pseudotime
if(is.null(pseudotime)) stop("Pseudotime must either be specified or as a column named pseudotime in the phenoData of the SCESet")
X <- assay(object, sce_assay)
} else {
stop("object must be vector, matrix or SingleCellExperiment")
if(is.null(pst) && !is.null(pseudotime)) pst <- pseudotime
if(is.null(X)) stop("Object must either be numeric vector, matrix or SingleCellExperiment")
if(is.null(pst)) stop("Pseudotime must either be specified or in colData(object)")
if(length(pst) != ncol(X)) stop("Must have pseudotime for each cell")
## lower threshold - some calculations in EM suffer numerical issues for
## very small y which are meaningless anyway
X[X < lower_threshold] <- 0
gene_vars <- apply(X, 1, var)
num_genes_zero_var <- sum(gene_vars == 0)
if(num_genes_zero_var > 0) {
msg <- paste("After setting measurements below lower_threshold =", lower_threshold)
msg <- paste(msg, "to zero,", num_genes_zero_var, "features had zero variance.")
msg <- paste(msg, "Please consider stricter filtering, such as mean expression above")
msg <- paste(msg, "lower_threshold and nonzero expression in 10% of cells")
return( list(X = X, pst = pst) )
#' Example sigmoid plot
#' Plot an example sigmoid function. For demonstration and documentation.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @return An object of class \code{ggplot}
#' @examples
#' example_sigmoid()
example_sigmoid <- function() {
f <- function(x, k, mu0, t0) {
2 * mu0 / (1 + exp(-k * (x - t0)))
g <- function(x, m, C) {
m * x + C
k <- 20
mu0 <- 1
t0 <- 0.5
cols = c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A")
plt <- ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0,1)), aes_string(x = "x")) +
theme_bw() +
plt <- plt + geom_hline(yintercept = mu0, colour = cols[2], linetype = 1, alpha = 0.8, size = 1.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, colour = cols[3], linetype = 1, size = 1.5, alpha = 0.8) +
stat_function(fun = g, args = list(C = -3.5, m = 9),
linetype = 1, alpha = 0.8, colour = cols[1], size = 1.5)
plt <- plt + geom_text(label = "mu[0]", x = 0.25, y = 1.3, parse = TRUE,
size = 8, colour = cols[2]) +
geom_text(label = "t[0]", x = 0.55, y = 0, parse = TRUE,
size = 8, colour = cols[3]) +
geom_text(label = "k", x = 0.55, y = 2, size = 8, colour = cols[1])
plt <- plt + stat_function(fun = f, args = list(k = k, mu0 = mu0, t0 = t0), size = 1.5, alpha = 0.7) +
ylim(-0.5,2.5) + ylab("Gene expression")
#' Fit a zero-inflated model for a single gene
#' Fits a zero-inflated sigmoidal model for a single gene vector, returning
#' MLE model parameters and p-value.
#' @param y Vector of gene expression values
#' @param pst Pseudotime vector, of same length as y
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm if zero inflation enabled. Default 100
#' @param log_lik_tol If the change in the log-likelihood falls below this for zero inflated EM
#' the algorithm is assumed to have converged
#' @param verbose Print convergence update for EM algorithm
#' @export
#' @return A vector with 6 entries: maximum likelihood estimates for \eqn{\mu_0}, \eqn{k}
#' \eqn{t0}, \eqn{\lambda}, \eqn{\sigma^2} and a p-value
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @examples
#' data(synth_gex)
#' data(ex_pseudotime)
#' y <- synth_gex[1, ]
#' fit <- fit_zi_model(y, ex_pseudotime)
fit_zi_model <- function(y, pst, maxiter = 10000, log_lik_tol = 1e-3, verbose = FALSE) {
stopifnot(length(y) == length(pst))
stopifnot(all(y >= 0))
if(var(y) == 0) stop("Variance of input expression is zero - cannot fit temporal model.")
if(!any(y == 0)) { # Return standard model
nzi_results <- fit_nzi_model(y, pst)
r <- rep(NA, 7)
names(r) <- c("mu0", "k", "t0", "sigma2", "lambda", "pval", "EM_converged")
r[c(1:4,6)] <- nzi_results
r[7] <- TRUE
sigmoidal_model <- EM_sigmoid(y, pst, iter = maxiter,
log_lik_tol = log_lik_tol, verbose = verbose)
r <- NULL
constant_model <- EM_constant(y, maxiter, log_lik_tol, verbose)
D <- -2 * (constant_model$log_lik - sigmoidal_model$log_lik)
dof <- 2 # 4 - 2
pval <- pchisq(D, dof, lower.tail = FALSE)
r <- c(sigmoidal_model$params, pval,
(1 * sigmoidal_model$converged) * constant_model$converged)
names(r) <- c("mu0", "k", "t0", "sigma2", "lambda", "pval", "EM_converged")
#' Fit a (non-zero-inflated) model for a single gene
#' Fits a sigmoidal expression model for a single gene vector, returning
#' MLE model parameters and p-value.
#' @param y Vector of gene expression values
#' @param pst Pseudotime vector, of same length as y
#' @export
#' @return A vector with 5 entries: maximum likelihood estimates for \eqn{\mu_0}, \eqn{k}
#' \eqn{t0}, \eqn{\sigma^2} and a p-value
#' @examples
#' data(synth_gex)
#' data(ex_pseudotime)
#' y <- synth_gex[1, ]
#' fit <- fit_nzi_model(y, ex_pseudotime)
fit_nzi_model <- function(y, pst) {
sigmoidal_model <- fit_sigmoidal_model(y, pst)
constant_model <- fit_constant_model(y)
D <- -2 * (constant_model$log_lik - sigmoidal_model$log_lik)
dof <- 2 # 4 - 2
pval <- pchisq(D, dof, lower.tail = FALSE)
r <- c(sigmoidal_model$params, pval)
names(r) <- c("mu0", "k", "t0", "sigma2", "pval")
#' Calculate the mean vector given parameters and pseudotimes (mu0 formulation)
#' This function (common to all models) calculates the sigmoidal mean vector
#' given the parameters and factor of pseudotimes
#' @param params Vector of length 3 with entries mu_0, k, t0
#' @param pst Vector of pseudotimes
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Mean sigmoidal vector
sigmoid <- function(pst, params) {
mu0 <- params[1] ; k <- params[2] ; t_0 <- params[3]
mu <- 2 * mu0 / (1 + exp(-k*(pst - t_0)))
#' Synthetic gene expression matrix
#' A matrix containing some synthetic gene expression data for
#' 100 cells and 12 genes
#' @return A 12 by 100 matrix
#' Synthetic gene pseudotimes
#' A vector with example pseudotimes for the synthetic
#' gene expression data in \code{example_gex}
#' @return A vector of length 100
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