#' Calculate UPM expression values across pData values
#' This will calculate UMIs per million UPM expression values across pData columns. Useful for heatmaps and networking analysis.
#' @param input the input ex_sc.
#' @param id_by the pData variable to operate on for doublet detection
#' @param num_markers the number of markers to calculate similarity to other cells
#' @param remove the percentage of data to remove
#' @export
#' @details
#' Utilize information stored in pData to control the plot display.
#' @examples
#' detect_doublets()
detect_doublets <- function(input, id_by, num_markers, remove){
questionable <- c()
search <- paste0("marker_score_", id_by)
ind <- grep(search,(colnames(fData(input))))
if(length(ind) == 0 ){
stop("Run id_markers on the id_by provided here first!")
marks <- return_markers(input, return_by = id_by, num_markers = num_markers)
marks_all <- unique(unlist(marks))
tmp <- input[marks_all,]
groups <- sort(unique(pData(input)[,id_by]))
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
int_group <- groups[i]
out_groups <- groups[-i]
ind <- grep(int_group,pData(input)[,id_by])
group_cells <- tmp[,ind]
int_genes <- marks[[grep(paste0("^", int_group, "$"), matrix(c(unlist(strsplit(names(marks), "_"))), ncol = 2, byrow = T)[,1])]]
internal_sums <- apply(exprs(group_cells)[int_genes,],2,sum)
# if(min(internal_sums) == 0){
# stop("Some Cells have zero expression, increase num_markers")
# }
for (j in 1:length(out_groups)) {
out_group <- out_groups[j]
out_genes <- marks[[grep(paste0("^", out_group, "$"), matrix(c(unlist(strsplit(names(marks), "_"))), ncol = 2, byrow = T)[,1])]]
external_sums <- apply(exprs(group_cells)[out_genes,],2,sum)
ratio <- external_sums/internal_sums
questionable <- c(questionable, ratio)
# vals <- matrix(ncol = length(marks)-1, nrow = ncol(input))
# rownames(vals) <- colnames(input)
# alerts <- floor(ncol(input) / 20)
# alerts <- as.numeric(alerts)
# when_alert <- seq(from = 1, to = ncol(input), by = alerts)
# when_alert <- when_alert[-1]
# for (i in 1:nrow(vals)) {
# if(i %in% when_alert){
# ind <- match(i, when_alert)
# print(paste0(5*ind, " Percent Done"))
# }
# int <- rownames(vals)[i]
# ind <- grep(int, names(questionable))
# thevals <- questionable[ind]
# vals[i,] <- thevals
# }
pData(input)$Doublets <- "Good"
bad <- questionable
very_bad1 <- which(is.na(bad))
very_bad2 <- which(!is.finite(bad))
removed <- c(very_bad1, very_bad2)
very_bad <- c(unique(names(c(very_bad1, very_bad2))))
pData(input)[very_bad,]$Doublets <- "Questionable"
bad <- bad[-removed]
outlier <- sort(-bad)
num_remove <- round(remove*ncol(input))
outlier <- outlier[(1:num_remove)]
total <- unique(c(names(outlier),very_bad))
pData(input)[total,]$Doublets <- "Doublet"
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