#' This will perform differential expression using edgeR to find markers for each cluster or group compared to all others
#' @param input Input expression set
#' @param pd pData, optional, by default set to pData of input
#' @param DEgroup a pData variable
#' @param batchID a pData variable to use for model accounting for batch effects
#' @param sizefactor a pData column containing the scran reported size factor for each cell
#' @param lib_size a pData column containing the library size for each cell
#' @param outdir an output directory
#' @param outsuffix an output file suffix
#' @param minCells minimum cell fraction the genes should be expressed in to be tested for DE
#' @param pVal pvalue cutoff for reported results, by default reports all results
#' @param contrast a list of contrasts to be used for the DE analysis default is a two-class comparison, with the second class as the comparison class
#' @export
#' @details
#' Utilize information stored in pData to control the DE performed
#' @examples
#' findDEmarkers(input, pd = selected_table, DEgroup = "cluster", batchID = "beads", sizefactor="sizefactor", lib_size="lib_size")
findDEmarkers = function(input,
pd = NULL,
sizefactor = NULL,
lib_size = NULL,
batchID = NULL,
outdir = "DEmarkers/",
outsuffix = "DEmarkers.tsv",
minCells = 0.01,
pVal = 1,
contrast = list(c(-1,1))) {
if (is.null(pd)) {
pd = pData(input)
z = input
} else {
z = as.matrix(exprs(input[,rownames(pd)]))
z = construct_ex_sc(z)
pData(z) = pd[colnames(z),,drop=F]
if (is.null(lib_size)) {
# if lib_size is null sum up UMI counts
z$lib_size = colSums(exprs(z))
lib_size = "lib_size"
if (is.null(batchID)) {
# if batchID is null all cells are in the same batch
batch = as.factor(rep(1,ncol(z)))
} else {
# check if there are cells of each DEgroup per batch
batch_table = as.matrix(table(pd[colnames(z),batchID],pd[colnames(z),DEgroup]))
if (length(batch_table[batch_table==0])<2) {
# get batch factors from batchID column in pData
batch = as.factor(pd[colnames(z),batchID])
} else {
message(sprintf('Warning: not enough cells to include batch in model, setting batches to 1'));flush.console()
batch = as.factor(rep(1,ncol(z)))
for (i in 1:length(unique(pd[,DEgroup]))) {
name = unique(as.character(pd[,DEgroup]))[i]
message(paste("Working on group: ", name, sep=""));flush.console()
idx = rownames(pd)[which(pd[,DEgroup]==name)]
groupList = rep(0, times=ncol(z)) # all cells are reference
groupList[which(colnames(z) %in% idx)] = 1 # cells that match id are used as contrast
group = factor(groupList)
tab = edgeRDE(z, group, batch, sizefactor, lib_size, minCells, pVal, contrast)
#Handle results with multiple contrasts
message('Writing results to output file');flush.console()
if (length(tab) == 1){
DEtableclsall = tab[['contrast_1']]
outfile = paste(name, outsuffix, sep = "_")
write.table(DEtableclsall, paste(outdir, outfile, sep = ""), sep = "\t")
} else {
for (t in length(tab)){
DEtableclsall = tab[[t]]
outfile = paste(name, t, outsuffix, sep = "_")
write.table(DEtableclsall, paste(outdir, outfile, sep = ""), sep = "\t")
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